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MetaVerse Media
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Table Of Content
Benefits of Facebook
Types of Campaign Buying
The campaign's goals
Audiences for campaigns
Budgets and Bids
Strategic and artistic
Reporting and Measuring

Accelerated delivery: A technique for distributing an advertisement that
presents it to as many people as possible in a little amount of time.

Ad: A piece of advertising content. In an ad auction, you can specify the highest
amount you're ready to pay for a click, an impression, or a convert.

A procedure by which you state the highest amount you're prepared to pay for a
click, impression, or conversion is called ad delivery.

Ad delivery optimization is the process by which Facebook determines the goal

of your campaign based on the objective, optimization, and any additional off-
site signals you include in the ad set.
Ad format: An advertisement's layout, which decides how it will appear and how
many images or videos it will include.

Ad level (Ads Manager): The stage of campaign creation when you build
individual ads is known as the ad level in Ads Manager.

A group of advertisements with the same daily or lifetime budget, schedule, bid
type, bid information, and targeting details is referred to as an "ad set."

The stage of campaign building known as the "ad set level" in Ads Manager is
where you create groupings of advertisements. You can see, modify, and obtain
performance reports for all of your campaigns, ad sets, and ads through the Ads
Manager interface.

advertisements report: A report made and controlled in Ads

The manager shows how well a group of ads is doing.

In an ad auction, your bid is known as the advertiser bid.

Advertiser controls are a feature of ad delivery that let you change inputs to
enhance the effectiveness of your ads.

API integration: Direct interface between your customer system and Facebook
to track offline activities for your company in real time.

App event: A recorded action users execute on your app, which is typically used
to record and assess the effectiveness of advertisements.

Ads Manager offers the campaign aim choice of "App Install." If you want your
advertisement to direct users to your app store so they can download your
software, choose the App Install campaign objective.

Application programming interface (API): This specifies how software

components talk to one another.

Asset: Any account, tool, creative, or data source that the company owns and
uses to advertise, promote, or track the success of its business on Facebook.

Ads Manager has a feature called asset customization where you can give
numerous assets and the asset that is supplied is chosen at delivery time.

Attribution, commonly referred to as "Facebook Attribution" is a Facebook

measuring tool that enables you to determine which platform, channel, device,
advertisement, or piece of content should receive credit for a conversion. The
theory that dictates how credit is given to touchpoints for conversion is known
as the attribution model. The logic of the attribution model may be founded on
a rule or collection of rules, a statistical model, or both. The window of time
during which conversions can be attributed to a specific advertisement.

You choose to take part in an ad auction when you choose the auction
(purchasing type) for your ads.

 Publishers of mobile apps who have been given the go-ahead by Facebook to
use Facebook adverts in their apps are part of the Audience Network.

Automatic events: A feature that automatically accounts for events on your app
or website, automatic events are applicable to SDK and pixel data sources.

Automated placements: This option enables Facebook to

Automatically place your advertisement on the most suitable platform when

you upload your ad content to Ads Manager.

Bid: The cost associated with the result you are optimizing for. Using a bid cap,
you can control the highest bid that Facebook will accept during each auction.

Bid control: You can aid Facebook in determining which results to spend money
on by supplying a maximum bid amount. Depending on your budget and the
remaining time for your ad set, bid pacing modifies your bid or the auctions you

Bid strategy: A parameter you choose in Ads Manager and Reporting that aids
Facebook in deciding how to allocate your budget in accordance with their
campaign goals.

One of the advertising objectives available in Ads Manager is brand awareness.

If you want consumers to remember and know the brand after seeing your
advertisement, use the Brand Awareness campaign aim.

Brand lift is a metric that provides insight into people's sentiments regarding
your brand and Brand Awareness. It is also known as "brand affinity."

Breakdown effect: A side-effect of Facebook's pacing algorithm when

impressions are seemingly shifted to underperforming ad groupings,
placements, or ads. Depending on the ad set optimization you select, the
system is actually built to maximize the number of results for your campaign.

When you largely rely on Facebook's ad delivery system to determine who

should see your advertising, you are using broad targeting. Using the budget
(Ads Manager) setting, you can choose the maximum amount you're willing to
pay for each ad set within a campaign on Facebook.

