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Name : Siti Muhajiroh

Major : English Education for PPG Prajabatan.
Tuesday, November 29 , 2022.


1. Mr. Badu is an English teacher at SMP. He frustrated because during the

learning process, most of the students were very passive and could not
master the materials well? What should he do in order to make it better?
Mr. Badu should take the frustration as challenges and make it better,
and it will make him a better teacher as well. Based on the case above, the
key words of students are ‘very passive’ and ‘could not master the
materials’. It’s better for Mr. Badu to do the following steps:

A. Conduct the diagnostic test

Why the students are very passive? Are they all lazy? We, as teachers, cannot
assume that way. So, it’s better for Mr. Badu to conduct the diagnostic test to
understand the students’ prior knowledge in English. This test can be used as
placement test. Mr. Badu can search type of diagnostic/placement test in the
internet. When the result shows that students’ prior knowledge in English is
low, whether in performance or knowledge, that can be a reason why they are
very passive in the English class. Then, based on the result, Mr. Badu can focus
on the materials that students need the most in general.
B. Design and adjust the learning process
After having the understanding of students’ need in learning English, Mr. Badu
should design and adjust the learning process. Based on the scaffolding, the
materials should start from the easiest, and go step by step further to the next
level. Why? Because, when the students find difficulties in the start of learning,
that can make students feel not capable or even stupid, and then end up to be
‘passive’ students. Mr. Badu also needs to apply various activities and method
during the learning process. He should consider the students’ preferences and
characteristics. He should engage the ‘passive’ students into pairs or small

C. Encourage students even more

After the two previous steps have implemented well, Mr. Badu should evaluate
the result. If the result is good, for example the ‘passive’ students shows
improvement in the class, appreciate them. When the students can master, even
the easiest materials, appreciate them. Build their confidence. For some
talented students, encourage them even more. If the result is bad, Mr. Badu
should try different approaches.
After all, Mr. Badu should always learn and adapt to be a better teacher.
Because experience is the best teacher.

2. Suppose you are teaching the first semester of Junior high school
students and the materials at syllabus is “Telling Times”. Please arrange the
steps in teaching and explain the reasons why you do so for each step.
Your reasons should be based the theory of Jean Piaget, Erik Erikson, and Uri
Bronfenbrenner. In addition you need to consider an enjoyable and effective
Here are the steps in teaching English about “Telling Times” for Junior
High School students as follows
A. Learning Objectives

The main learning objective for this lesson is that students are able to identify
the language features related to the topic of “Telling Times”.
The reason of this learning objective is based on the Erik Erikson theory. Based
on the theory, Junior High School students are on the phase of “Identity”. In
this case, the lesson prepared is for 7 grade. So, in general the students are on
the transition phase of “Industry” to “Identity”. The students are on the phase
“Industry” where they need to be capable of doing or understanding something.
And then, move to “Identity” phase where they seek or build their identity.

Thus, the learning objective is relevant to build students’ “Industry”. The

activities of learning also allow them to build their “Identity”.

B. Content/Material
The content of the lesson is about “Telling Times”. The content is related to the
Uri Bronfenbrenner theory. The reason is, based on the theory; the Junior High
School students are mainly affected by the so called “Microsystem”. The
Microsystem consists of the environments such as family, school,
neighborhood, and peers.
The content of “Telling Times” is commonly used in this environment. Then, it
will help the students to learn, interact, and understand environment in the

C. Method
The method used in this lesson is constructivism. The lesson starts with
greeting and opening. The media used is a clock. Teacher explores the prior
knowledge of students in “Telling Times” in English. Then, teacher explains
the use of language features such as o’clock, past, a quarter, to and a half using
the media. After that, teacher asks students randomly, to speak in front of the
class about the example of those language features using the media.
Then, teacher asks students to list their daily activities according to the times.
Students tell their activities and times in front of the class, individually or in
pairs (in case they need support in confidence)
The reason of this learning process is related to Piaget theory. The students are
on the “Operational Formal” phase where they already able to think about
something abstract and conceptual.

D. Assessment
The assessment used on this lesson is both knowledge and performance.
According to the learning objective, students learn about the language features
such as o’clock, past, a quarter, to and a half. Teacher can score this during the
process (students answer voluntary). Teacher also prepares the written test.

For assessment of performance, teacher can score this during the process
(students tell daily activities in front of the class). Teacher also prepares rubric
for performances.
The reason of the assessment in relation to the Piaget theory is that, students
are already able to understand concept and something abstract. This assessment
also related to Uri’s “Industry” and “Identity” theory that students should
capable and build their identity.

================ Good luck ==============

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