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260 Chapter 10: Stresses in a Soil Mass 3 Part c NP is the line drawn parallel to the plane CD. P is the pole. PQ is drawn parallel to AE (see Figure 10.6a). The coordinates of point Q give the stresses on the plane AE. Thus, Normal stress = 60 Ib/in.? Shear stress = 30 Ib/in? . Stresses Caused by a Point Load Boussinesq (1883) solved the problem of stresses produced at any point in a homogencous, clastic, and isotropic medium as the result of a point load applied on the surface of an infinitely large half-space. According to Figure 10.7, Boussinesq’s solution for normal stresses at a point caused by the point load P is P f3x'z x } A om — (1 - 24) ————_ 10.10) o in BOO) Tar il cow) P [2y'2 voe 2) Ao, = — (1 - 24)| ————_ 10.11 ” zt co Winds * DF con) and (10.12) Figure 10.7 Stresses in an elastic medium caused by a point load 10.3 Stresses Caused by a Point Load 261 J = Poisson's ratio Note that Eqs. (10.10) and (10.11), which are the expressions for horizontal normal stresses, depend on the Poisson’s ratio of the medium. However, the relationship for the vertical normal stress, Ac, as given by Eq, (10.12), is independent of Poisson’s ratio. The relationship for Ao, can be rewritten as =sh (10.13) where 3 1 1 eI a1 (10.14) The variation of f, for various values of r/z is given in Table 10.1 Table 10.1 Variation of , for Various Values of riz (Eq. (10.14)] tz 4 nz h nz 1 0 0.4775 036 0.3521 1.80 0.0129 0.02 0.4770 038 0.3408 2.00 ‘0.0085 0.04 0.4765 0.40 0.3294 2.20 0.0088 0.06 0.4723 os 03011 2.40 0.0040 0.08, 0.4699 0.50 0.2733 2.60 0.0029 0.10 0.4657 05 0.2466 2.80 0.0021 0.12 0.4607 0.60 0.2214 3.00 0.0015 oa 0.4548 0.65 0.1978 3.20 0.0011 0.16 0.4482 0.70 0.1762 3.40 0.00085 0.8 0.4409 075 0.1565 3.60 0.00066 0.20 0.4329 0.80 0.1386 3.80 0.00051 0.22 0.4242 085 0.1226 4.00 0.00040 0.24 Osi 0.90 0.1083 4.20 0.00032 0.26 0.4050 095 0.0956 4.40 0.00026 0.28 0.3954 1.00 0.0844 4.60 0.00021 0.30 0.3849 1.20 0.0513 4.80 0.00017 032 0.3742 1.40 0.0317 5.00 0.00014 034 0.3632 1.60 0.0200 262 Chapter 10: Stresses in a Soil Mass Example 10.3 Consider a point load P = 5 kN (Figure 10.7). Calculate the vertical stress increase (Ao,) at z = 0,2.m, 4m, 6 m, 10 m, and 20m, Given x = 3 mandy = 4 m. Solution r=VePsy=VP+HR=5m The following table can now be prepared. son(2)h r z x (mm) (m) Zz 4 {kN /m?) 5 0 0 0 0 2 25 0.0034 0.0043, 4 1.25 0.0424 0.0133 6 0.83 0.1295 0.0180 10 0s 0.2733, 0.0137 20 0.25 0.4103, 0.0051 . HEQZME Vertical Stress Caused by a Vertical Line Load Figure 10.8 shows a vertical flexible line load of infinite length that has an intensity g/unit length on the surface of a semi-infinite soil mass. The vertical stress increase, Ac, inside the soil mass can be determined by using the principles of the theory of elasticity, or Po Ao, = = (0.15) met ey ‘This equation can be rewritten as 2 de. a wrel(x/z) +1 or Ao, 2 =————_ 10.16) (gz) male +1 or) Note that Eq. (10.16) is in a nondimensional form. Using this equation, we can calculate the variation of Acy/(q/z) with x/z. This is given in Table 10.2. The value of Ao, calculated by using Eq. (10.16) is the additional stress on soil caused by the line load. The value of Ac, does not include the overburden pressure of the soil above point A. 10.4 Vertical Stress Caused by a Vertical Line Load 263 gf Unit length Figure 10.8 Line load over the surface of a semi-infinite soil mass Table 10.2 Variation of Ao-J(glz) with x/z (Eq. (10.16)] xiz so Nal2) xz or, /a/2) 0 0.637 13 0.088 ol 0.624 14 0.073 02 0.589 1s 0.060 03 0536 16 0.050 4 0473 17 0.042 Os 0.407 18 0.035 06 0344 19 0.030 07 0.287 2.0 0.025 08 0.237 22 0.019 09 0.194 24 0014 10 0.159 26 oon 11 0.130 28 0.008 12 0.107 3.0 0.006 Example 10.4 Figure 10.9a shows two line loads on the ground surface. Determine the increase of stress at point A Solution Refer to Figure 10.9b. The total stress at A is Ao, = Aca + Ao) (2)(S00)(4)° mis Zz as + 4)? Aca = 12,12 Ibi 264 Chapter 10: Stresses in a Soil Mass 2qrz* (2)(1000)(4)* Aw) = a ap 71e +4) matey mle +4) Ao, = 12.12 + 3.03 = 15.15 Ib/ft? = 3.03 Ib/ft? 1000 Ib 4; =500 Ibi 500 tw Figure 70.9 (a) Two line loads on the ground surface; (b) use of superposition principle to obtain stress a point A HELE «Vertical Stress Caused by a Horizontal Line Load Figure 10.10 shows a horizontal flexible line load on the surface of a semi-infinite soil mass. The vertical stress increase al point A in the soil mass can be given as 2q__ xz” 7 ete (10.17) Table 10.3 gives the variation of Ao-/(q/2) with w/z, 10.5 Vertical Stress Caused by a Horizontal Line Load 265 Unit length Table 10.3. Variation of Ao-f(g/s) with x/z x/z— do,ia/a, xiz— sa,Ha/2) ° 0 07 0201 o1 0.062 08 0.189 02 ois 09 0.175 03 0.161 100159 z 04 0.189 15 0,090 . 