2nd QTR OM - Second Summative - Leading

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Organization and Management

2nd Quarter: Second Summative Test


Name: _______________________________________ Date: __________ Score: ___________

I. Identification. Identify what is being asked for.

A. Leading I. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory Q. Performance Orientation

B. Managing J. Goal Setting Theory R. Humane Orientation
C. Motivation K. Organizational Citizenship Behavior S. Gender Egalitarianism
D. Theory X L. Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory T. Ethnocentrism
E. Theory Y M. Verbal Communication U. Cultural Relativism
F. Equity Theory N. Non-verbal Communication V. Social Acceptance
G. Reinforcement Theory O. Organizational Change W. Social Mobility
H. Great Man Theory P. Assertiveness X. Behavioral Theory

___________________1. A theory that focuses on the behavior, action, conduct, demeanor, or deportment of a leader instead
of on his or her personality traits. Behavioral Theory
___________________2. Any alteration of people, structure, or technology in organizations brought about by external and
internal forces which they encounter. Organizational Change
___________________3. A theory developed by J. Stacey Adams which states that employees assess job outcomes in
relation to what they put into it and then compare these with their co-workers. Equity Theory
___________________4. A management function that involves inspiring and influencing people in the organization to
achieve a common goal. Leading
___________________5. The process of working with and through others to achieve organizational objectives efficiently
and ethically amid constant change; deals with planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling. Managing
___________________6. It encourages individuals to work enthusiastically, often performing more work than what is
required. Motivation
___________________7. This theory is also known as the Motivation-Hygiene Theory which states that intrinsic factors
(achievement, recognition, growth and responsibility) are associated with job satisfaction, while extrinsic factors (company
policy, salary, security and supervision) are associate with job dissatisfaction. Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory
___________________8. The belief that one’s way of life or culture is superior to others. Ethnocentrism
___________________9. A type of communication which uses oral and written words. Verbal Communication
___________________10. It refers to how confrontational and dominant individuals should be in social relationships.
___________________11. It refers to how society should encourage and reward people for being kind, fair, friendly, and
generous. Human Orientation
___________________12. It is a positive view of workers which assumes that employees enjoy work, seek out and accept
responsibility, and are self-directed. Theory Y
___________________13. A theory which is based on the assumption that leaders were born with some innate ability to lead.
Great Man Theory
___________________14. It refers to how much individuals should be rewarded for improvement and excellence.
Performance Orientation
___________________15. Employee behavior that exceeds work role requirements; behaviors that go beyond the call of
duty. Organizational Citizenship Behavior

II. ENUMARATION. Provide what is being asked for.

1. Give three (3) ways to overcome communication barriers.

2. Give the three types of changes.


III. Multiple Choice

1. The degree to which someone is sociable, talkative and assertive.
A. Extraversion B. Emotional Satiability C. Conscientiousness D. Agreeableness
2. The degree to which someone is responsible, dependable, persistent, and achievement-oriented.
A. Extraversion B. Emotional Intelligence C. Conscientiousness D. Agreeableness
3. It pertains to the ability to manage one’s self and interact with others in a positive way.
A. Extraversion B. Emotional Intelligence C. Conscientiousness D. Agreeableness
4. The degree by which a job provides enough freedom and discretion to employees.
A. Skill Variety B. Task Identity C. Autonomy D. Feedback
5. The degree by which a job requires completion of an identifiable piece of work.
A. Skill Variety B. Task Identity C. Autonomy D. Feedback
6. It is a communication network where communication flows freely among all members of a team.
A. Chain Network B. Wheel Network C. All Channel Network D. None of the above
7. A barrier to good communication since too many pieces of information received may have a negative effect on a
person’s processing capacity.
A. Filtering B. Information Overload C. Defensiveness D. Language
8. The act of self-protection when people are threatened by something or someone.
A. Filtering B. Information Overload C. Defensiveness D. Language
9. It is leadership behavior where the leader shows concern and friendliness to subordinates.
A. Achievement-oriented B. Supportive C. Participative D. Directive
10. Where the leader asks for suggestions from followers before decision-making.
A. Achievement-oriented B. Supportive C. Participative D. Directive
11. Pertain to leaders who are self-confident, enthusiastic, and sensitive to both environmental constraints and subordinate’s
A. Transactional Leader B. Servant Leader C. Visionary Leader D. Charismatic
12. It is a type of leader which focuses on increased service to others rather than to one’s self.
A. Transactional Leader B. Servant Leader C. Visionary Leader D. Charismatic
13. It is the direct use of threats or force to make people accept change.
A. Education B. Selection of People C. Participation D. Coercion
14. Organizations allow members to participate in decision-making related to bringing about change in their company.
A. Education B. Selection of People C. Participation D. Coercion
15. Selecting people who are open to change to help disseminate the beneficial effects of change.
A. Education B. Selection of People C. Participation D. Coercion

IV. ESSAY. Provide a brief and concise explanation. (3 pts each)

A. Choose one (1) motivation theory and explain thoroughly.
B. Distinguish between hearing and active listening.
C. What is workplace diversity? How can it be managed?

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