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MCQS Introduction to statistical Theory

1: Middle observation in an arranged set of data is called

A. mean
B. mode
C. median
D. range


2: Nth root of product of values x1, x2, x3, ....., xn is called

A. arithmetic mean
B. geometric mean
C. variance
D. harmonic mean


3: A bar chart constructed in which area of each bar is proportional to number of

items in each group is known as

A. pi chart
B. histogram
C. frequency distribution table
D. polygon


4: 1st quartile is also known as

A. lower quartile
B. upper quartile
C. median
D. geometric mean

5: Value of [3(n +1)⁄4]th term is formula of

A. variance
B. 3rd quartile
C. 2nd quartile
D. geometric mean


6: Square of standard deviation is called

A. harmonic mean
B. variance
C. mode
D. 2nd quartile


7: In set 2, 4, 5, 4, 6, 5, 3, 4, 2, mode is

A. 2
B. 5
C. 4
D. 3


8: When cumulative frequencies are plotted against end points of their respective
class intervals and joined together, resultant graph is called

A. cumulative frequency pentagon

B. cumulative frequency histogram
C. cumulative frequency hexagon
D. cumulative frequency polygon

9: Table which shows frequency of each score is called a

A. polygon
B. pi chart
C. histogram
D. frequency distribution table


10: 3rd quartile is also known as

A. lower quartile
B. upper quartile
C. median
D. geometric mean


11: Monthly income of 5 persons are 3000, 5000, 4000, 2000 and 6000. Their
arithmetic mean should be

A. 4000
B. 6000
C. 5000
D. 3500


12: Positive square root of mean of squared deviations of values from their mean
is known as

A. standard deviation
B. median
C. variance
D. harmonic mean


13: Harmonic mean of 3,4 and 8 is

A. 3.43
B. 3
C. 4
D. 8


14: Geometric mean of 2,4 and 8 is

A. 3
B. 5
C. 2
D. 4


15: Value of [(n +1)⁄2]th term is formula of

A. 2nd quartile
B. median
C. 1st quartile
D. both A and B


16: A many sided closed figure used in frequency distribution is termed as

A. frequency polygon
B. frequency hexagon
C. frequency pentagon
D. frequency decagon


17: By adding all numbers in set together and then total is divided by number of
scores in that set, we obtained

A. geometric mean
B. arithmetic mean
C. standard deviation
D. variance


18: Total number of observations , which are below a certain value are known as

A. class boundaries
B. class marks
C. cumulative frequency
D. variances


19: Most frequent observation in a data set is called

A. mode
B. median
C. range
D. mean

( a)

20: Frequency polygon is constructed by plotting frequencies against their

A. standard deviations
B. class marks
C. variances
D. means


21: Range in data 18, 25, 12, 13, 8, 9, 20 is equal to

A. 11
B. 33
C. 13
D. 17

22: Summary statistics which measure middle or center of data are called

A. logarithms
B. measures of central tendency
C. measures of dispersion
D. proportions


23: um of deviations of values from their mean is always

A. 1
B. 0
C. 2
D. 3


24: Average of all observations in a set of data is known as

A. median
B. range
C. mean
D. mode


25: Median in set 6, 4, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4 would be

A. 3
B. 6
C. 5
D. 4


26: Cumulative frequency polygon is also called

A. ogive
B. histogram
C. absicca
D. sigma


27: Mean , median and mode are part of

A. measures of central tendency

B. measures of dispersion
C. logarithms
D. proportions


28:  Number of times each value appears is called value's

A. range
B. mode
C. frequency
D. standard Deviation


29: Three points that divides set into 4 equal group are called

A. deciles
B. percentiles
C. quartiles
D. none of above


30: Difference between largest value and smallest value is called

A. mean
B. mode
C. range
D. median

31: If Xm is largest value and Xo is smallest value, then range ‘R’ is equal to

A. R = Xm - Xo
B. R = Xm⁄Xo
C. R = Xm + Xo
D. none of above


32: 2nd quartile is also known as

A. mode
B. harmonic mean
C. arithmetic mean
D. median


33: Reciprocal of arithmetic mean of reciprocal of values x 1, x2, x3, ....., xn is known

