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National Achievement Test Reviewer

Oral Communication
1. Communication is a process of sharing and conveying messages or information from one person to another
within and across channels, contexts, media, and cultures (McCornack, 2014). Which of the following is NOT a
nature of communication?
A. Communication is a process.
B. Communication occurs between two or more people.
C. Communication can be expressed through written or spoken words, actions, or both spoken words
and nonverbal actions at the same time.
D. Communication, verbal or nonverbal, requires skilled communicators to effectively deliver a
message, and maintain discourse or conversations.
2. What is the correct order of the sentences below that correctly describe the process of communication?

I. The speaker generates an idea.

II. The receiver decodes or interprets the message based on the context.
III. The speaker encodes an idea or converts the idea into words or actions.
IV. The receiver sends or provides feedback.
V. The receiver gets the message.
VI. The speaker transmits or sends out a message.

A. I, II, III, IV, V and VI C. I, III, II, VI, IV and V

B. I, III, VI, II, V and IV D. I, IV, V, III, II and VI
3. Which communication models have been criticized for missing one essential element of the communication
process which is feedback?
A. Shannon-Weaver Model C. Interactional Model
B. Transaction Model D. Schramm Model
4. Verbal Communication refers to an interaction in which words are used to relay a message. For effective
use of verbal communication, which of the following choices a speaker should avoid fillers and insubstantial
expressions which do not add to the message of the speech?
A. clarity C. vividness
B. brevity D. appropriateness
5. Nonverbal communication refers to an interaction where behavior is used to convey and represent
meanings. Which of the following is an advantage of nonverbal communication?
A. It enhances and emphasizes the message of your speech, thus making it more meaningful, truthful,
and relevant.
B. It can communicate feelings, attitudes, and perceptions without you saying a word.
C. It can sustain the attention of listeners and keep them engaged in the speech.
D. All of the above
6. Before delivering a speech, speaker A always researches her topic and gets them from credible and reliable
sources. She also makes sure to include and cite them in her speeches. Which feature of communication is
shown by speaker A?
A. courtesy C. concreteness
B. correctness D. consideration
7. A resource speaker is required to do a background check on his audience before writing his speech. This
would help him build rapport with his audience and choose examples that are relatable to them. Which feature
of communication is shown?
A. courtesy C. concreteness
B. correctness D. consideration
8. The audience in the forum had difficulty hearing the resource speaker due to the noise outside the venue.
What barrier of communication needs to be addressed?
A. Emotional Barrier C. Use of Jargon
B. Physical Barrier D. Physiological Barrier
9. Intercultural communication is the sending and receiving of messages across languages and cultures.
Which of the following traits does NOT show consideration when communicating with others, especially with
people from different cultures?
A. preferential thinking C. mindfulness
B. open-mindedness D. adaptability
10. Teacher Lita discussed classroom rules and regulations with her EIM students to follow. Which function of
communication is employed?
A. Motivation C. Control
B. Information D. Social Interaction
11. Which of the following BEST exemplifies intrapersonal communication?
A. Juan provided comfort to a friend who was feeling down.
B. Maria is having a discussion with her group mates on how to finish the assigned tasks.
C. A student journalist articulating her stand on current issues through the school’s newspaper.
D. Maya spent the night thinking and analyzing why another class student talked to her on the way
12. While practicing for his speech, Speaker C was advised by his coach to make his voice louder and make
his gestures more expansive. He was also tasked to create a PowerPoint presentation to aid his explanation.
Which type of speech context did Speaker C prepare for?
A. mass communication C. interpersonal communication
B. public communication D. small group communication
13. Which of the following is an example of a formal speech style?
A. A group of friends is talking and laughing about their memorable experiences.
B. Greta Thunberg is delivering a speech at the UN Summit.
C. Mike is reciting the prayer before the meal.
D. Jessa is asking a stranger.
14. Which of the following statements BEST describes the difference between casual and consultative speech
A. Casual is done by a group of people with mutual interests, while consultative is done by individuals
with different preferences.
B. Casual is usually done by friends and acquaintances, while consultative is done by strangers and
people who just met.
C. Casual uses jargon slang and vernacular languages, while consultative uses more professional or
mutually acceptable language.
D. Casual is more common among peers, while consultative is for professionals only.
15. What speech style commonly used endearments such as langga, nak, babe, honey?
A. casual C. intimate
B. formal D. consultative
16. A speech act is an utterance that a speaker makes to achieve an intended effect. Which speech act by J.L.
Austin refers to the social function of what is uttered?
A. locutionary C. perlocutionary
B. illocutionary D. directive
17. Hannah was busy doing her homework when her mother knocked on the door and asked, “can you open
the door?”. What does the mother mean through her words?
A. The mother wants to know if Hannah has the ability to open the door.
B. The mother is requesting Hannah to open the door.
C. The mother is checking on Hannah.
D. The speaker is asking a question.
18. What do you call the utterances introduced by J.L. Austin where words have an actual effect when said by
an authorized person, ex. “I now pronounce you husband and wife.”?
A. assertive C. expressive
B. directive D. performatives
19. In 1976, John Searle developed the speech acts of Austin and introduced 5 types of illocutionary acts.
Which of these types functions as promising, planning, or vowing?
A. commissive C. expressive
B. directive D. assertive
20. Which illocutionary speech act is exemplified in the statement, “I felt invaded when he asked me personal
questions and sounded like I should answer them.”?
A. commissive C. expressive
B. directive D. assertive
21. Communicative strategies are used to start and maintain communication effectively. What communicative
strategy is used when individuals involved in a communication wait for their turn to speak, and only speak
when asked?
A. topic shifting C. restriction
B. topic control D. nomination
22. What communicative strategy is employed when a speaker uses transition words such as in addition, by
the way, to add…?
A. topic shifting C. restriction
B. topic control D. repair
23. Which of the following choices correctly narrates the sequence in preparing a speech?