Budget pacing: The portion of pacing where we might raise your budget if
there's a chance you'll see a lot of optimization events with costs that match
your bid strategy.

Buying type: A solution that keeps users' personal profiles and corporate assets
distinct while enabling many users to access and administer Pages, ad accounts,
and applications using their individual Facebook login credentials

Call-to-action: CTA is a form of advertising that elicits a direct response from

consumers by demanding a particular action.

Campaign: An advertisement or series of advertisements developed around a

single theme or group of characteristics and distributed by an advertising
platform to a particular audience.

 CBO campaign budget optimization (Ads Manager): A parameter in Ads Manager

that enables Facebook to split your budget throughout your campaign's ad sets
to achieve the best overall performance.

 Campaign level (Ads Manager): The campaign level in Ads Manager refers to the
phase of campaign development where you create an advertisement or series of
advertisements centered on a specific subject or set of attributes.

The first tier of Facebook's ad system, which consists of ad settings and ads, is
where you specify the goals for your campaign. You can construct and compare
various iterations of a campaign strategy using the Facebook tool known as the
Campaign Planner.

Carousel: A type of advertisement in which a number of pictures or videos scroll

from left to right.

Catalog: A tool used by businesses to manage and store the inventory they want
to market or otherwise support on Facebook. One of the campaign objective
choices in Ads Manager is Catalog Sales. If you want to automatically contact
your target audience with products from your online catalog that are relevant to
them, choose the Catalog Sales campaign objective. The number of clicks on an
objective is measured using this statistic.

 Click-through rate (CTR): the ratio between the number of times a link is
displayed on a web page and the number of times it is clicked assemblage or
gathering of promotional materials that can be arranged in a systematic manner.
a parameter used to monitor additional data about the ID of the product or
service that users interact with on your app or website. content ID

Content type (Parameter): A parameter used in conjunction with events to track

extra data about the kinds of goods and services users interact with on your app
or website. a parameter added to events to measure additional information
about the good or service users interact with on your app or website. contents
The "unexposed" group of participants in a study, for whom the test's
parameters are unaffected. It serves as a standard for evaluating the test's

A program called Conversion Lift uses Randomized Control Trials (RCTs) to

count the additional conversions that arise from Facebook adverts.

Conversion path: The series of touchpoints in Facebook's Attribution interface

that results in a single conversion.

Conversions (campaign objective): An Ads Manager campaign objective choice.

If you want to encourage beneficial activities on your website, in your app, in
Messenger, or in WhatsApp, use the Conversions campaign target.

Core Audiences: This standard targeting choice enables you to target individuals
based on their demographics, location, interests, and habits. Using a cost-cap
bid strategy, you can limit the average cost of an optimization event for a given
ad set.

Cost control: The price you're prepared to pay for each optimization event.
Facebook can spend its funds on optimization events that are most in line with
your objectives with the help of cost control. Additionally, it instructs Facebook
to stop displaying your advertising if doing so would go against your cost-
control policy.

Cost per action, or CPA. The expense incurred by you each time an action is
taken as a result of an advertisement is known as "cost per acquisition," or CPA.

Cost per click, or CPC, refers to the price associated with each ad click.

 Cost per impression (CPI): The price paid each time a user views your

 Cost per thousand impressions, or CPM Additional name: "cost per mille," the
typical price you spent for 1,000 ad impressions or the typical revenue you
made from 1,000 ad impressions on your apps or websites. Ad performance
that suffers from overexposure owing to creative fatigue.
 CA Custom Audience: A collection of individuals assembled using a Facebook
advertising function that enables you to locate your existing audiences among
Facebook users.

Custom conversion: A measurement item that is generated by applying rules to

already-occurring events and is used to record distinctive advertising results.

A logged activity you specify depending on a specific action you want users to
take on your website, app, or offline is a custom event. Management of client

 A particular kind of instrument that gives companies the ability to control client
interactions and contact information. A tool, link, piece of code, or another
object that gathers data, such as the Facebook pixel, the Facebook SDK, and
offline conversions, is referred to as a data source. The data can be used
afterward for analysis and measurement.

Dayparting is a type of ad distribution that enables you to select specific hours

and/or days of the week when your advertisements should run. It is often
referred to as "scheduled ad delivery."

