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1. Uncertainty
The meaning of the acronym HRM is C.
A. Stress
Human Relations Management D.
B. None of the above
Humanistic Resource Management Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
C. Answer & Solution
Human Resource Management Answer: Option B
D. Solution:
Human Resourceful Management Finding ways to reduce uncertainty is a key
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later responsibility of management. The primary role of a
Answer & Solution manager is to ensure the daily functioning of a
Answer: Option C department or group of employees.
Solution: 4.
The meaning of the acronym HRM is Human The ________ and control systems should be
Resource Management. Human resource altered to support the strategic human resource
management (HRM) is the practice of recruiting, function.
hiring, deploying and managing an organization's A.
employees. HRM is really employee management Appointment
with an emphasis on those employees as assets of B.
the business. Reward
2. C.
HRM is___________ Job allotment
A. D.
A staff functions None of the above
B. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
A line function Answer & Solution
C. Answer: Option B
A staff function, line function and accounting Solution:
function The reward and control systems should be altered
D. to support the strategic human resource function.
All of the above Strategic human resource management is the
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later practice of attracting, developing, rewarding, and
Answer & Solution retaining employees for the benefit of both the
Answer: Option A employees as individuals and the organization as a
Solution: whole.
HRM is a staff functions. A "staff function" supports 5.
the organization with specialized advisory and All aspects of the merger need ________.
support functions. For example, human resources, A.
accounting, public relations and the legal Controlling
department are generally considered to be staff B.
functions. Delegating
3. C.
Finding ways to reduce ________ is a key Staffing
responsibility of management. D.
A. Managing
Dissatisfaction Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Answer & Solution ________ of management is likely to be another key
Answer: Option D agenda item.
Solution: A.
All aspects of the merger need managing. A merger Performance
is a corporate strategy of combining different B.
companies into a single company in order to Quality
enhance the financial and operational strengths of C.
both organizations. Expansion
6. D.
Commitment strategy is inherently ________. Decision
A. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Short term Answer & Solution
B. Answer: Option B
Long term Solution:
C. Quality of management is likely to be another key
Continuous agenda item. Quality management is the act of
D. overseeing all activities and tasks needed to
None of the above maintain a desired level of excellence. This includes
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later the determination of a quality policy, creating and
Answer & Solution implementing quality planning and assurance, and
Answer: Option B quality control and quality improvement.
Solution: 9.
Commitment strategy is inherently long term. An Strategic thinking is a ________ process.
employee commitment strategy is a promise, a sort A.
of mission statement where your business leaders Short term
also commit to the employee population. Like many B.
other things, commitment is a two-way street. Long term
7. C.
HR professionals has to be skilled in the art of Continuous
________. D.
A. All of the above
Clarifying Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
B. Answer & Solution
Handling people Answer: Option C
C. Solution:
Both (A) and (B) Strategic thinking is a continuous process. Strategic
D. thinking is an ability to plan for the future. It's the
None of the above capacity to prepare strategies and conjure ideas
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later that will both cope with changing environments and
Answer & Solution consider the various challenges that lie ahead.
Answer: Option A 10.
Solution: ________ is considered as a strategic activity.
HR professionals has to be skilled in the art of A.
clarifying. The HR professional has to be skilled in Recruitment
the art of clarifying those fuzzy visions and B.
providing feedback to top managers and others. Planning
8. C.
D. The business side of the process begins with the
All of the above strategic plan as the guiding framework. Strategic
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later planning is an organizational management activity
Answer & Solution that is used to set priorities, focus energy and
Answer: Option A resources, strengthen operations, ensure that
Solution: employees and other stakeholders are working
Recruitment is considered as a strategic activity. toward common goals, establish agreement around
Recruitment is the process of attracting qualified intended outcomes/results, and assess and adjust
candidates for a job role and Selection is the the organization’s direction in response to a
process of identifying and selecting the right changing environment.
candidate for that job. Recruitment is not only an 13.
operational activity but a key strategic activity for Individual level where people are usually motivated
the business. to close the gap between their current and desired
11. ______.
Competitive edge comes from the ________ of A.
people. Capabilities
A. B.
Competency Skills
B. C.
Efforts Expectations
C. D.
Quality Performance
D. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Hard work Answer & Solution
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer: Option A
Answer & Solution Solution:
Answer: Option C Individual level where people are usually motivated
Solution: to close the gap between their current and desired
Competitive edge comes from the quality of people. capabilities. The individual level is directly
Competitive advantage means positioning your connected to the interpersonal level as the process
company ahead of other companies in order to of socialisation occurs from when we were born
achieve superiority in quality, low cost, value or from people around us. The individual level is
innovation. considered to be the strongest level in determining
12. whether an individual participates in sport.
The business side of the process begins with the 14.
strategic _____ as the guiding framework. HR professional should apply risk management
A. techniques to the different aspects of ________.
B. HR Strategies
Plan B.
C. HR Competencies
Policy C.
D. Both (A) and (B)
None of the above D.
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later None of the above
Answer & Solution Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Answer: Option B Answer & Solution
Solution: Answer: Option A
Solution: 17.
HR professional should apply risk management ________ suggests Human Resource Strategy in
techniques to the different aspects of HR Strategies. itself may not be effective.
The HR strategy is based on the organizational A.
strategy. The HR strategy touches on all the key Peter Drucker
areas in HR. These include recruitment, learning & B.
development, performance appraisal, Tony Groundy
compensation, and succession planning. C.
15. John Zimmerman
Developing characteristics of people needed to run D.
business in ________ . Anonymous
A. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Short term Answer & Solution
B. Answer: Option B
Medium term Solution:
C. Tony Groundy suggests Human Resource Strategy in
Long term itself may not be effective. HR Strategy (Human
D. Resource Strategy) is a designation for a long-term
Any of the above plan created to achieve objectives in the field of
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later human resource and human capital management
Answer & Solution and development in the organization. Human
Answer: Option C Resource strategy is one of the outputs of strategic
Solution: management in the field of human resources
Developing characteristics of people needed to run management.
business in long term. The long run is defined as the 18.
time horizon needed for a producer to have Pettigrew & Whipp identified ________ central
flexibility over all relevant production decisions. factors for managing change successfully.
16. A.
________ issues tend to be well disguised. Three
A. B.
Political Four
B. C.
Territorial Five
C. D.
Social Six
D. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Economical Answer & Solution
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer: Option C
Answer & Solution Solution:
Answer: Option B Pettigrew & Whipp identified five central factors for
Solution: managing change successfully. The five factors are
Territorial issues tend to be well disguised. Sales "environmental assessment," "leading change,"
operations adjust territories at least annually and "linking strategic and operational change," "human
usually include input from first line managers, who resources as assets and liabili- ties," and
bring local knowledge to the table. When making "coherence." It refers to a process pattern that is
adjustments to territories, they consider workload, shared among higher- performing firms.
relationships, and even sales rep characteristics 19.
such as tenure and experience.
________ executives take a full part in the strategic Performance
planning process. B.
A. Work function
Training & Development C.
B. Evaluation
Human Resource D.
C. None of the above
Quality Control Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
D. Answer & Solution
Production Answer: Option A
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Solution:
Answer & Solution Performance is defined as the record of outcomes
Answer: Option A produced on a specific job function or activity
Solution: during a specific time period. The evaluation of
Training & Development executives take a full part employee‟s performance reveals the contribution
in the strategic planning process. Strategic plans of an individual in the organization‟s objectives.
help identify what an organization is striving to 22.
achieve and maps out the necessary steps needed ______ is the personnel activity by means of which
to be successful. the enterprise determines the extent to which the
20. employee is performing the job effectively.
________ aims to put a financial measure on an A.
organisation's intellectual capital. Job evaluation
A. B.
Knowledge exchange Work evaluation
B. C.
The consortium Performance evaluation
C. D.
Financial planning None of the above
D. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
None of the above Answer & Solution
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer: Option C
Answer & Solution Solution:
Answer: Option A Performance evaluation is the personnel activity by
Solution: means of which the enterprise determines the
Knowledge exchange aims to put a financial extent to which the employee is performing the job
measure on an organisation's intellectual capital. effectively. Performance Evaluation is defined as a
Information and knowledge can be defined as formal and productive procedure to measure an
today's thermonuclear weapons. Knowledge is employee's work and results based on their job
stronger and more valu- able than the natural responsibilities.
sources, huge factories or swollen bank accounts. 23.
Organizations perform by using three types of a/an ______ is a plan or programmes to motivate
capital: Physical Capital, Financial Capital and individual or group performance.
Intellectual Capital. A.
21. Incentive scheme
_______ is defined as the record of outcomes B.
produced on a specific job function or activity Promotion scheme
during a specific time period. C.
A. Reward
D. Solution:
None of the above The job description provides the essential
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later information on which each job is evaluated. Job
Answer & Solution analysis is a systematic process of collecting all
Answer: Option A information about the job for preparing of job
Solution: description and job specification meant to selection
An incentive scheme is a plan or programmes to of employee, satisfaction in job, and motivation etc.
motivate individual or group performance. Incentive 26.
schemes attempt to link at least a portion of pay to A ______ is a written record of the duties,
job performance to encourage higher productivity. responsibilities and conditions of the job.
Incentives, as often called, should be aligned with A.
the behaviours that help achieve organizational Job ranking
goals or performance. Incentives are either B.
individual or group (organization wide). Job enrichment
24. C.
A/An ______ is a vertical move in rank and Job description
responsibility. D.
A. Job enlargement
Increment Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
B. Answer & Solution
Appraisal Answer: Option C
C. Solution:
Promotion A job description is a written record of the duties,
D. responsibilities and conditions of the job. Job
None of the above description is an informative documentation of the
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later scope, duties, tasks, responsibilities and working
Answer & Solution conditions related to the job listing in the
Answer: Option C organization through the process of job analysis.
Solution: 27.
A promotion is a vertical move in rank and Section ________ of the Industrial Disputes Act
responsibility. Promotion is the transfer of an 1947, states that an employer should only retrench
employee to a new position which commands employees who have been most recently hired
higher pay, privileges or status compared with the A.
old. It is a vertical move in rank and responsibility. 24-F
25. B.
The _________ provides the essential information 24-G
on which each job is evaluated. C.
A. 25-F
Job ranking D.
B. 25-G
Job enrichment Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
C. Answer & Solution
Job description Answer: Option D
D. Solution:
Job enlargement Section 25-G of the Industrial Disputes Act 1947,
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later states that an employer should only retrench
Answer & Solution employees who have been most recently hired.
Answer: Option C Where any workman in an industrial establishment
who is a citizen of India, is to be retrenched and he continuous service or any part thereof in excess of
belongs to a particular category of workmen in that six months.
establishment, in the absence of any agreement 30.
between the employer and the workman in this The whole process of conducting a 360 - Degree
behalf, the employer shall ordinarily retrench the Feedback process in any Organisation could last
workman who was the last person to be employed about ________.
in that category, unless for reasons to be recorded A.
the employer retrenches any other workman. 1.5 to 3 months
28. B.
The ________ programme once installed must be 3 to 6 months
continued on a permanent basis. C.
A. 6 to 9 months
Job evaluation D.
B. 9 to 12 months
Training & Development Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
C. Answer & Solution
Recruitment Answer: Option A
D. Solution:
All of the above The whole process of conducting a 360 - Degree
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Feedback process in any Organisation could last
Answer & Solution about 1.5 to 3 months. The 360 review differs from
Answer: Option A an employee appraisal which traditionally provides
Solution: the employee with the opinion of his or her
Job evaluation is the process establishing the value performance as viewed by their manager.
or worth of jobs in a job hierarchy and compares 31.
the relative intrinsic value or worth of jobs within In a re-engineering programme, when a process
an organization. Once this programme installed changes so does the ________ of the concerned
must be continued on a permanent basis. employee.
29. A.
For closure, every worker is to be compensated Designation
with ________ average pay for every year of service B.
completed Job profile
A. C.
15 days Qualification
B. D.
20 days Job experience
C. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
25 days Answer & Solution
D. Answer: Option B
30 days Solution:
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later In a re-engineering programme, when a process
Answer & Solution changes so does the job profile of the concerned
Answer: Option A employee. Business Process Reengineering involves
Solution: the radical redesign of core business processes to
For closure, every worker is to be compensated achieve dramatic improvements in productivity,
with 15 days average pay for every year of service cycle times and quality.
completed. The retrenched employee must be 32.
provided with 15 days of average pay for a year of
Union leaders at different levels & at federations C.
are elected on ________ Job profile
A. D.
democratic principle None of the above
B. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
political considerations Answer & Solution
C. Answer: Option A
employer?s recommendation Solution:
D. Job description can be defined as a written record
seniority basis of the duties, responsibilities and conditions of job.
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later It generally includes duties, purpose,
Answer & Solution responsibilities, scope, and working conditions of a
Answer: Option A job along with the job's title, and the name or
Solution: designation of the person to whom the employee
Union leaders at different levels & at federations reports.
are elected on democratic principle. Organizational 35.
democracy is a system of organization that is based Under training and development plan, the form is to
on freedom, instead of fear and control. be prepared in ________ form.
33. A.
______ is the simple act of comparison & learning Duplicate
for organisational improvement B.
A. Structured
Benchmarking C.
B. Detailed
Feedback D.
C. None of the above
Ranking Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
D. Answer & Solution
Job evaluation Answer: Option A
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Solution:
Answer & Solution Under training and development plan, the form is to
Answer: Option A be prepared in duplicate form. Training and
Solution: development process is an organizational activity
Benchmarking is the simple act of comparison & aimed at improving the performance of the
learning for organisational improvement. Bench individuals and groups of employees in the
marking is the process of identifying “best practice” organizational settings. It is an organized activity for
in relation to both products (including) and the increasing the knowledge and skills of the
processes by which those products are created and employees.
delivered. The search for “best practice” can taker 36.
place both inside a particular industry, and also in The process of analyzing jobs from which job
other industries. descriptions are developed are called________.
34. A.
_______ can be defined as a written record of the Job analysis
duties, responsibilities and conditions of job. B.
A. Job evaluation
Job description C.
B. Job enrichment
Job specification D.
Job enlargement of individuals, groups and the organization as a
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later whole.
Answer & Solution 39.
Answer: Option A __________ involves a one to one discussion
Solution: between the participant and administrator.
The process of analyzing jobs from which job A.
descriptions are developed are called Job analysis. Counselling
Job analysis is the process of gathering and B.
analyzing information about the content and the Training
human requirements of jobs, as well as, the context C.
in which jobs are performed. This process is used to Motivation
determine placement of jobs. D.
37. All of the above
360-Degree Feedback enhances the quality of Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
________ decisions. Answer & Solution
A. Answer: Option A
HR Solution:
B. Counselling involves a one to one discussion
Management between the participant and administrator.
C. Counselling is the process that occurs when a client
HRD and counsellor set aside time to explore difficulties
D. which may include the stressful or emotional
All of the above feelings of the client.
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later 40.
