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NOTE NUMBER 234 24818

Public Disclosure Authorized


JUNE 2001
Public Disclosure Authorized

Telecom Subsidies
Geoffrey Cannock

Geoffrey Cannock was Output-Based Contracts for Rural Services in Peru

general manager at
Osiptel from 1997 to I n Pe r u p r i vat e t e l e c o m m u n i c at i o n s o p e r at o r s b i d f o r t h e m i n i m u m
2000. He is now project
g ove r n m e n t s u b s i d y t o p rov i d e p ay p h o n e s e r v i c e t o t h e p o o r i n
director for a private
economic consultancy t a rg e t e d r u r a l a re a s . Pa r t o f t h e s u b s i d y i s p a i d o n awa rd , p a r t o n c e
Public Disclosure Authorized

service in Peru, Apoyo

t h e e q u i p m e n t i s i n s t a l l e d , a n d t h e re s t i n s e m i a n n u a l i n s t a l l m e n t s
Consultoría. This case
study was funded by f o r s eve r a l ye a r s , c o n t i n g e n t o n c o m p l i a n c e w i t h p e r f o r m a n c e
the Public-Private s t a n d a rd s . T h e w i n n i n g b i dd e r s g e t a n o n ex c l u s i ve c o n c e s s i o n d e f i n i n g
Infrastructure Advisory
Facility, a multidonor t h e i r r i g h t s a n d o bl i g at i o n s . E a r l y p i l o t re s u l t s s h ow t h at t h e p r i vat e
technical assistance i nve s t m e n t m o b i l i ze d i s t w i c e t h e s u b s i d y p rov i d e d .

Peru began reforming its telecommunications Fitel’s funding is assured by an earmarked 1

sector in 1992, privatizing the state telecom- percent levy on the gross operating revenues of
munications companies, establishing a regula- telecommunications companies. Fitel is legally
tory authority (Organismo Supervisor de la distinct from Osiptel, but Osiptel provides tech-
Inversión Privada en Telecomunicaciones, or nical and administrative services to Fitel and
Osiptel), and gradually opening the market to approves policies and projects. Osiptel defined
Public Disclosure Authorized

competition. These reforms were expected to the target population as unserved poor rural
accelerate growth in service, but to leave high- localities with 500–3,000 inhabitants. Osiptel
cost rural areas—home to about 30 percent of also conducted policy, market, and engineering
Peru’s population and 70 percent of its studies; set up a geographic information system;
extreme poor—largely excluded from a and defined the project cycle and procedures,
mostly commercial operation. So in 1992 the including those for identifying target localities,
government created a fund (Fondo de tendering projects, and monitoring perform-
Inversión en Telecomunicaciones, or Fitel) ance targets.
with a mandate to improve rural access to
telecommunications services by promoting Competitive bidding
private participation. Fitel’s goal was to pro- Osiptel selected potential localities on the basis
vide, by 2003, pay phone service in 5,000 rural of expressed local demand and project analysis.
towns and public access to the Internet in all The final choices are made during field visits,
554 district capitals. when local authorities, who have far better