A. variance
B. geometric mean
C. harmonic mean
D. arithmetic mean


34: In set of ‘n’,the median is located at the

A. (n + 1)⁄2th score
B. (n - 1)⁄2th score
C. (2n + 1)⁄2th score
D. (2n - 1)⁄2th score


35: The expected value or _______ of a random variable is the center of its distribution.
a) mode
b) median
c) mean
d) bayesian inference

Answer: c
Explanation: A probability model connects the data to the population using assumptions

36:  Point out the correct statement:

a) Some cumulative distribution function F is non-decreasing and right-continuous
b) Every cumulative distribution function F is decreasing and right-continuous
c) Every cumulative distribution function F is increasing and left-continuous
d) None of the Mentioned

Answer: d
Explanation: Every cumulative distribution function F is non-decreasing and right-continuous.

37: Which of the following of a random variable is a measure of spread ?

a) variance
b) standard deviation
c) empirical mean
d) all of the Mentioned

Answer: a
Explanation: Densities with a higher variance are more spread out than densities with a lower

38: The square root of the variance is called the ________ deviation.
a) empirical
b) mean
c) Continuous
d) standard

Answer: d
Explanation: Standard Deviation (SD) is the measure of spread of the numbers in a set of data from
its mean value.

39: Point out the wrong statement:

a) A percentile is simply a quantile with expressed as a percent
b) There are two types of random variable
c) R cannot approximate quantiles for you for common distributions
d) None of the Mentioned

Answer: c
Explanation: R can approximate quantiles for you for common distributions.

40: Which of the following inequality is useful for interpreting variances ?

a) Chebyshev
b) Stautaory
c) Testory
d) All of the Mentioned

Answer: a
Explanation: Chebyshev’s inequality is also spelled as Tchebysheff’s inequality.
41: Which of the following random variables are the default model for random samples ?
a) iid
b) id
c) pmd
d) all of the Mentioned

Answer: a
Explanation: Random variables are said to be iid if they are independent and identically distributed.

42: Cumulative distribution functions are used to specify the distribution of multivariate random
a) True
b) False

Answer: a
Explanation: In the case of a continuous distribution, it gives the area under the probability density
function from minus infinity to x.

43: Chebyshev’s inequality states that the probability of a “Six Sigma” event is less than :
a) 10%
b) 20%
c) 30%
d) 3%

Answer: d
Explanation: If a bell curve is assumed, the probability of a “six sigma” event is on the order of one
ten millionth of a percent.

44:  If quartile range is 24 then quartile deviation is

A. 48
B. 12
C. 24
D. 72


45:  If mean absolute deviation of set of observations is 8.5 then value of
quartile deviation is

A. 7.08
B. 9.08
C. 10.2
D. 11.2

46:  Sum of all squared deviations is divided by total number of
observations to calculate

A. population deviation
B. population variance
C. sample deviation
D. sample variance


47:  For recorded observation, ratios measured by absolute variation are

considered as

A. non-relative measures
B. relative measures
C. high uniform measures
D. low uniform measures


48: If arithmetic mean is multiplied to coefficient of variation then resulting

value is classified as

A. coefficient of deviation
B. coefficient of mean
C. standard deviation
D. variance


49: If arithmetic mean is considered as average of deviations then resultant

measure is considered as

A. close end deviation

B. mean absolute deviation
C. mean deviation
D. variance deviation

50: If positive square root is taken of population variance then calculated

measure is transformed into

A. standard root
B. standard deviation
C. standard variance
D. sample variance


51: Examples of applications of range in real world includes

A. weather forecasts
B. quality control
C. fluctuation in share prices
D. all of above


52:  In a set of observations, amount of variation can be shown in form of

figures with help of

A. absolute measures
B. uniform measures
C. non-uniform measures
D. exploratory measures


53: If value of first quartile is 49 and value of third quartile is 60 then value
of inter quartile range is

