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Republic of the Philippines

Cordillera Administrative Region

Graduate Education Department
Tabuk City, Kalinga

Educ. 207 (Methodology of College Teaching)

Second Semester
S.Y.: 2021-2022


Construct your own sample test questions to be used in a midterm summative

assessment for Methodology of College Teaching. Construct a 70-points midterm
examination applying the guidelines.

Name: _____________________________________ Score: ___________

Course & Year: ______________________________ Date: ____________

TEST I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read the following statement carefully, and then select the best
answer. Write the corresponding letter of your correct answer
on the blank space provided before each number. CAPITAL
LETTERS ONLY. (2 points each)

_____ 1. These learners are able to to vividly picture patterns and learn best with
images and graphics that use fewer words.
a. Auditory c. Linguistic
b. Visual/Spatial d. Intrapersonal
_____ 2. Maria is a voracious reader and able to to pick up other language.
a. Interpersonal c. Kinesthetic
b. Logical/Mathematical d. Linguistic
_____ 3. What feature do people with Logical-Mathematical learning styles?
a. They are sensitive and capable c. These people tend to shy away
to tackle deep questions about from others.
human existence.
b. They like to draw, do jigsaw d. They like to solve puzzles.
puzzles, read maps and
_____ 4. What learning styles is best if he is a surgeon?
a. Bodily-Kinesthetic c. Interpersonal
b. Naturalist d. Linguistic
_____ 5. If I am sensitive to rhythm and sound, what kind of learning styles do I
a. Intrapersonal c. Kinesthetic
b. Interpersonal d. Musical
_____ 6. They are like kinesthetic learners, but outdoors within the environment.
Which learning styles we are talking about?
a. Existential c. Linguistic
b. Naturalist d. Intrapersonal
_____ 7. To ensure that the lesson will go on smoothly, Teacher A listed down the
steps she will undertake together with those of her students. This practice
refers to:
a. Teaching style c. Teaching strategy
b. Teaching method d. Teaching technique
_____ 8. In Math, Teacher G presents various examples of plane figures to her
class. Afterward, she asks the students to give the definition of each. What
method did she use?
a. inductive c. deductive
b. laboratory d. expository
_____ 9. What is the implication of using a method that focuses on the why rather
than how?
a. There is the best method.
b. A typical one will be good for any subject.
c. These methods should be standardized for different subjects.
d. Teaching methods should favor inquiry and problem solving.
_____ 10. Which of the following is NOT true?
a. The lesson should be in a constant state of revision.
b. A good daily lesson plan ensures a better discussion.
c. Students should never see a teacher using a lesson plan.
d. All teachers, regardless of their experiences, should have a daily
lesson plan.
_____ 11. According to Nagel’s Acronym PPFF, what is important to follow-up in the
proper use of instructional materials?
a. Student interest c. Lesson objective
b. Student expectations d. Media and materials
_____ 12. In the 5S Formula to create a conducive learning environment, which S
stands for cleanliness of the workplace?
a. Self-discipline c. Shining
b. Systematize d. Sort
_____ 13. Which of the following is NOT included in the principles of teaching?
a. Learning is a passive process
b. The more senses we use, the more effective studying is
c. An atmosphere that is non-threatening improves learning
d. A good teacher considers that learners has different learning styles
_____ 14. Which of the following is NOT included in the 3 C’s of classroom
a. Content c. Context
b. Conduct d. Control
_____ 15. Which of the following describes “content” of classroom management?
a. Delivery of the subject matter
b. Maintenance of peaceful environment
c. Importance of communication
d. Emphasis on physical elements related to the setting of the classroom
_____ 16. When a teacher punishes a student, it is said to be which of the following
types of control?
a. Preventive c. Corrective
b. Supportive d. Promotive
_____ 17. What is the main organization and orientation of science and social studies
reading materials?
a. Expository c. Narrative
b. Descriptive d. Argumentative
_____ 18. In a problem-based learning group, who take notes, join discussion and
review materials?
a. Facilitator c. Team members
b. Team leader d. Recorder
_____ 19. What is erroneous concept of outcomes in Outcomes-Based Education?
a. Performance c. Results
b. Products d. Content
_____ 20. In the school, who is the key to the success or failure in teaching-and-
learning, being the link between the child and the curriculum?
a. The teacher c. The student
b. The parent d. The principal
_____ 21. During teaching, a teacher’s statements that encourage students to
elaborate on an answer, either their own or that of others will be called,
a. Structuring c. Engagement in the learning
b. Instructional variety d. Probing
_____ 22. What does the Play Way method develop in students?
a. Cognitive only c. Emotional development only
b. Physical development only d. Cognitive, Emotional and Physical
_____ 23. Which of the following methods of teaching will encourage indirect
a. Lecturing with examples c. Demonstration on a subject
b. Team teaching d. Collaborative projects
_____ 24. Capturing the imagination and initiative of the students is of crucial
importance in
a. case method of teaching c. peer instruction
b. concept mapping d. quizzes
_____ 25. The most effective way to teach an occupation skill is the
a. Synthetic method c. Lecture method
b. Demonstration method d. Analytical method
_____ 26. In which of the following situations is a teacher most clearly using reflection
and self-assessment to improve professional practice?
a. A teacher asks another teacher to review his or her lesson plans prior
to instruction and provide feedback on planned activities and materials.
b. A teacher engages in co-teaching with a more experienced teacher
when introducing particularly challenging content to students.
c. A teacher reviews videotapes of his or her instruction with a more
experienced teacher to identify teaching strengths and challenges.
d. A teacher creates a comprehensive description of activities used during
each grading period to submit to the department chairperson.