Answer & Solution ______ appraisal done separately will provide
Answer: Option D feedback on the potential of these managers.
Solution: A.
360-Degree Feedback enhances the quality of HR, Potential
Management and HRD decisions. B.
38. Managerial
In the Grid Seminars, stress is laid on _______. C.
A. General
Teaching D.
B. Administrative
Professionalism Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
C. Answer & Solution
Training & Development Answer: Option A
D. Solution:
All of the above Potential appraisal is done separately will provide
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later feedback on the potential of these managers.
Answer & Solution Potential appraisal is a future-oriented appraisal
Answer: Option A whose main objective is to identify and evaluate the
Solution: potential of the employees to assume higher
In the Grid Seminars, stress is laid on teaching. The positions and responsibilities in the organizational
Grid Training is the comprehensive organization hierarchy. Many organizations consider and use PA
development programme developed by Blake and as a part of the performance appraisal processes.
Mouton, which focuses on the overall development 41.
________ system stresses on discipline and there is Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
simplicity in the form. Answer & Solution
A. Answer: Option A
Merit rating Solution:
B. Under Point method, common factors to all the jobs
Point rating are identified. With this method, job factors are
C. identified under primary groups (i.e., skill, effort,
Both ?a? and ?b? responsibilities, working conditions) typically up to
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later five groups. Each factor is assigned a dollar value (as
Answer & Solution opposed to point value). This is a complex system
Answer: Option A used only by a few organizations.
Solution: 44.
Merit rating system stresses on discipline and there The ________ role is to ensure the deserving
is simplicity in the form. Merit Rating is also known managers should get appropriate opportunities for
as performance appraisal or performance job Rotation.
evaluation. It is a systematic process for measuring A.
the performance of the employees in terms of job Reviewer
requirements. B.
42. Assessor
Stephen Knauf defined HRA as "the measurement & C.
________ of Human organisational inputs such as Administrator
recruitment, training experience & commitment D.
A. Employer
Qualification Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
B. Answer & Solution
Accounting Answer: Option A
C. Solution:
Development The reviewer role is to ensure the deserving
D. managers should get appropriate opportunities for
None of the above job Rotation. Job Rotation is a management
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later approach where employees are shifted between
Answer & Solution two or more assignments or jobs at regular intervals
Answer: Option A of time in order to expose them to all verticals of an
Solution: organization. It is a pre-planned approach with an
Stephen Knauf defined HRA as "the measurement & objective to test the employee skills and
Qualification of Human organisational inputs such competencies in order to place him or her at the
as recruitment, training experience & commitment. right place. In addition to it, it reduces the
43. monotony of the job and gives them a wider
Under ______ method, common factors to all the experience and helps them gain more insights.
jobs are identified. 45.
A. The role of the organisation in career planning is to
Point introduce & strengthen systems to ensure
B. ________ of employees
Merit A.
C. Career progression
Factor comparison B.
D. Self development
Ranking C.
Economical Development Job analysis
D. D.
Skill enhancement Job design
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Answer & Solution Answer & Solution
Answer: Option A Answer: Option C
Solution: Solution:
The role of the organisation in career planning is to A broad statement of the purpose, scope, duties
introduce & strengthen systems to ensure Career and responsibilities of a particular job is Job
progression of employees. Developing career paths analysis. A job analysis is a process used to collect
that enable employees to understand their options information about the duties, responsibilities,
to grow in the organization. Gathering the necessary skills, outcomes, and work environment
information to determine what skills they would of a particular job.
need to achieve this. 48.
46. Executive recruiters are also called___________
The Job Characteristics Model is one of the most A.
influential attempts to___________ head hunters
A. B.
Design jobs with increased motivational properties staffers
B. C.
Assign jobs with proper motivational properties alternative staffing companies
C. D.
Analyse jobs with increase and proper motivation contract technical recruiters
D. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Describe jobs with increase motivation for proper Answer & Solution
jobs Answer: Option A
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Solution:
Answer & Solution Executive recruiters are also called head hunters. A
Answer: Option D headhunter is a company or individual that provides
Solution: employment recruiting services. Headhunters are
The Job Characteristics Model is one of the most hired by firms to find talent and to locate
influential attempts to describe jobs with increase individuals who meet specific job requirements.
motivation for proper jobs. The job characteristics Employers tend to enlist headhunters when they
model applicable to a business identifies the job are unable to find the right person to fill a role on
characteristics of skill variety, autonomy, task their own.
significance, task identity and feedback, and the 49.
outcomes of high job performance, high job Strategic management process usually consists of
satisfaction, high intrinsic motivation, and low ______steps.
absenteeism or turnover. A.
47. Four
A broad statement of the purpose, scope, duties B.
and responsibilities of a particular job Five
is___________ C.
A. Six
Job specification D.
B. Seven
Job description Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
C. Answer & Solution
Answer: Option B existing and prospective customers about your
Solution: product or service.
Strategic management process usually consists of 52.
Five steps. The process of strategic management The most popular method of recruiting applicants
includes goal setting, analysis, strategy formation, to jobs is___________
strategy implementation, and strategy monitoring. A.
50. Radio and TV advertisement
Treating employees as precious human resources is B.
the basis of the ___________ approach Corporate website
A. C.
Hard HRM Employee referral schemes
B. D.
Soft HRM Commercial job boards
C. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Medium HRM Answer & Solution
D. Answer: Option B
Utiliarian approach Solution:
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later The most popular method of recruiting applicants
Answer & Solution to jobs is Corporate website. A Corporate Website is
Answer: Option B more than the face of a business. It is the
Solution: perception of a firm. New Global Ventures
Treating employees as precious human resources is translates your business into a compelling case for
the basis of the Soft HRM approach. Human collaboration on the web.
resource management (HRM) has frequently been 53.
described as a concept with two distinct forms: soft Using a structured interviewing technique would
and hard. The soft model emphasizes individuals likely achieve all of the following
and their self-direction and places commitment, except___________
trust, and self-regulated behaviour at the centre of A.
any strategic approach to people. Increased consistency across candidates
51. B.
The best medium to reach a 'large audience for the Reduced subjectivity on the part of the interviewer
process of recruitment is___________ C.
A. Enhanced job relatedness
Casual applicants D.
B. More opportunity to explore areas as they arise
Advertising during the interview
C. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Employee referrals Answer & Solution
D. Answer: Option D
Employment agencies Solution:
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Using a structured interviewing technique would
Answer & Solution likely achieve all of the following except more
Answer: Option B opportunity to explore areas as they arise during
Solution: the interview. Structured Interview is one in which a
The best medium to reach a 'large audience for the particular set of predetermined questions are
process of recruitment is Advertising. Advertising prepared by the interviewer in advance.
provides a direct line of communication to your 54.
Recruiting is necessary to___________
A. Heterogeneous
forecast the supply of outside candidates C.
B. Ductility
developing an applicant pool D.
C. Stable
determine whether to use inside or outside Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
candidates Answer & Solution
D. Answer: Option B
develop qualifications inventories Solution:
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Human resources management are heterogeneous.
Answer & Solution They consist of many different individuals, each
Answer: Option B having a unique personality, different emotional
Solution: responses to different stimuli and different needs,
Recruiting is necessary to developing an applicant motives, values, attitudes and modes of thinking.
pool. The applicant pool is the total number of Each of them has his own physical and psychological
people who have applied for an open position – the traits.
employer then embarks on the selection process by 57.
reducing the applicant pool to either a short-list or a ___________ best defines how well a test or
long-list and then a short-list, depending on the selection procedure measures a person's attributes.
number of people in the applicant pool. A.
55. Reliability
Campus Recruiting does not have the advantage B.
of___________ Testing
A. C.
High Intellectual Capacity Validity
B. D.
Higher understanding of organization Organizational constraint
C. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
High level of curiosity Answer & Solution
D. Answer: Option C
High potential Solution:
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Validity best defines how well a test or selection
Answer & Solution procedure measures a person's attributes. Validity
Answer: Option B refers to what a test or procedure measures and
Solution: how well it measures. It is the degree to which a
Campus Recruiting does not have the advantage of test or procedure measures a person's attributes.
higher understanding of organization. Main 58.
advantage of campus placement is that it is possible Job Enrichment involves___________
for companies to select best, quality candidates A.
within short time duration. Students can have the Increases the amount of money employees are paid
advantage of getting a reputed job even before for completing an unit of work
completion of their academic course in college. B.
56. Is a programme through which management seeks
The characteristics of human resources are greater productivity from workers
___________ in nature C.
A. my answer: (that staff is moved periodically from
Homogeneous task to task in order to increase variety and interest
B. D.
Involves giving employees work with a greater D.
degree of responsibility and autonomy online retirement planning can help employees map
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later out their future while reducing questions and
Answer & Solution paperwork for HR
Answer: Option D Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Solution: Answer & Solution
Job Enrichment involves giving employees work Answer: Option C
with a greater degree of responsibility and Solution:
autonomy. Responsibility can also help speed up The following are some of the ways that human
work processes by enabling the employee to make resources can benefit through electronic systems,
decisions without having to wait for management except working online can reduce the resistance
approval. Autonomy is a very important part of job sometimes experienced from employees. It is the
enrichment because it gives the employee power policy of different organizations to promote and
and a feeling of importance. reward workers who have been showing exemplary
59. performance in a particular duration. However, the
Moving employees from one job to another in a details showing the level of performance of various
predetermined way is called ___________ people working in the company can only be traced
A. through an electronic system.
Job rotation 61.
B. ___________tests have proven to be particularly
Job reengineering good predictors for jobs that require
C. A.
Work mapping Intelligence
D. B.
Job enrichment Integrity
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later C.
Answer & Solution Work sampling
Answer: Option A D.
Solution: Aptitude
Moving employees from one job to another in a Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
predetermined way is called Job rotation. Job Answer & Solution
rotation is a strategy where employees rotate Answer: Option A
between jobs at the same business. Employees take Solution:
on new tasks at a different job for a period of time Intelligence tests have proven to be particularly
before rotating back to their original position. good predictors for jobs that require. Tests of
60. intellectual ability, spatial and mechanical ability,
The following are some of the ways that human perceptual accuracy, and motor ability are
resources can benefit through electronic systems, moderately valid predictors for many semiskilled
except___________ and unskilled lower-level jobs in industrial
A. organizations.
online recruiting can eliminate paperwork and 62.
speed up the hiring process Although many authors experience difficulty in
B. distinguishing between personnel management and
online learning can slash travel costs and make HRM, it can be argued that HRM is the elevation of
training available anytime anywhere personnel management to a more ________ Level.
C. A.
working online can reduce the resistance Strategic
sometimes experienced from employees B.
Organisational All of the above
C. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Operational Answer & Solution
D. Answer: Option D
Centralized Solution:
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later The term used before the language of modern HRM
Answer & Solution was Labour Relations, Personnel Management and
Answer: Option B Industrial Management.
Solution: 65.
Although many authors experience difficulty in Which of the following is not a function normally
distinguishing between personnel management and performed by HR department?
HRM, it can be argued that HRM is the elevation of A.
personnel management to a more organisational Accounting
Level. HRM concentrates on maintaining human B.
resources by acquiring, developing and motivating Recruitment and Selection
them at organisational Level. C.
63. Pay and Reward
HRM is more___________ whereas Personnel D.
Management is slightly narrow Employee Relations
A. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Complex Answer & Solution
B. Answer: Option A
Detailed Solution:
C. Accounting is not a function normally performed by
Mechanical HR department. The six main function of HR are
D. recruitment, workplace safety, employee relations,
Growth-oriented compensation planning, labor law compliance and
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later training.
Answer & Solution 66.
Answer: Option D Which of the following statements is false?
Solution: A.
HRM is more growth-oriented whereas Personnel Organizations are now less hierarchical in nature
Management is slightly narrow. Personnel B.
management is a little old and a more traditional Organizations are now generally focusing upon
way of handling employees at a workplace; whereas domestic rather than international matters
HRM is a more modern and a more specific C.
approach to managing human resources in an Organizations have adopted more flexible norms
organization. D.
64. Organizations have been subject to a raft of
The term used before the language of modern HRM organizational change programs
was Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
A. Answer & Solution
Labour Relations Answer: Option B
B. Solution:
Personnel Management Organizations are now generally focusing upon
C. domestic rather than international matters is not
Industrial Management true they are focusing on both matters.
D. 67.
HRM is Organisational and social objectives
A. D.
Employee oriented All of the above
B. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Employer oriented Answer & Solution
C. Answer: Option D
Legally oriented Solution:
D. The objectives of HRM are categorized as Personal
None of the above objectives, Functional objectives and Organisational
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later and social objectives.
Answer & Solution 70.
Answer: Option A The scope of HRM does not include
Solution: A.
HRM is Employee oriented. Employee orientation is Retirement of employees
the process of introducing new hires to their jobs, B.
co-workers, responsibilities, and workplace. Manpower planning
Effective employee orientation answers any C.
questions or concerns a new colleague may have, Training of employees
makes them aware of company policies and D.
expectations, and eases them comfortably into their Maintenance of accounts
new positions. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
68. Answer & Solution
Scope of the HRM includes Answer: Option D
A. Solution:
Retirement and separation of employees The scope of HRM does not include maintenance of
B. accounts. HRM is a process of making the efficient
HR training and development and effective use of human resources so that the
C. set goals are achieved.
Industrial relations SECTION 2
All of the above 1.
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later The meaning of the acronym 'SHRM' is
Answer & Solution A.
Answer: Option D Short-term Human Resource Management
Solution: B.
Scope of the HRM includes Retirement and Strategic Human Resource Management
separation of employees, HR training and C.
development, Industrial relations, etc. The scope of Strategestic Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management (HRM) is Personal D.
Management, Employee Welfare and Industrial Strategic Humane Resource Management
Relations. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
69. Answer & Solution
The objectives of HRM are categorized as Answer: Option B
A. Solution:
Personal objectives The meaning of the acronym 'SHRM' is Strategic
B. Human Resource Management. Strategic human
Functional objectives resource management includes typical human
C. resource components such as hiring, discipline, and
payroll, and also involves working with employees In which evaluation method, the evaluator is asked
in a collaborative manner to boost retention, to describe the strong and weak aspects of the
improve the quality of the work experience, and employee's behavior.
maximize the mutual benefit of employment for A.
both the employee and the employer. Graphic rating scale
2. B.
The organization's ____ must be conducive to Forced choice
productivity and quality improvement. C.
A. Essay evaluation
Culture D.
B. Management by Objective
Development Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
C. Answer & Solution
Policy Answer: Option C
D. Solution:
Environment In essay evaluation method, the evaluator is asked
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later to describe the strong and weak aspects of the
Answer & Solution employee's behavior. In the essay method
Answer: Option A approach, the appraiser prepares a written
Solution: statement about the employee being appraised.
