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The Effect of Cyberbullying in Academic Performance of Grade 12 Senior

High School Students of ASMNHS

Practical Research II


Mark Dave Morco

Lemark Madriaga

Cyrelle Mascarinas

Rosedelyn Celosa

Shane Morano


The Internet are becoming a natural part of everyday life for children and adolescents.

This generation is growing up in a world that offers them instant access nearly everywhere to a

huge amount of human knowledge. They have access to a wide range of social media that offer

them the opportunities to connect, create and collaborate with each other. We know that internet

and social media was helpful but it’s also dangerous at the same time. The down-side of these

growing opportunities is that they also create more possibilities for negative experiences such

as online bullying. Online bullying, mostly referred to as cyberbullying, is described as

“cyberbullying involves the use of information and Communication technologies to support

deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an Individual or group that is intended to harm

others” (Belsey, 2004). It is all too often that media outlets cover stories of individuals making

impulsive decisions and taking tragic actions as a result of being on the receiving end of various

acts of bullying including the more recent phenomenon of cyber bullying. Cyberbullying, unlike

physical, verbal or indirect bullying involves the use of some form of Information Communication

Technology such as the Internet ( Navarro,2015) Today, teens grown up in a world that is

dissimilar from what our parents and other adults knew. Today almost all of young people know

what is internet and know how to use it. Also, many already has their own mobile phones and

some see these as a positive, productive and creative part of daily activities and development of

identities. Overall information communication technologies such as social media like Facebook,

Twitter, Instagram, etc. support social activity that allows to feel connected with friends and

family Unluckily technologies are also being used malevolently. Nowadays, youth are usually

the victims of cyberbullying through the use of mobile phones and/or the internet. They can

experience being lonesome Modern technology is continuously evolving, and in recent times, it

has manifested Itself in a very serious social problem, namely cyber bullying. Modern
technology is like a Double-edged sword; on one hand it gives us connectivity, on the other it

increases emotional Stress (Michel, 2011). As such, young internet users, including students,

may be at the emotional Cyber bullies. The victims, under great emotional stress, are unable to

concentrate on their Studies, and thus their academic progress is adversely affected (Juliana,

2010). The effects of cyberbullying also include mental health issues, increased stress and

anxiety, depression, acting out violently, and low self-esteem. Cyberbullying can also result in

long-lasting emotional effects, even if the bullying has stopped. Cyberbullying not just affect

emotionally as a student like us cyberbullying also affects our academic performance it affects

academically. Modern technology is continuously evolving, and in recent times, it has

manifested itself in a very serious social problem, namely cyber bullying. Modern technology is

like a double-edged sword; on one hand it gives us connectivity, on the other it increases

emotional stress (Michel, 2011). As such, young internet users, including students, may be at

the mercy of cyber bullies. The victims, under great emotional stress, are unable to concentrate

on their studies, and thus their academic progress is adversely affected (Juliana, 2010).

Unfortunately little attention is given to this global problem by institutions of higher learning,

teachers, parents and emergency service providers. The depressive effect of cyber bullying

prevents students from excelling in their studies (Lauren, 2011). Unfortunately, many parents do

not understand the potentially damaging effects of bullying not only on a child’s confidence and

self-esteem but also on his academic performance. Students who are repeatedly bullied may

experience physical symptoms like stomach pains, headaches, and trouble sleeping. These

side effects may pair with anxiety about going to school or participating in class which only leads

to further loss of interest and reduced academic performance. Students who are bullied often

exhibit low self-confidence, frequently experiencing depression, suicidal thoughts, and even

violent outbreaks (Barington, 2018).


Independent Variable Dependent Variable

CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK Figure 1.1 : Input, Process and Output

The conceptual framework discusses the flow of the study to be taken. The input includes the

leading variables which is the Senior High School Students and some questions indicated in the

questionnaire. The second frame includes methods and procedures to be used to analyze the

variables by using the direct method of gathering data through making survey questionnaire,

gathering data and interpretation of data.


1. Senior High School 1. Survey The Effects of cyberbullying

Questionnaire To the Academic

2. Does cyberbullying Performance of the Grade

2. Gathering of data 12 Senior High School

Can cause too much
Students of ASMNHS
Stress? Does it affect
3. Interpretation of

The academic data

Performance of a

Student in class? How?



1.Victims of cyber bullying tend to have lower self-esteem and having a hard times to study than

those not involved in cyberbullying. 

2.Students involved in cyber bullying are more likely get lower grades than those who are not

involved in cyber bullying.

 3.Students involved in cyber bullying are more less active in school than those who are not

involved in cyber bullying.

4. Students experiencing cyberbullying was more likely failed to get a high score during



The purpose of this study is to determine if the Grade 12 Senior High School Students of

ASMNHS is really experiencing cyberbullying and we want to know what happen to the student

academic performance after they experience cyberbullying and we also want to give an

awareness to the school, parents of the students, teachers and also to our fellow students that

this form of bullying was serious and more dangerous so that they going to make something to

prevent this type of problem.


This study is beneficial among the following:

Students: This study will encourage the students to change their attitudes towards other

People. It will serve as a medicine to cure the minds of every individual to become open minded

About the consequences of their action.

Teachers: This study may serve as the way to the teachers to determine the students are who

are the victims of cyberbullying so that they can help the students to avoid being a victim of


Parents: They will be aware about the kind of behavior their child is possessing. It will Gave

them a hint on how they would help and encourage their child to avoid cyberbullying.

School: School should educate school educates , students , and parents about Cyberbullying

and provide clear procedures to follow when cyberbullying occurs . Should have Systematic

programs to stop cyberbullying .Programs should develop strong policies on Cyberbullying.

Future Researcher: The researcher in the near future will make use of the result of our Present

study. This study will serve as their basis and comparison to their future study.


This research focused on The Effects of Cyberbullying to the Academic Performance. The

targeted respondents of this research are the Grade 12 Senior High School Students of

Asuncion S. Melgar National High School.

However we only focus on cyberbullying. this study will not discuss the Types of Bullying such

as Verbal Bullying ,Physical Bullying ,Social Bullying ,Racist Bullying , and Homophobic Bullying

And we only focus on academic performance effects this study will not discuss the effects of

cyberbullying in different aspects such as emotional, physical and psychological effects.


Academic Performance- It refers to level of performance in written works and exams. This is

also students deal with their studies and how they cope with or accomplish different tasks Given

to them by their teachers, within this work measured from the standpoint of academic Grades

( Elson,2000)

Bullying -Bullying is when people repeatedly and intentionally use words or Actions against

someone or a group of people to cause distress and risk to their wellbeing. These Actions are

usually done by people who have more influence or power over someone else, or who Want to

make someone else feel less powerful or helpless. Bullying is not the same as conflict Between

people (like having a fight) or disliking someone, even though people might bully each Other

because of conflict or dislike. (human rights, 2012)

Bully-a person who habitually seeks to harm or intimidate those whom they Perceive as


Cyberbullying-Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place over digital devices like Cell phones,

computers, and tablets. Cyberbullying can occur through SMS, Text, and apps, or Online in

social media, forums, or gaming where people can view, participate in, or share content.

Cyberbullying includes sending, posting, or sharing negative, harmful, false, or mean content

About someone else. It can include sharing personal or private information about someone else

Causing embarrassment or humiliation. Some cyberbullying crosses the line into unlawful or

Criminal behavior. (, 2012)

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