5 Roman Architecture

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OME U cL etuie Me - I ? erat eat 7h CHARACTER Ve iy VASTNESS. & MAGNIFICENCE. ST Are & ORNATENESS. Ce use arch in oe 1 de at la ae egos ea a eS t y t T DEVELOPED BY THE ROMANS: k r li on Cae MY eigen wagon LoL rT vault kere t hs ¢ wu j i! } L en eS odie eA Lede | 1 6 LE Ps Be aoe See at eit ROMAN ARCHITECTURE EXAMPLE : A. FORUM - open space used as a meeting place, market or rendesvouz for political demonstrations. e.g. Forum Romanum, Rome - oldest & most imp’t., forum. “used as_ Hippodrome. Forum of Trajan, Rome — largest.Forum B. RECTANGULAR TEMPLES — used Pseudo — Peripteral ( half col. Attached to the naos wall, raised ina “ podium”, oriented towards the south. e.g. Temple of Fortuna Virilis, Rome Temple of Mars Ultor, Rome Temple of Diana, Nimes Temple of Vespasian, Rome Temple of Jupiter, Spalato Temple of Saturn, Rome Mean MeL Maison Carree, Nimes enero C. CIRCULAR & POLYGONAL TEMPLES — derived from the temples of the Greeks & the Etruscans w/c became the prototype of the Christian baptistery. e.g. Temple of Vesta, Rome — the most sacred shrine & source of Roman life & power. Temple of Venus, Baalbek The Pantheon, Rome - most famous & perfect preservation oy all ancient bidgs. It was now EE eee) ROMAN ARCHITECTURE D. BASILICAS — halls of justice or Assembly hall. e.g. Trajan’s Basilica, Rome — built by Apollodorus of Damascus Basilica of Constantine, Rome -also known as Basilica of Maxentius or Basilica Nova, E. THERMAE —a palatial public bath with three main parts : 1. Main bldg: Central Structure w/ chief apartments a) Tepidarium — warm room b) Calida hot room,or with hot water bath c) Si i Lee Meld] ST GL een colt Mra e) PVT gee dressing room A | r f) Ralaestra- for physical exercise . ja g) UT rate Te or untoria— place for oils & Peg ees 7) Spaeresterium- Pee room ESET) oman Forum 2. XYSTUS OR PUBLIC PARK w/ avenues iM at} a large open space with trees, statues & fountains, part of itwas used as a stadium for foot- racing & where athletic sports took rere 3. OUTER RING OF APARTMENTS a. Lecture rooms c. Collonade f foe en d.'Large Reservoir io er Tere TIER tao) LL) : i! dey of 1, Ty ee Te aa DiocletiagRome -— largest w/=> capacity, of 3,000 bathers ; 7 | ‘- Thermae of Titus , Rome , 7 _- Thermae of Grippa) Rome Arkijam Almo 2020 anette ee EUM private LET in Roman palaces houses Sue) I jidariu an theaters oncrete vaulting, pote G. AEA) Vela) ayy ” Ey gyn restricted to a semi- ci %» @.g. Theater of Marcellus, ar Py Theater Orange . ae x Pas oe Roman Aqueduct H. AMPHI THEATERS OR se Be r gladiatorial combats, beaaac ls wor oe e.g. The ele "FE ati enced by Vé et leted by Domitian. _- ‘ee yn Tiley em leer Mabe CComl aCe) uray amr aoa eon) , Comte teeescoartit6l eta ony Furth werd Me — Ceara ee ae 7 mi : Make y’ 8 - 4% Pst nee connate ¥.. ‘onDER a PLAN CORINTHIAN teveL PART ELEVATION 1/8 PLAN Tor Leven ia SS of Tiberius, ere = — =e Beli mare So) 3 EY ” Arch of Santimigs yen et eo ROCHA L. PILEARS OF VICTORY ey sna ; COLUMNS — were erected. to record triumphs of victorious Generals (~ rd ET) aire) e.g. Trajan’s Column, OAL a Pea M. TOWN GATEWAYS AND