knowledge of local trade and transportation at the start of the project, 25 percent once the
patterns, decide which towns should be served. facilities are installed, and the remaining 40 per-
Combining a demand-driven approach with cent in semiannual installments over five years,
top-down studies, rather than using a pure subject to compliance with service performance
demand-driven approach, allowed network targets. The semiannual installments are
economies. (The Fitel rule now allows a pure reduced by US$1,000 a day for pay phone and
demand-driven approach, since network facili- network monitoring system outages, and by 10
ties have been extended to most localities.) percent per locality per week of delay in initiat-
Government officials debated whether to ing service for up to one month, at which time
hold just one tender for all towns (to promote the balance of the subsidy is canceled.
economies of scale) or to promote the entry of The financial contract also specifies indicators
several operators to foster competition. The for monitoring performance that are not linked
final decision was to partition the country into to penalties (though Osiptel can impose penalties
six regions, each with more than 700 towns, and for noncompliance): grade of service (network
then hold two tenders. congestion in peak hours), time to get dial tone,
The winning bidder is granted a nonexclu- and overall quality of service as measured by mean
sive 20-year renewable concession. The conces- opinion scores. These performance indicators,
sion requires the operator to install at least one from International Telecommunication Union
public pay phone in each rural locality listed in recommendations, are readily available and
the tender, providing access to local and long- understood by operators.
distance voice and narrow-band data communi- Osiptel staff supervise project implementa-
cations, and one point of public access to the tion. They use a network management system to
Internet in each district capital. The operator is oversee system operations (traffic levels, conti-
obliged to provide service over the entire 20- nuity of service) in real time and a required ded-
year concession, though the subsidy payments icated data circuit in the operator’s headquarters
extend only over the first five years. The opera- to monitor billing, failure reports, and the calls
tor may use its facilities to provide additional placed and received by the rural pay phones. In
services to individual subscribers, such as a semiannual report Osiptel assesses compliance
Internet and long-distance telephony. Osiptel with performance targets and indicators and
expects that the service in rural towns will be makes recommendations on Fitel payments.
fully commercial after five years.
Getting started
Pricing, subsidies, and incentives Osiptel started to collect funds after the privatiza-
Retail prices for rural services are regulated by tion in 1994 and had collected enough funds and
Osiptel under a price cap regime similar to that done enough studies to call for a tender by 1996.
in urban areas—though the cost to the operator But the tenders got off to a slow start. Technically,
for rural calls is higher (often because of geo- Fitel had everything to get under way: a clear man-
graphic isolation or extremes in altitude and cli- date in the 1992 telecommunications law, strong
mate). Interconnection charges, also regulated, support from beneficiaries and local authorities,
should result in a net payment to the rural oper- money, technical support, and private operators.
ator. But since most calls originate in urban But institutional problems and lack of widespread
areas, the provisional sender-keeps-all agree- political support at the national level delayed
ment between the operators has prevented the implementation. The 1992 law did not specify
entrant rural operator from benefiting from policies or procedures, so they had to be designed
this net payment. later by Osiptel, itself a start-up operation. The
A financial contract between Osiptel and the Fitel model had to compete with different visions
operator establishes the terms and conditions of the government’s role in delivering assets to
under which Fitel will provide funds, tying the the poor, and private interests lobbied against the
disbursement of the subsidy to project imple- Fitel mechanism as too transparent. The minister
mentation and service quality: 35 percent is paid of transportation and communications was reluc-
tant to take political responsibility for approving the share of the population living in localities
the projects. The approval process was further with pay phones (table 1). In response to user
hampered by institutional conflicts with Osiptel, needs, the operator introduced service innova-
high turnover of ministers, and a centralized deci- tions, such as prepaid calling cards, and is
sionmaking process. providing dedicated Internet access and long-
Still, by March 2001 three competitive ten- distance services.
ders had been conducted for six projects cover- The operator met the deadline for initiating
ing all 5,000 rural towns due to be connected by service in all 193 localities and also installed
2003. Six bidders competed for a pilot project, additional pay phones and individual telephone
and four or more in each of the next two ten- lines. Traffic exceeded Osiptel’s forecasts by 7
ders. Winning bidders bid for all regions in the percent in the first six months and 32 percent
tender. New operators, both foreign and in the next six. The operator met targets for net-
domestic, entered the market. work management and average service reliabil-
ity, but failed to meet service reliability targets
Results from the pilot project in five localities. That resulted in a fine of
For the pilot project, covering 193 localities, the US$27,000, equivalent to 1.6 months’ revenue
competitive bidding resulted in a much smaller or a sixth of the semiannual subsidy payment.
subsidy than expected. The winning bid During the first six months the operator also
requested a subsidy 41 percent lower than failed to meet the target for grade of service,
Osiptel’s estimate and 74 percent lower than a failed to supply enough prepaid cards, and had
previous offer by the incumbent operator. operational problems. Osiptel delayed the first
Results from the first year of operations (ending semiannual payment until these problems were
December 2000) show encouraging results. Pay corrected. It also postponed the second pay-
phones have typically been located on the prem- ment, because the operator failed to act on a
ises of a small business or local authority. Retailers minor observation in the first supervision
provide space and security for the pay phones in report. If uncorrected, minor observations
return for a percentage of the price of the prepaid become major observations in the next review
cards. In addition, they may charge users for an and may delay payments. The delayed payments
informal messenger service to alert them to were equivalent to 1.8 months’ revenue. Several
incoming calls. They also benefit because the performance indicators were not reported
phones help to cross-sell other products. because of technical difficulties.
The pilot project has reduced the average dis- Surveys of users in June and December 2000
tance to the nearest pay phone to less than a showed that a growing number were satisfied
tenth of what it had been, and nearly doubled with overall service (up from 57 percent to 75

Table Access to telephones in the pilot project by department, December 2000

Indicator Amazonas Cajamarca Piura Tumbes Total

1 Rural towns served

Beneficiaries a
Distance to the nearest phone (kilometers)

Without the project 251.4 26.1 26.1 9.0 n.a.