The organization's Culture must be conducive to The statement usually concentrates on describing
productivity and quality improvement. The ways the specific strengths and weaknesses in job
employees interact amongst themselves and with performance.
others outside the organization contribute to the 5.
culture of the workplace. The culture gives an The following system combines the superior and
identity to the organization and makes it distinct self evaluation systems?
from others. Communication and relationship play A.
an important role in a healthy organization culture. Graphic rating scale
3. B.
College Professors are generally evaluated on the Forced choice
following Work function(s) C.
A. Essay evaluation
Teaching D.
B. Management by Objective
Service Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
C. Answer & Solution
Research Answer: Option D
D. Solution:
All of the above The Management by Objective system combines
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later the superior and self evaluation systems.
Answer & Solution Management by objectives (MBO) is a strategic
Answer: Option D management model that aims to improve the
Solution: performance of an organization by clearly defining
College Professors are generally evaluated on objectives that are agreed to by both management
Teaching, Service and Research Work functions. and employees.
4. 6.
In this technique, personnel specialists and
operating managers prepare lists of statements of
very effective and very ineffective behavior for an knowledge of how to improve the performance of
employee. the individuals involved.
A. 8.
Critical incident technique Paired comparison method can be used by
B. A.
Forced choice Superiors
C. B.
Essay evaluation Peers
D. C.
Management by Objective Subordinates
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later D.
Answer & Solution All of the above
Answer: Option A Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Solution: Answer & Solution
In Critical incident technique, personnel specialists Answer: Option D
and operating managers prepare lists of statements Solution:
of very effective and very ineffective behavior for an Paired comparison method can be used by
employee. Critical incident method or critical Superiors, Peers and Subordinates.
incident technique is a performance appraisal tool 9.
in which analyses the behavior of employee in The multiple-input approach to performance
certain events in which either he performed very feedback is sometimes called ____ degree
well and the ones in which he could have done assessment.
better. A.
7. 90
The following technique(s) is based on the critical B.
incident approach. 180
A. C.
Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS) 270
B. D.
Critical incident technique 360
C. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Both (A) and (B) Answer & Solution
D. Answer: Option D
None of the above Solution:
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later The multiple-input approach to performance
Answer & Solution feedback is sometimes called 360 degree
Answer: Option C assessment. A 360-degree feedback (also known as
Solution: multi-rater feedback, multi source feedback, or
Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS) and multi source assessment) is a process through
Critical incident techniques are based on the critical which feedback from an employee's subordinates,
incident approach. colleagues, and supervisor(s), as well as a self-
BARS is designed to bring the benefits of both evaluation by the employee themselves is gathered.
quantitative and qualitative data to employee 10.
appraisal process. An incentive plan may consist of
Critical incident technique is a method of gathering A.
facts (incidents) from domain experts or less Monetary
experienced users of the existing system to gain B.
C. Critical incident technique
Both monetary and nonmonetary Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
D. Answer & Solution
None of the above Answer: Option A
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Solution:
Answer & Solution The Ranking technique have been used to evaluate
Answer: Option C an employee in comparison with other employees.
Solution: Ranking method is one of the simplest performance
An incentive plan may consist of both monetary and evaluation methods. In this method, employees are
nonmonetary. Monetary rewards are the incentives ranked from best to worst in a group. The simplicity
which involve direct money to the employees. Non- of this method is overshadowed by the negative
Monetary rewards are the incentives which do not impact of assigning a 'worst' and a 'best' rating to
involve direct money to the employees. Non- an employee.
Monetary rewards are usually given to all the 13.
employees of a certain level to offer them The Recognition may be shown in the form of
convenience and security. A.
11. A pat on the back of employee
The following technique is used to evaluate an B.
employee individually. Promotion
A. C.
Graphic scale rating Assignment of more interesting tasks
B. D.
Ranking All of the above
C. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Paired comparison Answer & Solution
D. Answer: Option D
Forced distribution Solution:
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later The Recognition may be shown in the form of a pat
Answer & Solution on the back of employee, Promotion and
Answer: Option A Assignment of more interesting tasks.
Solution: 14.
Graphic scale rating technique is used to evaluate The purpose of Job Evaluation is to determine
an employee individually. A graphic rating scale lists A.
the traits each employee should have and rates Worth of a job in relation to other jobs
workers on a numbered scale for each trait. The B.
scores are meant to separate employees into tiers Time duration of a job
of performers, which can play a role in determining C.
promotions and salary adjustments. Expenses incurred to make a job
12. D.
The technique that have been used to evaluate an None of the above
employee in comparison with other employees Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
A. Answer & Solution
Ranking Answer: Option A
B. Solution:
Forced choice The purpose of Job Evaluation is to determine
C. worth of a job in relation to other jobs. Job
Essay evaluation evaluations have many purposes within business
D. organizations. While they may be perceived as
focusing only an individual's performance, they B.
actually help the organization take a look at its Maintenance of a consistent wage policy.
structure, allowing it to make changes to improve C.
its competitiveness or efficiency. Installation of an effective means of wage control.
15. D.
Job Evaluation tries to make a systematic All of the above
comparison between Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
A. Answer & Solution
Workers Answer: Option D
B. Solution:
Jobs The important objectives of a job evaluation
C. programme Establishment of sound wage
Machines differentials between jobs is maintenance of a
D. consistent wage policy and installation of an
Departments effective means of wage control.
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later 18.
Answer & Solution The following is not a job evaluation method.
Answer: Option B A.
Solution: Factor comparison method
Job Evaluation tries to make a systematic B.
comparison between Jobs to assess their relative Point Method
worth for the purpose of establishing a rational pay C.
structure. Ranking method
16. D.
Basis of Job Evaluation is Assessment method
A. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Job design Answer & Solution
B. Answer: Option D
Job ranking Solution:
C. The Assessment method is not a job evaluation
Job analysis method. A business assessment helps you to
D. achieve your company's goals, to expand and grow
Any of the above your business in a smart and strategic way. As the
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later company owner, you have to be aware of the
Answer & Solution strengths and weaknesses of your company.
Answer: Option C 19.
Solution: In which of the following methods Jobs can be
Basis of Job Evaluation is Job analysis. Job arranged according to the relative difficulty in
evaluation is an assessment of the relative worth of performing them.
various jobs on the basis of a consistent set of job A.
and personal factors, such as qualifications and Ranking method
skills required. B.
17. Point method
The important objectives of a job evaluation C.
programme Factor comparison method
A. D.
Establishment of sound wage differentials between Classification method
jobs. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Answer & Solution simplest performance evaluation methods. In this
Answer: Option A method, employees are ranked from best to worst
Solution: in a group. The simplicity of this method is
In Ranking method Jobs can be arranged according overshadowed by the negative impact of assigning a
to the relative difficulty in performing them. 'worst' and a 'best' rating to an employee.
Ranking method is one of the simplest performance 22.
evaluation methods. In this method, employees are Point method is suitable for
ranked from best to worst in a group. The simplicity A.
of this method is overshadowed by the negative Small size organization
impact of assigning a 'worst' and a 'best' rating to B.
an employee. Mid size organization
20. C.
Job Evaluation is carried on by Large organization
A. D.
Groups Both (B) and (C)
B. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Individuals Answer & Solution
C. Answer: Option D
Both (A) and (B) Solution:
D. Point method is suitable for Mid size organization
None of the above and Large organization. The point method is an
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later extension of the factor comparison method. Each
Answer & Solution factor is then divided into levels or degrees which
Answer: Option A are then assigned points. Each job is rated using the
Solution: job evaluation instrument. The points for each
Job Evaluation is carried on by groups. Since job factor are summed to form a total point score for
evaluation is subjective, specially trained personnel the job.
or job analysts should conduct it. When a group of 23.
managers is used for this purpose, the group is In Factor Comparison method, each factor is
called a job evaluation committee. The committee ascribed a
reviews job analysis information to learn about the A.
duties, responsibilities and working conditions. Money value
21. B.
The Ranking method is best suited for Ranking
A. C.
Complex organizations Scale
B. D.
Large organizations None of the above
C. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Small organizations Answer & Solution
D. Answer: Option A
Any of the above Solution:
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later In Factor Comparison method, each factor is
Answer & Solution ascribed a Money value. Factor comparison is
Answer: Option C systematic and scientific method designed to carry
Solution: out job evaluation which instead of ranking job as a
The Ranking method is best suited for Small whole, ranks according to a series of factors. The
organizations. Ranking method is one of the
aim of factor comparison is to assign financial value Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
to the relative parts of each job role. Answer & Solution
24. Answer: Option C
The following is (are) the key components of a Solution:
business process Re-engineering programme? The Recruitment is concerned with developing a
A. pool of candidates in line with the human resources
Product development plan. In human resource management,
B. “recruitment” is the process of finding and hiring
Service delivery the best and most qualified candidate for a job
C. opening, in a timely and cost-effective manner. It
Customer satisfaction can also be defined as the “process of searching for
D. prospective employees and stimulating and
All of the above encouraging them to apply for jobs in an
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later organization”.
Answer & Solution 27.
Answer: Option D Majority of the disputes in industries is (are) related
Solution: to the problem of
The Product development, Service delivery and A.
Customer satisfaction are the key components of a Wages
business process Re-engineering programme. B.
25. Salaries
The actual achievements compared with the C.
objectives of the job is Benefits
A. D.
Job performance All of the above
B. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Job evaluation Answer & Solution
C. Answer: Option D
Job description Solution:
D. Majority of the disputes in industries are related to
None of the above the problem of Wages, Salaries and Benefits.
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later 28.
Answer & Solution In an organisation initiating career planning, the
Answer: Option A career path model would essentially form the basis
No explanation is given for this question Let's for
Discuss on Board A.
26. Placement
The following is (are) concerned with developing a B.
pool of candidates in line with the human resources Transfer
plan C.
A. Rotation
Development D.
B. All of the above
Training Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
C. Answer & Solution
Recruitment Answer: Option D
D. Solution:
All of the above
In an organisation initiating career planning, the Quality product
career path model would essentially form the basis B.
for Placement, Transfer and Rotation. Defect free products
29. C.
Performance development plan is set for the Customer satisfaction
employee by his D.
A. All of the above
Employer Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
B. Answer & Solution
Department Head Answer: Option D
C. Solution:
Immediate boss Quality product, Defect free products and Customer
D. satisfaction are the objectives of inspection.
Any of the above 32.
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Large recruitment ____ problematic and vice-versa.
Answer & Solution A.
Answer: Option C Less
Solution: B.
Performance development plan is set for the More
employee by his immediate boss. Performance and C.
development planning is carried out jointly by the Any of the above
manager and the employee and in the process of Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
discussions they both arrive at performance Answer & Solution
agreements and define performance expectations. Answer: Option A
30. No explanation is given for this question Let's
The following type of recruitment process is said to Discuss on Board
be a costly affair. 33.
A. The following person has suggested the new
Internal recruitment concept which takes into account various key
B. factors that will tell the overall performance of a
External recruitment job.
C. A.
Cost remains same for both types Elliot Jecques
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later B.
Answer & Solution Fred Luthas
Answer: Option B C.
Solution: Juran
The External recruitment process is said to be a D.
costly affair. External recruitment is the assessment None of the above
of an available pool of job candidates, other than Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
existing staff, to see if there are any sufficiently Answer & Solution
skilled or qualified to fill and perform existing job Answer: Option A
vacancies. It is the process of searching outside of Solution:
the current employee pool to fill open positions in Elliot Jecques has suggested the new concept which
an organization. takes into account various key factors that will tell
31. the overall performance of a job.
The following is (are) the objective(s) of inspection. 34.
The three important components in aligning All of the above
business strategy with HR practice: Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
A. Answer & Solution
Business Strategy, Human Resource Practices, Answer: Option C
Organisational Capabilities Solution:
B. Hiring is the process which is continuous and stops
Marketing Strategy, Human Resource Practices, only when the organisation ceases to exist. The
Organisational Capabilities hiring process is the process of reviewing
C. applications, selecting the right candidates to
Business Strategy, Human Resource Practices, interview, testing candidates, choosing between
Organisational structure candidates to make the hiring decision and
D. performing various pre-employment tests and
Marketing Strategy, Human Resource Practices, checks.
Organisational structure 37.
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later The following factor would be relatively low if
Answer & Solution supply of labour is higher than demand.
Answer: Option A A.
Solution: production
The three important components in aligning B.
business strategy with HR practice are Business labour cost
Strategy, Human Resource Practices and C.
Organisational Capabilities. wage
35. D.
The basic managerial skill(s) is(are) all of the above
A. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
To supervise Answer & Solution
B. Answer: Option C
To stimulate Solution:
C. Wage factor would be relatively low if supply of
To motivate labour is higher than demand. Wages are the price
D. that workers receive for their labor in the form of
All of the above salaries, bonuses, royalties, commissions, and fringe
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later benefits, such as paid vacations, health insurance,
Answer & Solution and pensions.
Answer: Option D 38.
Solution: The nation wide consumer councils formed by the
The basic managerial skills are To supervise, To Government comprise of representatives of
stimulate and To motivate. A.
36. Cost account and consumer
The process which is continuous and stops only B.
when the organisation ceases to exist Various ministries
A. C.
Training Manufactures of commerce
B. D.
Job evaluation All of the above
C. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Hiring Answer & Solution
D. Answer: Option D
Solution: A.
The nation wide consumer councils formed by the Contextual analysis
Government comprise of representatives of Cost B.
account and consumer, Various ministries and Role analysis
Manufactures of commerce. C.
39. Performance appraisal
The following is (are) the option(s) while planning D.
for surplus All of the above
A. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Reassign the jobs Answer & Solution
B. Answer: Option D
Redesign the jobs Solution:
C. Contextual analysis, Role analysis and Performance
Reduce work hours appraisal are the factors that come under work
D. planning that is component systems of HRD.
All of the above 42.
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later The three types of forecasts are
Answer & Solution A.
Answer: Option D Economic, employee market, company's sales
Solution: expansion
Reassign the jobs, Redesign the jobs and Reduce B.
work hours are the options while planning for Long, Short, Medium
surplus. C.
40. Production, economic, company's sales expansion
The following system is simple, less expensive and D.
less time consuming. Production, labor, economic
A. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Paired comparison Answer & Solution
B. Answer: Option A
Confidential report system Solution:
C. The three types of forecasts are Economic,
Ranking employee market, company's sales expansion.
D. 43.
Checklist method Under point method, factor(s) generally considered
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later are
Answer & Solution A.
Answer: Option C Skill, effort, Accountability
Solution: B.