ARCHWAYS (3) Main Types a) As a protective wall. & commemorative monument. b) As a ornamental portals to forum or market places. c) Arch built @ main st. intersection w/c were collonaded. Ce Pa Porte Pecan & the Porte d’ Arroux, Autun / Porte D aa Rheims We i Cl ere by Augustus It is a Roman Doric Column, entirely of a total ht.of 115 ft.7 inches & a shaft 12 in. jie a A ae) spiral stairéase. ise on lee elem et ig erected in the time of the Waele ive} eT PENI) victories, and took their PET from the Cg rely of captured ships. Be | Tx : ls EMT nee N. PALACES — use to house the Emperors. e.g. Palaces of the Emperors, Rome Golden House of Nero, Rome Palace of Diocletian, Spalato are le & ct called “a celts Ted ae covered a total ‘of 8 acres, almost the»size» of Escoria hn O. ROMAN HOUSES . (3) Types of ee at ae 1. The Domus or iprivate Tey Ry: Sada of PETIA SACL CH | Ett ees Typical Parts of a Domus: 1)Prothyrum. or- Entrance passage Paci cla aire ra DprA to the sky & Oe F E 4 aA ve ry a ‘Rome, Pisces of. ei a a ve ) Alae- ye elit ra ea B Wii & Pantry - Sees) nee ord eg Sele TEX or aT d cement C3 cs Aqua” re ea ae laudia, Rome built w/ ee sic Re a Claudia. a etn CPAP 1 Oe ee) dete ae eo Ba practical construction designed to resist the rush of water. e.g. Pons Sublicius, Rome, Pons Mulvius, Rome , Bridge of Augustus, Rimini em OL OP eed Lele] roth of “oor & ji Tyr yp Pe eat Locus —- Pe eee Ele CEE mT CA ae 7 “ 7 2. cept similar to a large, basin }) l of Cae 7A Se jets. _ Arkijam Almo 2020 Pest eA PL Tre) ene Sing i EC Tt ae a 2 =. 72-001, DOUBLE PL! NTH ve Sie neal S ra ot 7 S ot a g | =) f co = | & FS 3 4 | < a 7 . 4 \ c 1 { Arkijam Almo,2020 ‘MACE @ sere hevAUee! eee i yA AA ta Me Ciipse shape Of thc KoMman COVOsCcuM shown in bird's cye view & ys “ene Bs hus init ir SO A Prete nts x0) Tw Peri ne PLP Prot we fladftian Villa Private Dath © a t i ae Dye etKeq0 et te Drivate bath « VN een ieee ms ra Si ag ° =H ea =| Sy 5 cs erate ae a a Pe] Villa Capra La Rotonda Roman House Layout COLOR: Arkijam Almo 2020 5 e 4 8 Es) & w/Opus latericium in the Roman theatre, Naples, Italy. Opus mixtum esi nw ede Opus spicatum, literally spiked work, is a ane irreeetay Lovee TUN BM ene TET Brel ar Marita Teens al yee Mn CMO mCUL MTOM CYC Nouulir oleate ecliccetn Opus incertum was an ancient Roman construction technique, using irregular shaped and random placed uncut stones or fist-sized tuff blocks inserted in a core of Opus caementicium. PMs ee Opus reticulatum used on the exterior wall of Hadrian's Villa Piste PL Opus Reticulatum Prot PL Craticum HE (OTA TEEAITNN Canupos, Hadrian's Villa ase b rt a wae re Pest nee Ue Arkijam Almo 2020 Io 7 PE: 5A. 2 Arches with Pedestal har eee) y X | Pantheon ‘St Maria ad Martyres 1 “Annunciation”. 9 fresco by Melozzo da Forti tise 2 Tomb of Victor Emmanuel Sexes of holy a (8879 3 2 3 = 2 (1481-1536), architect and 8 Bit aa "St oseph with the Boy Je: Vincenzo de Rossi on either sie the tombs Piazza della Rotonda Pantheon: oculus \ EV stent > barrel vault abutment "barrel vault transverse ridge rib lozenge =a < longitudinal > ridge rib fy ly rib rib vault fan vault

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