With the project 6.2 4.9 4.2 3.0 n.a.
Penetration (percent) b
Without the project 10.0 20.0 16.0 91.0 48.3
With the project 90.0 85.0 71.0 99.0 88.5

n.a. Not applicable.

a. Includes both direct beneficiaries (inhabitants of the towns served) and indirect beneficiaries (those living within 5 kilometers of the towns served).
b. Share of the population in the project area with telephone access.
Source: Fitel, 1998 Annual Report (Lima).

percent) and had access to prepaid cards (up The tariff caps are another problem: there
from 35 percent to 50 percent). The surveys also are high policing costs for Osiptel, cost shifting
showed modest progress on service outages, from the operator to the pay phone administra-
hours of service, and customer knowledge of tor, and reduced incentives for operators to gen-
how to use the facilities. erate traffic.
Given these three problems, a more effective
Assessment of Fitel as a policy instrument approach might involve fewer performance tar-
Initial results confirm that Fitel is an effective gets and regulatory controls, less use of penal-
is an open forum to
means for extending telecommunications ser- ties, and more emphasis on customer service.
encourage dissemination of
vices to rural populations. Fitel attracts and Project supervision, for example, which now not
public policy innovations for
leverages private participation and investment. only verifies compliance with concessions, con- private sector–led and
And it enhances sustainability by spreading the tracts, and performance targets and indicators market-based solutions for
subsidy over five years, which helps maintain a but also seeks to influence project management, development. The views
positive cash flow until revenues build up from would be focused on a few key parameters and published are those of the
growing traffic. The pilot project required a sub- stripped of discretionary powers. This alterna- authors and should not be
sidy of only US$11 per inhabitant while mobi- tive approach would require a more collegial attributed to the World
lizing private investment estimated at US$22 relationship between operators, civil society, and Bank or any other affiliated
per inhabitant. Subsidy administration costs are Osiptel than envisaged in Fitel’s original design. organizations. Nor do any of
low: according to Osiptel’s operating plan for There are three ongoing challenges: First, the the conclusions represent
2000, after start-up costs (US$1.7 million) risk that private operators will underbid for sub- official policy of the World
Fitel’s administrative costs have averaged less sidies and later default on their commitments, Bank or of its Executive
than 2 percent of the funds collected. even though Osiptel has required operators to Directors or the countries
Improvements are needed, however, in the post performance bonds.1 Second, the need to they represent.

links between performance and subsidies. First, shift Fitel’s support to smaller and less accessible
performance targets and indicators should localities as technological innovations and net- To order additional copies

evolve over time. Since those used are typical for work growth reduce the cost of reaching rural contact Suzanne Smith,

mature networks rather than start-ups, a one- areas and as the private sector becomes increas- managing editor,
Room I9-017,
year grace period without penalties might be ingly willing to provide services on commercial
The World Bank,
appropriate. Targets and indicators should also terms. And third, the exemption of cable televi-
1818 H Street, NW,
become more demanding over time, putting sion and Internet service providers from the levy,
Washington, DC 20433.
pressure on the operators to continually which raises concerns about the fairness and eco-
improve service. Second, performance targets nomic efficiency of Fitel’s funding.
should reflect use, not just access. Where call
001 202 458 7281
charges are below incremental variable costs—
as they may well be, since the regulated rural
001 202 522 3181
and urban tariffs are similar despite the higher Note Email:
cost of rural service—the operator has no incen- 1. The operators are required to provide three
tive to encourage traffic growth. Yet much of the financial guarantees: a guarantee ensuring the serious-
benefit for the rural population comes from ness of their offer (to prevent the “winner’s curse”), an
using the facilities, not just having access to installation guarantee, and a guarantee against default Printed on recycled paper
them. Moreover, the business case for investors on their contractual obligations.
and equipment suppliers may be determined
largely by initial capital outlays and subsidies Geoffrey Cannock (
rather than recurrent costs and revenues. A per-
formance target that ties recurrent subsidies to
traffic may better align the interests of opera-
tors, pay phone retailers, and the economy. But
it would be much more complicated to admin-
ister and would require Osiptel to monitor
financial results, which it does not now do.
This Note is available online:

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