Task 5 - 8

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Task 5

I live in San Miguel neigborhood near Boston park. There’s a Little polution and there isn’t a much
crime, it’s very quiet, it’s crowded however. There isn’t a chourch but there are some grocery
stores. There is a soccer field behind my house, thera are a lot buildings.

Taskk 6

Hi Dear friend

I’am the one wearing a black leather jacket, I have short hair and I’m next to First ATM going down
the stair, my bestfriend is the girl with long black hair, in jeans, on the coutch. She’s wearing a gold
neckclace and a blue bracelet

We hope see you soon.

Task 7

Hi Maria.

How have you been? It has been a long time that I don’t see you, I hope you are very good, I wish
to tell you several things, I visited Cancun three months ago in my last year, it’s a beatiful city with
amazing beachs and delicious food. I have been in some countries like Uruguary, Brazil, and Peru
all of them wonderful. Finally I have already eaten octopus, this experience has been too special
for me.

Task 8

We ordered the steal as a principal dish and they looked delicious. But, when we try them, they
were overcooked and swimming in oil so we left most of them. Seriously this dish cost twenty

When the waiter asked if everything was ok, we tell we dislike the meal and he said That's funny, I
love them and that was it. He didn't offer us anything else or take them off our bill. Also, when we
didn't leave a tip, he looked annoyed.

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