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Construction and Building Materials 327 (2022) 126914

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Influence of design parameters on engineering properties of angular shaped

fly ash aggregates
Hrishikesh A Shahane , Satyajit Patel *
Dept. of Civil Engineering, S. V. National Institute of Technology, Surat Gujarat 395007, India


Keywords: Fly ash of thermal power plants substitute’s construction materials and can help to preserve non-renewable
Fly ash aggregate resources. In the construction industry, more particularly in concrete and road construction, a huge quantity
Impact value of aggregate is being used. Fly ash aggregate is a unique alternative for the construction industry at present.
Crushing value
However, the properties of fly ash aggregate are mostly controlled by the type and dosage of additive used
Los Angeles abrasion value
besides the characteristics of ash and curing method adopted. In the present study, specimens from various
combinations of fly ash with hydrated lime, ground granulated blast furnace slag, and cement were prepared at
maximum dry unit weight with optimum moisture content and cured by hot water curing method. The cured
specimens were crushed to prepared angular shaped fly ash aggregates. The influence of the binding additives on
the unconfined compressive strength of mixes and aggregate impact value was studied. Measured engineering
properties were also analyzed through a micro-level study. The addition of lime enhanced the unconfined
compressive strength of mixes and impact value of aggregates, whereas, replacement of lime with the ground
granulated blast furnace slag and cement reduced the strength of the mixes. Unconfined compressive strength
value of mixes shows the inverse relationship with impact value of aggregate prepared from that mixes and a
correlation between unconfined compressive strength and aggregate impact value has been proposed. Moreover,
the effect of moisture content and pressing force on compressive strength and aggregate impact value was also
investigated on optimum mixes. From these experimentations, the optimum combinations of fly ash-additive
mixes, the optimum value for moisture content, and pressing force were chosen; and angular shaped fly ash
aggregates were produced by hot water curing method. Furthermore, the various physical properties, mechanical
properties and durability index of these fly ash aggregates are discussed and compared with the Indian standard
specifications. The leaching behavior of these aggregates was also examined in this study. The addition of lime
gives better results compared to cement and ground granulated blast furnace slag and use of lime seems to be
more cost-effective. Thus, these cold bonded fly ash aggregates with significant strength may find prospective use
in civil engineering construction sector.

1. Introduction construction practices. The making of synthetic aggregates using fly ash
has a great potential for its large-scale consumption in the construction
Disposal of fly ash represents an environmental issue, as about field, and can resolve the disposal issue of fly ash and fulfill the
70–80% of fly ash (FA) is being utilized in India [1]. On the other hand, requirement of must desired stone aggregates in one effort. Aggregates
only around half of the FA produced worldwide is used [2]. The made from fly ash having sufficient mechanical strength can find
remaining fly ash is either disposed of in an unrestrained manner or widespread applications in the manufacture of different building ma­
landfilled. The approach of developing new eco-friendly and cost- terials, concrete, construction of roads, and embankment by substituting
effective building materials that integrates numerous kinds of wastes natural sand, gravel, and stone aggregates [3]. Also, it can be used for
as a partial or full replacement of cement, sand, and aggregate has filling low-lying areas, mines and as cover material for ash ponds to
gained considerable attention. The government of India is encouraging protect from erosion and leaching of heavy metals [3].
the usage of fly ash in the manufacturing of building materials and For the manufacturing of fly ash aggregates, primarily, two types of

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (H.A. Shahane), (S. Patel).
Received 18 October 2021; Received in revised form 27 January 2022; Accepted 17 February 2022
Available online 23 February 2022
0950-0618/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H.A. Shahane and S. Patel Construction and Building Materials 327 (2022) 126914

