13 Copies (General) Second Quarter Grade 11 Pre-Calculus

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Pre-Calculus 11
Semestral Final Examination
A.Y. 2022-2023

Name:____________________ Date:________________
Grade/Section:__________________ Teacher: Mr. Ga__y L. Vargas, LPT

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read the instructions carefully. Your answers must be in

the lowest term. You can use the back of your questionnaire for your solutions. You can
use a calculator.

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read the questions carefully and write the letter of the correct
answer in the space provided.

____1. Expand the expression using the Binomial Theorem. (2x+5)4

A. 2x4 + 40x3 + 300x2 + 1000x +625
B. 16x4 + 160x3 +600x2 +1000x + 625
C. 16x4 + 1000x3 + 600x2 + 160x +625
____2. Expand the expression using the Binomial Theorem.
A. 2x4 + 40x3 + 300x2 + 1000x +625
B. 16x4 + 160x3 +600x2 +1000x + 625
C. 16x4 + 1000x3 + 600x2 + 160x +625
____3. What is row 7 of Pascal's Triangle?
A. 1, 5, 10, 5, 1
B. 1, 5, 10, 10, 5, 1
C. 1, 7, 21, 35, 35, 21, 7, 1
D. 1, 7, 21, 35, 21, 7, 1

____4. Expand
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
____5. Choose the right Pascal's triangle



____6.Find the product: (y - 3)(y + 7)

A. y2 - 21
B. y2 + 10x - 21
C. y2 + 4y - 21
D. 2y - 10
____7.Find the sum. (2x2 + 5x - 7) + ( 3 - 4x2 + 6x)
A. 2x2 + 3x +1
B. -2x2 - 11x -4
C. 2x2 + 5x -7
D. -2x2 + 11x -4
____8.How many degrees in a full circle?
A. 90°
B. 180°
C. 270°
D. 360°
____9 How many radians are in a full circle?
A. π/2
B. π
C. 3π/2
D. 2π
____10. Standard position is where on the x-y plane?
A. The positive x-axis
B. The negative x-axis
C. The positive y-axis
D. The negative y-axis
____11.Angles are measured in which direction from standard position?
A. Clockwise
B. Counterclockwise
____12.The unit circle has a radius length of...
A. 0.5
B. 1
C. π
D. 2π
____13.135° is found in which quadrant?
A. Quadrant 1
B. Quadrant 2
C. Quadrant 3
D. Quadrant 4
____14.200° is found in which quadrant?
A. Quadrant 1
B. Quadrant 2
C. Quadrant 3
D. Quadrant 4
____15.Standard position is when .....
A. the initial side of the angle is on the positive x-axis.
B. the initial side of the angle is on the negative x-axis.
C. the initial side of the angle is on the positive y-axis.
D. the initial side of the angle is on the negative y-axis.
____16.Negative angles are measured in which direction from standard position?
A. Clockwise
B. Counterclockwise
____17. Positive angles are measured in which direction from standard position?
A. Clockwise
B. Counterclockwise
____18.In which quadrant is -570⁰
A. I
____19.In which quadrant would you find an angle measuring -700°?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
____20.What are the negative and positive coterminal angles of -225°?
A. 375°, -600°
B. 125°, -356°
C. 135°, -585°
D. 60°, -120°
____21. What is positive in Q4?
A. all trig functions
B. sine
C. cosine
D. tangent
____22. What is the reference angle for 63°?
A. 117°
B. 207°
C. 63°
D. 153°
____23. What is the reference angle for 240°?
A. 60°
B. 30°
C. 45°
D. 210°
____24. What is the reference angle for -30°?
A. 150°
B. 30°
C. 80°
D. 60°
____25.Find an angle coterminal with an angle measuring 17π / 4 radians.
A. π ∕ 3
B. 5π ∕ 4
C. π ∕ 4
D. 13π ∕ 4

Tell me the Right : Write your answer in the space provided. (2 points each)

_____26. Select the coefficients of the 5th Row in Pascal's Triangle

_____27. Which row of Pascal's Triangle would you use to expand (x+y)3?
_____28. How many terms are the in the expansion of (1+b)^5
_____29. Find the element in Pascal's Triangle. 8th row and 6 element
_____30. If the top row of Pascal's Triangle is row 0, then what is the sum of the
numbers in the eighth row?

Identification. Write your answer on the Space provided.

_____31. What is the area of one quadrant of the unit circle?
_____32. 90° is equal to how many radians?
_____33. 270° is equal to how many radians?
_____34. 135° is equal to how many radians?
_____35. 10π/9 is equal to how many degrees?

FILL IN BLANKS : Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the letter in the space

a. 600°, -120°
b. 135°, -585°
c. 180° l.
d. 55°
e. adjacent/opposite
f. cosine m.
g. 360
h. −480°
i. 135° n.



_____36.Which of the following shows 150° in standard position?

_____37. Which of the following shows −210° graphed in standard position?
_____38. Which of the following shows 300° graphed in standard position?
_____39.Which of the following shows 480° graphed in standard position?
_____40.Which of the following shows 5π/4 graphed in standard position?
_____41. Which of the following shows −π/4 graphed in standard position?
_____42. Which of the following degree measures is represented by this diagram?
_____43. Which of the following degree measures is represented by this diagram?
_____44. Find a coterminal angle to 0 degrees.
_____45. If you are given the hypotenuse and an adjacent side, which trig function
should you use?
_____46. What is the TANGENT ratio of any angle in a right triangle
_____47. What is the reference angle for 125°?
_____48. How many degrees are there in half a circle?
_____49. What are the negative and positive coterminal angles of -225 degrees?
_____50. What are the negative and positive coterminal angles of 240 degrees?

PROBLEM SOLVING: Solve the following problems. State your answer in the lowest

51-55 Draw the following

90 Degrees

-270 Degrees

250 Degrees

-110 Degrees

270 Degrees

56-60 Use the given point on the terminal side of an angle θ in standard position to find
the exact values of six trigonometric ratios (-14, -48)

Life is full of many directions. You need to choose the right one :)

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