_____ 27. A high school math teacher has a few students in her classes who have
learning disabilities that affect various aspects of their math performance.
The teacher has planned a new instructional unit on probability and wants
to make sure that all of the students with learning disabilities will be able to
participate fully in unit activities. The teacher can best help ensure the
outcome by:
a. preparing a selection of alternative activities that require less advanced
math skills for the students with learning disabilities.
b. asking the special education teacher to review the planned activities
and utilizing adaptations suggested for each student who has learning
c. having the students with learning disabilities work on unit activities with
a peer partner who has strong skills in math.
d. trying a few sample activities with the students who have learning
disabilities before beginning the unit and making adjustments as needed.
_____ 28. A student breaks a classroom behavior rule, disrupting the class and
interrupting the day’s lesson. Which of the following is the most important
guideline for the teacher to follow when disciplining the student?
a. Involve the class in determining an appropriate consequence for the
student’s actions.
b. Document in writing the steps taken to address the student’s actions
and his or her response to those steps.
c. Determine consequences for the student’s actions based on his or her
previous behavior and achievement.
d. Address the student’s actions in a manner that allows the student to
preserve his or her sense of dignity.
_____ 29. Students are most likely to be intrinsically motivated to learn and master
subject matter when they:
a. know that they will be tested on their understanding of the content in
the near future.
b. believe that the work they are doing is interesting and relates to their
own lives.
c. perceive that their performance compares favorably with that of peers
engaged in the same tasks.
d. anticipate that they will receive positive reinforcement for achieving
instructional objectives.
_____ 30. A tenth-grade history teacher is introducing a long-term project with several
components. Students will be required to conduct research and interviews
on a self-selected topic, write a report, and make an oral presentation.
a. assigning students partners to provide support throughout the project
and scheduling regular times for the partners to meet.
b. reassuring students that they possess all of the skills and abilities
needed to complete the project tasks.
c. organizing project tasks in a step-by-step sequence and providing
students with directions and reminders for completing each step.
d. explaining to students how the objectives of the project fit into a larger
instructional plan.
_____ 31. Asking a series of questions to a student is a violation of which technique
in questioning?
a. Wait time c. Redirection
b. Prompting questions d. Probing questions
_____ 32. Which of the following counters the teacher’s role as facilitator of learning?
a. Does more talk than learners c. Makes use of interactive teaching
b. Does less talk compared to d. Caters to multiple intelligence in
learners the classroom
_____ 33. When you teach, you often engage yourself in brainstorming. Which do
you avoid?
a. Increase creativity c. Generate many ideas
b. Break down barriers d. Selectively involve students
_____ 34. Direct instruction is facts, rules, and actions as indirect instruction is for ?
a. Rules, concepts, processes c. Guesses, data and conclusions
b. Concepts, patterns, and d. Hypothesis, verified data and
abstractions conclusions
_____ 35. You want to teach concepts, patterns and abstractions. Which method is
most appropriate?
a. Deductive method c. Direct Instruction
b. Problem solving d. Indirect Instruction
_____ 36. Which of the following marks a conducive environment?
a. Excessive praise c. Cooperative learning
b. Individual competition d. Long assignments
_____ 37. What is the main organization and orientation of science and social studies
reading materials?
a. Expository c. Narrative
b. Descriptive d. Argumentative
_____ 38. Who asserts that teaching is NOT just depositing knowledge into the empty
minds of the learners? It is helping students create knowledge and
meaning of their experiences.
a. Constructivist c. Existentialist
b. Essentialist d. Pragmatist
_____ 39. Among teaching styles, how do you classify teachers who lack confidence
in enforcing and demanding compliance to rules?
a. Authoritative c. Permissive
b. Uninvolved d. Authoritarian
_____ 40. Among teaching styles, how do you classify teachers who are indifferent
and undemanding of student involvement?
a. Benevolent c. Authoritarian
b. Permissive d. Uninvolved
_____ 41. What should a teacher do for students in his class whose ability are behind
their grade level?
a. Give them materials on their level and let them work at a place that is
reasonable for them, trying to bring them up to a grade level
b. Give them the same work as other students, because they will absorb
as much as they are capable of
c. Give the same work as the other students, not much, so that they won’t
feel embarrassed
d. Give them work on the level of the other students and work a little
above the classmates level to challenge them
_____ 42. Which of the following characterizes best a well-managed class? When
a. are controlled by the teacher c. pursues their task without
b. blindly obeys teachers’ d. are engaged in an activity that
instruction leads them to realize the set of goal
_____ 43. An effective classroom manager uses low-profile classroom control. Which
is a low-profile classroom technique?
a. note to parents c. withdrawal of privileges
b. after-school detention d. raising the pitch of the voice
_____ 44. Which of the following characterizes best an effective classroom manager?
One who is friendly yet
a. rigid c. business-like
b. demanding d. buddy-buddy
_____ 45. The best remedial instructional program that would enhance the academic
achievement of the students considering their differences in interests,
abilities, needs and learning style at any given point in time.
a. Traditional Instruction c. Adaptive Instruction
b. Remedial Instruction d. Experimental Instruction

TEST II. ESSAY. Answer what is being asked.

Give at least 3 classroom activities for adults that you can use to make students actively
participate in the learning process. Explain each why you chose that. (10 points each)

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