agglomeration techniques, namely, pelletization or granulations and 3. To investigate the influence of moisture content and pressing force
compaction are used for the consolidation of fly ash particles into larger on the compressive strength of fly ash block and aggregate impact
shapes. In the method of granulations agglomerates are shaped by value.
tumbling forces without any external compacting forces, and in the 4. To study the engineering properties of angular shaped fly ash ag­
method of compaction the desired density is achieved with external gregates that can be used as a replacement of natural aggregates.
compacting forces [4]. Whereas, for the hardening of these fly ash
granules cold bonding, autoclaving or sintering are the three approaches In the present work, suitable additives, namely, hydrated lime,
commonly adopted [5]. ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS), and cement have been
Binder plays a vital role in the production of fly ash aggregates. added to fly ash at different proportions. A sequence of unconfined
Initially, binders are used for the formation of feasible agglomerates in compression tests and aggregate impact value tests were performed to
the balling and pelletization processes. Required interparticle bonds of investigate the effect of additives on the strength and toughness of
finite strength to maintain the necessary structural integrity of the fly different fly ash-additive mixes. Experimental test outcomes are also
ash pellets is developed through binders [4]. For the development of described using the result of X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning
these bonds, numerous binders have been tried by various researchers, electron microscope (SEM) tests. The equation for the prediction of
which includes bentonite, kaolinite, cement, lime, glass powder, clay, aggregate impact value through unconfined compressive strength (UCS)
etc. [5–11]. The use of mineral admixtures, for example, lime and of fly ash-additive mixes is developed and presented in this paper. Be­
cement, exhibit excellent cost-effectiveness, however, appeared to be sides, the effect of moisture content and pressing force on the strength of
incompatible if used for the higher temperature process as they disin­ selected mixes and impact value of aggregates was also studied. Based
tegrate during sintering [8,12]. Bentonite and kaolinite when used with on these results, an optimum value of the fly ash-additive mix pro­
coarser fly ash, it improves the efficiency of pelletization [7]. Geetha and portions, moisture content, and pressing force were chosen for different
Ramamurthy [13] also explain the use of low-calcium bottom ash by fly ashes, and various physical and mechanical properties of aggregates
adding clay binders. made with these mixes are evaluated and correlated with standard
In the cold bonding hardening method a reaction between additives specifications.
and fly ash takes place which forms calcium aluminosilicate hydrate (C-
A-S-H) and calcium-silicate hydrate (C-S-H) gel. Alkaline substances, 2. Materials and mix proportion
calcium sulfite, and calcium sulfate may have a constructive influence
on strength improvement [4]. Geetha and Ramamurthy [13] reported Fly ashes are collected from Reliance Industries Limited, Surat,
that the formation of C-S-H gel through the pozzolanic reaction among Gujarat, India and Gujarat Industries Power Company Ltd., Surat,
lime/cement, water, and bottom ash is responsible for the higher Gujarat, India, respectively. The physical properties of the fly ashes are
strength of pellets at ambient temperature. Patel and Shahu [14] re­ given in Table 1. Based on the chemical compositions (Table 2), Fly ash-
ported that the quantity of C-A-S-H and C-S-H gels produced in the 1 is categorized as ‘Class F’ whereas Fly ash-2 is categorized as ‘Class C’
pozzolanic reaction is the main controlling factor for strength gain of fly [26]. Commercially available hydrated lime (L), GGBS (G), and ordinary
ash-lime mixes. Walker [15] stated that the pellets or granules produced Portland cement of 53 grade (C) were used as an additive throughout the
with lime as a binder are much more resilient than those produced with study.
cement. Ramamurthy and Harikrishnan [5] concluded that the capa­ Binding additives such as lime, GGBS, and cement are the sources of
bility of fly ash to react with the binder, binder type, and dosage of calcium. In pozzolanic reaction, these calcium ions react with silica, and
binder are the main governing aspects that influence the properties of alumina existing in fly ash to produce cementitious gel leading to the
cold bonded fly ash aggregate. The mechanical strength of granules strength development in the mixes. GGBS is cheaper than lime; there­
made with bottom ash of incinerated municipal solid waste strongly fore, in this study lime has been replaced with GGBS. Table 3 shows the
reliant on the type of binder [16]. detailed description of fly ash-additives mixes tested in this study.
Using a different combination of fly ash-additive mixes various re­
searchers have developed fly ash aggregates and its physical and me­
2.1. Laboratory tests
chanical properties are reported in the literature [12,17–23]. The
drawbacks of the above processes consist of use more energy, time-
Initially, modified Proctor compaction tests were executed as per IS
consuming and complicated procedure to make the aggregates from
2720 Part-VIII [27] on all fly ash-additive mixes to study the compaction
the mixture of fly ash and various additives, resulting in non-use of these
behavior of fly ashes. Next, cylinder-shaped samples of 50 mm diameter
aggregates on a large scale in civil engineering applications [24–25]. An
and 100 mm height were prepared at a dry unit weight equal to the
innovative and economical four step process for the production of
maximum dry unit weight of the mix obtained from the compaction test.
angular shaped fly ash aggregates has been developed and discussed in
Immediately after compaction, the samples were cured as per hot water
the patent by Patel and Shahane [24]. The effect of various curing
curing method and UCS tests were conducted on the specimens as per IS
methods on strength development of fly ash-lime mix was investigated
4332 Part-V [28]. The detailed study of hot water curing method i.e.,
by Shahane and Patel [25] and hot water curing method has been pro­
curing time and curing temperature has been carried out by Shahane
posed to be the most effective and economical process for hardening of
and Patel [25] and same has been adopted in the present study to attain
the fly ash-lime mix. However, a detailed study of various design pa­
rameters influencing the engineering properties of angular shaped fly
Table 1
ash aggregates has not been reported yet. Consequently, the objectives
Physical property of fly ashes.
of the present paper are as follows:
Physical Parameters F1 F2
1. To study the influence of additives on the unconfined compressive Color Grey Light Brown
strength (UCS) of fly ash-additives mixes and impact value of Specific Gravity 1.28 1.64
aggregate produced by hot water curing method. Grain Size Distribution
0.425 mm to 2.0 mm – –
2. To develop the optimum combination of the fly ash-additive mix for 0.075–0.425 mm 9.0 12.0
different types of fly ash, so that fly ash aggregate does not require less than 0.075 mm 91.0 88.0
expensive additives or complicated formulations. Coefficient of uniformity (Cu) 5.79 6.00
Coefficient of curvature (Cc) 1.41 2.67
IS classification ML ML

H.A. Shahane and S. Patel Construction and Building Materials 327 (2022) 126914

Table 2
Chemical Composition of the Raw Materials.
Constituents (%) SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 SO3 MgO CaO Na2O LOI

Fly Ash 1 (F1) [25] 44.45 25.30 5.92 4.49 0.598 10.64 0.57 5.84
Fly Ash 2 (F2) [25] 36.80 3.82 14.78 10.03 0.895 22.40 0.55 7.71
Lime (L) NT NT NT NT NT 63.33 NT NT
GGBS (G) 33.62 26.02 2.01 NT NT 28.15 NT NT

NT- Not Tested.

