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Interview 2 Summary

For the interview I interviewed Mrs. Kamble who is a matron of our dormitory and she gave
wonderful answers. she said that women's education is a must. If women are well educated
they will grow more in their life and face very less difficulties.she also said that for a women
everything is important there is nothing which is not important in their jobs, their life etc.
they should not depend on any one not even on their husband and if a women does any job
their will be no disadvantage of it but it will help them and their family they can even earn
respect and happiness from it but only they will be a little late for their house work but it will
help them in their life. The decision in Mrs Kamble’s house is taken by all four of them her
daughter, her son her husband and herself. During her times ladies would compulsory wear
sarees they they would have to cover their head with the saree and they wouldn’t show their
head and talk to people and would not talk too much and they would do all the household
chores and they wouldnt answer back to men even if they are right and they would basically
listen silently they couldn’t give their own opinion and now in present day all women know
how to live their life and all people are not happy with this change especially the old people
but present generation is happy.

My team and I took all the decisions like who will ask which questions to whom. For the
interview we decided to keep one activist two mothers and two grandmothers.

I would like to thank my team members and our incharge of our group for helping me in this
interview. Special thanks to Mrs Kamble for giving us her precious time and making this
interview successful.

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