1B Guialel

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Date : January 7, 2021

Name : GUIALEL, FARIDA ESMAEL Contact Number: 9639470473
Course : BMLS Year & Section: 1 - B FB Acct: mtmlsguialelfe@gmail.com

Subject Code Subject Description Units

Principles of MedLabSci Practice 2 (Clinical Lab Assistance &
MLS 121 3
MLS 122 Community & Public Health for MedLabSci 5
MLS 123 Analytical Chemistry (Qualitative & Quantitative Chemistry) 5
GEDC 111 Understanding the Self 3
GEDC 118 Ethic 3
GEDC 117 Science, Technology & Society 3
PE 2 Rhythmic Activities 2
NSTP 2 National Service Training Program 2 3


Signed by: Reviewed by: Approved:

Mary Claire C. Dingal, RMT, MT(AMT), MLS(ASCPI)

Student’s Signature over Printed Name Registrar’s Signature over Printed Name Program Head’s Signature over Printed Name

Rev. 0 04/10/2018

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