Table 3
Proportions by dry weight of different raw materials in trial mixes for F1 and F2 fly ash.
Mix-1 Mix-2 Mix-3 Mix-4

Mix Fly Lime GGBS Cement Fly Lime GGBS Cement Fly Lime GGBS Cement Fly Lime GGBS
Category Ash (%) (%) (%) Ash (%) (%) (%) Ash (%) (%) (%) Ash (%) (%)
(%) (%) (%) (%)

FL 98 2 0 0 96 4 0 0 94 6 0 0 92 8 0
FLG-1 98 1.5 0.5 0 96 3 1 0 94 4.5 1.5 0 92 6 2
FLG-2 98 1 1 0 96 2 2 0 94 3 3 0 92 4 4
FLG-3 98 0.5 1.5 0 96 1 3 0 94 1.5 4.5 0 92 2 6
FG 98 0 2 0 96 0 4 0 94 0 6 0 92 0 8
F 100 0 0 0 – – – – – – – – – –
FC 96 0 0 4 92 0 0 8 88 0 0 12 – – –

FL:Fly Ash-Lime, FLG: Fly Ash-Lime-GGBS, FG- Fly ash-GGBS, F-Fly Ash, FC:Fly ash-Cement.

maximum efficiency. In this curing method, initial hardening of the these blocks were kept at ambient temperature for 24 hrs. and subse­
specimens in hot air oven at a temperature of 50 ◦ C for 6 ± 1 h was quently crushed into different sizes of coarse aggregates.
carried out. If samples are kept in hot water immediately after Fly ash aggregates were oven-dried at 105 ◦ C for 24 h before the
compaction then it will disintegrate and it was found that minimum tests. The physical properties of aggregates have been discussed through
50 ◦ C temperature of hot air is required for initial hardening to prevent bulk density, specific gravity, and water absorption as per IS 2386 Part-
disintegration. Then specimens of F1 and F2 fly ashes were cured in hot III [29]. The toughness of aggregate was determined by the impact value
water at a temperature of 75 ◦ C and 65 ◦ C, respectively, for curing test as per IS: 5640 [30]. The behavior of aggregates under a gradually
period of 24 h. Subsequently, fragmented pieces of different fly ash- applied compressive load is termed as crushing value. The standard
additive mixes were collected from the failed UCS test specimens and aggregate crushing test was performed on the aggregate sample of 12.5-
then broken into the required size of aggregate to perform aggregate mm passing and retained on a 10-mm IS sieve [30]. The Los Angeles
impact value tests. XRD and SEM measurements were carried out on abrasion test measures the resistance to degradation i.e. hardness of
powder sample and fractured pieces of different mixes, respectively, mineral aggregates under standard test conditions. The combined effect
after completion of hot water curing. Based on unconfined compressive of impact, abrasion, and grinding in a revolving steel drum having a
strength, aggregate impact value and micro level study optimum com­ quantified number of steel balls on the standard gradation of aggregates
bination of fly ash-additive mixes were finalized. are evaluated. The numbers of steel balls are depended upon the
For large scale manufacturing of the proposed fly ash aggregates the gradation of the test sample. The sample is removed from the drum after
fly ash brick making machines readily available in the market are most the specified number of revolutions and sieved through the 1.7 mm
suitable to prepare the compacted specimens of fly ash-additive mixes. standard sieve to measure the degradation as a percent loss. In this
Therefore, in the present study fly ash blocks of size 20 cm × 10 cm × 8 study, grading-A having a maximum and minimum particle size of 40
cm were prepared for the two optimum mixes i.e., 96F1 + 4L mix and mm and 10 mm, respectively, as per IS 2386 Part-IV [31] has been used.
98F2 + 2L mix. OMC values were found to be about 30% and 26% for The 12 number of abrasive charges having a total weight of 5000 ± 25g
the mixes of 96F1 + 4L and 98F2 + 2L, respectively, and a pressing force were used.
of about 17 tons is required to prepare the fly ash blocks with the A soundness test was conducted to study the resistance of fly ash
maximum dry unit weight determined from modified Proctor test. To aggregates to weathering action and to evaluate the durability charac­
study the effect of moisture content and pressing force on strength of teristics. In this study, saturated solution of sodium sulphate was pre­
mixes and impact value of aggregates, fly ash blocks were prepared with pared and used as a reagent. The sample of coarse aggregate having a
three different moisture content (=OMC, OMC-3% and OMC-6%) and size of 4.75 mm to 40 mm was thoroughly washed and dried out to
compacted under three different pressing forces of 17 tons, 26 tons, and constant weight at 105 ◦ C and then separated into different sizes as
35 tons. Then blocks were cured in hot water bath as explain above. The given in IS 2386 Part-V [32]. For the fractions coarser than 20 mm, the
compressive strength of the cured fly ash blocks was determined using a number of particles was also counted. Then samples were immersed in
compression testing machine. The impact values of aggregates prepared the prepared reagent for 16 h of immersion period at a temperature of 27
from the cured blocks were also determined. Based on the test results of ± 1 ◦ C. After completion of the immersion time the sample was removed
compressive strength and impact value optimum combinations of from the solution and kept to drain for 15 min followed by placing in the
moisture content and pressing force were selected for 96F1 + 4L mix and hot air oven at a temperature of 105 ◦ C to obtain a constant weight.
98F2 + 2L mix. When the constant weight has been attained the samples were allowed
to cool to room temperature and then again immersed in the prepared
2.2. Synthesis of aggregates and tests on aggregates solution. Five numbers of alternate such cycles were performed as pre­
scribed by Ministry of Road Transport and Highway (MoRTH) [33].
For preparation of fly ash aggregates fly ash blocks of 96F1 + 4L mix The leachate test was performed to confirm the possibility of envi­
and 98F2 + 2L mix were prepared for the optimum combinations of ronment pollution due to leaching of heavy metals from the proposed
moisture content and pressing force and cured in hot water bath. Then cold bonded fly ash aggregates. To obtain an aqueous solution the

