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Deatailed lesson plan in English 3


At the end of the lesson the students should be able to

A. Recognized the difference between Common nouns and Proper nouns.

B. Use Capital Letters properly

C. Appreciate the use Common nouns and Proper nouns in our daily life.


A.Topic :Common nouns and Proper nouns

B. Reference : Internet

C. Materials : Cartolina,Marker,Worksheet


Teacher activity Student activity


Prayer : Begore we start may i call our prayer Angel of God....

leader today?

Greetings: Goodmorning Class! you may take

your seats. Goodmorning maam

Thank you maam.

Checking of Attendance : is everybody's

present today?
Yes maam

Last meeting we tackled about nouns, right?

Yes maam
So, who can give me a meaning of noun?

That's right, ut seems that you all understand

our last topic, and now we will move on to our
new lesson.


I have here a table 5 columns (Persons,places,

Let's read the following words:

(Book, Math, Shoes,Pencil, Kate, baby, girl,

monday, bag)

now we are going to underlined if it's a

Common nouns and encircle if it's a Proper
nouns .

ok let's check your output

ok nice very good!

Yes maam
There are may kinds of nouns, but today , let's
focus on the first two kind of nouns, The
proper nouns and Common nouns. now let us


it refers to the general name of a

person,thing,animal,place o event


it refers to a specefic name of a

person,thing,animal,place or event it always
start with a capital letters.


Common nouns Proper Noun

1 hero Dr.Jose Rizal Madagascar

3.cartoon character Mickey mouse

4.event Valentine's day

5 restaurant McDonalds

And now you understand the Common nouns

and Proper nouns ? Yes maam

ok very good!

Ok Class i will group you into two group's

we proceed to our group activity here the rules

is doing group activity be cooperative and
avoid noise while doibg activity. follow the
time limit given, alright.

ok class here are the activities group 1 and 2

draw a line to match line the Common noun to
it's Proper noun

A. B.

mall English

boy Davao

city SM North

subject Nathaniel

day Monday

I will give you a three minutes to finish that


ok maam
ok let's check your output

ok good job very good


what is Common noun class?

thank you maam
ok very good!
-- is a name of a persons,
how about Proper nouns places,things,and events it general.its
always begin with a small letter
--Are use name specific person
Write at least 5 Proper nouns for each
place,thibgs,animals, and events, It
Common noun.
always begin with a capital letter.
ok class thats all for today
good bye and thank you

Bye maam!

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