05 0.204 20 0.051 Figure 10.10 Horizontal line load over the surface of a 06 0207 30 0019 semi-infinite soil mass Example 10.5 An inclined line load with a magnitude of 1000 Ib/ft is shown in Figure 10.11 Determine the increase of vertical stress Ac at point A due to the line load, Solution The vertical component of the inclined load gy = 1000 cos 20 =939.7 Ib/ft, and the hor- izontal component gy; = 1000 sin 20 = 342 Ib/ft. For point A, x/c = 5/4 = 1.25. Using Table 10.2, the vertical stress increase at point A due to gy is At _ 9.098 ) 1000 It Figure 10.11 266 Chapter 10: Stresses in a Soil Mass Similarly, using Table 10.3, the vertical stress increase at point A due to gy is Ata - o.195 6 z 342 : ow = (0 29 (2) = 107 1b/te Thus, the total is Ao, = Aogy, + ogy) = 23 + 10.7 = 33.7 lb/ft . HEQGHE «Vertical Stress Caused by a Vertical Strip Load (Finite Width and Infinite Length) ‘The fundamental equation for the vertical stress increase at a point in a soil mass as the result of a line load (Section 10.4) can be used to determine the vertical stress at a point caused by a flexible strip load of width B. (See Figure 10.12.) Let the load per unit arca of the strip shown in Figure 10.12 be equal to g. If we consider an elemental strip of width dr; eee Figure 10.12 Vertical stress caused by a flexible strip load us 10.7 Vertical Stress Due to Embankment Loading 267 the load per unit length of this strip is equal to g dr This elemental strip can be treated as a line load. Equation (10.15) gives the vertical stress increase der, at point A inside the soil ‘mass caused by this elemental strip load. To calculate the vertical stress increase, we need to substitute q dr for q and (x — 1) for x. So, 2(q dr)z* do. ae (10.18) ‘The total increase in the vertical stress (Ac) at point A caused by the entire strip load of width B can be determined by integration of Eq. (10.18) with limits of r from —B/2 to +B/2, or Gaal an Ao, = | eo.= = {ean __ Be 2 (Bia) \ [e+ 2 (Bua) P+ Bt z fz x- (Bia), [: 7 rl (10.19) Table 10.4 shows the variation of Ao,/q with 22/B for 2x/B. This table can be used conveniently for the calculation of vertical stress at a point caused by a flexible strip load. Vertical Stress Due to Embankment Loading Figure 10.14 shows the cross section of an embankment of height H. For this two- dimensional loading condition the vertical stress increase may be expressed as Rete (Zines 10.20 eee (a (10.20) where g, = yH *y = unit weight of the embankment soil H = height of the embankment B,+B, (radians) = tan?( 21 * 72 (10.21) z = an(4) (10.22) ° z Table 10.4 Variation of Aa/q with 2c/B and 2x/B (Bq, (10.19)] 2x/B 2218 00 ot 02 03 Oa 05 06 o7 os os 10 0.00 1,000 1,000 1,000 1.000 1,000 1.000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 0,000 0.10 1,000 1,000 0.999 0.999 0.999 0.998 0.997 0993 0.980 0.909 0.500 0.20 0.997 0.997 0.996 0.995 0.992 0.988 0.979 «0959 0.909 0.775 0.500 030 0.990 0.989 0.987 0.984 0.978.967 «0.947 «0.908 0.833 :0.697 0.499 040 0977 0976 0973 0.966 «0.955 0.937 0.906 «0855 0.773 0.651 (0.498 0.50 0.959 0.958 0.953 0.943 0.927 0.902 0.864 = «0808 0.727 0.620 0.497 0.60 0.937 0935 0928 0.915 0896 0.866 «0.825 0.767 0.691 0.598 0.495 0.70 0.910 0.908 «0899-0885 «0863831 «788-0732 0.662081 0.492 0.80 0881 0878 0.869 0.853 0829 0.797 «0.755 0.701.638 0.566 0.489 0.90 0850 0847 0837 0.821 0.797 0.765 0.724 «67S «OGIT 0.552 0.485 1.00 0818 O815 0.805 0.789 0.766 0.735 (0.696 0.650 0.598 0.540 0.480 110 0.787 0.783 «O.774 (0758 0.735 0.706 -—«0.6700.628 0.580 0.529 0474 20 0755 0.752 0.743 (0.728 0.707 0.679 0.646. 0.607 0.564 = OS17 0.468 130 0.725 0.722 0.714 0.699 0.679 0.654. 0.623-«0.S88 0.548. 0.506 0.462 140 0.696 0.693. 0.685 (0.672«0.653 (0.630 :0.602«0.569 0.534.049 0.455 150 0.668 0.666 0.658 (0.646 0.629 «0.607.581 «0.552 0.519 0.484.048 1.60 0.642 0.639 «0,633 0.621-«0.605 «0.586 0.562 0.535 0.506 0.474 0.440 170 0617 0.615 0.608 0.598 0.583 0.565 0.544 «0519 0492-0463 0.433 180 0.593 0.591 0.585 0.576 0.563 «0.546 ©0526 «0.504 «0479 «0.453. 0.425 190 0571 0569 0.564 0.555 0.528 0.510 0.489 0.467 «0.443 O17 2.00 0580 0.548 0.543 (0.535 0.510 0494 0.475 0.455 0.433—0.409 210 0530 0529 0524 0.517 0.494 0479 0.462043 0.423 O.401 220 0511 0510 0506 0.499 0479 0465 0.449 0.432.413 0.393 230 0494 0.493 0.489 0.483, 0464 0451 0.437 «0.421 0.404 0.385 240 0477 0.476 0.473 0.467 0.450 0438 0.425 0.410 0.395 0.378 250 0462 0.461 0458 0.452 0.436 0426 0.414 0.400 0.386 0.370 2.60 0447 0.446 0.443 0.439 0.424 0414 0.403 0,390 0.377—0.363, 2.70 0433 0.432 0.430 0.425 0.412 0403 0393 0.381 0.369 0.355 280 0420 0419 0417 0.413 0.400 0392-0383 «0372-0360 0.348 2.90 0408 0.407 0.405 0.401 0.389 © 0,382,««0.373. «0.363 «0.352 0.341 3.00 0,396 0.395 -0.393--0,390 0379 03720364 «0.355 0345 0.334 3.10 0.385 0.384 0.382-—-0379 0369 0.363 0.355 0.347 0.337 0.327 3.20 0.374 «©0373-0372 0.369 0.360 0.354 0.347 0.339 «0.330 0.321, 330 0.364 (0.363 :0.362-—0.359 0351 0.345 0.339 -0.331-=—0.323 0.315 3.40 0.354 (0.354 -0.352 0.350 0342 0.337 0.331 «0.324-—0.316 0,308 350 0345 0345 0343 (0.341 0.334 0329-0323 «0317-0310 0.302 3.60 0337 0.336 «0.335 (0.333, 0326 © 0.321 «0316 ©0310 0.304 0.297 3.70 0.328 ©0328 «0.327032: 0318 0.314 0.309 0.304 «0.298 0.291 3.80 0.320 0320-0319 0317 0311 0.307 0.303 «0.297 0.292 0.285 390 0313 0313 0312 0310 0304 0.301 0.296 0.291 «0.286 0.280 400 0.306 0.305 -0.304-—0.303 0.298 0.294 0.290 0.285 0.280 0.275 410 0.299 0.299 0.298 0.296 0.291 0.288 0.284 0,280 0.275 0.270 420 0.292 0.292 0.291 0.290 0.285 0.282 0.278-—0.274-«0.270 0.265 430 0.286 0.286 0.285 0.283, 0.279 0.276 «= 0.273 0.269 0.265 0.260 440 0.280 0.280 0.279 0.278 0.274 0.271 0.268 0.264 «0.260 0.256 450 0.274 0.274 0.273 0.272 0.268 0.266. 