H.A. Shahane and S. Patel Construction and Building Materials 327 (2022) 126914

standard procedure for leaching of solid waste with water as described 28 37

in ASTM D-3987 [34] was followed. Leaching test was performed on the 2% Additive 4% Additive
raw fly ash as well as on the selected fly ash aggregates having maximum 6% Additive
particle size of 4.75 mm. The extraction fluid prepared with glacial UCS AIV 35
acetic acid (CH3COOH and NaOH diluted in distilled water) at pH of
4.93 ± 0.05 was used. The pH of the leachates was measured prior to the 24

Impact Value (%)

test. Then analysis for various heavy metals and toxic substances was 33
carried out using the atomic adsorption spectrophotometer (AAS). 22
3. Results and discussion 20

3.1. Compaction characteristics 29

UCS of 100F2: 19.36 MPa
OMC and maximum dry unit weight values of F1-additives mixes AIV of 100F2: 36%
were found to be in the range of 29.5–30.2% and 11.1–11.3 kN/m3, 16 27
respectively. Whereas, F2-additive mixes have an OMC value of 26% 0 25 50 75 100
and maximum dry unit weight varies between 13.4 and 13.5 kN/m3. No Replacement of Lime with GGBS (%)
considerable change in OMC and dry unit weight of fly ash-additives
mixes was observed for both the fly ashes. This might be as a result of Fig. 2. Variation of UCS and AIV with the different percentage of additives
for F2.
the high lime content available in the fly ashes itself.

additive (16.96 MPa for 100F1 and 19.36 MPa for 100F2). This indicates
3.2. Effect of additive content on UCS and aggregate impact value that the pozzolanic reaction between lime and fly ash is more predom­
inant than that between fly ash and GGBS. This might be owing to fewer
Unconfined compressive strength (UCS) test results of various fly amounts of calcium ions available in GGBS (Table 2) to react with silica
ash-Lime-GGBS mixes cured with hot water curing are given in Fig. 1 and alumina present in fly ash for the pozzolanic reaction. Similarly, the
and Fig. 2. It is observed that lime has the intense effect on the usefulness of cement as an additive for the strength development of fly
compressive strength of the FL mix. With the increase in lime, UCS ash was also studied (Fig. 3). The improvement in UCS value by the
values increase; however, this rise in the strength becomes insignificant addition of cement up to 12% was found to be lower as compared to that
at 6% and 4% lime for F1 and F2 fly ashes, respectively. The strength for addition of lime up to 4% as an additive. This may be because of the
enhancement in mixes arises owing to pozzolanic reaction between higher specific surface area of lime as compared with that of cement. The
calcium ions of lime with silica and alumina ions available in fly ash. By larger the specific surface area of the binder, the higher will be the
the increase of lime percentage in fly ash, the amount of cementitious gel chemical reactivity leading to the formation of stronger mass [35]. The
formation due to pozzolanic reaction rises, resulting in a higher strength. cost of cement is higher than that of lime and hence, addition of cement
But, when lime is added beyond the optimum percentage certain lime as an additive for manufacturing fly ash aggregate is not recommended.
particles may remain unutilized because all silica and alumina particles Fig. 1, Fig. 2, and Fig. 3 also show the influence of binders with
presented in the fly ash for the pozzolanic reaction might have already different combinations and dosages on the aggregate impact value
been utilized. Therefore, a very small increase in strength was witnessed (AIV). The higher the UCS value, the lower will be the impact value of
beyond 6% and 4% lime content for F1 and F2 fly ashes, respectively. aggregates. The addition of lime with different dosages caused notice­
Alternatively, Fig. 1 shows that at any percentage of additives (i.e. 2, able improvement in AIV for both the fly ashes (Fig. 1 and Fig. 2).
4, 6, and 8), UCS values decrease as the replacement of lime with GGBS Aggregate impact value improves continuously as the lime content in­
increases (FLG mix). Similar curves were also obtained for the mixes of creases up to 6% and 4% for F1 and F2 fly ashes, respectively, and this
F2 fly ash (Fig. 2). Moreover, for 100% replacement of lime with GGBS rate of improvement decreases thereafter with further addition of lime.
at 2% additive for F1 fly ash and 2%, 4%, and 6% additives for F2 fly ash AIV improves approximately by 1.25, 1.30 and 1.32 times with the
UCS values are lower than the UCS value of only fly ash without any addition of 2%, 4% and 6% lime in F1 fly ash, respectively. Similarly, for
F2 fly ash, impact values for 2%, 4% and 6% lime content were found to
25 38
2% Additive 4% Additive
6% Additive 8% Additive 22 35
Impact Value (%)

21 33
Impact Value (%)


19 32
30 19
UCS of 100F1: 16.96 MPa 18
AIV of 100F1: 38%
15 26 F1+Cement F2+Cement
0 25 50 75 100 17 29
Replacement of Lime with GGBS (%) 4 8 12
Percentage of Cement
Fig. 1. Variation of UCS and AIV with the different percentage of additives
for F1. Fig. 3. Variation of UCS and AIV for different fly ash-Cement mixes.

