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Task Performance (Lloyd’s Register Group)

I. Background

The Lloyd's Register Group (LRG) is a pioneer in evaluating company operations and

goods following standards that are widely acknowledged. LRG has 8,000 employees

scattered over 186 nations. The company adheres to the idea that business assurance defines

a company, not something the company performs. The company's goal is to establish a strong

market position. Despite having a clear objective, the issue is that each employee's distinct

tactics no longer adhere to a particular statistic.

II. Statement of the Problem

a. Instead of continuing with the same procedure since it allows for centralized top

management, Lloyd's Register Group aligns individual business strategies on employee

empowerment, as seen by better job outputs and enhanced employee satisfaction. Giving

employees their chance to advance their talents and take on challenges, and career

development may also be a corporate strategy for employee empowerment.

b. LRG should utilize a Check sheet or Pareto chart as part of its overall quality

tool/continuous improvement strategy to provide a performance indicator for its

employees. It's a framework for methodically acquiring and assessing data. Due to the

ease of gathering the data, LRG will have more time to study and evaluate it. Utilizing

this will make it simple to assess each employee's performance.

c. Since these were quality-related objectives that had to be in line with the organization's

quality policy, the Lloyd's Register Group's (LGR) commitment to organizational

performance improvement through ISO 9000 would entail a Quality Management System

on the quality manual and quality objectives.

III. Areas of Consideration

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