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Replicate Phipps DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT-REGION Vil ‘Cebu Provinist Feld Ofes 29 East Wing, Lglative Bung, Cobu Previn Capt Conpoind, Escaro S, Cabu Cty ADVISORY To 2 ALLCLUSTER HEADS Cebu Province DATE __:_ November 17, 2022 Below Is the matrix of DILG Issuance's with ts comesponding needed or required actions: (suc — ILG Memorandum Circular No. 2022-| 1. For dissemination to all) 4124 dated October 3, 2022 signed by| __CityiMunicipal_ Mayers, Punong Ay. Benjamin C. Abaios, J, Secretary Barangay, and other Barangay Officials through your respective CIMLGOOs. Subject CONDUCT OF CONTINUOS ACCREDITATION. OF BARANGAY) 2, Advise CIMLGOOs to provide BASED CIV SOCIETY technical assistance to barangay ORGANIZATIONS (CSOs NON-| officials in the conduct ofthe said GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS fctvity a8 may be necessary. (NGOs) AND THE SELECTION OF (THEIR REPRESENTATIVES! | 3. Ensure submission of report MEMBERSHIP IN THE BARANGAY Updates “on City/ Municipal | BASED INSTITUTIONS (88IS) Consolidated Mor itoring Report on the Accreditation of | CSOsNGOs and their Representation to the BBIs ("Annex 6") in excl fie (with signature) “on or before November 24, 2022. Serblsyong Tlunay, Malambuong Sugbo Kanunay! DILG CEBU CARES “Mating, Mahusay at Maaasahan" ‘Tel. No. 254-2370, 253-3003; Telefax 418.5936; Emall nfo@eebucslrepion7 net Republic of Prippines DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT-REGION Vil ‘Cebu ProvinitField Ofes 2F East Wing, Legllative Bung, Cob Provindal Cpt Compound, Escare S, Cau Cy For information and compliance, Serblayong Tlunay, Malambuong Sugbo Kanunay! DILG CEBU CARES “Matino, Mahusay at Mazasahan" Tel. No. 254-2370, 253-3903; Telefax: 418.5930, Ema: nfo@cebu region? net

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