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During those years one of the greatest economic crisis
began in the United States, known as the Great
Hitler was named Chancellor at the same time as the
German economic situation was becoming worst.
The nazi Germany's Murder campaign.
("Essential Events Between 1900 and 1945", n.d)

The government system was a presidential system.
As America's 31st President from 1929 to 1933 was Herbert
Hoover. He achieved international success and worldwide
gratitude as "The Great Humanitarian" who fed europeans
during and after the World War I
The United States's president between 1923 to 1929 was
Calvin Coolidge. He demostrated his determination to preserve
the old moral and the economic situation they have had for
many years.
Assuming the presidency at the Great Depression, Franklin D.
Rooselvelt helped the American people regain faith in
themselves. He served as the 32nd president from 1933 until
his death in 1945.
(The white house,2021)

It was a generation that didn’t like to go against the rules
and show opposition to changes.

Therefore, there were no social movements, however, some

people consider the fact that Hitler created a grudge/hatred
towards the Jewish religion a social movement.

It is important to highlight that since they didn't say
From 1929 until 1939, America suffered during the world
anything, they expressed it through writing; preferring to
economic crisis known as the Great Depression.
write their opinion and their way of thinking.
(Jimena, H. C. 2015)

This was originted from people who started to ask for
money to the bank to invase it in proyecs that al the end
didn´t have good results, quite the opposite, people were

ARTS running out of money, being unemployed, and

beginning to starve.( Williams.Y. n.d)
They expressed what they thought not by talking but
through art .

The most popular genres of the time, taking about music

were the jazz, the swing and the R&B all of them Afro-
American melodies and rhythms.(Galea, I. 2022)

Talking about literature, the books of that generation

talk about feminist trends, testimonies of people that
witness the war and the crisis, and political propaganda.
(Galea, I. 2022)

They also were movies like The Wizard of Oz (1939), They didn'y focus much on fashion due to the war crisis, so
,Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956), Gone with the they didn't have enough resources. (Jimena, H. C. 2015)
Wind (1939), among others. (Hicks, K. 2017).

Men wore military suits, or just sack with accessories like

cane, hat, and a cigar.

Women collected their hair with bows, handkerchiefs or

simple but very elegant hats. Her dress consisted of a
jacket/sack and skirt, with heels.
(Perfil, V. T. n/d)

(Economy): Williams, Y. & Perry, J. (s. f.). | Take Online Courses. Earn College Credit. Research Schools, Degrees & Careers. Recuperado 12 de diciembre de 2022, de
(Arts):Galea, I. (2022, 23 febrero). Generación silenciosa: características y diferencias con otros tipos de generaciones (X, Y, Z, baby boomers. . .). Cinco noticias. Recuperado 12 de diciembre de 2022, de
silenciosa/ Hicks, K. (2017, 8 agosto). 10 Movies Important to the Silent Generation. Blog. Recuperado 12 de diciembre de 2022, de
(Fashion): Perfil, V. T. mi. (s/f). Las Generaciones y La Moda. Recuperado el 13 de diciembre de 2022, de
(Social Movements and Fashion): Jimena, H. C. [@nenahermooosaa]. (2015, septiembre 16). Generación Silenciosa. Youtube.
(Social Movements): Galea, I. (2021, noviembre 19). Generación silenciosa: características y diferencias con otros tipos de generaciones (X, Y, Z, baby boomers…). Cinco noticias.
The White House. (2021, 15 enero). Calvin Coolidge.

(Historical events): Essential Events Between 1900 and 1945. (n. d.). World101 from the Council on Foreign Relations.

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