I. Selecting a topic.
II. Narrowing down a topic.
III. Determining the purpose of the
IV. Gathering data.
V. Conducting an audience analysis.
A. I, II, III, IV, and V C. V, III, I, II, and IV
B. III, VI, I, II, and V D. IV, V, III, I and II
24. Pedro, the student council president, is carefully choosing the words to use in his speech as he is tasked to
encourage them to perform well in their academics. What is the purpose of Pedro’s speech?
A. to inform C. to persuade
B. to entertain D. to express
25. Which of the following statements BEST explains why a speaker should conduct audience analysis?
A. A speaker should conduct an audience analysis to identify the purpose.
B. A speaker should conduct audience analysis to familiarize the audience.
C. A speaker should conduct audience analysis to tailor-fit her/his speech content and delivery.
D. A speaker should conduct audience analysis to effectively create an interaction during the speech.
26. Which of the following should NOT be considered during speech writing?
A. Avoid jargon, acronyms, or technical languages because they can confuse your audience.
B. Avoid including questions in your speech for the audience would not be able to answer.
C. Manage your time well; make sure that the speech falls under the time limit.
D. Make your speech more personal.
27. Which of the following BEST explains the difference between a manuscript and memorized speech?
A. Manuscript speech requires the speaker not to memorize the speech, while memorized speech
requires the speaker to remember every word of the speech.
B. Manuscript speech requires the speaker to read the script of the speech, while memorized speech
requires the speaker to remember every word of the speech.
C. Manuscript speech requires the speaker to write and proofread his/her own speech, while
memorized speech allows the speaker to have others write it on his/her behalf.
D. Manuscript speech allows the speaker to be flexible and do adlibs in his/her speech, while
memorized speech should be exact and precise, and adlibs are strictly discouraged.
28. Statements below are strategies and tips for delivering an impromptu speech, EXCEPT:
A. Identify your purpose for the speech.
B. Bridge your ideas from one point to another.
C. Rephrase or redefine the topic into something that you want to talk about.
D. Disregard the time limit for each point of the speech should be well elaborated and exemplified.
29. Which of the following choices exemplifies the question of policy as a topic in an extemporaneous speech?
A. Adoptees should have the right to know who their parents are.
B. Zoos are not good for the conservation of the species.
C. Assignments stress students on weekends.
D. Filipinos eat healthily.
30. Which of the following BEST explains the importance of outlining a speech?
A. Outline helps the speaker remember the points in a speech.
B. Outline gives the speaker ideas on how to do adlibs during a speech.
C. Outline provides the speaker with a clear structure and helps organize the speech.
D. Outline helps the speaker figure out what is necessary to research and talk about in a speech.
Reference: Sipacio, P., & Balgos, A. (2016), Oral Communication in Context For Senior High School. C & E Publishing, Inc.

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