0.263 0.259 0.285 0.251 4.60 0.268 0.268 0.268 0.266, 0.263 0.260 0.258 0.254 0.251 0.247 4.10 0.263 0.263 0.262 0.261 0.258 0.255 0.253 0.250 0.246 0.243, 480 0.258 0.258 0.257 0.256 0.253 0.251 0.248 «0.245 0.220.239 490 0.253 0.253 0.252 0.251 0.248 © 0.246 0.244 «0.241 0.238 0.235 5.00 0.248 0.248 0.247 0.246 0.244 0.242 0.239 0.237-«0.234 0,231 268 Table 10.4 (continued) 2x/B a 12 13 14 16 17 18 13 20 0,00 0.000 0.000 0,000,000 0,000 0.000 0.000 0,.000—0.000 0.10 0.091 0.020 0,070,003 0.001 0.001 «0.000» 0.000 0.000 0.20 © 0.225 © 0.091 0.040 0.020. 0.007 0.004 = 0.003 0.002 0.002 030 © 0.301 «0.165 0.090 0.052 0.020 0.013 0.009 0.007.005 040 0346 «0.224 = O.141 (0.090. 0.040 0.027 «0.020.141 050 0373 0.267 0185. 0.128 0.063 0.046 0.034 0.025. 0.019 0.60 0.391 0.298 = 0,222 0.163 0.088 0.066. 0.050 0.038.-—0.030 0.70 0.403 0321-0250 0.193 0.113 0.087 0.068.053. 0.042 080 0411 0338 ~=«0.273 0.218 0.137 0.108 += 0.086. 0.069 0.056 0.90 0416 0351 0.291-~——0.239 0.158 0.128 = 0.108. 0.085. 0.070 100 0419 0360-0305 0.256 0177 0.147 0.122.101. 0.084 110 0.420 0366 = 0.316 = 0.271 0.194 0.164 0.138.116 0.098 20 0419 0371-0325 0.282 0.209 0.178 0.152.130 OT 130° 041703730331 0.291 0.221 0.191 0.166 0.143 0.123 140 041403740335 0.298 0.232 0.203.177, O.1SS.0.135 150 0411-0374 0.338 0.308 0.240 0.146 160 0407 037303390307 0.248 = 0.221 0197.75.15 170 0.402 ©0370-0339 0.309 0.254 0.228 «0.205.183. 64 180 0396 ©0368-0339 OL 0.258 © 0.234 «0212, O.191.— 0.172 190 0391-0364 03380312 0.262 © 0.239 0217S 0.197 0.179 200 0.385 0.360 -0.336-= O31 0.265 0.243 «0222, -0.203.185 210 0379 ©0356 = 0.333.031 0.267 0.246 «= 0.226 «= 0.208 0.190 220 0373 0352 0330-0309 0.268 = 0.248 «0229 0.212— 0.195 230 0.366 «©0347 «0327-0307 0.268 = 0.250 0232-0215 0.199 240 0.360 ©0342 ©0323-0305 0.268 = 0.251 «02340217 0.202 250 0.354 0337 0320-0302, 0.268 = 0.251 = 0235 0.220 0.205 260 0.347 0332-0316 0.299 0.267 © 0.251 0.236 = 0.221 0.207 270 0341 «03270312, 0.296 0.266 «0.251 «= 0236-0222 0.208 280 0.335 © 0.321«—(0307-—0.293 0.265 © 0.250 0236 = 0.228 0.210 290 0329 0316 ~=—0303 (0.290. 0.263 © 0.249 02360223 O21 300 0.323 «0311 0.2990.286. 0.261 0.248 0.236 0.223 0.211 3.10 0317 0.306 0.294 0.283 0.259 0.247 02350223212 3.20 0311 © 0301_-— 0.290 0.279 0.256 © 0.245 0234 0.223 0.212 330 0.305 0.296 = 0.286 0.275 0.254 0.243 0.232 0.222 O21 340 0300-0291. 0.281.271 0.251 0241 «0.231 0.221— 2 350 0.294 0.286 0.277 0.268 0.249 0.239 0229 0.220 0.210 3.60 0.289 0.281 «0.273 (0.264 0.246 © 0.237 «0228-0218 0.209 3.70 0.284 0.276 = 0.268 0.260 0.243 0.235 0226 = 0.217 0.208 380 0.279 «0.272 0.264 0.256. 0.240 0.232 0.228 = 0.216. 0.207 3.90 0.274 «0.267 0.260 0.253 0.238 © 0.230 0222, 0.214 0.206 400 0.269 0.263 «0.256 = 0.249 0.235 0.227 «0220-0212 0.205 410 0.264 0.258 © 0.252, 0.246 0.232 0.225 0.218.211 0.203 420 0260 0.254 = 0.248 0.242 0.229 0.222 0216 = 0.209 0.202 430 0.255 0.250 0.244 0.239 0.226 © 0.220» «0213 0.207020 440 0.251 0.246 = 0.241-——0.235 0.224 © 0.217 0211-— 0.205 0.199 450 0.247 0.242 0.237 0.232 0.221 0.215 0209 0.203 0.197 4.60 0.243 0.238 += 0.234 0.229 0.218 0.212 «0207» 0.201-—.195 4.70 0.239 0.235 = 0.230 0.225 0215 0.210 0205 0.199.194 4.80 235° 0.231 «0.227 0.222 213 0.208 «= 0.202 0.197 0.192 490 0231 0.227 0.223 0.219 0.210 0.205 = 0200 0.195 0.190 500 0.227 «0.224 = 0.220 0.216 0.207 = 0.203. «0.198 0.193 0.188 269 270° Chapter 10: Stresses in a Soil Mass Example 10.6 With reference to Figure 10.12, we are given q = 200 KN/m*, B = 6 m, and z = 3 m. Determine the vertical stress increase at x = +9, +6, +3, and 0 m. Plot a graph of Ac, against x. Solution ‘The following table can be made: xm) 2x/B 22/8 Ao/q* _ Ae,” {kN/m?) +9 +3 1 0.017 34 +6 +2 1 0.084 16.8 +3 +1 1 0.480 96.0 0 0 1 0.818 163.6 “From Table 10.4 q = 200 kN/m? The plot of Ac; against x is given in Figure 10.13. 