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Name/s: Anneyca Yunque and Abigail Seran

1st Quarter

An Action Plan for Bringing In and Out Burger to Quezon City

1. To successfully advertise and endorse In and Out burger all over Quezon City.
2. In 4 months, be able to open an In & Out Burger store in UP Town Center.
3. Be one of the top 10 fast food establishments in the Philippines in 7 years.
1. Based on the menu in the United States, the prices of the meals appear to be a little
2. In a country that loves its rice so much, there is little diversity in the In and Out menu
and only burgers and fries are served.
Actions To Take
1. Opening a Branch
a. Have all the legal documentation required to launch the business, such as a
business permit from the mayor.
b. Find a spot in UP Town Center that is visible to and accessible to consumers,
like next to the entrance.
c. Hire workers and a manager who have leadership skills to monitor the
d. Instruct the employees how to carry out their duties, such as serving as a
cashier, and train the manager to perform managerial activities like running
the business.
e. To prepare for calamities like a fire or earthquake, train the employees.
Additionally, purchase items that will be useful in a crisis, such as a fire
extinguisher and shelf security to prevent things from falling.
2. Pricey Meals
a. We would undoubtedly struggle to attract customers if we set our rates at the
same level as In and Out meals in America.
b. We must match the prices of fast food establishments here in the Philippines.
c. The pricing would be less expensive if we ordered goods in bulk. Hence, our
hamburgers would be less expensive.
3. Variety of Meals
a. For more choices, we may provide rice meals, much like McDonald's did with
their menu. More customers may now visit them since they have added rice to
their menu.
b. Alternatively, we might continue doing what In and Out does best—serving
burgers—and make it our trademark, just like Burger King does.
4. Top 10 Fast Food Business in the Philippines
a. We need to be a recognized brand in the community in order to compete with
the larger restaurants here.
b. If we provide high-quality, freshly prepared dishes, we can undoubtedly climb
to the top 10.
5. Endorsing IN and Out to the Philippines
a. Endorsing in different ways, not just by posters but also in all social media
b. Having collaborations with known or famous people.
Contingency Measures
1. Power outage
a. For prolonged storage of perishable food, have a dependable and durable
backup generator.
b. To prepare for a brownout, teach the employees what to do.
c. Keep in constant communication with the customers and your employees.
Inform them of the situation and assure them that your first concern is their
safety. If customers wish to leave, assist them in doing so securely and
d. When the electricity is restored, the staff and I can carefully check the food
and dispose of any items that exhibit signs of decay.
2. Fire
a. When a fire occurs, we must be ready. With the entire staff's knowledge of
what to do, we must ensure the customer’s and our safety.
b. If it is a small and controllable fire, use the fire extinguisher. But, if it is an
uncontrollable fire, be sure to not panic, lead the customers to the fire escape,
then call 911.
3. Earthquake
a. Acquiring equipment and supplies that are resilient so that people may access
it during an earthquake to protect themselves
b. Appointing staff members to serve as group leaders who can help guide
customers and others to safety.
c. Having an evacuation plan and available exits for people to access incase of a
massive earthquake and aftershocks.
4. Employee Strikes
a. Employees go on strike when they decide not to come to work, usually in
opposition to an employer's choice.
b. Strikes are most likely to be avoided if the business values the workers and
provides them with a positive work environment.
c. But in the event that it occurs, we must carry on with business as usual. Since
they are working twice as hard since there are fewer employees, we can
increase the salaries of those who stayed out of the strike.
d. Between those who participated in the strike and those who did not, there can
be resentment thereafter. In order to prevent any unfavorable treatment, it is
imperative to take this step.

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