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Name : Sri Wulan Muliani


Descriotions of Tatik’s Family

Introduction Titik lives with her parents, sixth brother and her
youngest brother. Actually her have seventh
siblings but five of them are get married.

Titik’s live with her family


Titik”s Father
Titik”s Mother

Titik”s First Brother Her first brother name's Siful, he is a secretary at

Village Office

Titik”s Second Sister Her second sister name's is Eni, she is a primari
school teacher.

Titik”s Third Brother Her third brother name's Rudi, he is a primari

school teacher too.

Titik”s Fourth Sister Her fourth sister name's Santi, she is a staff at
Wallet Office.

Titik”s Fifth Sister Her fifth sister name's Mariana, she is a senior
hight school teacher.

Titik”s Sixth Brother Her sixth brother name's Heri, he is a foreman.

Titik”s Youngest Brother her youngest brother name's Aldi, he works at


Titik”s Best Friend Her best friend named Suciyati, they met when
they were studied at Muhammadiyah Mataram
University. They are have a business of flowers
bucket. They are love eating and enjoy the
moments every meet.

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