Ranking system is simple, less expensive and less Skill, job enrichment, accountability
time consuming. In a ranking method, jobs are C.
arranged in order of their value or merit to the Wage, job enrichment, accountability
organization. Accordingly the jobs at the top of the D.
list provide more value to the organization and its Wage effort, accountability
relative importance keeps decreasing as we move Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
down the list. Answer & Solution
41. Answer: Option A
The following are the factors which come under ? Solution:
Work planning? that is component systems of HRD
Under point method, factors generally considered A.
are Skill, effort and Accountability. The point Red moon lighting
method is an extension of the factor comparison B.
method. Each factor is then divided into levels or Blue moon lighting
degrees which are then assigned points. Each job is C.
rated using the job evaluation instrument. The Yellow moon lighting
points for each factor are summed to form a total D.
point score for the job. Silver moon lighting
44. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
HRD process variable include Answer & Solution
A. Answer: Option B
Role clarity Solution:
B. When effort to earn additional income through a
Work planning second job does not bear fruit, such type of efforts
C. & the consequent results may be called as Blue
Better communication moon lighting. Moonlighting refers to the practice
D. of working a second job outside normal business
All of the above hours. Therefore, an employee may work a normal
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later 9-to-5 job as a primary source of income but work
Answer & Solution nights at a different job in order to earn extra
Answer: Option D money.
Solution: 47.
HRD process variable include Role clarity, Work Which pay is one of the most crucial pay given to
planning and Better communication. the employee & also shown in the pay structure?
45. A.
The following is (are) included in salary survey. Performance
A. B.
Average salary Strategic
B. C.
Inflation indicators Bonus
C. D.
Salary budget averages Commission
D. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
All of the above Answer & Solution
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer: Option A
Answer & Solution Solution:
Answer: Option D Performance is one of the most crucial pay given to
Solution: the employee & also shown in the pay structure.
Average salary, Inflation indicators and Salary Performance is understood as achievement of the
budget averages are included in salary survey. organization in relation with its set goals.
Salary surveys are typically conducted with 48.
numerous Organisations in a given employment Which of the following is (are) the HRD score card?
sector or industry in order to determine levels of A.
pay for specific job groups or classifications. HRD systems maturity score
46. B.
When effort to earn additional income through a Competency score
second job does not bear fruit, such type of efforts C.
& the consequent results may be called as HRD competencies systems maturity score
D. Job evaluation
All of the above Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer & Solution
Answer & Solution Answer: Option A
Answer: Option D Solution:
Solution: Job analysis describes the duties of the job,
HRD systems maturity score, Competency score and authority relationship, skills requirement,
HRD competencies systems maturity scoreis are the conditions of work etc. Job analysis is the process of
HRD score card. gathering and analyzing information about the
49. content and the human requirements of jobs, as
The three performance counseling phases are well as, the context in which jobs are performed.
A. This process is used to determine placement of
Rapport building, Exploration, Action planning jobs.
B. 51.
Support building, Exploration, Action planning During the lay off period, the employer has to pay
C. ____ of the basic wages.
Rapport building, Explanation, Action planning A.
D. One fourth
Rapport building, Exploration, Accurate planning B.
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Half
Answer & Solution C.
Answer: Option A Three fourth
Solution: D.
The three performance counseling phases are One third
Rapport building, Exploration and Action planning. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
In the rapport building phase, a good counselor Answer & Solution
attempts to establish a climate of acceptance, Answer: Option B
warmth, support, openness and mutuality. Solution:
In Exploration phase, the counselor should attempt During the lay off period, the employer has to pay
to help the employee understand and appreciate half of the basic wages. A layoff is an involuntary
his strengths and weaknesses. He should also separation between an employer and an employee
understand his own situation, problems and needs. that occurs through no fault of the employee.
In Action Planning Counseling interviews should end 52.
with specific plans of action for development of the Point system and factor comparison methods are
employee. The main contribution of the superior in placed under such category
this phase is in helping the employee think of A.
alternative ways of dealing with a problem. Non
50. B.
What is that describes the duties of the job, Quantitative job evaluation
authority relationship, skills requirement, C.
conditions of work etc. Any of the above
A. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Job analysis Answer & Solution
B. Answer: Option B
Job enlargement Solution:
C. Point system and factor comparison methods are
Job enrichment placed under Quantitative job evaluation. This is the
D. most widely used method for job evaluation. It
along with factor comparison method, involves a D.
more detailed, quantitative and analytical approach Design
to the measurement of job worth. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
53. Answer & Solution
A key HR role in the firm will be multidisciplinary Answer: Option D
consulting around Solution:
A. During design stage, the firm plans the proposed
Individual changes into practice. These projects are designed
B. with the aim of efficient management.
Team 56.
C. During which of the following stage, the firm
Business unit identifies and confirms the overall business
D. direction
All of the above A.
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Clarification
Answer & Solution B.
Answer: Option D Monitoring
Solution: C.
A key HR role in the firm will be multidisciplinary Assessment
consulting around Individual, Team and Business D.
unit. Design
54. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
The following are the key factors of the new Answer & Solution
economic policy. Answer: Option A
A. Solution:
Privatization During Clarification, the firm identifies and confirms
B. the overall business direction.
Market friendly state 57.
C. The process of the feedback is made up of __
Liberalisation phases.
D. A.
All of the above 4
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later B.
Answer & Solution 5
Answer: Option D C.
Solution: 6
Privatization, Market friendly state and D.
Liberalisation are the key factors of the new 7
economic policy. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
55. Answer & Solution
During which of the following stage, the firm plans Answer: Option B
the proposed changes into practice. Solution:
A. The process of the feedback is made up of 5 phases.
Clarification Here are the five steps to communicating positive
B. feedback to employees: Establish the purpose of
Monitoring the conversation. Describe the positive behavior or
C. performance. Ask the employee the reasons for
Assessment their success. Listen actively and empathetically.
Thank the employee and express your confidence in D.
their continued success. None of the above
58. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
The three phases of recruitment process are Answer & Solution
A. Answer: Option A
Planning, Implementing, Evaluating Solution:
B. Recruitment policy usually highlights need for
Planning, Implementing, Screening establishing job specification. A job specification
C. defines the knowledge, skills and abilities that are
Planning, Implementing, Enrichment required to perform a job in an organization.
D. 61.
Planning, Screening, Evaluating The process of developing the applicant's pool for
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later job openings in an organization is called
Answer & Solution A.
Answer: Option A Hiring
Solution: B.
The three phases of recruitment process are Recruitment
Planning, Implementing and Evaluating. C.
59. Selection
Recruitment is widely viewed as a D.
A. Retention
Positive process Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
B. Answer & Solution
Negative process Answer: Option B
C. Solution:
Positive as well as negative process The process of developing an applicants' pool for
D. job openings in an Organisation is called
None of the above processes Recruitment. Recruitment is the process of
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later searching for prospective employees and
Answer & Solution stimulating them to apply for jobs in their
Answer: Option A organisation.
Solution: 62.
Recruitment is widely viewed as a Positive process. A brief write-up of what the job is all about is
Recruitment is a process of identifying, screening, A.
shortlisting and hiring potential resource for filling Job finding
up the vacant positions in an organization. It is a B.
core function of Human Resource Management. Job summary
Recruitment is the process of choosing the right C.
person for the right position and at the right time. Job analysis
60. D.
Recruitment policy usually highlights need for Job specification
establishing Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
A. Answer & Solution
Job specification Answer: Option B
B. Solution:
Job analysis A brief write-up of what the job is all about is Job
C. summary. A job summary basically provides an
Job description overview of the company and the expectations that
comes with the job. It summarizes the main point of Which of the following is the area from which
the job description which may include key applicants can be recruited?
responsibilities, functions, and duties; education A.
and experience requirements and other important Employment Lines
information. B.
63. Employees' Association
A job specification is one of the areas of C.
A. Labour Market
Job analysis D.
B. Labour Schemes
Job design Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
C. Answer & Solution
Job description Answer: Option C
D. Solution:
Job summary Labour Market is the area from which applicants
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later can be recruited. A labour market is the place
Answer & Solution where workers and employees interact with each
Answer: Option A other. In the labour market, employers compete to
Solution: hire the best, and the workers compete for the best
A job specification is one of the areas of Job satisfying job.
analysis. Job analysis is the process of gathering and 66.
analyzing information about the content and the For forecasting the demand for manpower, the
human requirements of jobs, as well as, the context important techniques used are
in which jobs are performed. This process is used to A.
determine placement of jobs. Delphi Techniques
64. B.
The division of the total task to be performed into a Statistical Techniques
manageable and efficient unit is C.
A. Work Study Techniques
A job design D.
B. All of the above
A job specification Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
C. Answer & Solution
A job analysis Answer: Option D
D. Solution:
A job description For forecasting the demand for manpower, the
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later important techniques used are Delphi Techniques,
Answer & Solution Statistical Techniques and Work Study Techniques
Answer: Option A 67.
Solution: Selection of the candidates is done out of
The division of the total task to be performed into a A.
manageable and efficient unit is a job design. The Target population
Job Design means outlining the task, duties, B.
responsibilities, qualifications, methods and Internal sources
relationships required to perform the given set of a C.
job. External sources
65. D.
Internal as well as external sources
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later means specifying the contents, method, and
Answer & Solution relationships of jobs to satisfy technological and
Answer: Option A organizational requirements, as well as the personal
Solution: needs of jobholders.
Selection of the candidates is done out of target 70.
population. Target population refers to the ENTIRE According to Edwin Flippo, the first and immediate
group of individuals or objects to which researchers product of job analysis is
are interested in generalizing the conclusions. The A.
target population usually has varying characteristics The job description
and it is also known as the theoretical population. B.
68. The job design
HRM is considered as C.
A. The job production
A reactive function D.
B. The job specification
A proactive function Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
C. Answer & Solution
An auxiliary function Answer: Option A
D. Solution:
An auto-reactive function According to Edwin Flippo, the first and immediate
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later product of job analysis is the job description. A job
Answer & Solution description or JD lists the main features of a specific
Answer: Option B job. The description typically includes the person's
Solution: main duties, responsibilities, and working
HRM is considered as a proactive function. It also conditions. It also includes the job title and to
manages communication, motivation, and whom the person holding that job has to report.
leadership between people in the organization. Section 3
69. 1.
A job design is One of the important organizational factors
A. affecting 'Job Design' is
The design involving maximum acceptable job A.
design qualities to perform a job Workflow
B. B.
The division of total task to be performed into Autonomy
manageable and efficient units C.
C. Feedback
A systematic way of designing and determination of D.
the worth of a job Diversity
D. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
None of the above Answer & Solution
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer: Option A
Answer & Solution Solution:
Answer: Option B One of the important organizational factors
Solution: affecting 'Job Design' is Workflow. Organizational
A job design is the division of total task to be factors that affect job design can be work nature or
performed into manageable and efficient units. Job characteristics, work flow, organizational practices
design is the allocation of specific work tasks to and ergonomics.
individuals and groups. Allocating jobs and tasks 2.
Behavioral factors affecting job design are Ergonomics and cultural factors
A. D.
Autonomy Feedback and diversity factors
B. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Diversity Answer & Solution
C. Answer: Option A
Feedback Solution:
D. Organisational factors affecting job design are
All of the above Workforce and cultural factors. The various factors
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later under organisational factors include task features,
Answer & Solution work flow, ergonomics, work practices, etc.
Answer: Option D 5.
Solution: The procedure for determining the duties and skill
Behavioral factors affecting job design are requirements of a job and the kind of person who
Autonomy, Diversity and Feedback. should be hired for it is
3. A.
Factors affecting job design are Job analysis
A. B.
Behavioral factors Job design
B. C.
Environmental factors Job recruitment
C. D.
Organizational factors Job description
D. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
All of the above Answer & Solution
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer: Option A
Answer & Solution Solution:
Answer: Option D The procedure for determining the duties and skill
Solution: requirements of a job and the kind of person who
Factors affecting job design are Behavioral factors, should be hired for it is Job analysis. A job analysis is
Environmental factors and Organizational factors. a process used to collect information about the
Behavioral factors have to do with human needs duties, responsibilities, necessary skills, outcomes,
and the necessary to satisfy them. Higher-level and work environment of a particular job.
needs are more significant in this context. 6.
Environmental elements affect all activities of HRM, A list of the duties, responsibilities, reporting
and job design is no exception. The external factors relationship, working conditions and supervisory
that have a bearing on job design are employee responsibilities of a job as a product of a job
abilities and availability, and social and cultural analysis is
expectations. A.
Organizational factors include characteristics of Job enlargement
task, work flow, ergonomics, and work practices. B.
4. Job design
Organisational factors affecting job design are C.
A. Job description
Workforce and cultural factors D.
B. Job enlistment
Employee availability and abilities Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
C. Answer & Solution
Answer: Option C factors, HRM policy choices, HR outcomes, long-
Solution: term consequences and a feedback loop through.
A list of the duties, responsibilities, reporting The outputs flow directly into the organization and
relationship, working conditions and supervisory the stakeholders
responsibilities of a job as a product of a job 9.
analysis is Job description. A job description is a Manpower inventory involves
document intended to provide job applicants with A.
an outline of the main duties and responsibilities of The classification of the inventory of workers in an
the role for which they are applying. organisation in addition to the qualities
7. B.
Job Characteristics Model is proposed by The classification of characteristics of personnel in
A. an organisation, in addition to counting their
Hockman and Coldham number
B. C.
Hockman and Oldcham The classification of characteristics of managers'
C. qualities in addition to their number
Hackman and Oldham D.
D. The classification of characteristic features of
Horkman and Olatham functions for inventory in addition to the total
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later number of functions
Answer & Solution Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Answer: Option C Answer & Solution
Solution: Answer: Option B
Job Characteristics Model is proposed by Hackman Solution:
and Oldham. The five characteristics are skill Manpower Inventory involves the classification of
variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy characteristics of personnel in an organisation, in
and feedback from the job. The characteristics are addition to counting their number.
combined with three psychological states to 10.
determine the personal and work outcome. One of the external sources of recruitment is
8. A.
One of the dimensions included in the Harvard Retired managers and employees
Model is B.
A. Dependents of deceased employees
HR outcomes interest C.
B. Gate hiring
Behavioral interest D.
C. None of the above
Stakeholders interest Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
D. Answer & Solution
Performance interest Answer: Option C
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Solution:
Answer & Solution The External Sources of Recruitment mean hiring
Answer: Option C people from outside the organization. The concept
Solution: of gate hiring is to select people who approach on
The Harvard model claims to be comprehensive in their own for employment in the organisation. This
as much as it seeks to comprise six critical happens mostly in the case of unskilled and semi-
components of HRM. The dimensions included in skilled workers. When large numbers of workers are
the model are: stakeholders, interests, situational
required at the initial stage of the organisation, The data as calculated by demand forecast and
then this method is suitable. compared with inventory in respect of manpower
11. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Selection is Answer & Solution
A. Answer: Option B
Subjective Solution:
B. Manpower inventory is to prepare inventory for
Objective scheduling manpower. In manpower inventory, the
C. items are intangible. It involves cataloguing the
Normative characteristics of personnel in the organisation,
D. besides counting their number.
Positive 14.
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later E-recruiting methods include
Answer & Solution A.
Answer: Option C Internet job boards
Solution: B.