200 160 Aa. (kNim?) -10 -8 -6 = a(n) Figure 10.13 Plot of Ao, against distance x . For a detailed derivation of the equation, see Das (2008). A simplified form of Eq, (10.20) is So, = ql (10.23) where J, = a function of By/z and By ‘The variation of f, with B,/z and B,/z is shown in Figure 10.15 (Osterberg, 1957). Figure 10.14 Embankment loading Figure 10.15 Osterberg’s chart for determination of vertical stress due to embank- ment loading 025 0.30 “1 0.25 ous on 0.10 os i oo on Byz=0 Bye 2n 272 Example 10.7 An embankment is shown in Figure 10.16a, Determine the stress increase under the embankment at point A Refer to Figures 10.16b and c. At point A) = Oxy ~ Fay Gott) = Fox2) = (10)(18) = 180 KN/m? From Fig. 10.16b, B; = 21 m and B, = 20 m. So, B_U_y. z 6 By _ 2 Sat =333 z 6 wast wan 18 kN i? J ism —+} 6m Je —— 29m ——+I 10240. abe) wo je 15m —>} 10 | 400 | | Aber © 10.8 Vertical Stress Below the Center of a Uniformly Loaded Circular Area 273 From Fig. 10.15, yyy ~ 0.495. Again, from Fig. 10.16c, B, = 0 and B, = 15 m. So, Boo] aac By z From Fig, 10.15, fy) ~ 0.39. Therefore, = G44) ~ Fee) ~ Forfa — Yooshray ~ 18010.490 = 0.39] = 18.9 kNim? HELE Vertical Stress Below the Center of a Uniformly Loaded Circular Area Using Boussinesq’s solution for vertical stress Ac, caused by a point load (Eq. (10.12)), one also can develop an expression for the vertical stress below the center of a uniformly loaded flexible circular area. From Figure 10.17, let the intensity of pressure on the circular area of radius R be equal to g. The total load on the elemental area (shaded in the figure) is equal to gr dr da The vertical stress, do, at point A caused by the load on the elemental area (which may be assumed to be a concentrated load) can be obtained from Eq, (10.12) o24) oad per uit ea = \} a0, ae Figure 10.17 A Vertical sess below the center ofa uniformly loaded exible circular area 274 Chapter 10: Stresses in a Soil Mass The increase in the stress at point A caused by the entire loaded area can be found by integrating Eq. (10.24): amr Rg ae Ao. = { .= { | <4 dra 7, = | do. | weer So, 1 { ~ [RRP + Teal (10.25) The variation of Ag,/q with /R as obtained from Eq. (10.25) is given in Table 10.5. A plot of this also is shown in Figure 10.18. The value of Ac, decteases rapidly with depth, and at z = 5R, itis about 6% of g, which is the intensity of pressure at the ground surface. ‘Table 10.5 Variation of Ao./q with 2/R [Fq, (10.25)] 2R Ao./q 2/R Ao./q 0 1 10 0.6465 0.02 0.9999 1s 0.4240 0.05 0.9998 2 0.2845 0.10 0.9990 25 0.1996 02 0.9925 30 0.1436 04 0.9488 40 0.0869 os 0.9106 50 0.0871 08 0.7562 ° 1 2 R? 5 6 00 02 04 06 08 10 Figure 10.18 Stress under the Ao, center of a uniformly loaded 7 exible circular area 10.9 Vertical Stress at any Point Below a Uniformly Loaded Circular Area 275 HELENE Vertical Stress at Any Point Below a Uniformly Loaded Circular Area A detailed tabulation for calculation of vertical stress below a uniformly loaded flexible circular area was given by Ahlvin and Ulery (1962). Referring to Figure 10.19, we find that ‘Aor, at any point A located at a depth z at any distance r from the center of the loaded area can be given as, Ao, = q(A' + B’) (10.26) where A’ and B’ are functions of #/R and r/R. (See Tables 10.6 and 10.7.) Figure 10.19 Vertical sess at any point below a uniformly loaded circular area Example 10.8 Consider a uniformly loaded flexible circular area on the ground surface, as shown in Fig, 10.19. Given: R = 3 m and uniform load q = 100 KN/m*, Calculate the increase in vertical stress at depths of 1.5 m, 3 m, 4.5 m, 6 m, and 12 m below the ground surface for points at (a) r= 0 and (b) r= 4,5 m. Solution From Eq, (10.26), Ao, = 4(A' + B’) 00 kN/m’. Given R = 3 mand q = (continued on page 278) 276 Table 10.6 Vatiation of A’ with 2/R and r/R” oR aR 0 02 o4 06 og 1 12 15 2 0 10 10 10 Tr) 10 05 0 ° ° 0.1 0.90050 0.89748 ~—0.88679-086126 0.78797 043015 0.09645 0.02787 0.00856 02 080888 0.79824 0.77884 0.73483 0.53014 0.38262 0.15433 0.05251 0.01680 03 071265 0.70518 0.68316 062690 0.52081-«03437S 0.17964 07199 0.02440 04 0.62861 0.62015 0.59241 «53767 «0.44329 «1048 0.18702 0.08593 03118, 0S 055279 0.54403 051622 046448 0.38390 028156 0.18556 0.09499 0.08701 06 0.48550 0.47691 0.45078 040427 «0.33675 «0.25588 0.17952 0.10010 07 0.42654 041874 0.39491 0.35428 0.29833O21727-—O.1T124_— 0.10228 O.04558 08 037531 036832034729 «0.31243 0.265810.21297—0.16206 0.10236, 09 033104 0.32492 0.30669 —«0.27707-«0.23832-—«. 19488 0.15253 0.10094, 1 029289 028763 0.27005-«024697 21468 O17K6E 0.14329 0.09849 _O.05185 12 023178 022795 0.21662 0.19890 0.17626 O.1SIO1_ 0.12570 0.09192 0.05260 15 016795 016552015877 14804 0.13436 0.11892 0.10296. 0.08048 0.05116 2 010557 0.10453 0.10140 0.09687 0.09011 0.08269 0.07471 0.06275 0.04496, 25 007152 0.07098 0.05947 0.05698 0.06373 0.05974 0.04880 0.03787 3 005132 05101 0.05022 O.04885 0.04707 0.04487 0.03839 0.03150 4 00298 0.02976 0.02907 0.02802. 0.02832 0.02749 0.02490 0.02193 5 001942 001938 0.01835 0.01573 6 001361 0.01307 0.01168 7 oo100s 0.00976 0.00894 8 000772 0.00755 0.00703 9 000612 0.00600 0.00566 10 0.00477 0.00465 * Source: From Ablvin, RG. and H. H, Ulery. Tabulated Values for Determining the Complete Pattern of Stresses, Stains, and Deflections Beneath a Uniform Circular Load on a Homogeneous Half Space. In Highway Research Bulletin 342, Highway Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., 1962, Tables 1 and 2, p.3. Reproduced with permission of the ‘Transportation Research Board. Table 10.7 Variation of BY with 2/R and r/R* IR 2iR o 02 o.8 06 og 1 12 18 2 oo 0 ° 0 ° ° 0 ° ° 1 009852 O.10140 0.11138 0.13424 0.18796 0.05388 0.07899 —0.02672 —0.00845 02 0.18857 0.19306 0.20772 0.23524 «0.25983 O0RSI3.