H.A. Shahane and S. Patel Construction and Building Materials 327 (2022) 126914

be enhanced by 1.35, 1.37, and 1.37 times as compared to that for 0% proposed as a function of unconfined compressive strength, qu (MPa). By
lime content. When the lime content is more than the optimum value, multiple regression analysis [38] of the experimental outcomes of hot
the calcium irons remain unutilized because all the reactive silica and water curing method, different fly ashes, and different additive mixes
alumina ions available in the fly ash may already be exhausted. The the empirical correlation for impact value achieved is presented as
unutilized calcium irons simply serve as weak filler in the mix resulting follows:
in insignificant contribution for the improvement of impact values.
AIV = − 0.93qu + 51.45, R2 = 0.91 (1)
Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 show the variation of AIV for various FLG mixes.
With the replacement of lime with GGBS, AIV increase; and this value Where, AIV = aggregate impact value (%); qu = unconfined
coincides with AIV of 100% fly ash (38% for F1 and 36 % for F2) as compressive strength (MPa); and R2 = the coefficient of correlation.
shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2. In FLG and FG mixes silica and alumina The predicted AIV using Eq. (1) is plotted against the measured AIV
present in fly ash may be partially utilized owing to lesser amounts of for the various fly ash-additive mixtures cured by hot water curing in
calcium ions present in the GGBS for pozzolanic reaction. Similarly, Fig. 6. The empirical correlation proposed above is in the simple format,
improvement in AIV by the addition of cement up to 12% was also found considers UCS as the independent variable capable of demonstrating the
to be lower as compared to that for addition of lime up to 6% and 4% as collective effects of the factors that can affect the impact value of the fly
an additive in F1 and F2 fly ashes, respectively (Fig. 3). This resulted in ash aggregates. The selection of model was established on physical
marginal improvement in AIV when GGBS and cement were used as implication. However, this correlation may be refined when new sup­
additives. This shows that lime is more effective in accomplishing the plementary results become available.
strength and impact value as compared to GGBS and cement. Based on
the test results of UCS and AIV, 96F1 + 4L mix and 98F2 + 2L mix were
selected as the optimum mixes for the production of fly ash aggregates. 3.4. Microstructure investigation

Micro level study was undertaken to find out the probable reason of
3.3. The relation between UCS and impact value variation in the strength of hot water cured fly ash mixtures with
different additives. The XRD measurements were carried out through
In the present work, an effort has been made to develop empirical Bruker D8 advanced X-ray diffractometer using CuKα radiation and the
relations for evaluation of impact value of fly ash aggregates from UCS wavelength of the X-ray was 0.154 nm. The peak intensity of various
value of mixes. The UCS (qu) of the mixes depends on several important compounds of fly ash-additive mixes was analyzed to understand the
factors, such as type of curing, type of fly ash, binder content, and type of strength and toughness of the mixes (Fig. 7 and Fig. 8). Silica, alumina,
binder. Nonetheless, UCS may be used as the reference variable in and iron oxide of fly ash react with calcium present in lime and GGBS to
evaluating the impact value, as UCS values may signify the collective develop calcium silicate, calcium aluminate, calcium aluminosilicate,
effects of the important leading factors on the toughness. and these compounds are accountable for the improvement in the
Fig. 4 shows that the impact value obtained from standard aggregate strength of aggregate [13].
impact value tests can be presented as a linear function of unconfined Fig. 7a and Fig. 7b shows the XRD results of hot water cured fly ash-
compressive strength (qu) of F1 and F2 fly ash stabilized with various lime mixes. For both the F1 and F2 fly ashes, an increase in lime dosage
additives and cured by hot water curing method. Similarly, the linear leads to a decrease in the intensity of quartz peak. The intensity of the
correlation between AIV and UCS (qu) of the F1 and F2 fly ash cured with most important phases such as dicalcium silicate, calcium silicate hy­
different curing methods is presented in Fig. 5 (Data from Shahane and drate, and ettringite for 100F1 were less than that of 98F1 + 2L mix.
Patel [25]). The empirical relationships with the R2 values are given in After the addition of 2% lime, these phases increase significantly. This
the figure for various curing types. However, the values of AIV for the percentage of rise of three compounds is significant in the beginning but
hot water curing method are only considered in developing the model slows down after 6% of lime content as non-reacted calcium particles in
for the present study. It is observed from Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 that the impact the form of CaCO3 increase in the mixes. The compounds dicalcium
value depends upon the curing method, fly ash type, binder content, and silicate and dicalcium aluminosilicate were increased by about three
binder type. times owing to the addition of 4% lime in the mix. Similar results were
With these results, a general empirical correlation for impact value is also obtained for F2-lime mixes (Fig. 7b). However, the optimum results
were found at 2% lime content as higher initial lime content available in
38 the F2 fly ash. This represents that formation of non-reacted hydrated
98F1+L+G 96F1+L+G product cause of the lower UCS value and higher AIV (Fig. 1 and Fig. 2)
94F1+L+G 98F2+L+G of the mixes. Similar results were also obtained by Shahane and Patel
36 [25].
96F2+L+G 94F2+L+G It was witnessed from the XRD results of fly ash-lime mixtures that
34 F1+C F2+C the formation of dicalcium silicate, calcium silicate hydrate, and
ettringite are responsible for strength development of the mix. The
Impact Value (%)

amount of these three compounds is less in fly ash-lime-GGBS mix (not

32 shown here) indicating a low strength of the mix. The XRD of the ag­
gregates with GGBS and cement as additives are presented in Fig. 8a and
30 Fig. 8b. It is observed that the quantities of hydrated products (CSH and
C2S) are governed by the type of additive and its dose. GGBS and cement
as an additive gives a very low concentration of dicalcium silicate, cal­
28 cium silicate hydrate, and ettringite compounds for both the fly ashes.
F1 F2 XRD peak intensity of these compounds is found to be almost same for
both GGBS and cement as an additive.
The structural alterations that take place during the pozzolanic re­
15 18 21 24 27
Unconfined Compressive Strength (MPa) action are analyzed by observing cured fly ash-additive mixes under
scanning electron microscope. Fig. 9 shows the SEM images of fly ash-
Fig. 4. Relationship between AIV and UCS of different fly ash-additive mixes lime mixes. For the micrographs, a magnification of 4500 was used.
cured by hot water. Many unreacted fibrous fly ash particles are present in 100F1 and 100F2

