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Question 1:

Employee testing and selection have proven to be a vital part of the hiring process throughout
various organizations. The first reason for this would be that it impacts the company’s overall
performance; your performance as a manager or a human resource manager is reflected through
your subordinates. It would be best to choose the right employees to function at the standard they
must for the company. Essentially, you do not want to hire someone to find out later that they
were not the right fit for the job. Therefore, testing and selection make it easier to choose the best
employee possible. Furthermore, while the public is oblivious to the expenses behind hiring and
recruiting employees, it is essential to consider that organizations spend a lot of money when
hiring employees. These expenses include advertising, training, interviewing time, reference
checking, travel, and supervisory time fees; this knowledge shows why companies must be
meticulous when hiring. The last thing to consider would be the legal obligations. The company
must ensure that no prejudice occurs during the hiring process. Companies should want to avoid
negligent hiring as it is their legal obligation to ensure the safety of their customers; when
companies hire people with criminal records, they put their customers at risk because most
companies harbor a broad amount of personal information from their customers. In essence,
negligent hiring could be highly detrimental to a company’s reputation, funds, and customer
Question 2:
There are several reasons why conducting a physical examination and substance abuse screening
before selecting a candidate for a position at your company is essential. Depending on the job
position in question, a physical exam is necessary to determine the limitations of an applicant
and whether they meet the physical requirements needed. It is also beneficial as it gives you
insight into whether the applicant will be absent or prone to accidents. However, legal issues are
brought into the work environment regarding substance abuse because many countries have a
drug-free workplace act. It also puts into question the ethical principles of an individual; as a
working adult, some values are expected from employers. In other words, as an employer hiring
someone with substance abuse problems would put the company at risk of losing customers due
to bad customer service. In general, putting a substance abuser in a fast-paced working
environment usually isn’t ideal.
Question 3:
Though personality tests are sometimes viewed as inaccurate and can easily be altered by the
applicant’s mindset, they have proven to be so valuable that companies now constantly use them
when hiring individuals. A personality test can give the employer an idea of how long an
individual will last in a company simply by delving into their psyche. When hiring an individual,
you want to know how stable they are mental; their mental stability will severely impact their
work performance. You also want an employee who is extraverted in the work environment. It
eases communication amongst employees and customers; you don’t want someone who creates a
communication barrier, hindering the pace at which work is done. Personality tests also give you
an idea of how diligent a worker will be; to keep increasing the company’s efficacy, you need
your employees to have the desire to do their duty well and thoroughly. Moreover, a company
requires employees to be fast learners and take on a series of different tasks; through personality
testing, you can determine whether an individual is flexible enough to fulfill the latter. Lastly,
personality testing can reveal an individual’s empathetic nature, making them excellent
candidates for team-oriented environments. Personality plays a big part in the workplace because
it affects many different aspects of the domain. People with negative characters tend to
negatively impact coworkers and cause conflicts while also being unable to complete their tasks
efficiently. All in all, personality testing makes it easy to maintain a positive and friendly work
environment and contributes to personal and professional growth in individuals.

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