Demo Lesson Plan in Science 4 2ND Quarter

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1. Content Standard: Demonstrate understanding of different organisms undergo through life cycle
which can be affected byteir environment.
2. Performance Standard: .
3. Learning Competencies/Objectives:
A. Identify some animals that undergo complete metamorphosis in their life cycle.
B. Compare the stages in the life cycle of organisms. S4LT-IIg-h-13
C. Show appreciation of God’s wonderful creation.

II. Subject Matter: Life Cycle of Selected Animals with Complete Metamorphosis

III. Teaching Learning Resources:

A. References:
1. TG=pp. 159-163
2. LM= pp. 135-138
3. Other References=
4. Other Learning Resources - Multimedia presentation
5. Materials= TV, speaker, activity sheet, pictures of seed germination process, pictures of insects

III. Procedure
A. Engagement
1. Review
Which of thhe following is monocot?
Which factors does not affect plant growth and development?
Will a plant grow healthy, if one factor is absent?
2. Motivation
Let the pupils sing the song Fly.Fly the Butterfly. Then, ask what is the song all about. Have
them describe the appearance of this creature.

B. Exploration
1. Group the class into 3 groups. Give each group an envelop.
2. Let the group arrange and paste the cut- outs showing dfferent stages of development of insect
in the data table. The group who will finish first will be the winner.
3. Tell the group to answer the guide questions on p. 137 in the LM.
4. Discuss their collected data within the group.
5. Instruct them to write their observations on manila paper.
6. Let each group report their findings to the class.

C. Explanation
1. Ask:
•What life cycles of animals are included in our activity?
•What is the first stage of the life cycle of animals with complete metamorphosis?
2. Present the Life Cycles of the butterfly, mosquito, and fly.
3. Discuss each insect’s life cycle.

METAMORPOSIS is a biological process by which an animal physically develops, grow.

And change form usually (but not always) accompanied by change of habitat or
behavior. It is a part of the Life Cycle of most insects.
LIFE CYCLE is a period involving one generation of an organism.
Most insects go through the four stages of complete metamorphosis including he lady
bug, housefly, mosquito and butterfly.
EGG = is the first stage which comes from a female insect.
LARVAE = is hatched from egg but do not look adult insect. In some cases, the larvae of
butterfly is Caterpillars. Larvae grows quickly enough to shed their exoskeleton a few
times before they pupate. This stage in larvae is called “ instars”
PUPA = is the stage where larvae make their cocoon around themselves. They do not
eat during this stage. This will take for days and sometimes month.
ADULT= after a period of time, larvae is nothing like it was, and exits the cocoon or
larval body as an adult. This life cycle starts over again.

4. Let the children enumerate the stages of a complete metamorphosis.

5. Value Integration
• Ask: Which of these 3 insects is beneficial to us? Why?
What are you going to do to with the butterfly? Fly and mosquito?
What are you going to do to avoid/stop the increasing number of these
dangerous insects?

6. Differentiated activities.
Group 1= Draw the life cycle of the butterfly. Label each stage.
Group 2= Make a story on the life cycle of the butterfly.
Group 3= Make a poster on how to avoid the increasing population of mosquito and fly.

7. Generalization
Ask: What are the stages in the life cycle of a butterfly, mosquito, and a fly.
What are the importance of the life cycle of animals?

A. Identify the stages of the life cycle of the butterfly.
B. Draw the life cycle of a mosquito.

List name of some insects with complete metamorphosis.

Prepared by:

Teacher 3

Checked by:

Principal 3

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