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Winthrop University

Richard W. Riley College of Education

Middle Level Lesson Planning Sheet
Name: Autumn Hawkins
Grade level: 6th Grade Subject: Social Studies
Title of Lesson: Mesoamerica - Inca Civilization
Objective(s) Assessment of objective (s)
The student will be able to complete notes/a The objective is assessed through the completion of the
Quizizz about the Inca empire. The student notes, as well as the reading comprehension quiz and
will also be able to complete an online reading hyperdoc.
comprehension quiz, as well as a hyperdoc.
The activity allows students to practice critical reading, as
Connection to SC Content Area Standards: well as digital literacy.

Standard 2
➢ 6.2.CC Evaluate continuities and
changes in cultural and economic
interactions between societies in both
West Africa and the Americas.

How are you addressing the contextual factors of your students in this lesson?

I picked this activity because it allows students to critically read a passage, which is something that their test
scores indicate they struggle with. I also picked this activity because it allows students to learn while using
technology, which is something that they are extremely interested in. This lesson serves as a continuation of
the unit.engaging in a low-stakes assessment that simultaneously practices friendly competition.
Academic Language
● Language Function: Describe
● Language Demands (Vocabulary): Inca, Mesoamerica, Empire, Peru
● Language Demands (Discourse): Completing notes
● Language Demands (Syntax): Using academic reading sources to answer a reading comprehension
quiz and hyperdoc
● Language Supports: Presenting what notes to write, guiding students through the presentation

This lesson is important because it will introduce students to the Inca Empire and continue the pre-Hispanic
Mesoamerican unit. This lesson also allows students to practice how to glean important information from a
larger text.
For this lesson, students will need a laptop, access to Schoology, a piece of paper, and a writing utensil.
Instructional Procedures: Analysis
Introduction (~5minutes) Facts
At the beginning of the class, students will be expected to answer Concepts
questions in their notebooks about the previous lessons to help them. Skills of Inquiry
While it is preferred that students write the question before
answering, it is not necessarily required. The bellwork questions are
as follows:
1) Which two empires have we talked about so far?
2) What is an interesting fact about the Mayans?
3) What is an interesting fact about the Aztecs?

Fall 2022
After about five minutes, three students will share their answers.
From there, I will go through the pre-test, the brief note taking
session and introduce the hyperdoc and reading comprehension quiz.
Instruction (~20 minutes) Facts
Once the students have answered their bellwork, we will begin Concepts
taking notes on the Inca Empire. After we go through the Skills of Inquiry
PowerPoint, I will explain that students must go onto Schoology and Analyzing Sources
open the hyperdoc. They will go through the steps highlighted on the
document that uses the 5E inquiry model to further explore the
content. After this, students will be able to complete the online
reading comprehension quiz. This will be due next week so that they
have time to focus on it and fully complete it.
Closure Facts
I will remind students that their reading comprehension sheet from Concepts
Monday needs to be completed by Friday. I will also ask if anyone Skills of Inquiry
needs to turn in their permission slip for the field trip, as they were Assessment
due on Tuesday.
Homework assigned: Facts
If students did not finish the work, then they will be asked to do so in Concepts
their free time or during their remediation period. Skills of Inquiry
Extension Facts
As students can take this home/work on it during their remediation Concepts
period, there is not a need for a formal extension. Skills of Inquiry

GT students will be able to work independently during the hyperdoc activity, as they might not need extra
instruction/assistance. Being able to work through the assignment and missing work at their own pace is
beneficial to GT students, as they are able to pursue their own needs. For all students, the technology
integration is beneficial, as it allows them to develop their digital literacy and gain experience with different
assessment formats. For students who have attention deficits, verbal redirections and nonverbal cues will be
used as a way to manage their behavior. Students who are ELs/need assistance in reading/writing directly
benefit from the notes, as it provides a structure that they can use to gain practice with content-specific
vocabulary. Google Chrome can also auto-translate any online work into the ELs’ fluent language if they
would prefer.

This lesson would allow me to see how well the students are able to complete reading comprehension
assignments. During the lesson, I would spend more or less time explaining each bullet point depending on
student needs. This would also allow me to see how to adjust future lessons because I may need to come
back to information if the majority of students do not fully understand.

Fall 2022

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