—0.07759 0.04448 0.01593, 03 026862 (0.26787 28018 0.29483 0.27257 10757 0.04316 0.01999 —002165, 04 032016032259 032748032273 «0.26925 0.12404 0.00766 0.08535 0.02522 OS OAS7IT—O4S752 «0.45928 —«O.88105 0.252% «0.14591 0.02165 0.08455 0.02651 0 037831 037531 «036308 0.32822-«O2S411 O44. 0.04457 —0.02101 07 038487 0.37962 «0.36072 0.31929 0.24538 0.14985 0.05209 —0.00702 —0.02329 08 — 038091 0.37408 035133 0.30699 0.23779 0.15292 0.07530 0.00614, 09 036962 0.36275 «0.33734 «0.29299 «0.22891 O.1S404 0.08507 0.01795, 1035355034553 0.32075. «027819021978 0S 0.09210 0.02814 —0.01005 12 031485030730 0.28481 —«0.24836-—«0.20113 0.14915 0.10002 0.04378 0.00023 15 025602 0.25025 0.23338 0.20624 0.17368 0.13732 0.10193 O.0s745 0.01385 2 OATEBD—OIBI44 — 0.16544 15198 0.13375 011331 0.09254 0.06371 0.07836, 25 O1280T 0.12633. «0.12126 0.11327 0.10298 0.09130 0.07862 0.05022 0.03429 3 0.09487 0.09394 0.09099 0.08635 0.08033 «0.07325 OHSS] 0.05354 0.0351T 4 005707 0.05666 0.05562 0.08383 0.05145 0.04773 0.04532 0.03995 0.03056, 5 003772 0.03760 0.03384 0.02474 6 0.02666 0.02468 0.01968 7 901980 0.01868 0.01577 8 001526 0.01459 0.01279 9 oo12i2 0.01170 o.ot0s4 10 0.00924 0.00879 “Source: From Alvi, R. G., and Il H, Ulery. Tabulated Valves for Determining the Complete Pater of Suess, Stains, and Deflections Beneath a Uniform Circular Load oa a Hou geneous Half Space. In Highway Research Bulletin 342, Highway Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., 1962, Tables 1 and 2, p. 3. Reproduced with permission of he ‘Transportation Reseasch Boaxd. Table 10.6 (continued) 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 2 1“ ° 0 0 ° ° o ° ° ° 0.00211 0.00084 0.00042 0.00419 0.00167 0.00083 0.00048 0.00080 0.00020 0.00622 0.00250 0.01013 0.00407 0.00209 0.00118 0.00071 0.0003 0.00025 0.00014 0.00009 0.01782 0.00761 0.00393 0.00225 0.00143 0.00097 0.00050 0.00029 0.00018 0.01935 0.00871 0.00459 0.00269 0.00171 —a.00115 0.02142 0.01013 0.00548 0.00325 0.00210 0.00141 0.00073 0.00043 0.00027 0.02221 0.01160 0.00659 0.00399 0.00264 0.00180 0.00094 0.00056 0.00036 0.02143 0.01221 0.00732 0.00463 0.00308. 0.00214 0.00115 0.00068 0.00043 0.01980 0.01220 0.00770 0.00505 0.00346 0.00242 0.00132 0.00079 0.00051 001592 0.01109 0.00768 0.00536 0.00384 0.00282 0.00160 0.00099 0.00065 0.01289 0.00949 0.00708 0.00527 0.00394 0.00298 0.00179 0.00113 0.00075 0.00983 0.00795 0.00628 0.0092 0.00384 0.00299 «0.00188 0.00124 0.00084 0.00784 0.00661 0.00548 0.00445 0.00360 0.00291 0.00193 0,00130 0.00091 0.00635 0.00554 0.00872 0.00398 0.00832 0.00275 0.00189 0.00134 0.00094 0,00520 0.00466 0.00409 0.00353 0.00301. 0.00258. 0.00184 0.00133 0.00096 0.00438 0.00397 0.00852 0.00325 0.00273 0.00241 Table 10.7 (continued) 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 2 “ ° 0 0 ° ° ° ° ° ° 0.00210 0.00084 -0.00042 0.00412 -0,00168 —0.00083 -0,00024 —0.00015 -0.00010 =0.00599 -0.00245 0.00991 —0,00388 -0,00199-0.00116 —0.00073 -0.00049 -0,00025 —0.00014 0.00009 0.01115 0.00608 -0.00344 0.00210 0.00135 -0.00092 0.00048 -0.00028 0.00018 0.00995 0.00532 -0.00378 0.00236 0.00156 -0.00107, 0.00669 —0,00500 —0.00401 0.00265 —0.00181 0.00125 0.00068 —0.00040 0.00025 0.00028 0.00810 0.00371 0.00278 0.00202 -0.00148 0.00084 —0.00050 —0.00033 0.00661 0.00130 0.00271 —0.00250 0.00201 —0.00158 0.00094 —0.00059 —0,00039 0.01112 0.00157 =0.00134 0.00192 -0,00179 =0,00151 =0.00099 —0.00085 —0.00046 0.01515 0.00595 0.00155 —0.00029 0.00094 0.00109 0.00094 —0.00068 | —0.00050 0.01522 0.00810 0.00371 0.00132 0.00013 0.00043 —0.00070 —0.00061 —0.00049 0.01380 0.00867 0.00496 0.00254 @.00110 0.00028 —0.00037 —0.00047 —0,00085 0.01204 0.00842 0.00547 0.00332-—.00185 0.00093 —0.00002 —0.00029 —0.00037 0.01034 0.00779 0.00854 0.00372 0.00236 0.00141 0.00035 —0.00008 | —0.00025 0.00888 0.00705 0.00533 0.00385 0.00265 0.00178 0.00066 0.00012 -0.00012 0.00764 0.00631 0.00501 0.00382 0.00281 0.00199 27 278 Chapter 10: Stresses in a Soil Mass Part (a) ‘We can prepare the following table: (Note: r/R = 0. A’ and B' values are from Tables 10.6 and 10,7.) Depth, z(m) 2/R A a Ao, (kKN/m*) 1s OS 0553 0.358 OL 3 10 0.293 0,354 647 4s 15 0.168 0.256 42.4 6 20 0.106 0.179 28.5 12 40 0.03 0.057 87 Part (b) Depth, z(m) 2/R A a Ao, (kKN/m’*) Ls 05 0.095 0.035 60 3 10 0.098 0.028 126 4s 15 0.08 0.087 13.7 6 2.0 0.063 0,064 12.7 12 40 0025 0,04 65 EEDA Vertical Stress Caused by a Rectangularly Loaded Area Boussinesq’s solution also can be used to calculate the vertical stress increase below a flexi- ble rectangular loaded area, as shown in Figure 10.20. The loaded area is located at the ‘ground