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FULL NAME: Wangsan Siramanee (Bee)


HKU SPACE Community

College 香港大學尃業進修附屬學院
Intra- and Interpersonal Competencies

Individual Progress Log 1

Yes No

1. Hand in on time   delayed days

2. Format
1 inch margins  
Font size 12  
Times New Roman  
Double-line spacing  
Provided word count  
Within word limit  

3. Content Excellent Poor

Addressing the task     
Plan for changes     
Organization     
Use of Language     
Referencing (APA style, if any)     

Other comments:


Change a bad habit by practising new behaviours

How well do you know yourself? Knowing who we are and what is good and bad about

ourselves allows us to maximise our potential and improve our bad habits, so it is essential to

have a self-concept. And for me, my bad habit is ‘procrastinating’ since I found out that I was

always putting off tasks until the last minute and continuously working under pressure to

meet deadlines.

The factors contributing to procrastination are the notion that I have to feel inspired or

motivated to work on a task at a particular moment and get distracted so easily. For example,

if I need to write an essay, I always waste time on the internet or phone and cannot

concentrate on the task even though I know I should be working because I think there is still

plenty of time, and I will perform better under pressure.

I want to make changes in this area because I realised it could have a negative effect on

my schoolwork, grades, and overall health. I make more mistakes when I rush through

assignments. As a result of lower quality of work and worse academic performance. It can

also lead to mental and physical health issues, such as stress and lack of sleep.

I have formulated a concrete plan to break free from the procrastination zone and build a

good practice to overcome my bad procrastination habit. Start by creating the ideal

environment for focus. I will close out social media and put my phone away, so it's an effort

to check it. Clear my desk or go someplace with no interruptions may also make me easily

focus on my task. Next, create a daily goal and set deadlines to help me easily concentrate

and catch up on the tasks. I will identify and decide what part of the job I can get done today
and write it down on the calendar to make an appointment with myself. Finally, use

distractions as incentives to keep working. Predetermine the amount of progress I want to

make and then delay all distractions until I complete that work. For example, if I want to

check out the phone when I am working, I will tell myself that I must complete a portion of

the task before doing another thing.

Apart from these methods, building confidence may also improve my procrastination

weakness. Lacking confidence is sometimes the motive behind some of my stalling, making

it difficult to start or finish the task. Building the skill set that I lack and getting into the habit

of self-rewards when I achieve small and big goals might build self-esteem and boost my

confidence, giving me more motivation and active energy to complete my work goal.

I hope this plan will allow me to break free of procrastination, start getting things done,

accomplish my goal, and build better habits.

Word count: 484 words


Blount, A. (2021, July 29). Ways to change habits. Psych Central. Retrieved October 21,

2021, from


Cherry, K. (2020, May 11). What is procrastination? Very well Mind. Retrieved October 20,

2021, from


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