H.A. Shahane and S. Patel Construction and Building Materials 327 (2022) 126914

Sealed y = -2.35x + 73.15
76.00 Curing R² = 0.95
Open y = -1.76x + 77.29
66.00 Curing R² = 0.95
Impact Value (%)

Steam y = -1.99x + 63.92

Curing R² = 0.97

46.00 Humidity y = -1.90x + 63.53

Curing R² = 0.97
Hot Water y = -1.03x + 53.85
Curing R² = 0.97
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27
Unconfined Compressive Strength (MPa)
Fig. 5. Relationship between AIV and UCS of fly ash-additive mixes for different curing methods.

ettringite as compared to that of fly ash-lime mix (Fig. 10) for both fly
40 ashes.
F1+L+G F2+L+G
F1+C F2+C 3.5. Effect of moisture content and compressive force on strength and
toughness of mixes
Predicted AIV (%)

35 Fig. 11 and Fig. 12 show the effect of moisture content and pressing
force on compressive strength of the mixes and impact value of aggre­
gates. An increase in pressing force results in an increase in compressive
strength of fly ash block and decrease in AIV for given moisture content
for both F1 and F2 fly ashes-additive mixes. The compressive strength
30 value increase by 10% and 24% with the increase in the pressing force
Equality line
from 17 tons to 26 ton and 17 tons to 35 ton, respectively at OMC of 30%
AIV (%)= -0.93qu+51.45 for F1 (Fig. 11). Similarly, it increased by 11% and 37% with the in­
R2=0.91 crease in the pressing force from 17 ton to 26 ton and 17 ton to 35 ton,
respectively, at a moisture content of 27%. Similar trend of observations
25 was also obtained for F2 fly ash specimens as shown in Fig. 12. With the
25 30 35 40
increase in pressing force, fly ash particles are closely packed and
Measured AIV (%) interlocked with each other as a result of this diameter of capillary voids
decreases and fly ash particles get bonded more effectively by binding
Fig. 6. Measured impact value versus predicted impact value using pro­
posed equation.
gel resulting in a rise in the strength of the specimen [39].
At a given pressing force of 17 tons and 26 tons compressive strength
decreases and AIV increases with the decrease in moisture content
(i.e. without lime) fly ash mixes. The arrangement of fly ash particles
(Fig. 11 and Fig. 12). With the decrease in moisture content the lubri­
without lime is discrete and irregular. Lack of binding gel between the
cation of fly ash particles decreases and the mix offers more resistance to
fly ash particles may be the reason for the lower strength of mixes.
compaction as a result of which the void space between fly ash particles
Furthermore, fly ash-lime mixes having 2% to 6% lime content show
increases resulting in a loosely compacted mix and hence, strength de­
that fly ash particles are interconnected with a significant amount of
creases. For pressing force of 17 tons and 26 tons moisture content of
cementitious gel and ettringite. The fly ash particles are bound by a
30% and 26% exhibited best results for F1 and F2 fly ashes, respectively,
continuous matrix of pozzolanic compounds formed by the reaction of
whereas, for 35 tons of pressing force best results were observed for
lime and fly ash, resulting in an increase in unconfined compressive
moisture content of 27% and 23% for F1 and F2 fly ashes, respectively.
strength of mixes. Similar kinds of observations were recorded in the
With the increase in compactive effort the quantity of water required for
literature [36–37]. The formation of ettringite densified the structure
lubrication of the fly ash particles to achieve better compaction de­
and increases the density and strength of aggregate considerably [13].
creases. Squeezing out of fly ash slurry from the mix was observed for
However, at 6% lime content unreacted lime particles are observed in
the pressing force of 35 tons with moisture content of 30% and 26% for
SEM images of F1 and F2 fly ashes (Fig. 9). These unreacted lime par­
F1 and F2 fly ashes, respectively, which indicates that these moisture
ticles act as weak filler in mixes leading to the lower strength and higher
contents are on the wet side of the optimum value resulting in a lower
AIV (Fig. 1 and Fig. 2).
strength of the mix.
As the lime is replaced by GGBS the formation of cementitious gel
As expected, the trend for the variation of AIV with moisture content
decreases and the unreacted fibrous pore structure increases (Fig. 10).
and pressing force was found to be exactly opposite to that of
The fly ash-GGBS mixes displayed the presence of pores that contribute
compressive strength (Fig. 11 and Fig. 12). The best combinations of
to the low strength of the mixes and higher AIV. Similarly, fly ash–ce­
moisture content and pressing force for the optimum mixes of 96F1 + 4L
ment mix gives the marginal improvement in the formation of gel and
and 98F2 + 2L were found to be 27% and 35 tons; and 23% and 35 tons,

H.A. Shahane and S. Patel Construction and Building Materials 327 (2022) 126914

C 2S CCS 94F1+6L
Q C 2
Q 94F2+6L


C 2S
C E G E C 2S

C 2S E Q
Q 96F1+4L 96F2+4L

C 2S
G E C 2S

C 2S
98F1+2L CSH
C2S C C 2S
CSH Q E E 98F2+2L

C 2S

Q 100F1 E 100F2
E C 2S C

10 20 30 40 50 60 10 20 30 40 50 60
2θ 2θ

a. F1+Lime b. F2+Lime
Fig. 7. X-ray diffraction pattern of fly ash-Lime mixes. Q-Quartz (SiO2), AH-Calcium Sulfate Anhydrite (CaSO4), C-Calcite (CaCO3), E-Ettringite (Ca6Al2(SO4,SiO4,
CO3)3(OH)12⋅26H2O), C2S-Dicalcium Silicate (Ca2SiO4), CSH-calcium silicate hydrate Ca3(OH)2Si16⋅4H2O, G-Dicalcium Alumosilicate (Al2Ca2SiO7),
M¡Magnetite (Fe3O4).

