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Topic 144 LIKE or BE LIKE

1 Cats ________ to drink milk. (A) is like (B) are like (C) like

2 Most of my family _______ to watch horror films. (A) like (B) is like (C) are like

3 Alligators _______ crocodiles. (A) like (B) are like (C) likes

4 Some say that Chinese noodles _________ Italian (A) like (B) were like (C) are like

5 I tried eating frogs' legs. They __________ chicken. (A) tasted like (B) are taste like (C) were tasted like

6 Don't you _______ playing computer games? (A) like (B) liked (C) were liked

7 Henry is just _______ his father. (A) like (B) likes (C) is like

8 The kids always _________ to play in the park. (A) like (B) are like (C) liking

9 A fast car _______ a symbol of wealth. (A) is like (B) likes (C) like

10 He's a notorious criminal, just ______ his father before (A) look like (B) like (C) be like
Answer Key

1) C 2) A 3) B 4) C

5) A 6) A 7) A 8) A

9) A 10) B

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