Selection is normative. 'Normative' means 'what Career websites
you should do' or 'what you must do', the rules that C.
you are supposed to follow. Employer websites
12. D.
Recruitment All of the above
A. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Follows selection Answer & Solution
B. Answer: Option D
Precedes selection Solution:
C. E-recruitment includes those practices and activities
Matches selection carried on by the organisation through internet with
D. the primary purpose of identifying and attracting
None of the above potential employees. The growth in the internet has
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later led both employers and employees to use internet
Answer & Solution recruiting tools. Of the many recruiting sites using
Answer: Option B special software, the most common ones are
Solution: internet job boards, professional / career websites
Recruitment precedes selection in staffing process. and employer websites.
Selection involves choosing the best candidate with 15.
best abilities, skills and knowledge for the required High job satisfaction is the outcome of which of the
job. following core dimensions described by the Job
13. Characteristics Model?
Manpower inventory is A.
A. Task identity
To find out how manpower is to be utilized B.
B. Task significance
To prepare inventory for scheduling manpower C.
C. Feedback
The data collected about the present employees of D.
an organization Autonomy
D. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Answer & Solution
Answer: Option A Culture and diversity
Solution: Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
The Job Characteristics Model (also know as Jobs Answer & Solution
Characteristic Theory) enables you to improve Answer: Option B
employee performance and job satisfaction by Solution:
means of adjusting the job itself. The model states Autonomy and feedback factors is one of the
that if you do this successfully you can create the environmental factors affecting job description.
conditions for an employee to thrive in their role. By Autonomy is the power to shape your work and
thrive, we mean that the employee will be environment in ways that allow you to perform at
motivated, perform to a high level, and be satisfied your best. Some people feel stifled in their jobs.
by their role. High job satisfaction is the outcome of Feedback, autonomy, and meaningful work also are
task identity core dimensions described by the Job all associated with higher performance appraisal
Characteristics Model. Jobs having embedded ratings.
features of feedback and autonomy can cause high 18.
job satisfaction among employees. A broad, general and written statement of a specific
16. job based on the findings of an analysis is called as
Low absenteeism and turnover is the outcome of A.
which of the following core dimensions described Specific Job Design
by the Job Characteristics Model B.
A. Job Identification
Autonomy C.
B. Job Analysis
Feedback D.
C. Job Description
Task Identity Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
D. Answer & Solution
Task Significance Answer: Option C
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Solution:
Answer & Solution A broad, general and written statement of a specific
Answer: Option D job based on the findings of an analysis is called as
Solution: Job Analysis. It generally includes duties, purpose,
Low absenteeism and turnover is the outcome of responsibilities, scope, and working conditions of a
Task Significance core dimensions described by the job along with the job's title, and the name or
Job Characteristics Model. Job Characteristics designation of the person to whom the employee
Theory states that a job having more variety and reports.
thus requiring more skills and talents will result in 19.
an employee feeling that they are doing more The Michigan Model emphasis the following
meaningful work. functions and their inter-relates.
17. A.
Which of the following factors is one of the Selection, recruitment, induction and promotions
environmental factors affecting job description: B.
A. Appraisal, rewards, promotions and retention
Workflow and culture C.
B. Selection, recruitment, rewards and promotion
Autonomy and feedback D.
C. Selection, appraisal, rewards and human resource
Employee availability and abilities development
D. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Answer & Solution Answer: Option A
Answer: Option D Solution:
Solution: A general statement or understanding which
The Michigan Model emphasis the Selection, provides guidelines for decision-making to H.R.
appraisal, rewards and human resource managers in respect of various H.R. functions and
development and their inter-relates. The Michigan activities is known as H.R. Vision statement.
model is 'hard' HRM because it is based on strategic "Human Resources provides leadership in shaping
control, organisational structure, and systems for an equitable and inclusive culture that drives
managing people. It acknowledges the central diversity, excellence, and innovation by supporting
importance of motivating and rewarding people, talent, engagement, and the employee work
but concentrates most on managing human assets experience."
to achieve strategic goals. 22.
20. When an interviewer prepares a list of questions in
The Integrated system model is also known as advance and asks those question to the candidate
A. to obtain the information from him; it is called
Harvard Model A.
B. A structured interview
Michigan Model B.
C. A well-organized interview
Integrated Model C.
D. A systematic type interview
Warwick System Model D.
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later None of the above
Answer & Solution Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Answer: Option D Answer & Solution
Solution: Answer: Option A
The Integrated system model is also known as Solution:
Warwick System Model. The Integrated Systems When an interviewer prepares a list of questions in
Model has evolved from 40 years of collaborative advance and asks those question to the candidate
clinical and education experience. It is a framework to obtain the information from him; it is called a
to help clinicians organize their knowledge and structured interview. Structured Interview is one in
provide the best possible treatment for the which a particular set of predetermined questions
individual patient. are prepared by the interviewer in advance.
21. 23.
A general statement or understanding which When an interviewer asks the questions to the
provides guidelines for decision-making to H.R. candidate according to the response received from
managers in respect of various H.R. functions and him and the questions asked are not pre-
activities is known as determined in such an interview, it is called
A. A.
H.R. Vision statement Unprepared type of interview
B. B.
H.R. Philosophy Unstructured interview
C. C.
H.R. Mission statement Unconditional interview
D. D.
H.R. Policy None of the above
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Answer & Solution Answer & Solution
Answer: Option B What are the ideas underpinning 'soft,
Solution: commitment' or high - Road HRM practices?
In an unstructured interview, the interviewer does A.
not have a strict agenda but rather allows the Labour needs to be treated as assets to be invested
applicant to set the pace of the interview and asks in.
the questions to the candidate according to the B.
response received from him Employees are a cost which should be minimized.
24. C.
Job identification is one of the components of A lack of mutuality existing between employee and
A. employer
Job specification D.
B. A disregard for unlocking discretionary effort
Job design Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
C. Answer & Solution
Job description Answer: Option B
D. Solution:
Job evaluation Employees are a cost which should be minimized.
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later are the ideas underpinning 'soft, commitment' or
Answer & Solution high - Road HRM practices.
Answer: Option B 27.
Solution: Which of the following would likely be the least
Job identification is one of the components of Job effective method of recruiting internal job
design. Job design is the process of organizing work candidates?
as group of tasks, arranging and defining the job A.
process and structure at the workplace depending Posting information on Organisational bulletin
on the job analysis performed. boards
25. B.
Systematic and orderly process of determining the Examining HR records of current employees
worth of a job in relation to other jobs is C.
A. Advertising in national newspapers and journals
Worth job specification D.
B. Internal Sources
Job description Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
C. Answer & Solution
Job evaluation Answer: Option C
D. Solution:
Job identification Advertising in national newspapers and journals
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later would likely be the least effective method of
Answer & Solution recruiting internal job candidates. Internal
Answer: Option C recruiting is any method of identifying and
Solution: attracting job candidates from within the
Systematic and orderly process of determining the organization. Some of the formal types of internal
worth of a job in relation to other jobs is Job recruitment include internal job postings and career
evaluation. Job evaluation is an assessment of the ladders. Some informal recruiting methods are
relative worth of various jobs on the basis of a things like promotions and supervisor referrals.
consistent set of job and personal factors, such as 28.
qualifications and skills required. The interview is used as a method for determining :
26. A.
The personality of the candidate. Finance department
B. D.
The degree 'of fit between the applicant and the Marketing department
demands of the job. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
C. Answer & Solution
His/her age. Answer: Option A
D. Solution:
Physical attributes HR department department is responsible for
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later handling safety & health issues of employees.
Answer & Solution Human resources professionals play an important
Answer: Option B role in ensuring employee health and safety, as they
Solution: know the workplace, the employees and their job
The interview is used as a method for determining demands. While human resources professionals are
the degree 'of fit between the applicant and the not expected to know the technical aspects of
demands of the job. A job interview is an interview workplace health and safety, they should know
consisting of a conversation between a job when and how to use existing resources to respond
applicant and a representative of an employer to employee concerns.
which is conducted to assess whether the applicant 31.
should be hired. The thorough & detailed study regarding jobs within
29. an Organisation is represented by;
The area from which applicants can be recruited is A.
A. Job analysis
Job agencies B.
B. Job description
Labour markets C.
C. Job specification
Employment lines D.
D. Job evaluation
Labour unions Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer & Solution
Answer & Solution Answer: Option A
Answer: Option B Solution:
Solution: The thorough & detailed study regarding jobs within
The area from which applicants can be recruited is an Organisation is represented by Job analysis. Job
labour markets. The labor market, also known as analysis is the process of gathering and analyzing
the job market, refers to the supply and demand for information about the content and the human
labor in which employees provide the supply and requirements of jobs, as well as, the context in
employers the demand. It is a major component of which jobs are performed. This process is used to
any economy and is intricately tied in with markets determine placement of jobs.
for capital, goods and services. 32.
30. The process of choosing individuals who have
Which of the following department is responsible re1evant qualifications to fill existing or projected
for handling safety & health issues of employees? job openings is
A. A.
HR department Screening process
B. B.
Procurement department Selection process
C. C.
Interview process Decisional role
D. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Pre-screening process Answer & Solution
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer: Option D
Answer & Solution Solution:
Answer: Option B Firing the non-performing employees, HR manager
Solution: is said to perform the decisional role. Decisional
The process of choosing individuals who have role is one of the most important and crucial part of
re1evant qualifications to fill existing or projected the managerial activity because making decisions is
job openings is Selection process. The selection the crux of completing the objective of the
process can be defined as the process of selection organization.
and shortlisting of the right candidates with the 35.
necessary qualifications and skill set to fill the Which of the following component of attitude
vacancies in an organisation. represents a person's opinion's knowledge, and
33. information?
Why are employers interested in employee A.
engagement? Affective component
A. B.
To encourage employees to trust their manager Cognitive component
B. C.
To make a quick profit Behavioral component
C. D.
To make employees work harder for less Objective component
D. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Because engaged employees are more motivated Answer & Solution
and prepared to give their best to make the firm Answer: Option B
succeed Solution:
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Cognitive component of attitude represents a
Answer & Solution person's opinion's knowledge, and information.
Answer: Option D Basically, the cognitive component is based on the
Solution: information or knowledge, whereas the affective
Employers are interested in employee engagement component is based on the feelings. The behavioral
because engaged employees are more motivated component reflects how the attitude affects the
and prepared to give their best to make the firm way we act or behave.
succeed. When employees are engaged at work, 36.
they feel a connection with the company. They What is meant by the term 'management by
believe that the work they're doing is important and objectives'?
therefore work harder. A.
34. A. System of giving the authority to carry out certain
Firing the non-performing employees, HR manager jobs by those lower down the management
is said to perform the hierarchy
A. B.
Interpersonal role The system of management that is based on
B. bringing together experts into a team
Informational role C.
C. The setting of objectives to bring about the
Supportive role achievement of the corporate goals
D. D.
The control of the Organisation by those in the Vocational interest test indicates the person's
'head office' inclination towards a particular occupation that
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later provides satisfaction to that individual. Vocational
Answer & Solution interest surveys typically ask the respondent to
Answer: Option C indicate his or her probable liking for various kinds
Solution: of occupations and work activities, and sometimes
Management by objectives means the setting of leisure activities and school subjects. Responses to
objectives to bring about the achievement of the these items are then used to predict which
corporate goals. Management by objectives (MBO) occupations and work activities would be best
is a management technique for setting clear goals suited to the respondent.
for a specific time period and its monitoring 39.
progress. Successful managers are
37. A.
Which of the following is not a function normally Efficient & effective
performed by the HR department? B.
A. Strict to employees
Employee relation C.
B. Wrong Policy makers
Training and Development D.
C. Wrong decision makers
Accounting Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
D. Answer & Solution
Recruitment and Selection Answer: Option A
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Solution:
Answer & Solution Successful managers are efficient & effective. In
Answer: Option C management, operating in efficient and in effective
Solution: ways is a key to good performance and to
Accounting is not a function normally performed by successfully reaching the goals set for the business.
the HR department. The six main function of HR are While efficiency and effectiveness are similarly
recruitment, workplace safety, employee relations, desirable characteristics of business behavior,
compensation planning, labor law compliance and either one is often seen as attainable only at the
training. expense of the other.
38. 40.
Which of the following test indicates the person's In comparing internal selection with external
inclination towards a particular occupation that selection, an advantage of internal selection is that
provides satisfaction to that individual? A.
A. Internal selection requires few procedures to locate
Vocational interest test and screen viable job candidate
B. B.
Cognitive aptitude test Internal selection presents fewer dangers of
C. incurring legal liability than external selection
Personality test C.
D. There is less need to use multiple predictors in
psychomotor abilities test assessing internal candidates than. With external
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later candidates
Answer & Solution D.
Answer: Option A
Information about internal candidates tends to be workforce, using an integrated array of cultural,
more verifiable than information about external structural and per
candidates D.
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Human. Resource management focuses on people
Answer & Solution as the source of competitive advantage
Answer: Option D Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Solution: Answer & Solution
In comparing internal selection with external Answer: Option C
selection, an advantage of internal selection is that Solution:
information about internal candidates tends to be Human resource management is a distinctive
more verifiable than information about external approach to employment management which seeks
candidates. Depth of information and relevance are to achieve competitive advantage through the
the only advantages that internal selection has over strategic deployment of a highly committed and
external selection. capable workforce, using an integrated array of
41. cultural, structural and personnel techniques.
The advantage of external recruiting is that (Storey, 1995)
A. 43.
They ensure consistency from opening to closing Which of the following is a key HR role
B. A.
They are useful for companies too small to have Personnel administrator
dedicated recruiters B.
C. Business ally
They are very inexpensive C.
D. Payroll advisor
Time Consuming D.
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Organisational geographer
Answer & Solution Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Answer: Option B Answer & Solution
Solution: Answer: Option B
The advantage of external recruiting is that they are Solution:
useful for companies too small to have dedicated Business ally is a key HR role. The key functions an
recruiters. External recruitment means going HR department include labor law compliance,
outside your business to attract new employees. recruiting, staff training and development, payroll,
42. record keeping and employee relations.
Which of the following statements most accurately 44.
defines human resource management? Which of the following is a disadvantage of using an
A. executive recruiter?
Human resource management contributes to A.
business strategy and plays an important role in the many contacts in field
implementation of business strategy B.
B. adept at contacting candidates who are not on the
Human resource management is an approach to job market
managing people C.
C. unfamiliar with company perceptions of ideal
Human resource management seeks to achieve candidate
competitive advantage through the strategic D.
deployment of a highly committed and capable ability to keep identity of firm confidential
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Answer & Solution organizational culture that foster innovation,
Answer: Option C flexibility and competitive advantage.
Solution: 47.
Unfamiliar with company perceptions of ideal Which of the following is closely associated with
candidate is a disadvantage of using an executive strategic human resource management?
recruiter. A.