E CSH 96F1+4C Q
C 2S
Q C E C 2S
C 2S 96F2+4C

C2S 96F1+4G
C 2S C E C 2S
Q E 96F2+4G

C 2S E
C 2S Q E 96F1+4L
C Q Q E 96F2+4L

10 20 30 40 50 60 10 20 30 40 50 60
2θ 2θ

a. F1+Additive b. F2+Additive
Fig. 8. X-ray diffraction pattern of fly ash-Additive mixes. (Legends as in Fig. 7).

respectively. The lowest AIV of 20.15% and 19.66% was observed for F1 4. Test on aggregates and comparison of properties with
and F2 fly ashes, respectively. specification

Various engineering properties such as unconfined compressive

strength, AIV, and microscopic study of fly ash-additive mixes were
investigated, and two optimum mix proportions one each from two types

H.A. Shahane and S. Patel Construction and Building Materials 327 (2022) 126914

Fig. 9. SEM image of hydrated products of fly ash-lime mixes.

H.A. Shahane and S. Patel Construction and Building Materials 327 (2022) 126914

Fig. 10. SEM image of hydrated products of fly ash-additive mixes.

of fly ash were adopted based on the achieved strength and AIV re­ structure and increases the density of mixes as evident in XRD and SEM
quirements of Indian standard specifications. These optimum mix pro­ results. However, these values are much lower than those of natural
portions by dry weight are 96F1 + 4L (i.e., 96% fly ash 1 + 4% lime) and aggregates. The water absorption of aggregates was found in the range
98F2 + 2L (i.e., 98% fly ash 2 + 2% lime). of 24% to 32% for various mixes (Table 4). But, after addition of binder
The physical and mechanical properties of the proposed fly ash ag­ these values decreased to 15% to 25% for F1 and F2 fly ashes, respec­
gregates obtained from various laboratory tests were presented in tively. The high water absorption value specifies that the various
Table 4 along with the standard specifications. The specific gravity and properties (e.g. workability, creep, shrinkage etc.) of concrete may be
bulk density of aggregates prepared with lime as binder i.e., for 96F1 + affected by it. Therefore, fly ash aggregates in saturated surface dry
4L and 98F2 + 2L mixes were found to be higher than that of 100F1 and condition may be used in concrete preparation or suitable corrections for
100F2 mix aggregates. Also specific gravity of fly ash particles for F1 and quantity of water required during concrete mixing should be applied.
F2 fly ashes (Table 1) found to be lower than specific gravity of fly ash Table 4 also shows that aggregates produced from fly ash-lime mix
aggregates. This is due to the formation of ettringite which densifies the have better impact resistance (toughness) than the aggregates produced

H.A. Shahane and S. Patel Construction and Building Materials 327 (2022) 126914

4.1. Crushing value of aggregate

The crushing value is expressed as the ratio of the mass of fines

passed through 2.36 mm IS sieve to the overall mass of the sample. The
crushing value of aggregates decreased with addition of lime to fly ash
(Table 4). The crushing value of aggregates for F1 and F2 fly ashes were
found to be 34% and 31%, respectively, which decreased by 18% and
26% with the addition of optimum lime content to F1 and F2 fly ashes,
respectively. The reason for this is probably the same as that mentioned
earlier in UCS and impact value of aggregate. The lower strength of
100F1 and 100F2 aggregates was possibly due to the presence of many
unreacted fibrous fly ash particles in the fly ash mixes (Fig. 11).

4.2. Los Angeles abrasion value

The percentage degradation of fly ash aggregates due to rubbing with

steel balls was determined and the abrasion values are reported in
Table 4. Los Angeles abrasion values of all mixes are higher as compared
Fig. 11. Effect of moisture content and pressing force on compressive strength to that of natural stone aggregates. However, based on the requirement
of block and AIV for F1. of IS 383 [42] and MoRTH [33] these fly ash aggregates are found
suitable for use in non-wearing surfaces of concrete and base and sub-
base layer of flexible road pavements.

4.3. Soundness test

After 5 numbers of alternate immersion and drying cycles quantita­

tive and qualitative examination of aggregates was carried out. Fig. 13
shows the photograph of fly ash aggregates after 3rd and 5th cycle. The
fly ash aggregates shown in Fig. 13c indicates the intactness of structure
even after 5 alternate immersion and drying cycles. Very few aggregate
were disintegrated and crack on 2–3 pieces of aggregates has been
observed, however, this weight loss is well within the permissible limit.
The soundness results of the aggregates are reasonably acceptable and
satisfying the requirements of the Indian standards (Table 4). Even
though the fly ash aggregates have porous structure with water ab­
sorption of about 24% to 32% this structure has not been affected much
by sodium sulfate solution during soundness test. This may be due it
strongly bounded structure of fly ash particles. Such structure of the
proposed fly ash aggregates may exhibits good fire resistance and sound
insulation properties.
Fig. 12. Effect of moisture content and pressing force on compressive strength
of block and AIV for F2.
4.4. Leaching characteristics
from 100% fly ash. Moreover, these results fulfill AIV requirements of
The pH value of the aqueous solution of raw fly ashes F1 and F2 were
MoRTH [33] for GSB and WMM layer and also fulfill the AIV require­
11.09 and 11.36, respectively. These values decreased to 10.27 and 9.85
ment for sintered fly ash aggregates as per IS 9142: Part-II [41].
for F1 and F2 fly ashes, respectively, after hot water curing. Similarly,

