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1 smaller

2 larger

3 earlier

4 more powerful

5 more

6 brighter /bráirer/

7 fewer (menos)

8 more

9 farther/further

10 wetter

11 prettier

12 more frightening

This coffee has too much sugar but this one has more sugar.

I have many toys but my brother has more (toys).

I have a few dolls but my neighboor has fewer.

Uncountable nouns

little (poco-a) much (mucho-a)

Countable nouns

few (pocos-as) many (muchos-as)

a lot of se usa para ambos (mucho-muchos)

Lots of sugar/milk/cars/apples

a lot of = lots of
For me, It is the most frightening movie ever.


1 happier

2 smaller

3 friendlier

4 better

5 less


city - cities

party - parties



I cry

you cry

he cries

UN: a little - poco(a) - less (menos)

C: a few - pocos(as) - fewer (menos)

I have less homework than last year.


Tengo menos tarea que el año pasado.

I have fewer friends than in elementary school.

Tengo menos amigos que en primaria.

10 worse

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