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405 MM Consumer Behaviour

Case Study 1
By- Chahat Batra (MBAN1MG21009)

Q1. In your opinion, which motivational theory do you think David's manager
should apply in helping David rekindle his spark? and Why?
Ans. David's supervisor, in my opinion, may implement Maslow's need hierachy
theory of motivation.
The manager mentions "veteran personnel" in the letter, implying that there are
numerous other employees, including David, who have worked for the company
for far longer than he has. This may be a contributing cause to David's lack of
enthusiasm. He might feel underappreciated because he believes he should have
been given the promotion instead of the "new man," and as a result, he may have
lost interest in his work since he thinks the company did not recognise his earlier
This would place David at the social phase of the pyramid in accordance with
Maslow's hypothesis. However, since he has probably already met the
requirements of the social stage, motivation would need to advance into the
esteem category. David will be more motivated to work harder if you work with
him to meet the needs of the esteem stage, such as a sense of respect, freedom,
and recognition. At the moment, David is probably feeling as though his efforts
have not been recognised, so he is not putting in as much effort as he did in the

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