A. 21
B. 31
C. 11
D. 41

(c )

54: If set of observations is 11, 13, 15, 12, 16, 18, 19, 14, 20, 17 and absolute
mean deviation is 12 then percentage of coefficient of mean absolute
deviation is

A. 47.41%
B. 57.41%
C. 67.41%
D. 77.41%


55:First deciles of data is 8, ninth deciles is 12 and fifth deciles is 6 then

coefficient of skewness is

A. ±2
B. ±1
C. ±3
D. ±4


56:  In statistical procedures, skewness is used to measure the

A. amount of variance
B. amount of upper tail values
C. amount of dispersion
D. direction of dispersion


57: In kurtosis, frequency curve which looks more peaked than normal curve
of bell shaped distribution is classified as
A. mega curve
B. mesokurtic
C. leptokurtic
D. platykurtic


58:  Kurtosis defines peakness of curve in region which is

A. around the mode

B. around the mean
C. around the median
D. around the variance


59: Frequency distribution is considered as negatively skewed if all values

of distribution moves to

A. lower tail
B. median tail
C. variance tail
D. upper tail


60: In kurtosis, beta is greater than three and quartile range is preferred for

A. mesokurtic distribution
B. mega curve distribution
C. leptokurtic distribution
D. platykurtic distribution


61:  In measures of skewness, absolute skewness is equal to

A. mean+mode
B. mean-mode
C. mean+median
D. mean-median


62: Considering moments in standard units, fourth alpha with power 1 is

equivalent to

A. beta three
B. beta four
C. beta one
D. beta two


63: For Karl Pearson's skewness coefficient value of skewness must be in


A. ±3
B. ±5
C. ±4
D. ±2


64:Distribution is considered leptokurtic if

A. beta three is less than three

B. beta two is greater than two
C. beta three is greater than three
D. beta two is greater than three

65: Statistical measures such as deciles, percentiles, median and quartiles
are classified as part of

A. percentile system
B. quartile system
C. deciles system
D. moment system


66:  For ungrouped data in calculation of moments from mean, formula to

calculate this measure is

A. 1⁄n Σ(x-mean)r
B. 2⁄n Σ(x-mean)r
C. 2⁄n Σ(x+mean)r
D. 2⁄n Σ(x+mean)x


67: Coefficient of skewness method in which basis of measuring is deciles

and percentiles is classified as

A. Gary's coefficient of skewness

B. Sharma's coefficient of skewness
C. Kelly's coefficient of skewness
D. Jack Karl's coefficient of skewness


68:  In binomial probability distribution, dependents of standard deviations

must includes

A. probability of q
B. probability of p
C. trials
D. all of above


69:  In random experiment, observations of random variable are classified


A. events
B. composition
C. trials
D. functions


70: Tail or head, one or zero and girl and boy are examples of

A. non-functional events
B. complementary events
C. non complementary events
D. functional events


71: Number of products manufactured in a factory in a day are 3500 and

probability that some pieces are defected is 0.55 then mean of binomial
probability distribution is

A. 1925
B. 6364
C. 63.64
D. 3500

72: In normal distribution, z-score and z-statistic are classified as names of

A. standardized normal random variable

B. Poisson random variable
C. normal geometric variable
D. weighted average variable

( a)

73: Probability distribution having shape of bell and in which values of mean
lies in center of probability distribution is classified as

A. continuous distribution
B. normal distribution
C. discrete distribution
D. hyper geometric distribution


74:  In normal distribution, normal curve becomes more wider and more
flatter because of

A. small value of variance

B. large value of variance
C. large value of standard deviation
D. small value of standard deviation


75: Successful life of product, time, weight and height are classified as
A. continuous random variable
B. discrete random variable
C. continuous waiting time variable
D. continuous hyper geometric variable


76: Considering normal distribution, spread is decreased and height of

curve is increased for the

A. larger value of standard deviation

B. smaller value of standard deviation
C. smaller value of variance
D. larger value of variance


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