45. Inefficient utilisation of human resources
Which of the following is not true of the activity B.
known as job analysis? Not attracting the best human resources
A. C.
The rate of pay for the job is fixed. Providing Superficial training
B. D.
The job elements are rated in terms such as Providing Best training methods
frequency. Of use or amount of time involved Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
C. Answer & Solution
It aims to describe the purpose of a job and the Answer: Option D
conditions under which it is performed Solution:
D. Providing Best training methods is closely
Jobs are broken into elements such as information associated with strategic human resource
required or relations with other people management. Strategic human resource
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later management is the practice of attracting,
Answer & Solution developing, rewarding, and retaining employees for
Answer: Option A the benefit of both the employees as individuals
Solution: and the organization as a whole. As a result, the
The rate of pay for the job is fixed is not true of the goals of a human resource department reflect and
activity known as job analysis. It is not fixed. support the goals of the rest of the organization.
46. 48.
In strategic human resource management, HR The focus of Human Resource Management
strategies are generally aligned with revolves around
A. A.
Business Strategy Machine
B. B.
Marketing Strategies Motivation
C. C.
Finance strategy Money
D. D.
Economic strategy Men
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Answer & Solution Answer & Solution
Answer: Option A Answer: Option D
Solution: Solution:
In strategic human resource management, HR The focus of Human Resource Management
strategies are generally aligned with Business revolves around Men. Human resource
Strategy. Strategic human resource management management is primarily concerned with the
can be defined as the linking of human resources management of people within organizations,
with strategic goals and objectives in order to focusing on policies and systems.
improve business performance and develop 49.
Human Resource Management aims to maximize Reliability
employees as well as Organizational B.
A. Dependability
Effectiveness C.
B. Consistency
Economy D.
C. Trustworthiness
efficiency Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
D. Answer & Solution
Performativity Answer: Option A
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Solution:
Answer & Solution The extent to which an employment selection test
Answer: Option A provides consistent results is known as Reliability.
Solution: Reliability means that the selection methods, tests
Human Resource Management aims to maximize and ensuing results are consistent and do not vary
employees as well as Organizational Effectiveness. with time, place or different subjects”. Or as
Pushing responsibility to lower levels of the Cowling puts it: “Reliability is a measure of the
organization, making processes smoother and more consistency with which a predictor continues to
efficient, and teaching managers to empowering predict performance with the same degree of
employees to take risks and find new solutions–all success”.
have an immense impact on the speed and 52.
efficiency of the organization. These are the primary Strategic human resource management aims to
focus of Human Resources. achieve competitive advantage in the market
50. through
The number of people hired for a particular job A.
compared to the number of individuals in the Price
applicant pool is often expressed as B.
A. Product
Application ratio C.
B. People
Recruitment ratio D.
C. Process
Selection ratio Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
D. Answer & Solution
Employment ratio Answer: Option C
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Solution:
Answer & Solution Strategic human resource management aims to
Answer: Option C achieve competitive advantage in the market
Solution: through People. Human resource systems can
The number of people hired for a particular job contribute to sustained competitive advantage
compared to the number of individuals in the through facilitating the development of
applicant pool is often expressed as Selection ratio. competencies that are firm specific.
Selection ratio is a concept used in human 53.
resources to make choices about hiring people. Which of the following is not a type of information
51. that should be provided by application forms?
The extent to which an employment selection test A.
provides consistent results is known as: Education
A. B.
Experience Employees not play any role in performance
C. improvement efforts
work stability C.
D. Not being involved in designing the company's
Applicant's age strategic plan
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later D.
Answer & Solution Management agenda's
Answer: Option D Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Solution: Answer & Solution
Applicant's age is not a type of information that Answer: Option A
should be provided by application forms. An Solution:
application form is an official document that a HR's basic challenges in formulating strategies
potential employer will require candidates to includes need to support corporate productivity and
complete when applying for a vacancy. The performance improvement efforts.
application form allows the employer to pose a 56.
series of specific questions that every candidate Advertisements through newspapers, TV, radio,
must answer. professional journals and magazines are ________
54. methods of recruitment
HRM typically provides which of these types of A.
training to temporary employees? Direct
A. B.
Retirement planning Indirect
B. C.
Benefits options Third-party
C. D.
Orientation E-recruitment
D. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Career planning and management Answer & Solution
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer: Option B
Answer & Solution Solution:
Answer: Option C Advertisements through newspapers, TV, radio,
Solution: professional journals and magazines are Indirect
HRM typically provides Orientation types of training methods of recruitment. Indirect method of
to temporary employees. Orientation means recruitment: under this method, workers are
providing new employees with basic information recruited indirectly through advertisements in
about the employer. Training programs are used to newspapers, journals, radio, internet, etc., in order
ensure that the new employee has the basic to get suitable candidates.
knowledge required to perform the job 57.
satisfactorily. Orientation and Training is a big part The biggest problem facing e-HR is the
of that and is a responsibility that you as the A.
Employer must own. rarity of HR
55. B.
HR's basic challenges in formulating strategies diversity of HR
include(s): C.
A. security of HR data
Need to support corporate productivity and D.
performance improvement efforts. substitutability of HR
B. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Answer & Solution Solution:
Answer: Option C Identifying and executing the firm's mission by
Solution: matching its capabilities with demands of its
The biggest problem facing e-HR is the security of environment is the firm's Strategic Management.
HR data. E-HRM is the (planning, implementation The strategic management process is a
and) application of information technology for both management technique used to plan for the future:
networking and supporting at least two individual Organizations create a vision by developing long-
or collective actors in their shared performing of HR term strategies.
activities. 60.
58. Formulating and executing HR systems that produce
In which stage of HR intranet site development are employee competencies and behaviors needed to
multiple sites linked together to create a seamless achieve the company's strategic aims is (are):
experience for the individual? A.
A. Strategic HR Management
Personalised B.
B. Strategy execution
Integrated C.
C. HR strategies
Transactional D.
D. Strategic implementation
Brochure ware Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer & Solution
Answer & Solution Answer: Option A
Answer: Option B Solution:
Solution: Formulating and executing HR systems that produce
In Integrated stage of HR intranet site development employee competencies and behaviors needed to
are multiple sites linked together to create a achieve the company's strategic aims is Strategic HR
seamless experience for the individual. For HR it Management. Strategic human resource
ultimately all boils down to one thing: an management is the practice of attracting,
organisation revolves around the qualities of its developing, rewarding, and retaining employees for
people. As an HR professional, you want to know the benefit of both the employees as individuals
how to get the most out of talent. This requires an and the organization as a whole. As a result, the
integrated talent management approach. goals of a human resource department reflect and
59. support the goals of the rest of the organization.
Identifying and executing the firm's mission by 61.
matching its capabilities with demands of its __________ examination may protect the company
environment is the firm's: against unwarranted claims under workers
A. compensation laws
Strategic Management A.
B. Written
Mission statement B.
C. Physical
Vision C.
D. Mental
SWOT analysis D.
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Reference
Answer & Solution Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Answer: Option A Answer & Solution
Answer: Option B Answer & Solution
Solution: Answer: Option A
Physical examination may protect the company Solution:
against unwarranted claims under workers Best Practice approach that seeks to link strategy,
compensation laws. Physical ability tests measure business, performance and HRM policies and
the physical ability of an applicant to perform a practices, assumes that there are a number of HRM
particular task or the strength of specific muscle practices that are suitable for all Organisations. HR
groups, as well as overall strength and stamina. strategies are appropriate to the circumstances of
Physical ability tests may be conducted for potential the organization, including the culture, operational
employees in the manual and physical labor sectors. processes and external environment. HR strategies
62. have to take account of the particular needs of both
Creating an environment that facilitates a the organization and its people.
continuous and. Two-way exchange of information 64.
between the superiors and the subordinates is the Recruitment is widely viewed as a process
core of A.
A. Positive
High involvement management model B.
B. Negative
Low commitment management model C.
C. Both Positive and Negative
High performance management model D.
D. Unnecessary
Low performance Management model Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer & Solution
Answer & Solution Answer: Option A
Answer: Option A Solution:
Solution: Recruitment is widely viewed as a Positive process.
Creating an environment that facilitates a Recruitment plans make the hiring process
continuous and. Two-way exchange of information smoother and act as a qualifying guideline for
between the superiors and the subordinates is the applicants. This helps employers to ensure that they
core of High involvement management model. This are hiring individuals with the qualifications and
approach involves treating employees as partners in skills needed to do the job. The biggest benefit is
the enterprise whose interests are respected and keeping the company on its course and running.
who have a voice on matters relating it. 65.
63. The process of developing an applicants' pool for
Which approach that seeks to link strategy, job openings in an Organisation is called
business, performance and HRM policies and A.
practices, assumes that there are a number of HRM Hiring
practices that are suitable for all Organisations? B.
A. Recruitment
Best Practice C.
B. Selection
Best fit D.
C. Retention
Resource-based view Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
D. Answer & Solution
Life cycle models Answer: Option B
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Solution:
The process of developing an applicants' pool for job through multiple channels, people recognize
job openings in an Organisation is called your brand and company culture.
Recruitment. Recruitment is the process of 68.
searching for prospective employees and Vertical integration in relation to SHRM can be
stimulating them to apply the jobs in their described as which of the following?
organisation. A.
66. The relationship or integration between an
Job analysis produces which of the following, Organisation's senior managers
regardless of the technique used? B.
A. The relationship or integration between HR
Benchmarks functional policies, for example employee
B. development, employee reward and employee
Individual interview relations
C. C.
Job specifications The relationship or integration between the internal
D. HR processes, and the Organisation's business
Replacement charts strategy and external market.
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later D.
Answer & Solution The relationship or integration between operational
Answer: Option C functions and policies
Solution: Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Job analysis produces Job specifications, regardless Answer & Solution
of the technique used. One of the main purposes of Answer: Option C
conducting job analysis is to prepare job Solution:
descriptions and job specifications which in turn Vertical integration in relation to SHRM can be
helps hire the right quality of workforce into an described as the relationship or integration
organization. between the internal HR processes, and the
67. Organisation's business strategy and external
Why do companies use external job searches market. Vertical integration is about the
instead of internal searches? effectiveness of HR. It is the degree to which HRM
A. practice, roles and contributions are aligned with
Legal requirements the strategic management process of the
B. organisation and how they contribute to the vision,
It is less expensive mission and strategic objectives.
C. 69.
Companies can add new talent, new ideas to the Which of the following department of an
organization Organisation performs the managerial function of
D. matching Organisational needs with the skills &
Orientation time is reduced abilities of the employees?
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later A.
Answer & Solution Finance department
Answer: Option C B.
Solution: Marketing department
Companies use external job searches instead of C.
internal searches so that companies can add new Production department
talent, new ideas to the organization. External D.
recruiting helps establish an employer brand that Human Resource department
attracts high-quality candidates. By advertising the Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Answer & Solution C.
Answer: Option D Processual approach
Solution: D.
Human Resource department of an Organisation Operational level strategic planning
performs the managerial function of matching Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Organisational needs with the skills & abilities of the Answer & Solution
employees. It is a function of the company or Answer: Option C
organization which deals with concerns that are Solution:
related to the staff of the company in terms of Processual approach is not a rational planning
hiring, compensation, performance, safety, approach. The processual approach states that
wellness, benefits, motivation and training. Human change is continuous and without a finite end point.
Resource Management is also a premeditated Change is also a "messy" process that is shaped by
approach to manage people and the work culture. an organisation's history, culture, and internal
70. politics.
Why might there be some difficulty in identifying 2.
and applying the Best-practice approach to HRM in The unstructured interview
Organisations? A.
A. Infrequently conducted
Because the best-practice approach tends to be B.
resource- intensive Typically is unbiased
B. C.
Because there is much variation in the literature Typically is related to future
and empirical research as to what constitutes best- D.
practice Typically biased job performance
C. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Because the best-practice approach would not fit Answer & Solution
the cost-reduction driven strategies favoured by Answer: Option D
many in short-terms economies. Solution:
D. The unstructured interview is typically biased job
Because the best-practice approach does not performance. An unstructured interview is an
emphasize the individual business context interview in which there is no specific set of
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later predetermined questions, although the
Answer & Solution interviewers usually have certain topics in mind that
Answer: Option A they wish to cover during the interview.
Solution: 3.
There might be some difficulty in identifying and Tests that measure traits, temperament, or
applying the Best-practice approach to HRM in disposition are examples of
Organisations because there might be some A.
difficulty in identifying and applying the Best- Manual dexterity tests
practice approach to HRM in Organisations. B.
SECTION 4 Personality tests
1. C.
Which of these models is not a rational planning Intelligence tests
approach D.
A. Work sample tests
Corporate- level strategic planning Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
B. Answer & Solution
Strategic business unit level strategic planning Answer: Option B
Solution: help the organization achieve high performance,
Tests that measure traits, temperament, or morale and satisfaction levels throughout the
disposition are examples of Personality tests. A workforce, by creating ways to strengthen the
personality test is a method of assessing human employer-employee relationship.
personality constructs. Most personality assessment 6.
instruments are in fact introspective self-report Which personnel association uses the idea of
questionnaire measures or reports from life records bundles of integral HRM practices?
such as rating scales. A.
4. European association for personnel management
Which one of the following is NOT the advantage of B.
Workforce Diversity? U.S office of personnel management
A. C.
Increased creativity and flexibility Chartered Institute of personnel & development
B. D.
Decreased problem-solving skills Association of personnel Service Organisations
C. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Multiple perspectives Answer & Solution
D. Answer: Option C
Greater openness to new ideas Solution:
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Chartered Institute of personnel & development
Answer & Solution personnel association uses the idea of bundles of
Answer: Option B integral HRM practices. The Chartered Institute of
Solution: Personnel and Development (CIPD) is a professional
Decreased problem-solving skills is NOT the association for human resource management
advantage of Workforce Diversity. Workforce professionals. It is headquartered in Wimbledon,
diversity can bring about an increase in productivity London, England.
and competitive advantages. Workplace diversity 7.
also increases employee morale and causes Why does the Resource-based view of SHRM
employees to desire to work more effectively and represent a paradigm shift in SHRM thinking?
efficiently. A.
5. Because it focuses on the internal human resources
The best hiring occurs when the goals of which of of the business as a source of sustainable
the following should consistent to each other? competitive advantage
A. B.
HR managers, Finance managers Because it advocates tight vertical integration
B. between the organisation's business strategy and
Head office, Brand human resource strategy.
C. C.
Organisation, individual Because it relies on a set of high-commitment HR
D. practices to deliver sustainable competitive
Lower managers, Top managers advantage.
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later D.
Answer & Solution Because it focuses on the external context of the
Answer: Option C business
Solution: Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
The best hiring occurs when the goals of Answer & Solution
Organisation and individual should be consistent to Answer: Option A
each other. Employee relations specialists in HR Solution:
The Resource-based view of SHRM represent a of systematic planning ahead to achieve optimum
paradigm shift in SHRM thinking Because it focuses use of an organization's most valuable asset quality
on the internal human resources of the business as employees.
a source of sustainable competitive advantage. The 10.
resource-based view (RBV) is a managerial Which of the following approach emphasizes the'
framework used to determine the strategic effect of psychological &. Social factors on
resources a firm can exploit to achieve sustainable employees' performance?
competitive advantage. A.