surface and has length L and width B, The uniformly distributed load per unit area is, equal to g. To determine the increase in the vertical stress (Ac) at point A, which is located at depth z below the comer of the rectangular area, we need to consider a small elemental area dx dy of the rectangle. (This is shown in Figure 10.20.) The load on this elemental area can be given by dq = qdxdy (10.27) The increase in the stress (dor,) at point A caused by the load dy can be determined by using Eq. (10.12). However, we need to replace P with dg = q dx dy and? with x+y. Thus, 3q dx dy 2° do, ig dx dy =a 10.28) 5 ame + + ZY 028) 10.10 Vertical Stress Caused by a Rectangularly Loaded Area 279 Figure 10.20 Vertical stress below the comer of a uniformly loaded flexible rectangular area ‘The increase in the stress, at point A caused by the entire loaded area can now be deter- mined by integrating the preceding equation. We obtain # (EL _ 3g2'(dx dy) ny de ooo = a 10.29) ve: | ve LJ mery+oe 7 (10.29) where 1 7/284 L (mie min Vm wt) 2 dar Ln en en? + 1? bn? wane +1 (10.30) mob (10.31) Zz n £ (10.32) ‘The variation of f, with m and n is shown in Table 10.8 and Figure 10.21 280° Chapter 10: Stresses in a Soil Mass Table 10.8 Variation of f, with m and n [Eq, (10.30)] a on 02 os o4 05 06 07 os 09 10 0.1 0.0047 0,092 0.0132 0.0168 0.0198 0.0222 --0.0242-«-0.0258 0.0270 0.0279 0.2 0.0092 0.0179 0.0259 0.0328 0.0387 0.0435 (0.0474 0.0504 0.0528 0.0847 0.3 0.0132 0.0259 0.0374 0.0474 0.0559 0.0629 0.0686 0.0731 0.0766 0.0794 04 0.0168 0.0328 0.0474 0.0602 0.0711 0.0801_-—«0.0873 0.0931 0.0977 0.1013, 05 0.0198 0.0387 0.0559 0.0711 0.0840 0.0947 «0.1034. O.1104 0.1158 0.1202 0.6 0.0222 0.0435 0.0629 0.0801 0.0947 0.1069 O.1168 0.1247 O.N31T 0.1361 0.7 0.0242 0.0474 0.0886. «0.0873. 0.1034 0.1169 0.1277 0.1365 0.1436 0.1491 0.8 0.0258 0.0504 0.0731 0.0931 O.1104 0.1247 01365 0.1461 0.1537 0.1598 0.9 0.0270 0.0528 0.0766 «0.0977 «O.NIS8 0.1311 0.1436 0.1537 0.1619 0.1684 10 0.0279 0.0547 0.0794 0.1013 0.12020.1361 0.1491 0.1598 0.1684 0.1752 12 0.0293 0.0573 0.0832 «0.1063 0.1263» 0.1431 «0.1870 0.1684 0.1777 0.1851 14 0.0301 0.0589 0.0856 0.1094 0.1300 0.1475 0.1620 0.1739 0.1836 0.1914 16 0.0306 0.0599 0.0871 «O.1114 0.1324 0.1503 0.1652 0.1774 0.1874 0.1955 18 0.0309 0.0606 0.0880 0.1126 0.1340 0.1521 0.1672 0.1797 0.1899 0.1981 2.0 0.0311 0.0610 0.0887 0.1134 0.1350 0.1533 0.1686 0.1812 0.1915 0.1999 25 0.0314 0.0616 0.0895 0.1145 0.1363 0.1548 0.1704 0.1832 0.1938 0.2024 3.0 0.0315 0.0618 0.0898 0.1150 0.1368 0.1555 O.7IL 0.1841 0.1947 0.2034 40 0.0316 0.0619 0.0901--O.1153 0.1372 0.1560 O.I7IT._-—«0.1847 0.1954 0.2042 5.0 0.0316 0.0620 0,0901 0.1154 0.1374. 0.1561 0.1719 0.1849 0.1956 0.2044 6.0 0.0316 0.0620 0.0902 0.1154 0.1374 0.1562 0.1719 0.1850 0.1957 0.2045 The increase in the stress al any point below a rectangularly loaded area can be found by using Eq, (10.29). This can be explained by reference to Figure 10.22. Let us determine the stress at a point below point A’ at depth z. The loaded area can be divided into four ree- tangles as shown, The point A’ is the corner common to all four rectangles. The increase in the stress at depth z below point A’ due to each rectangular area can now be calculated by using Eq. (10.29). The total stress increase caused by the entire loaded area can be given by Iya) + Lys) + Ly Ao. = qa + ] (10.33) where Lay, Lyay» Ly» and Tyg) = values of I, for rectangles 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. In most cases the vertical stress increase below the center of a rectangular area (Figure 10.23) is important. This stress increase can be given by the relationship Ao, = gly (10.34) 10.10 Vertical Stress Caused by a Rectangularly Loaded Area 281 Table 10.8 (continued) 12 irs 16 18 2.0 25 3.0 40 5.0 60 0.0293 0.0301 0.0305 0.0309 0.0311 0.0314 0.0315 0.0316 0.0816 0.0316 0.0573 0.0589 0.0599 0.0605 0.0610 0.0616 0.0618 0.0619 0.0620 _0,0620 0.0832 0.0856 0.0871_—«0.0880-«0.0887 0.0895 0.0898 0.0901 0.0901_-——0,0902 0.1063 0,109 0.1114 «0.1126 0.1134 1145 0.110 0.1153. O.1IS4 1154 0.1263 0.1300 0.1324 0.1340 0.1350 0.1363 0.1368 0.1372 0.1374 0.1374 0.1431 0.1475 0.1503 0.1521 0.1533 0.1548 0.1555 0.1560 0.1561 0.1562 0.1870 0.1620 0.1652 0.1672 0.1686 0.1704. O.71L_«OTIT.-—«O.1719— 719. 0.1684 0.1739 0.1774-«0.1797 0.1812 0.1832 0.1841 0.1847 0.1849 0.1850 0.1777 0.1836 0.1874 0.1899 0.1915 0.1938 0.1947 0.1954 0.1956 0.1957 0.1851 0.1914 0.1955 0.1981 0.1999 0.2024 0.2034 0.2042 0.2044 0.2045 0.1958 —0,2028-«0.2073.««0.2103. 0.2124 ©2151 0.2163 -0.2172«0.2175-—«0.2176 0.2028 0.2102. 