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‫جامعة العلوم التطبيقية الخاصة‬


UNIVERSITY )‫ت‬.‫ع‬.‫( ج‬
(A.S.U) ‫عمان – األردن‬

‫ف لن جعل م ن أردن الع رب جامعة لل عرب‬

Faculty of Nursing
Course Syllabus
Semester: First Academic Year: 2017 / 2018

Course Title: Emergency and Disaster Nursing

Course No.: 7011025
Prerequisite: 7011022
Concurrent: None
Department: Higher Studies Committee

* Instructor:
Name Office Office Office E-mail
Number Phone Hours
Dr.Heba Khalil 16 1578 By

* Course Description:
This course prepares nurses for major public health emergencies,
including infectious disease outbreaks, natural disasters, as well as
biological, chemical, and radiological events. The course provides
essential education that nurses need to effectively handle a disaster or
major catastrophic event. This course introduces the concepts of disasters
and disaster mitigation and the importance of disaster nursing. Major
topics include disaster assessment, emergency management, disaster
triage, care provision for victims, establishment of emergent service
system and informatics sharing system, self-care, and disaster
preparedness will be covered in this course. In addition, the course will
strengthen the students’ capability for independent clinical judgment and
problem solving in the major emergencies.

* Learning Outcomes :
This course aims to provide the graduate student with specialized
knowledge and skills in emergency and disaster nursing care.

Upon completion of the course, this module should lead to the

following learning outcomes:

A. Knowledge and Understanding (student should):

1) Classify the major types of disaster .
2) Describe two principles of disaster planning .
3) Examine the five areas of focus in emergency and disaster
planning .
4) Describe risk assessment, hazard and identification and
vulnerability analysis .
5) Assess constraints on a community or organization's ability
to respond .
6) Describe the components of emergency medical service
system and national disaster medical system .
7) Identify the psychosocial effects likely to occur in various
types of disaster and its management .

B. Cognitive and Intellectual Skills:

1) Utilize up-to-date research findings in the management of
various types of disaster and emergencies.
2) Assess, Plan, implement and evaluate the nursing care
various types of disaster and emergencies.
3) Demonstrate advanced skill in identifying, retrieving,
reading and appraising literature related to nursing disaster
and emergency management.

C. Subject specific skills:

1) Apply principles of emergency medical services operations,
including considerations in ambulance and air medical
transportation, multiple-casualty incidents, gaining access to
and extricating patients, hazardous materials incidents, and
responding to situations involving weapons of mass
2) Assess and manage patients of all ages with a variety of
complaints, medical conditions, and traumatic injuries.
3) Identify the need for and perform immediately lifesaving
interventions to manage a patient’s airway, breathing, and
4) Apply principles of anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology,
life span development, and therapeutic communications to
the assessment and management of patients.

D. Transferable Skills:
1) Demonstrate effective and appropriate decision-making
abilities during various types of disaster and emergencies.
2) Demonstrate the ability and willingness to work as a
professional role model for fellow nurses in various types of
disaster and emergencies.

* Course Contents and Schedule:

Week Date Topics

1 08/10/2017 Overview of the course

2 15/10/2017 Disaster and Disaster Planning

3 22/10/2017 Triage in Disaster

4 29/10/2017 Disaster Management

5 05/11/2017 The Psychological Impact of Disaster

6 12/11/2017 Legal and Ethical Issues in Disaster Response

7 19/11/2017 Communication in Disaster

8 26/11/2017 Midterm Exam (Thursday; 30/11/2017)

9 03/12/2017 Emergency Nursing Practice

-Triage Process
-Patient Assessment in Emergency Department
-Vascular Access and Fluid Replacement

10 10/12/2017 Management of the Critical Care Patient in ED

-Respiration and Artificial Ventilation
-Invasive monitoring
11 17/12/2017 Cardiovascular Emergencies *Including Hypertensive Crisis
and hemorrhage

12 24/12/2017 Thoracic Trauma

13 31/12/2017 Head and Spinal Trauma

14 07/01/2018 Neurologic Emergencies

**** Clinical Project Due
15 14/01/2018 Orthopedic and Abdominal Trauma

16 21/01/2018 Final Exam (To be determined)

* Teaching Methods:
 Interactive Lecture
 Student’s presentations
 Discussion
 Selected self-readings
 Written assignments
 Use of electronic resources (internet & data bases)

*Course policies:
The basic assumption is that graduate students are active independent
learners who are able to take responsibility for their personal and
professional growth.
The relationship between the course instructor/preceptor and the student
is central to the learning process, and is promoted by mutual
considerations and respect. However, the students are accountable for
fulfilling the course requirements as outlined in the syllabus.
If the student is unable to attend the scheduled exam, he/she should notify
the instructor within three days to arrange for a makeup exam, otherwise
the exam result will be zero.

* Evaluation:

Mid-term exam 30%

Lecture presentation* 10%
Written clinical Project * 20%
Final written exam 40%
* Please refer to separate sheets for more details.
Total 100%
* Textbook :
- Howard, P. and Steinmann, R. (2010). Sheehy's Emergency Nursing:
Principles and Practice, 6th Edition. Mosby Elsevier.
* References :

1) Limmer, D., Okeefe, M., (2012). Emergency Care, 12th edition.

Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
2) Oman, K. and Koziol-McLain, J. (2007). Emergency Nursing
Secrets, Second edition. Mosby Elsevier.
3) Adelman, D. and Legg, T (2009). Disaster Nursing: A Handbook
for Practice, Jones and Bartlett, LLC.
4) Langan, J. and James, D. (2005). Preparing nurses for disaster
management, Pearson Education Inc., New Jersey.
5) Veenema G.T. (2003). Disaster nursing and emergency
preparedness, New York, Supringers Publishing Company.
6) McQuillan, K., Von Rueden, K., Hartstock, R., Flynn, M. and
Whalen, E.(2002) Trauma Nursing: From Resuscitation to
Rehabiliatation (3rd ed) Saunders, Philadephia.
7) Urden L, Stacy K, and Lough M (2006) Thelan’s Critical care
nursing: diagnosis and management (5th Ed.).St. Louis, Mosby.
8) ENA (2000) Trauma Nursing Core Course: provider manual (5th
ed) Emergency Nurses Association, USA
9) Newberry, L. (2003) Sheehy’s Emergency Nursing: Principles and
practice (5th ed) Mosby, St Louis
Guidelines for Presentation Evaluation

Items Score
Purpose communicated clearly.
Appropriate amount of material is prepared, and points made 20
reflect well their relative importance.
Organized and easy to follow.
Presenter exhibited a good understanding of topic.

Presenter was well-prepared.
Presenter spoke clearly/effectively.
Presenter maintains good eye contact with the audience and is 5
appropriately animated (e.g., gestures, moving around, etc.).
Time for presentation used effectively.
Slides enhanced presentation (clear and easy to follow).
Presentation was done in a way that engaged audience.

Presenter responded effectively to audience questions and 10

Clinical Project:
The student is expected to submit a (2500 word) report discussing a well-
specified and applied problem-oriented issue related to nursing
emergency, supported using the relevant literature using APA format.
Being late in the submission is NOT accepted.

Suggested issues for clinical projects:

 Self-Care for the ED Nurse

 Legal and ethical issues in the ED
 Violence and Safety in the ED
 Patient safety in ED (Diagnostic error, medication error…etc.)
 New developments, advancements or updates on nursing care,
treatments or procedures in ED
 Communication process within the ED
 Quality care in ED
Rubric for Clinical Project
Criteria and
Low Middle High
Neither implicit nor Readers are aware of The topic is introduced,
explicit reference is the overall problem, and groundwork is laid
Introducing the idea: made to the topic or challenge, or topic of as to the direction of the
Problem statement purpose of the article. the article article.
0 Points 4 Points 8 points
There is a basic flow The summary goes from
The summary
from one section to the general ideas to specific
appears to have no
next, but not all conclusions. Transitions
Body: direction, with
sections or paragraphs tie sections together, as
Flow of the review subtopics appearing
follow in a natural or well as adjacent
logical order. paragraphs.
0 points
3 Points 6 Points
The appropriate content
in consideration is
Major sections of All major sections of
covered in depth
pertinent content the pertinent content
without being
have been omitted or are included, but not
redundant. Sources are
greatly run-on. The covered in as much
Coverage of content topic is of little depth, or as explicit, as
cited when specific
statements are made.
significance to the expected. Significance
Significance to the
course. to the course is evident.
course is
0 Points 4 Points
8 Points
Writing is generally
It is hard to know
clear, but unnecessary
what the writer is Writing is crisp, clear,
words are occasionally
trying to express. and succinct. The writer
used. Meaning is
Writing is incorporates the active
Clarity of writing sometimes hidden.
convoluted. voice when appropriate
Paragraph or sentence
and writing Misspelled words,
structure is too
and supports ideas with
technique incorrect grammar, examples. No spelling,
repetitive. Few (3)
and improper grammar, or punctuation
spelling, grammar, or
punctuation are errors are made.
punctuation errors are
evident. 6 Points
There is no indication The author provides The author was able to
the author tried to concluding remarks make succinct and
synthesize the that show an analysis precise conclusions
Conclusion: information or make and synthesis of ideas based on the review.
A synthesis of ideas a conclusion based on occurred. Some of the Insights into the
and the literature under conclusions, however, problem are appropriate.
recommendations for review. No were not supported in Conclusions and the
recommendations for the body of the report. recommendations for
next steps next steps are Recommendations for next steps are strongly
provided. next steps are stated. supported in the review.
0 Points 4 Points 8 Points
Citation for the article
Citation for the Citation for the article
did follow APA format;
article did not follow did follow APA format.
however; a few (2)
Citations/References: APA format and was Essential information
errors in essential
Proper APA format missing essential was accurate and
information were
information. complete.
0Points 4 Points
2 Points
Subject Coordinator Signature:
Head of Curriculum Committee Signature:
Department Head Signature:
Dean Faculty Signature:

Copy to:
- Department Head.
- Head of Curriculum Committee.
- Course File.

C 26 / V.2

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