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Often times we tend to neglect the effect Philosophy constantly has in our lives.

In fact, some of us are completely ignorant to how our personal philosophies have

affected our past and will affect our future. Rachels (2010) brings to light the necessity

and uses of Philosophy in a broad spectrum.

When we think about Philosophy, we tend to view it in an academic and technical

perspective. For example, in a school setting we may view Philosophy as another

obligatory subject, but if we were given the choice we would not because we do not see

it as necessary for our field of study. Rachels (2010) begins by acknowledging the

scientific advances, which have happened in the last few years, and how they caused

us to have greater control over the world. Even though we have all these amazing

advances, people are constantly anxious, because they can't find meaning to life. In

other words, we are living in a world where we constantly gain knowledge, but lack a

sense of being, hence why Rachels (2010) states “Knowledge seems divorced from

values; it is possible to have great power without insight.” Rachels (2010) continues by

giving the example of the Middle ages and how because people found a meaning to life

the Renaissance, the age of exploration emerged. What Rachels aims to highlight is

that without Philosophy the latter wouldn't have been possible, and that we may be led

astray by knowledge that isn't accompanied by Philosophy.

When it comes to the uses of Philosophy we fail to realize that there is much

more to it than just communication and writing skills. Rachel (2010) places emphasis on

the uses of philosophy in relation to everyday life. He explains that Philosophy is

inescapable because everyone has a set of beliefs and values that they use in order to
determine what they deem to be the right things to do. He continues by stating that we

may not be aware of it, Philosophy is used in workplaces, families, friendships and

education. In a workplace there are many ethical problems which may arise, this is

when our decision making will be challenged by having to determine what we will do to

solve those issues. Similarly, in a family, having the ability to make rational decisions will

be needed in order to be well off financially, and to raise children to know right from

wrong. When it comes to friendships there will be instances when friends will be facing

difficult times and we will be the ones to figure out how and what we can do to help

someone we hold dear to our hearts. Lastly, Philosophy plays a key role in education

when an institution forms methods of teaching and learning which will produce the best

results. With these, Rachel was successful in proving that Philosophy is, in fact, used in

our daily lives.

In conclusion, Philosophy is necessary because it helps us find sense of meaning in

human existence and is a fundamental part of human living.

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