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The Lost Baby of Orangutan

One day at the forest in Borneo Island, there was a baby orangutan who lost his parents. He was
so sad and he did not know how to find his parents.
He lost his parent after some humans broke the forest and his home to make an oil palm
plantation. The baby orangutan was very angry and he disliked human so much.
He walked somewhere to find his parents even he did not know where. It was not easy for him
because along of his trip, he found some predators that wanted to eat him.
Luckily he was safe and could run and hide at a high tree. In the night, he was lonely and he
cried along the time. The cry made some birds felt pity of him.
In the morning, there was a bird that told him about his parents. The bird had seen his parent
after traveling from the west side of the jungle. The bird said that his parents were caught by
some humans and brought them at a house.
The baby orangutan was so angry hearing that story. He decided to walk to the west side to find
the place where his parents were.
In his mind, he thought that all human was cruel and bad. He was afraid that the human would
kill his parents. After long time walking, finally the baby orang utan came at a beautiful forest in
which there was a human house with some big cage. The baby also saw a lot of orang utan lived
there happily with some humans.
He walked closer to the cage and saw his parents there. The baby orangutan cried and ran
quickly to his parents. They were so happy because they could finally meet again.
The parents told the baby that the place was a home for all orangutans that had no home after the
forest was torn down. They asked the baby whether he liked to stay there. He quickly agreed.
The sanctuary staff later found the family in a corner and put the baby into the rescue program. It
made the baby orangutan believe again that there was still humanity in a human.

The Legend of Prambanan Temple

Once, there was a kingdom named Prambanan with the King, Prabu Baka who had a beautiful
daughter, Roro Jonggrang. The people lived peacefully. However, soon they were disturbed by
Pengging Kingdom which was led by Bandung Bondowoso. He defeated and killed Prabu Baka
during the war.

On seeing Princess Roro Jonggrang's beauty, Bandung Bondowoso fell in love with her and
wanted to marry her. Meanwhile, the Princess felt sad due to her death. She did not want to
marry Bandung as he had killed her father. On the other side, she as afraid of Bandung.
So, to refuse politely, she made a condition.

"I will marry you but you have to build one thousand temples in one night as a wedding gift,"
requested Roro Jonggrang.
Bandung Bondowoso agreed with the condition. He then started to build the temples, helped by
the spirits.
As the midnight went closer, the work would nearly be done. Roro Jonggrang knew and thought
a way to beat Bandung.
Suddenly she got an idea. She woke up all the women in the palace and ordered them to make
the noisy sounds of grinding rice so the roosters thought that it had already been dawn.
Bandung Bondowoso became frustrated as he thought that he failed the completing the last one.
"The Princess has deceived me!" he shouted.
Following his wrath, he cursed Roro Jonggrang.
"As you have cheated, now the thousandth temple is you!"

All at once, the Princess turned into a statue. Bandung Bondowoso suddenly regretted his anger
and went away.

Until now, the temple with Roro Jonggrang statue is still standing in Prambanan area, Central
Java. The temples built by Bandung Bondowoso are now called Sewu Temple or the Thousand
Temple. In Javanese, sewu means a thousand.


Brawijaya was the king of Majapahit Kingdom. He had a daughter name Dyah Ayu Pusparani.
She was very beautiful.

Many young men fell in love with her. However, she always refused their marriage proposals.
King Brawijaya was sad. He really wanted to see his daughter to get married.

"You have to get married soon, my daughter," said King Brawijaya. He continued, "I'm getting
older, I know you are looking for a great husband. I have an idea, I'm going to hold a
competition. If a man can stretch Kyai Garudayaksa's bow and lift Kyai Sekardelima's gong, he
will be your husband.

One by one men tried to stretch the bow and lifted the gong. No one succeeded. They were
injured, their hands and backs were broken.

King Brawijaya planned to stop the competition. He thought no one could win the competition.
However, before he stopped it, a man came to him.

"Don't stop the competition now. I haven't tried it yet," he said.

Everyone was looking at him. He was very strange. His head was unlike human's head. He had a
bull's head.

"What's your name?" asked the king.

"My name is Lembusura." answer the man.

Then he tried to stretch the bow, he succeeded. The next test, he had to lift the gong. Again, he
succeeded. Everybody applauded. They all were amazed by his power.

Princess Dyah Ayu Pusparani was sad. She never thought that she would marry a man who had a
bull's head. King Brawijaya was also sad. But he had no choice. He had to keep his promise.

Later, he asked his men to prepare a wedding ceremony. The ceremony was getting closer and
Princess Dyah Ayu Pusparini was devastated. She really wanted to cancel the wedding. She was
thinking very hard.

Finally she had an idea. She told his father to send off Lembusura to the top of Kelud.
"Father, ask Lembusura to make a well on the top of the mountain. The well is for me to take a
bath," said Princess Dyah Ayu Pusparini.

King Brawijaya understood the plan. He asked Lembusura to go to the top of Kelud. Lembusura
agreed. When he arrived, Lembusura dug the ground. He was digging until the hole was deep.

Suddenly, some soldiers pushed him into the hole and killed Lembusura. Lembusura was
helpless as he could not do anything. Before he died he cursed the king.

"King Brawijaya, my revenge will hunt you down!"

Everybody in the kingdom was scared as the believed that Lembusura would eventually come
after their king and the kingdom itself. Until now, every time Kelud erupts, people say that
Lembusura is doing his revenge.
The Legend of Telaga Pasir

Once upon a time, there lived a husband and wife in the jungle of Mt. Lawu, East Java. They
were Kyai Pasir and his wife Nyai Pasir. They lived peacefully.
Kyai Pasir was a farmer. He worked in a field. Nyai Pasir just stayed at home. Every day she
cleaned up the house and cooked for them.