Table 4
Typical physical and mechanical properties of an aggregate made with this process.
Parameters Authors Results Properties of Natural IS 383 (2016) MoRTH-2013 IS 9142
Aggregates [40] Requirements Requirements [33] (Part 2) 2018
100F1 96F1 + 100F2 98F2 +
[42] Requirements [41]
4L 2L

Specific Gravity 1.28 1.30 1.65 1.74 2.65 2.1 to 3.2 – –

Dry Loose Bulk Density 680 710 880 890 1534 – – ≤ 950
Water absorption (%) 30 26 32 24 0.7 ≤ 2% – ≤ 18%
Wet Impact value (%) 29.5 21 24 19.3 16 ≤ 30% (wearing ≤ 40% Sub-base ≤ 40%
surfaces) ≤ 30% Base Courses
≤ 45% (nonwearing
Crushing value (%) 34 28 31 23 22 ≤ 30% – ≤ 45%
Los Angeles Abrasion 43 35 46 36 23 ≤ 30% (wearing ≤ 40% For Base Courses ≤ 40%
Value (%) surfaces)
≤ 50% (nonwearing
Soundness in Na2SO4 13.5 10 12.5 9 – ≤ 12% ≤ 12% ≤ 12%
(%) (5 Cycles)

H.A. Shahane and S. Patel Construction and Building Materials 327 (2022) 126914

Fig. 13. Qualitative observation of Fly ash aggregate (96F1 þ 4L) (Images by H. Shahane).

96F1 + 4L and 98F2 + 2L mixes show the pH of 9.35 and 7.95, indi­ 2. For a given binder content compressive strength and AIV of fly ash-
vidually, after hot water curing. The pH level shows that the aggregate lime mix was found to be the best followed by fly ash–cement mix
nature changed from alkaline to neutral with hot water curing and and fly ash-GGBS mix. This shows that lime is more effective in
addition of lime as binder this indicating the stabilization of fly ash. The accomplishing the strength and impact value as compared to cement
analysis of the concentration of heavy metals performed for various fly and GGBS. Based on the test results of UCS and AIV, 96F1 + 4L mix
ash aggregates is given in Table 5. The outcomes demonstrated that the and 98F2 + 2L mix were selected as the optimum mixes for F1 and F2
contagion levels of the toxic elements leached from the fly ash aggre­ fly ashes, respectively.
gates are well within the limit of Indian drinking water standards [43] 3. The characterization studies on hot water cured fly ash-additive
and India Hazardous Waste Management (HWM) Rules. The concen­ mixes demonstrate that the properties of aggregates are influenced
tration of heavy metals in the leachate practically diminished after by the type of additives, its dosage, and the type of fly ash used. A
addition of lime to the fly ashes and cured by hot water curing for all simple empirical relation is developed with R2 value of 0.91 to es­
samples. The non-leachable and nontoxic nature of the hot water cured timate the aggregate impact value from unconfined compressive
fly aggregates additionally indicates that they would neither contribute strength of the mix.
to any composite chemical reaction affecting the durability of concrete 4. XRD and SEM analyses show that the amount of binding gel forma­
nor cause environmental problems leading to ground-water and land tion was the maximum for fly ash-lime mix as compared to fly
contamination. ash–cement mix and fly ash-GGBS mix for a given binder content
which agrees with the laboratory test results for strength and AIV.
5. Conclusions 5. For a given moisture content strength and AIV improves with in­
crease in pressing force applied on fly ash blocks. With the increase in
Engineering properties of fly ash-additive mixes are investigated for compactive effort, fly ash particles are closely packed and inter­
their use to produce angular shaped fly ash aggregates and different locked with each other and the quantity of water required for
properties of fly ash aggregates produced with optimum mixes are lubrication of the fly ash particles to achieve better compaction de­
evaluated. The following conclusions are drawn: creases. The best combinations of moisture content and pressing
force for the two optimum mixes were found to be 27% and 35 tons;
1. An increase in the lime content of the lime-treated fly ash specimen and 23% and 35 tons for F1 and F2 fly ashes, respectively.
shows an improvement in UCS value and aggregate impact value. 6. The results shows that produced angular shaped fly ash aggregates
However, a very small improvement in strength and AIV was wit­ are sufficiently tough, strong, hard and durable. The physical and
nessed beyond 6% and 4% lime content for F1 and F2 fly ashes, mechanical properties of fly ash aggregates are found to be quite
respectively. satisfactory as per the required specifications of various Indian
standards for use in road and structural concrete. The specific gravity

Table 5
Heavy metal concentrations leached as a result of TCLP test.
Metal Raw Fly Ash F1 100F1 96F1 + 4L Raw Fly Ash F2 100F2 98F2 + 2L IS:10500–2012 (Max) [43] HWM Rules 2016
(mg/l) (Cured) (Cured)

pH 11.09 10.27 9.35 11.36 9.85 7.95 – –

Copper (Cu) ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.05 25
Iron (Fe) 2.1 1.2 >0.15 3.1 2.4 >0.15 0.3 NL
Zinc (Zn) 0.4 0.4 ND 0.1 0.1 ND 5 250
Cadmium (Cd) ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.003 1
Lead (Pb) ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.01 5
Nickel (Ni) ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.02 20
Total chromium (Cr) ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.05 5

Concentrations in mg/l, ND – Not detected, NL –Not listed in TCLP list.

H.A. Shahane and S. Patel Construction and Building Materials 327 (2022) 126914

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