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(/grade-5/cbse-icse-ncert/science/health-hygiene/online-lecture) › Health and hygiene Notes (/ncert-5th-class-science-health-and-hygiene-class-
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Some common communicable diseases are


•      Communicable diseases spread through air, water, food, and touch.

Incubation Period:
•      The gap of time between the entry of germs into the body and appearance of symptoms is called incubation period.

1. Malaria is caused by mosquito bite.
2. Its incubation period is 10-14 days.
3. The symptoms of malaria are:
       i.    Fever
       ii.   Constant shivering
       iii.  Perspiration
       iv.  Headache
       v.   Body ache
       vi.  Vomitting

1. Measles spread by very tiny organisms called germs.
2. Its incubation period is 8-12 days.
3. The symptoms of measles are:
       i.     Cough
       ii.    Fever
       iii.   Muscle pain
       iv.   Runny nose
       v.    Redness of the eyes
       vi.   Sore throat

1. Typhoid spreads through food.
2. Its incubation period is 14-21 days.
3. The symptoms of typhoid are:
       i.     Severe headache
       ii.    Fever
       iii.   Dry white coated tongue

1. Cholera spreads by water.
2. Its incubation period is 1-5 days.
3. The symptoms of cholera are:
       i.     Vomitting
       ii.    Person feels very thirsty Call us:
       iii.   Severe watery diarrhoea 9099920082/9099020032 (tel:9099920082/9099020032)

1. This disease is caused by germs present in the air.
2. Its incubation period is 4-6 days. Email us:
3. The symptoms of T.B. are: (
       i.    Cough
       ii.   Loss of weight
       iii.  Excessive weakness • ABOUT US (/NODE/6) • BUY NOW (/CATALOG) • CONTACT US (/CONTACT)

       iv.  Rapid pulse

       v.   Chest pain


Common cold: 
( 
1. Common cold is caused by germs present in the air.
2. Its incubation period is 1-3 days.alka-    (http://learners-
 (
3. The symptoms of common cold are:
       i.     Fever (
maheshwari/posts) (
       ii.    Cold
       iii.   Cough 2023 © Learners' Planet, All rights reserved.

       iv.   Sneezing

       v.    Headache
       vi.   Vomitting

Non-communicable Diseases:
•      Diseases that do not spread from one person to another are called non-communicable diseases.
•      Non communicable diseases are present at birth.
•      They are linked to an individual’s life style.
•      Some of the non-communicable diseases are caused due to the deficiency of a particular vitamin or mineral.
•      These are called deficiency diseases.

Table 4: Deficiency diseases:

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