It was a beautiful morning, Kyai Pasir left the house and went to his field. While he was walking,
he stumbled upon something. He looked at the thing carefully.
"What is this: Is this an egg? But what kind of egg is this? It's huge," he thought.
Kyai Pasir put the egg back to the ground. He continued walking. At home, Kyai Pasir told his
wife about the egg.

"Why didn't you bring the egg home?" asked Nyai Pasir.

"It's really big. I felt really strange about the egg," explained Kyai Pasir.

"If the egg is really big, then we both can eat. Please bring the egg home, Kyai," asked Nyai
On the following days, Kyai Pasir went to the field as usual. He planned to bring the egg home
as his wife's request. Kyai Pasir was walking carefully, he did not want to stumble upon the egg
for the second time. He looked around. And aha! He found the egg. He carefully brought the egg

"Nyai, this is the egg I told you," said Kyai Pasir.

"You are right, Kyai. The egg is big. I wonder what animal has this egg," she said.

Nyai Pasir did not wait for long to boil the egg, And when it was done, they both ate the egg.
They both felt very full. And it made them very sleepy. Not long after that they fell a sleep.

In the morning Kyai and Nyai Pasir woke up as usual. Kyai Pasir took a bath then he went to the

On the way to the field, he felt so uncomfortable. His skin were itchy.

He stretched his body. Suddenly, he felt his throat so hot. He badly needed water. He was
screaming in pain.
He was so shocked as he saw his skin changed into scales. Just like scales of reptile. He touched
his head. He felt something was growing on his head. He was completely shocked. A horn was
He also had a tail. His body slowly getting bigger. He changed into a dragon!

Meanwhile, at home Nyai Pasir also felt the same. She was so panicked. She was screaming. She
was running to the feld. She wanted to look for her husband.

When she arrived at the field, she saw a dragon was moving his body on the ground. Slowly
Nyai Pasir also changed into a dragon. The two dragons were trying to walk but they were too
weak to do that.

They just could move their bodies on the ground. They moved their bodies and it made a very
big hole. The hole was getting deeper and the water came out. In no time, the hole became a
lake.Since then, people named the lake as Telaga Pasir to as a reminder not to pick what's not
Legend of Lake and Mount Batur

It is believed that there was once a giant as tall as a mountain who roamed the island, called Kbo
Iwo. He would help the Balinese people to build temples and villages, dig ditches, and cut
terraces out of of the hillsides for rice paddies. All he asked for in return for his help was food.

His appetite was enormous, however, and there was never enough food to satisfy him. His
hunger would sometimes make him angry and he would destroy the things that he helped to build
and then eat the villagers.

One day, the harvest was failed and the people could barely eat, let alone feed the giant. This
angered Kbo Iwo so much that he rampaged across the island, killing and destroying everything
in sight until all the homes, rice fields, and temples were ruined.

The people begged Kbo Iwo to help rebuild the temples, homes, and rice fields that he had
destroyed in his rampage. The giant agreed and worked at replacing everything that he had

Without him knowing, Kbo Iwa was still hated by the people. They asked him to build a well and
he started digging. As he dug, the soil piled up high next to the well, as high as a mountain.

The people then gave him food and it made him sleepy. He later slept in the well. Whilst he was
sleeping, people poured a huge amount of sticky substance down the well and it set.

Kbo Iwa was unable to escape as the well was filled with water. The water soon overflowed to
become a lake.

Today, many believe that the lake is Lake Batur, Bali's largest lake. The pile of earth that Kbo
Iwo dug out of the well is believed to be Mount Batur, Bali's third largest volcanic mountain.

The Story of City Surabaya

Once upon a time, there are two animals, Sura and Baya. Sura is the name of a shark and Baya is
a crocodile. They live in the ocean. Somewhere Sura and Baya are looking for food. Suddenly,
Baya saw a goat. "Yummy, this is eating my lunch," Baya said. "No way! This is my lunch. You
are greedy," said Sura. Then they struggled to get a goat. After a few hours, they struggled.
Feeling tired of fighting, they live in different places.

Sura lives in water and Baya lives on the ground. The border is a sandy beach, so they will never
fight again. One day, Sura went to the land and looked for food on the river.

He was very satisfied and not much food at sea. Baya is very angry to compile know They fight
again. They both beat each other. Sura bit Baya's tail. Baya does the same with Sura. He bit so
hard that Sura finally gave up and A returned to the sea. Baya is happy.
The Ant and the Dove

One hot day, an ant was seeking for some water. After walking around for a moment, she came
to a spring. To reach the spring, she had to climb up a blade of grass. While making her way up,
she slipped and fell unintentionally into the water. She could have sunk if a dove up a nearby tree
had not seen her.

Seeing that the ant was in trouble, the dove quickly put off a leaf from a tree and dropped it
immediately into the water near the struggling ant. Then the ant moved towards the leaf and
climbed up there. Soon it carried her safely to dry ground.

Not long after at that, there was a hunter nearby who was throwing out his net towards the dove,
hoping to trap it in this way. Guessing what he should do, the ant quickly bit him on the heel.
Feeling the pain, the hunter dropped his net and the dove flew away quickly from this net
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Name :
1. Re-arrange the texts to be in good order.
2. Then, mark which ones are included in the orientation, complication,resolution.
3. Underline sentences that contain of tenses (simple past tense (linguistic features))

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