8. Scientific approach
Which of the following is NOT a goal of HRM? B.
A. Rational approach
Integration of HRM with the corporate strategy of C.
the Organization Human relations approach
B. D.
Producing the desired human behavior that helps to Systematic approach
achieve Organisations goals Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
C. Answer & Solution
Creation of a flexible environment that can easily Answer: Option C
adopt change Solution:
D. Human relations approach emphasizes the' effect of
To endure proper delivery of products psychological &. Social factors on employees'
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later performance. According to Human Relations
Answer & Solution Approach, management is the Study of behaviour of
Answer: Option D people at work. This approach had its origin in a
Solution: series of experiments conducted by Professor Elton
To endure proper delivery of products is NOT a goal Mayo and his associates at the Harvard School of
of HRM. The primary objective of HRM is to ensure Business at the Western Electric Company’s
the availability of a competent and willing Hawthorne Works, near Chicago.
workforce to an organization. Beyond this, there are 11.
other objectives, too. Specifically, HRM objectives Under which of the following authority, an HR
are four folds- societal, organizational, functional, manager took the decision to provide training to its
and personal. employees regarding the operations of newly
9. installed machine?
HRP stands for A.
A. Staff
Human resource project B.
B. Functional
Human resource planning C.
C. Line
Human recruitment planning D.
D. Implied
Human recruitment procedure Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer & Solution
Answer & Solution Answer: Option B
Answer: Option B Solution:
Solution: Under Functional authority, an HR manager took
HRP stands for Human resource planning. Human the decision to provide training to its employees
resource planning (HRP) is the continuous process regarding the operations of newly installed
machine. Functional authority is the right that is elements of the HR planning process are forecasting
delegated to an individual or a department to labour demand, analysing present labour supply,
control specified processes, practices, policies, or and balancing projected labour demand and supply.
other matters in relation to activities undertaken by 14.
persons in other departments. Increasing the number and variety of tasks assigned
12. to a job is called
How can high potential employees be developed for A.
future positions? Job rotation
A. B.
internal training Job enlargement
B. C.
Increasing pal skill Job enrichment
C. D.
Managing employee (a) and (c)
D. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Allowing them to do further studies Answer & Solution
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer: Option B
Answer & Solution Solution:
Answer: Option A Increasing the number and variety of tasks assigned
Solution: to a job is called Job enlargement. It is a vertical
High potential employees can be developed for expansion of the job as opposed to the horizontal
future positions by internal training. Successful expansion of a job, which is called job enlargement.
internal training identifies the exact skills and 15.
knowledge that participants need to succeed in Which of the following aptly describes the role of
their jobs. It also prepares employees for success in line managers and staff advisors namely HR
their next job. Internal training is presented in the professionals?
language and terminology that participants A.
understand and can relate to. Staff advisors focus more on developing HR
13. programmes while line managers are more involved
Human resource planning techniques include the in the implementation of those programmes
use of some or all of the following B.
A. Line managers are concerned more about
Size of organizational structure HR programmes whereas staff advisors
B. are more involved in implementing such
Infrastructure Plan programmes
C. C.
Control and evaluation Staff advisors are solely responsible for developing,
D. implementing and evaluating the HR programmes
Employee Management while line managers are not all involved in any
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later matters concerning HR
Answer & Solution D.
Answer: Option C Line managers alone are responsible for developing,
Solution: implementing and evaluating the HR programmes
Human resource planning techniques include the while staff advisors are not all involved in any
use of Control and evaluation. The objective of matters concerning HR.
human resource (HR) planning is to ensure the best Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
fit between employees and jobs, while avoiding Answer & Solution
workforce shortages or spares. The three key Answer: Option A
Solution: conducted to determine if the applicant has the
Staff advisors focus more on developing HR qualifications needed to do the job for which the
programmes while line managers are more involved company is hiring.
in the implementation of those programmes aptly 18.
describes the role of line managers and staff The goal of this stage of HR intranet site
advisors namely HR professionals. development is to provide employees with a truly
16. individualized experience based on their individual
When constructing the ad, it is important to profiles
consider how to best A.
A. Brochure ware
Attract attention to the advertisement B.
B. Transactional
Get right candidate C.
C. Integrated
How will be the profit D.
D. Personalised
The candidate reach in profit Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer & Solution
Answer & Solution Answer: Option D
Answer: Option A Solution:
Solution: The goal of Personalised stage of HR intranet site
When constructing the ad, it is important to development is to provide employees with a truly
consider how to best attract attention to the individualized experience based on their individual
advertisement. While each advertisement has its profiles. In personalisation a company modifies an
own specific objectives, all ads generally fit into one experience, without any special effort of the
of three generic goals: to inform, persuade or customer (or employee).
remind customers about your brand or product. 19.
Informative ads are used to make customers aware Is the process of deciding what positions the firm
of new products or technologies and to elaborate will have to fill
on the value of complex products. A.
17. Recruitment
Which of the following is not an advantage of using B.
a private employment agency? Selection
A. C.
it may be faster than in-house recruiting Personnel planning
B. D.
it does not require internal recruitment specialists Interviewing
C. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
screening may not be as thorough Answer & Solution
D. Answer: Option C
it may be better for attracting minority candidates Solution:
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Is the process of deciding what positions the firm
Answer & Solution will have to fill Personnel planning. Personnel
Answer: Option C planning are the first step in the recruiting and
Solution: selection process. It is the process of determining
Screening may not be as thorough is not an an organization's human resource needs. By such
advantage of using a private employment agency. A planning an organization ensures that it has right
screening interview is a type of job interview that's number and kinds of people.
20. recruitment include lower recruiting costs, faster
Which one of the following responsibilities is recruiting cycle, higher caliper recruits and
specifically associated with the HR function of increased audience reach. Potential barriers to
employee relations? Internet recruitment include the digital divide,
A. limited Internet access, usage problems and flawed
Conducting attitude surveys infrastructure.
B. 22.
Work analysis The degree to which interviews, tests, and other
C. selection procedures yield comparable data over
HR information systems time and alternative measures is best define by
D. A.
Job design Job sampling
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later B.
Answer & Solution Reliability
Answer: Option A C.
Solution: Validity
Conducting attitude surveys responsibilities is D.
specifically associated with the HR function of Organisational culture
employee relations. The employee attitude survey is Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
a management tool business owners or managers Answer & Solution
use to learn about the views and opinions of their Answer: Option B
employees on issues pertaining to the company and Solution:
their role within the organisation. The degree to which interviews, tests, and other
21. selection procedures yield comparable data over
A number of benefits can be derived from using E- time and alternative measures is best define by
recruiting, these include reliability. Reliability can be referred as the ability to
A. be dependent on or relied on, for the honesty,
it decreases the effectiveness of the recruitment achievement or accuracy. It is the quality of being
process by reaching larger numbers of qualified trustworthy and dependable. In the field of
people education, it is the ability to conduct an experiment
B. or a test that gives the same results consistently
it increases recruitment costs, it decreases and whenever it is repeated.
streamlines the administrative process cycle times 23.
C. The primary aim of recruitment and selection
it does not allow the company to evaluate the process is to
success of its recruitment strategy A.
D. Meet the high labour turnover
it increases the effectiveness of the recruitment B.
process by reaching larger numbers of qualified Hire the best individuals at optimum cost
people C.
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Ensure the availability of surplus in the case of
Answer & Solution sickness and absence
Answer: Option D D.
Solution: Hire Excess manpower for the future
A number of benefits can be derived from using E- Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
recruiting, it increases the effectiveness of the Answer & Solution
recruitment process by reaching larger numbers of Answer: Option B
qualified people. Advantages of the Internet Solution:
The primary aim of recruitment and selection The different elements that fall under consideration
process is to hire the best individuals at optimum include the tasks that need to be performed, job
cost. It can assist the HR personnel to select the enlargement, job rotation and job enrichment.
right candidate on the basis of merit and relevance 26.
with the job. The first step in the human resource planning
24. process is
The written statement of the findings of job analysis A.
is called Preparing a job analysis
A. B.
Job design Forecasting future human resource needs
B. C.
Job classification Assessing future demand
C. D.
Job description Assessing future supply
D. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Job evaluation Answer & Solution
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer: Option B
Answer & Solution Solution:
Answer: Option C The first step in the human resource planning
Solution: process is forecasting future human resource needs.
The written statement of the findings of job analysis Human resources (HR) forecasting involves
is called Job description. It includes information projecting labor needs and the effects they'll have
such as job title, job location, reporting to and of on a business. An HR department forecasts both
employees, job summary, nature and objectives of a short- and long-term staffing needs based on
job, tasks and duties to be performed, working projected sales, office growth, attrition and other
conditions, machines, tools and equipments to be factors that affect a company's need for labor.
used by a prospective worker and hazards involved 27.
in it. The statement which best describes the function of
25. Human Resources Planning is
Which of the following is not an element of A.
traditional job design? An integrated set of processes, programs and
A. systems in an Organisation that focuses on
Formal Organisation charts maximizing employee contribution in order to
B. achieve Organisational success
Clear and precise job descriptions B.
C. The' process of ensuring that people required
Well-defined mobility (promotion and transfer) running the company are being used as effectively
paths as possible especially in fulfilling developmental
D. needs in order to accomplish the organisation's
Employee number chart goals
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later C.
Answer & Solution The formal process of familiarizing new employees
Answer: Option D with the Organisation, new job, work units and
Solution: culture values, beliefs and accepted behavior.
Employee number chart is not an element of D.
traditional job design. Good job design considers The process of effectively and efficiently managing
the company's performance needs along with your assets.
individual employee skills, needs and motivation. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Answer & Solution The scope of human resource management includes
Answer: Option B Training & Development. Training and Development
Solution: is a subsystem of an organization which emphasize
The statement which best describes the function of on the improvement of the performance of
Human Resources Planning is the' process of individuals and groups. Training is an educational
ensuring that people required running the company process which involves the sharpening of skills,
are being used as effectively as possible especially concepts, changing of attitude and gaining more
in fulfilling developmental needs in order to knowledge to enhance the performance of the
accomplish the organisation's goals. employees.
28. 30.
The process which best defines the locating and, Which of the following is an example of operative
encouraging potential employees to apply for jobs is function of HR managers?
A. A.
Human resource planning planning
B. B.
Selection Organizing
C. C.
Recruitment Procurement
D. D.
Job Analysis Controlling
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Answer & Solution Answer & Solution
Answer: Option C Answer: Option C
Solution: Solution:
The process which best defines the locating and, Procurement is an example of operative function of
encouraging potential employees to apply for jobs is HR managers. Procurement deals with the sourcing
Recruitment. Recruitment is a process of activities, negotiation and strategic selection of
identifying, screening, shortlisting and hiring goods and services that are usually of importance to
potential resource for filling up the vacant positions an organization. Purchasing is the process of how
in an organization. It is a core function of Human goods and services are ordered.
Resource Management. Recruitment is the process 31.
of choosing the right person for the right position The human resource management functions aims at
and at the right time. A.
29. ensuring that the 'human resources possess,
The scope of human resource management includes adequate capital, tool equipment and material to
A. perform the job successful
Production B.
B. helping the Organisation deal with its employees in
Marketing different stages of employment
C. C.
Inventory management improving an Organisation's creditworthiness
D. among financial institutions
Training & Development D.
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Ensuring financial & Marketing Stability
Answer & Solution Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Answer: Option D Answer & Solution
Solution: Answer: Option B
The human resource management functions aims at sourcing, screening, shortlisting and selecting the
helping the Organisation deal with its employees in right candidates for the required vacant positions.
different stages of employment. Human Resource 34.
Management typically means to engage, improve To address the challenges and opportunities they
and preserve sufficiently capable employees, to face organisations engage in a process of strategic
implement the activities essential to achieve management. Strategic management is:
organizational aims. A.
32. short-term focused and composed of organisational
E-operations cover Web based initiatives that strategy, including strategy formulation and
A. implementation
improve the marketing of existing products B.
B. short-term focused and composed of the
improve the creation of existing products organisation's mission, vision and value statements
C. C.
improve ways to address an identified set of long-term focused and composed of organisational
customer needs strategy, including strategy formulation and
D. implementation
improve the selling process D.
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later long-term focused and composed of the
Answer & Solution organisation's mission, vision and value statements
Answer: Option C Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Solution: Answer & Solution
E-operations cover Web based initiatives that Answer: Option C
improve ways to address an identified set of Solution:
customer needs. Through e-HRM, the main To address the challenges and opportunities they
activities that could be performed online are face organisations engage in a process of strategic
Recruitment, Selection, Training, Performance management. Strategic management is long-term
Management, Compensation. focused and composed of organisational strategy,
33. including strategy formulation and implementation.
The term procurement stands for Strategic human resource management is the
A. practice of attracting, developing, rewarding, and
recruitment and selection retaining employees for the benefit of both the
B. employees as individuals and the organization as a
training and development whole.
C. 35.
pay and benefits Strategic human resource management involves
D. A.
health and safety Financing project marketing related programming
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later B.
Answer & Solution setting employment standards and policies
Answer: Option A C.
Solution: linking human resources with strategic objectives to
The term procurement stands for recruitment and improve performance
selection. Recruitment and Selection is an D.
important operation in HRM, designed to maximize Project planning
employee strength in order to meet the employer's Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
strategic goals and objectives. It is a process of Answer & Solution
Answer: Option C
Solution: except management of the Organisation's finances.
Strategic human resource management involves Finance is defined as the management of money
linking human resources with strategic objectives to and includes activities like investing, borrowing,
improve performance. Strategic human resource lending, budgeting, saving, and forecasting.
management is the practice of attracting, Corporate finance also includes the tools and
developing, rewarding, and retaining employees for analysis utilized to prioritize and distribute financial
the benefit of both the employees as individuals resources.
and the organization as a whole. As a result, the 38.
goals of a human resource department reflect and The field of HRM was founded on the idea that the
support the goals of the rest of the organization. competitive advantage of the organisation relies on
36. the following sources of capital:
The one of the following is the best reason for the A.
reduced use of written tests is cultural, human and system capital
A. B.
They are hard to construct social, cultural and human capital
B. C.
They are difficult to validate organisation relies on the ,following sources of
C. capital
They are expensive to administrative D.