0.2151 0.2184 0.2206 0.2236 «0.2250 0.2260 0.2263 0.2264 0.2073 0.2151 0.2203» 0.2237 0.2261 0.2294 0.2309 0.2320 -0.2323-——0,2328 0.2103 0.2183 0.2237 0.2274 «0.2299 0.2333 0.2350 0.2362 0.2366 0.2367 0.2124 0.2206 0.2261 0.2299 0.2325 0.2361 0.2378 «0.2391 0.2395 0.2397 0.2181 0.2236 0.2294 0.2333«0.2361 0.2401 0.2420 0.2434 0.2439 0.2441 0.2163 0.2250 0.2309 0.2350 0.2378 0.2420 0.2439 0.2455 0.2461 0.2463 0.2172 0.2260 0.2320 -0.2362««0.2391 «0.2434 «0.2489 -0.2472-0.2479 0.2481 0.2175 0.2263 0.2324 0.2366. «0.2395 0.2439 0.2460 0.2479 0.2486—0.2489 0.2176 0.2264 +=—0.2325 «0.2367 «0.2397 «0.2441 0.2463 «0.2482 0.2489 0.2492. where m, s (10.36) ny ; (10.37) 2 (10.38) The variation of [, with m, and n is given in Table 10.9. 282 026 4 024 0.22 020 ous oa b 012, 010 0.08 0.08 0.04 0.02 0.00 | | 08 100 1 Figure 10.21 Variation of f, with m and n Figure 10.22 Increase of stress at any point below a rectangularly loaded flexible area 10.10 Vertical Stress Caused by a Rectangularly Loaded Area 283 a th | Figure 10.23 Vertical stress below the center of a uniformly loaded flexible rectangular area Table 10.9 Variation of I, with m, and m, (Eq. (10.35)) a 4 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0.20 0.994 0.997 0,997 0997 0.997 0.997 0997 0997 0997 0.997 040 0.960 0.976 0.977 0977 0977 0977 0977 0977 0977 0977 060 0.892 0.932 0.936 0936 0937 0937 0937 0937 0937 0.937 0.80 0.800 0.870 O.878 O880 O88] O88] O881 O881 O881 0.881 1.00 0.701 0800 0814 0817 0818 0818 0818 818 0818 0818 20 0,606 0.727 0,748 0.753 0.754 0.755 0.755 0.755 0.755 0.755 140 0522 0.658 0.685 0.692 0.694 0.695 0.695 0.696 0.696 0.696 1.60 0.449 0,593 0.627 0.636 0.639 0.640 0.641 0.641 0.641 0,642. 180 0.388 0.534 0573 0.585 0,590 0,591 0.592 0.592 0.593 0,593 2.00 0.336 0481 0.525 0540 0545 0547 0548 0549 0549 0.549 3.00 0.179 0.293 0.348 0.373 0.384 0.389 0.392 0.393 0.394 0.395 400 0.108 0.190 0.241 0.269 0.285 0.293 0298 0301 0302 0.303 5.00 0.072 0.131 O174 0.202 0.219 0.229 0.236 0240 0.242 0.244 6.00 0.051 0.095 0.130 0.155 0.172 0.184 0.192 0.197 0.200 0.202 7.00 0.038 0.072 0.100 0.122 0.139 0.150 0.158 0.164 0.168 0.171 8.00 0.029 0.056 0.079 0.098 0.113 0.125 0.133 0.139 0.144 0.147 9.00 0.023 0.045 0,064 0.081 0.094 0.105 0.113 0.119 0.124 0.128 10.00 0.019 0.037 0.053 0.067 0.079 0.089 0.097 0.103. 0.108 0.112 284 Example 10.9 The plan of a uniformly loaded rectangular area is shown in Figure 10.24a. Determine the vertical stress increase Acr, below point A’ at a depth of z= 4 m. be 3m dmg =150KNI* (1m 4 on @ = q =150 kN/m? - 150 2m 4 ow jm —1 b) The stress increase Ac, can be written as Ao, = Boy — Ao) where Aor) = stress increase due to the loaded area shown in Figure 10.24b Adora) = stress increase due to the loaded area shown in Figure 10.24c For the loaded area shown in Figure 10.24b; B m= == z L z =05 =1 SIs AID n= From Figure 10.21 for m = 0.5 and n = 1, the value of f, = 0.1225. So ory, = hy = (150)(0.1225) = 18.38 kN/m? Similarly, for the loaded area shown in Figure 10.24¢: m= = 0.25 =05 ait [te In Ble Thus, 1, = 0.0473. Hence Aer) = (150)(0.0473) = 7.1 KN/m? So So, = Ao) — Nora = 18.38 — 7.1 = 11.28 KN/m* <— Fexible strip load a Plan \ Lie = 09 F 22 , Ao, = 02 3B TT ; Figure 10.25 Vertical pressure isobars under a Alexible strip load (Nove: Isobars are for line a~a as shown on the plan) EEZREME Stress Isobars 10.12 Influence Chart for Vertical Pressure 285 To Uniformly loaded square area (exible) 4} Pion 03 02 2B o1 998 Graph 0.06 3B 004 4B 5B 258 28 B ° Figure 10.26 Vertical pressure isobars under a uniformly Joaded square area (Note: Isobars are for line aa as shown con the plan) In Section 10.6, we developed the relationship (o estimate Aor, at any point due (o a verti- cal strip loading. Also, Section 10.10 provides the relationships to calculate Aor, at any point due to a vertically and uniformly loaded rectangular area. These relationships for Ac, can be used to calculate the stress increase at various grid points below the loaded area. Based ‘on those calculated stress increases, stress isobars can be plotted. Figures 10.25 and 10.26 show such stress isobars under uniformly loaded (vertically) strip and square areas. UAPAE Influence Chart for Vertical Pressure Equation (10.25) can be rearranged and written in the form (10.39) 286 Chapter 10: Stresses in a Soil Mass Table 10.10 Values of Riz for Various Pressure Ratios (Eq. (10.39)] sola Riz soda Riz 0 0 0.55 0.8384 0.08 0.1865 0.60 0.9176 0.10 0.2698 0.65 1.0067 01s 0.3383 0.10 1.1097 0.20 0.4005 0.15 1.2328 0.25 0.4598, 0.80 1.3871 0.30 0.5181 0.85 1.5943 0.35 0.5768 0.90 1.9084 0.40 0.6370 0.95 2.5232 04s 0.6997 1.00 oo 0.50 0.7664 Note that Riz and Ao-/q in this equation are nondimensional quantities. The values of R/z that correspond to various pressure ratios are given in Table 10.10. Using the values of R/z oblained from Eq, (10.39) for various pressure ratios, Newmark (1942) presented an influence chart that can be used to determine the vertical pressure at any point below a uniformly loaded flexible area of any shape. Figure 10.27 shows an influence chart that has been constructed by drawing con- centtic circles. The radii of the circles are equal to the R/z values corresponding to Ac./q = 0,0.1,0.2,..., 1. (Note: For Ao/g = 0, Riz = 0, and for Ao/q = 1, R/z = 00, so nine Figure 10.27 Influence chart for vertical pressure based on KK Boussinesq's theory (Bullerin No. 338 Influence Influence Charts for Computation of Stresses value = 0.005 vi fe i af in Elastic. Foundations, by Nathan M. Newmark. University of Minois, 1942.) 