UCP (University Collage Portal) Synopses

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1) Introduction:

Education is necessary for the economical and political growth of any country. Many
educational institutes try to increase the quality of education. The student portal is very important
for every educational institute. UCP (University-college Portal) is an online student portal that
keeps all the information and academic records of the student and also maintains the information
of HOD and Instructors in a very efficient way. UCP (University-college Portal) provides
different types of facilities to the HOD, Instructors, and also to students. Students can get their
results, submit their assignments, and fine & fee records. Students can get the course detail for
each semester through the application. Guardians of students can easily access the weekly
progress get results, and fine & fee records of their child.

1.1) General Information

Project Name: UCP (University-college Portal)
Starting Date: 12/12/2022
Prepared By: Joshua & Usman
Final Date 00/00/0000

1.2) Purpose
The purpose of this portal to keeps all the academic data of the student at one place.
This system is used to manage students as well as HODs, Instructors information
efficiently. HOD’s can upload obtained marks of students in mid-term, sessional, and
final-term. The Principal (Admin) can check and update the all profiles of the whole
staff and all students. HOD’s can just check and update the profiles of their departments
teachers and students and manage upcoming lectures time table but teachers can check
just the profile of their students, students and Guardians of students can see (lectures
time table, attendance, class report, fee-record, date-sheets and results) of belonging
student and can submit their assignments to the instructor and do all other tasks through
this portal. Teachers can also notify the class-progress of students directly to their
1.3) Document Conventions
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1.4) Project Objective

The main objectives of our project are:

 Admin can view and update all the profiles.
 HOD can notify the Instructors and Students for all activities.
 Instructors can assign tasks\assignment to students.
 Student can submit his/her assignments.
 Student can check his result, lectures of upcoming week and all other academic
 Guardians can view their child's class progress and instructor's review.
 Guardians can also see lectures time table, attendance, class report, fee-record, date-
sheets and results of belonging student.

1.5) Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

This documentation will help Admin (principal), Staff (HOD’s & Instructors), and End
User (Students & their Guardians) to understand the working flow of this portal. End
User (Students & their Guardians) can easily understand the working of this portal in a
very easy way and also Staff (HOD’s & Instructors) can understand the flow if this
portal very easily. The User Interface and Working Flow are very easy to understand for
each user.
1.6) Project scope

The aim of this project is to facilitate the Admin (principal), Staff (HOD’s &
Instructors), and End User (Students & their Guardians) with all curricular and non-
curricular activities. Our system is to provide a real time automated system through
which it could be centralized student’s academic records more easily and quickly. We
are going to automate the manual system into complete Web application system with
some additional functionality like online assignments, interconnection b/w Guardians
and Staff, online attendance system and check result.

2) Overall Description:
2.1) Project perspective
These days, many applications are used for the convenience of students to know about
their academic progress but they have limited features. This Portal is to develop
advantages greatly for the students. This Portal gives information to the students about
their academic records. The admin will keep the information updated all the time. HOD
and instructors can contact directly with guardians of students through the portal
notification system and can also reach their contact number.

2.2) Project Features

2.2)1. Admin (Principal)
2.2)2. HOD
2.2)3. Instructors
2.2)4. Student
2.2)5. Guardians

2.2. Project Features:

2.2.1. Admin
 Register
 Login
 Manage App
 View All Profiles
 Add/ Remove HOD
 View Attendance
 Upload Result
 Make Announcements

2.2.2. HOD Features

 Login
 View Profile
 Update Profile
 Add/ Remove Instructor
 Add/ Remove Student
 Time Table
 View Attendance
 View Result
 Make Announcement

2.2.3. Instructor Features

 Login
 View Profile
 Update Profile
 View Time Table
 Manage Attendance
 View Result
 Course Announcements
2.2.4. Student Features
 Login
 View Profile
 Update Profile
 View Time Table
 Check Courses
 View Attendance
 Download/View Lecture
 Upload Tasks
 View Announcements
 Download/View Result

2.3. User Classes and Characteristics

There are four main actors:
 Admin
 Instructor
 Student

2.4. Operating Environment

 Web Browser

2.5. Software Requirements

 Android Studio
 Visual Studio
 Firebase

2.6. Design and Implementation Constraints

Some of the operating system and programming languages to be used in the application are
limitation for this software. Our project is fully responsive management of functions which
deals with the problems that the students facing in the education institutes. We are going to use
the Android Studio, Visual Studio, Flutter and Firebase.

2.7. User Documentation

We will provide a complete documentation with the project for the future use and for
understanding the project. And also provide tutorials of the project usage that will help the user
to understand the working of project.
2.8. Assumptions and Dependencies
 The users have sufficient data of mobile.
 The users apprehended country language, because the programmed are provided in English
 The application will access the user information.

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