D. cultural, human and source capital
They give very little information Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer & Solution
Answer & Solution Answer: Option B
Answer: Option B Solution:
Solution: The field of HRM was founded on the idea that the
The one of the following is the best reason for the competitive advantage of the organisation relies on
reduced use of written tests is they are difficult to the social, cultural and human capital. Human
validate. capital formation increases the income of the
37. individuals by enhancing their technical skills and
Human resource management is the formal part of generating more of job opportunities.
an organisation responsible for all of the following 39.
aspects of the management of human resources The mental process to interpret environment as'
except per one's own understanding is known as:
A. A.
systems, processes, and procedures Perception
B. B.
policy making, implementation, and enforcement Personality
C. C.
strategy development and analysis Attitude
D. D.
management of the Organisation's finances Ability
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Answer & Solution Answer & Solution
Answer: Option D Answer: Option A
Solution: Solution:
Human resource management is the formal part of The mental process to interpret environment as'
an organisation responsible for all of the following per one's own understanding is known as
aspects of the management of human resources Perception. Perception is an intellectual process of
transforming sensory stimuli to meaningful 42.
information. It is the process of interpreting The mental process to interpret environment as'
something that we see or hear in our mind and use per one's own understanding is known as:
it later to judge and give a verdict on a situation, A.
person, group etc. Perception
40. B.
Which of the following act represents a situation in Attitude
which employment decisions are NOT affected by C.
illegal-discrimination? Personality
A. D.
Fair employment Ability
B. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Legal compliance Answer & Solution
C. Answer: Option A
Litigation Process Solution:
D. The mental process to interpret environment as'
Affirmative action per one's own understanding is known as
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Perception. Perception is an intellectual process of
Answer & Solution transforming sensory stimuli to meaningful
Answer: Option A information. It is the process of interpreting
Solution: something that we see or hear in our mind and use
Fair employment act represents a situation in which it later to judge and give a verdict on a situation,
employment decisions are NOT affected by illegal- person, group etc.
discrimination. Illegal discrimination is defined 43.
generally as being treated differently than someone Which of the following act represents a situation in
else "because of" a protected characteristic. which employment decisions are NOT affected by
41. illegal discrimination?
A written statement of policies and principles that A.
guides the behavior of all employees is called Fair employment
A. B.
code of ethics Legal compliance
B. C.
word of ethics Litigation Process
C. D.
ethics/ dilemma Affirmative action
D. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Training Manual Answer & Solution
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer: Option A
Answer & Solution Solution:
Answer: Option A Fair employment act represents a situation in which
Solution: employment decisions are NOT affected by illegal
A written statement of policies and principles that discrimination. Fair employment is employment of
guides the behavior of all employees is called code workers on a basis of equality without
of ethics. Ethics in HRM basically deals with the discrimination or segregation especially because of
affirmative moral obligations of the employer race, color, or creed.
towards employees to maintain equality and equity 44.
justice. Areas of HRM ethics Basic human rights, The first step in the e-selection process is
civil and employment fight. A.
consider how the various new stakeholders and The sixth step of the SHRM application tool is to
clients will use the system evaluate the plan against success criteria. During
B. this stage it is important to note:
train the employees that will be responsible for the A.
administration of the process the positive effects of the actions implemented
C. B.
draw-up a flow chart of the current assessment the negative effects of the actions implemented
process C.
D. the failures that resulted from the implementation
draft the desired flow process that will result from of the plan
the E-selection process D.
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later the positive & negative effect of the actions
Answer & Solution implemented
Answer: Option C Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Solution: Answer & Solution
The first step in the e-selection process is draw-up a Answer: Option D
flow chart of the current assessment process. This is Solution:
an assessment that looks at employee and The sixth step of the SHRM application tool is to
organizational knowledges, skills, and abilities, to evaluate the plan against success criteria. During
identify any gaps or areas of need. this stage it is important to note the positive &
45. negative effect of the actions implemented.
If one were to think of HR as a business, which of 47.
the following "product lines" involves developing The process of grouping of similar types of works
effective HR systems that help the Organisation together is known as
meet its goals for attracting, keeping and A.
developing people with the skills it needs? Job classification
A. B.
Administrative services Job design
B. C.
Business partner services Job evaluation
C. D.
Strategic partner Job description
D. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Product quality audit Answer & Solution
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer: Option A
Answer & Solution Solution:
Answer: Option B The process of grouping of similar types of works
Solution: together is known as Job classification. The job
HR business partners are HR professionals who classification takes into account the knowledge,
work closely with an organisation’s senior leaders in skills and abilities that the employees need for
order to develop an HR strategy that closely performing the job. The job classification enables to
supports the overall aims of the organisation. The accurately define the job descriptionand helps the
process of alignment is known as HR business organization in its recruitment and performance
partnering and may involve the HR business partner management process.
sitting on the board of directors or working closely 48.
with the board of directors and C-suite. The system of ranking jobs in a firm on the basis of
46. the relevant characteristics, duties, and
responsibilities is known as
A. B.
Job evaluation Production Scheduled
B. C.
Job design Inventory
C. D.
Job specification Personnel needs
D. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Job description Answer & Solution
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer: Option D
Answer & Solution Solution:
Answer: Option A When planning for employment requirements,
Solution: Personnel needs must be forecasted. Personnel
The system of ranking jobs in a firm on the basis of planning is the process of deciding what positions
the relevant characteristics, duties, and the firm will have to fill and how to fill them.
responsibilities is known as Job evaluation. A job 51.
evaluation is a systematic way of determining In the future, HR managers will have to deal with all
thevalue/worth of a job in relation to other jobs in of the following workforce changes, except
an organization. It tries to make a systematic A.
comparison between jobs to assesstheir relative a more racially diverse workforce
worth for the purpose of establishing a rational pay B.
structure. a skills shortfall among workers
49. C.
Mr. 'A' must decide what positions the firm should an abundance of entry level workers
fill in the next six months. What activity is Mr. 'A' D.
working on? an older workforce
A. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Recruitment Answer & Solution
B. Answer: Option C
Selection Solution:
C. In the future, HR managers will have to deal with all
Personnel planning of the following workforce changes, except an an
D. abundance of entry level workers.
Interviewing 52.
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later The HR policy which is based on the philosophy of
Answer & Solution the utmost good for the greatest number of people
Answer: Option C is covered under the
Solution: A.
Mr. 'A' working on Personnel planning. Personnel utilitarian approach
planning are the first step in the recruiting and B.
selection process. It is the process of determining approach based on rights
an organization's human resource needs. By such C.
planning an organization ensures that it has right approach based on justice
number and kinds of people. D.
50. configurational approach
When planning for employment requirements, what Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
must be forecasted? Answer & Solution
A. Answer: Option A
Sales desired Solution:
The HR policy which is based on the philosophy of interact with other people, both individually and in
the utmost good for the greatest number of people groups. People who have worked on developing
is covered under the utilitarian approach. According strong interpersonal skills are usually more
to this rule, an individual is responsible for, and successful in both their professional and personal
concerned with, the well-being and happiness of lives.
others. The golden rule holds that ethical 55.
individuals are those who avoid causing harm and The critical role of the SHRM Application Tool is to'
seek ways to help others. A.
53. Outline techniques, frameworks, and six steps that
Career counseling is part of which of the following must be followed to effectively implement change
functions of HRM? in an organisation.
A. B.
Compensation & benefits Develop a better strategic management process to
B. deal with the dynamic changing environment
Planning & selection today's organisations face.
C. C.
Training and Development Identify and assess a narrow group of actions and
D. plan how the organisation can overcome resistance
Maintenance of HRIS to change.
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later D.
Answer & Solution identify if the organisation 'has enough staff, if the
Answer: Option C staff heed training, if the compensation practices
Solution: are appropriate, and if jobs are designed correctly
Career counseling is part of Training and Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Development functions of HRM. Training and Answer & Solution
development are the indispensable functions of Answer: Option B
human resource management. It is the attempt to Solution:
improve the current or future performance of an The critical role of the SHRM Application Tool is to
employee by increasing the ability of an employee Develop a better strategic management process to
through educating and increasing one's skills or deal with the dynamic changing environment
knowledge in the particular subject. today's organisations face.
54. 56.
Motivating the employees is classified as HR managers are generally the managers:
A. A.
Informational role Line
B. B.
Interpersonal role Middle
C. C.
Decisional role Staff
D. D.
Conceptual role Top
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Answer & Solution Answer & Solution
Answer: Option B Answer: Option C
Solution: Solution:
Motivating the employees is classified as HR managers are generally the managers staff. The
Interpersonal role. Interpersonal skills are the life role of an HR manager is to manage, create,
skills we use every day when we communicate and implement and supervise policies/regulations,
which are mandatory for every employee and also 59.
have knowledge of its appropriate functioning. HR managers play vital role in
57. A.
The last step in the e-selection process is Setting production targets
A. B.
consider how the various new stakeholders and Formulating strategies
clients will use the system C.
B. Publishing financial statements
train the employees that will be responsible for the D.
administration of the process Preparing reports to shareholders
C. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
draw-up a flow chart of the current assessment Answer & Solution
process Answer: Option A
D. Solution:
draft the desired flow process that will result from HR managers play vital role in setting production
the E-selection process targets. Human resources professionals have many
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later roles within an organization. They are responsible
Answer & Solution for formulating strategies that focus on recruiting
Answer: Option B and retaining top employees as well as overseeing
Solution: projects that promote company-wide productivity.
The last step in the e-selection process is train the 60.
employees that will be responsible for the Which of the following term best represents the
administration of the process. It is a procedure of individuals who have interests in an Organisation
matching organizational requirements with the and are influenced by it?
skills and qualifications of people. Employee A.
Selection is the process of choosing individuals who Workforce
have relevant qualifications to fill jobs in an B.
organization. Stakeholders
58. C.
Once a firm has a pool of applicants, the first step in Customers
pre-screening is the D.
A. Stockholders
in-person interview Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
B. Answer & Solution
on-site visit Answer: Option B
C. Solution:
application form Stakeholders best represents the individuals who
D. have interests in an Organisation and are influenced
telephone interview by it. Primary stakeholders are direct beneficiaries,
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later such as employees who receive a raise because HR
Answer & Solution revised the company's compensation structure.
Answer: Option C Indirect or secondary stakeholders derive benefits
Solution: from HR projects, such as a neighboring business
Once a firm has a pool of applicants, the first step in that profits from a company hiring more staff.
pre-screening is the application form. The pre- 61.
screening process typically begins with the review Which of the following emerged when individuals
of a candidate's employment application and realised the strength they could gain by joining
resume, followed by a telephone interview. together to negotiate with employers?
A. B.
Trade Unions Job evaluation
B. C.
Human Relation movement Job description
C. D.
Employment Legislations Job title
D. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Employee relationship Management Answer & Solution
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer: Option C
Answer & Solution Solution:
Answer: Option A Job description is used to identify, "what the job
Solution: holder does"? "How it is done"? & "why it is done"?.
Trade Unions emerged when individuals realised It includes information such as job title, job location,
the strength they could gain by joining together to reporting to and of employees, job summary,
negotiate with employers. Trade unions are nature and objectives of a job, tasks and duties to
associations of workers or organization formed be performed, working conditions, machines, tools
together by labour, workers or employees to and equipments to be used by a prospective worker
achieve their demands for better conditions at their and hazards involved in it.
work atmosphere. 64.
62. A Competency consists of
How often HR planning process is implemented A.
within an Organisation? The specific tasks a person must do
A. B.
Continuously Skills and behaviors
B. C.
Annually A list of tests that will measure cognitive ability
C. D.
Bi-annually Communications and behavior
D. Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Quarterly Answer & Solution
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer: Option D
Answer & Solution Solution:
Answer: Option A A Competency consists of Communications and
Solution: behavior. The combination of observable and
Continuously HR planning process is implemented measurable knowledge, skills, abilities and personal
within an Organisation. Human resource planning attributes that contribute to enhanced employee
(HRP) is the continuous process of systematic performance and ultimately result in organizational
planning ahead to achieve optimum use of an success. To understand competencies, it is
organization's most valuable asset quality important to define the various components of
employees. Human resources planning ensures the competencies.
best fit between employees and jobs while avoiding 65.
manpower shortages or surpluses. Which statements are incorrect?
63. A.
Which of the following term is used to identify, Recruitment and selection are part of the
"what the job holder does"? "How it is done"? & sourcing/attraction process
"why it is done"? B.
A. Selection creates a pool of talent to consider for
Job specification future jobs
C. Answer & Solution
Recruitment enables the selection phase Answer: Option A
D. Solution:
All of the above statements are incorrect HR Department maintains Employee records. One
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later of the primary responsibilities of the HR
Answer & Solution department is to maintain employee records and
Answer: Option B regularly keep them updated. It is not just a good
Solution: practice but it is also made mandatory by the law.
Selection creates a pool of talent to consider for These records help companies gather and analyze
future jobs is incorrect. A talent pool is a database comprehensive information about their workforce
of individuals created by a recruiter during the at a micro as well as macro level.
application process. This database is usually made 68.
within an Applicant Tracking System. When a Why Organisations provide, attractive salaries,
candidate applies for a job, the recruiter is able to fringe benefits, career development opportunities:
put them into a specific and relevant talent pool by A.
tagging candidate profiles. To retain valuable human resources
66. B.
Which of the following statement represents To be the market leader in the future
'effectiveness'? C.
A. To attract more and more people
Achieve most output in less time D.
B. To enforce government regulations
Achieve mass production Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
C. Answer & Solution
Achieve most output with least input Answer: Option A
D. Solution:
Achieve Organisational goals To retain valuable human resources Organisations
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later provides attractive salaries, fringe benefits and
Answer & Solution career development opportunities.
Answer: Option D 69.
Solution: A practice used by different companies to reduce
Achieve Organisational goals statement represents costs by transferring portions of work to outside
'effectiveness'. Organizational effectiveness can be provider rather than completing it internally is
defined as the efficiency with which an association termed as:
is able to meet its objectives. This means an A.
organization that produces a desired effect or an Planning
organization that is productive without waste. B.
67. Decentralization
HR Department maintains records C.
A. Restructuring
Employee D.
B. Outsourcing
Sales Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
C. Answer & Solution
Production Answer: Option D
D. Solution:
Inventory A practice used by different companies to reduce
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later costs by transferring portions of work to outside
provider rather than completing it internally is four decisional managerial roles because its primary
termed as Outsourcing. HR Outsourcing is a process focus is on making and implementing decisions.
in which the human resource activities of an Familiarity with the resource allocator and other
organization are outsourced so as to focus on the managerial roles allows both new and seasoned
organization`s core competencies. Often HR supervisors to understand a manager's job.
functions are complex and time consuming that it 2.
will create difficulty in managing other important Is the main source of innovations
thrust areas. A.
70. Upgraded technology
Which of the following force makes an individual B.
eligible to make decisions, give orders & directing Human mind
work activities of others? C.
A. Competitors' pressure
Power D.
B. Research & Development
Influence Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
C. Answer & Solution
Authority Answer: Option B
D. Solution:
Command Human mind is the main source of innovations. In
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later business, innovation often results when ideas are
Answer & Solution applied by the company in order to further satisfy
Answer: Option C the needs and expectations of the customers.
Authority force makes an individual eligible to make
decisions, give orders & directing work activities of
others. Authority is the right to make decisions, to
direct the work of others, and to give orders. Line
managers are authorized to direct the work of
subordinates and are directly in charge of
accomplishing the organization's basic goals.
Which of the following role a manager performs as
a Resource allocator?
Interpersonal role
Decisional role
Informational role
Supportive role
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Answer & Solution
Answer: Option B
A manager performs decisional role as a Resource
allocator. The resource allocator role is one of the

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