10.12 Influence Chart for Vertical Pressure 287 circles are shown.) The unit length for plotting the circles is AB. The circles are divided by several equally spaced radial lines. The influence value of the chart is given by 1/N, where Vis equal to the number of elements in the chart. In Figure 10.27, there are 200 ele- ments; hence, the influence value is 0.005. The procedure for obtaining vertical pressure at any point below a loaded area is as follows: 1. Determine the depth z below the uniformly loaded area at which the stress increase is required. 2. Plot the plan of the loaded area with a scale of z equal to the unit length of the chart (AB). 3. Place the plan (plotted in step 2) on the influence chart in such a way that the point below which the stress is to be determined is located at the center of the chart ‘. Count the number of elements (M) of the chart enclosed by the plan of the loaded area. The increase in the pressure at the point under consideration is given by Ao, = (IV)qM (10.40) where JV = influence value 4q ~ pressure on the loaded area Example 10.10 The cross section and plan of a column footing are shown in Figure 10.28. Find the increase in vertical stress produced by the column footing at point A. ROROMRERANEN Footing size a t 3mx 3m Figure 10.28 Cross section and plan of a column footing 288 Chapter 10: Stresses in a Soil Mass 10.13 Influence value = 0.005 Figure 10.29 Determination of stress at a point by use of Newmark’s influence chart Solution Point A is located at A depth 3 m below the bottom of the footing. The plan of the square footing has been replotted to a scale of AB = 3 m and placed on the influence chart (Figure 10.29) in such a way that point A on the plan falls directly over the center of the chart. The number of elements inside the outline of the plan is about 48.5. Hence, Ao, = (IV)qM = 0.005( 5 = 17.78 kNim* . Summary and General Comments This chapter presents the relationships for determining vertical stress at a point due to the application of various types of loading on the surface of a soil mass. The types of loading considered here are point, line, strip, embankment, circular, and rectangular. These rela- tionships are derived by integration of Boussinesq’s equation for a point load. The equations and graphs presented in this chapter are based entirely on the prin- ciples of the theory of elasticity; however, one must realize the limitations of these the- ories when they are applied to a soil medium, This is because soil deposits, in general, are not homogencous, perfectly clastic, and isotropic, Hence, some deviations from the theoretical stress calculations can be expected in the field. Only a limited number of Problems 289 field observations are available in the literature for comparision purposes. On the basis of these results, it appears that onc could expect a difference of +25 to 30% between theoretical estimates and actual field values. 10.1 A soil element is shown in Figure 10.30. Determine the following: a. Maximum and minimum principal stresses b. Normal and shear stresses on the plane AB Use Eqs. (10.3), (10.4), (10.6), and (10.7). 10.2 Repeat Problem 10.1 for the element shown in Figure 10.31. 10.3. Using the principles of Mohr’s circles for the soil element shown in Figure 10.32, determine the following: a. Maximum and minimum principal stresses b. Normal and shear stresses on the plane AB 104 Repeat Problem 10:3 forthe sil element shown in Figure 10:33 10.5 A soil element is shown in Figure 10.34. Determine the following: 2. Maximum and minimum principal stresses b. Normal and shear stresses on the plane AB ‘Use the pole method. seo ev some be sisi seo L A ¥ ¥ B + et connine 4+

sounine + D soKNn: + eb isonnine + Figure 10.34 Figure 10.35 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 Repeat Problem 10.5 for the soil element shown in Figure 10.35, Point loads of magnitude 2000, 4000, and 6000 Ib act at A, B, and C, respectively (Figure 10.36). Determine the increase in vertical stress at a depth of 10 ft below point D. Use Boussinesq’s equation. Refer to Figure 10.37. Determine the vertical stress increase, A o7,, at point A with the following values: © q=75kNim sy =2m © qz = 300 kNim +4 =3m o2=2m Repeat Problem 10.8 with the following data: © gy = 300 KN/m sx =4m © gy = 260 KNim + =3m + c=3m 10.10 Refer to Figure 10.37. Given: g, = 750 Ib/ft, x, = 8 ft, x, = 4 ft, and z = 3 ft ion c If the vertical stress increase at point A due to the loading is 35 Ib/ft’, determine the magnitude of q, 108 A Line load = 4) Line load = 4, st oD Figure 10.36 Figure 10.37

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