DR direct reaction (typically related to e-commerce activities): Advertising that

aims to prompt instant action, such as a sign-up, a purchase, or the installation
of a mobile app.

A dynamic advertisement (DA) can offer a variety of products to an audience

and select the one that is most appropriate for each viewer. dynamic ads for
broad audiences: Instead of focusing on those who have already visited,
browsed, or bought things from your website,

Dynamic advertisements can help you reach a wider audience.

Dynamic creative: A method whereby you provide Facebook with all of your
advertising-related creative materials, and we automatically match them to the
appropriate audience. If you're advertising in numerous markets or one market
with different languages, dynamic language optimization enables you to
generate multiple ad sets for each language and apply unique language
targeting. Modify placements, often referred to as "manual placements" is a
feature in Ads Manager that enables you to specify the platform across all
Facebook Products on which you want your advertisements to appear.

A campaign target called "engagement" is available in Ads Manager. If you want

to encourage people to like your page, interact with your post, or attend your
event, use the Engagement campaign objective.
A "Facebook custom audience," also referred to as an ECA engagement Custom
Audience Based on the individuals who have previously interacted with your
content across Facebook Products, a Custom Audience is a group of people who
are more likely to interact with your advertisement.

Estimated action rates: A figure based on the likelihood that, after someone
sees your advertisement, they will take the required action.

Event: A recorded activity that users perform on your website, app, or offline
that is typically used to record and evaluate the effectiveness of

The gathering of data on a company's sales, revenue, and customer reach on

Facebook and Instagram is known as Facebook IQ Insights.

 Facebook marketing partner, or FMP. a third-party business that creates its own
unique solutions using the Facebook Ads API.

A piece of code called a "Facebook pixel" is added to your website and records
website activity.

Facebook Products: Elements, applications, tools, programs, goods, or services

that Facebook Inc. or Facebook Ireland Limited make available in accordance
with our Data Policy.

Facebook SDK: A program that you put on your app and which records app

Feed: A social networking service's stream of updates or posts.

First-party solutions: Facebook tools (such as Business Manager) that make the
creation of your ad campaigns more efficient.

 Gross Rating Point: GRP According to Nielsen, this is a measure of the size of
the TV audience. Without taking into account several exposures of the same
advertising to different people, it is used to measure the exposure to one or

more shows or ads.

Facebook's inbox function is used to manage direct communication tools

including messages, comments, broadcasts, and automatic responses.

Instant Articles: A Facebook tool that enables you to create and publish rich-
format, interactive articles on Facebook. When someone taps on an
advertisement on Facebook or Instagram, an interstitial landing page loads
immediately. They are only compatible with mobile settings and gadgets.

Facebook's in-stream video capability lets you insert advertisements before,

during, or after video content. international Lookalike Audiences: Also referred
to as "multi-country Lookalike Audiences," an international Lookalike

The audience is one that extends beyond a single country. Key performance
indicator, or KPI. a metric used to assess the success of a campaign or
advertisement. An option for a campaign target in Ads Manager is lead
generation. Choosing the Lead Generation campaign aim will help you get leads
for your company.

In Ads Manager, the learning phase is the time when the delivery system is
gathering data to optimize ad distribution. This phrase relates to our system's
machine learning, not your learning.

 Lifetime Value: LTV is the calculation of the overall value (such as total
purchases) connected to a group of users of an app created by a third-party

 Lookalike Audience, or LAL. a collection of individuals who are comparable to

an existing audience, enabling you to target your advertisement to people who
"look like" your current clients.

Lowest cost: A bid approach that places emphasis on using up all of your
available funds. It just gives you the option of defining a budget for expense

Machine learning is a field of study that makes use of data, science, and
computer code to automatically anticipate specific events based on
unintentionally discovered patterns.

Facebook's Marketplace is a specific area where users may exchange goods and
services with other users. The strategies and media outlets you employ to
achieve your advertising objectives. A campaign objective option in Ads
Manager is called Messages. If you wish to initiate and/or continue discussions
with your clients in Messenger, use the Messages campaign aim. messaging: A
written text-based communication technique utilized on WhatsApp and

Facebook Messenger is its messaging program. a study involving numerous test

groups in which group A is shown one advertisement, group B is shown a
different advertisement and group
A rule-based attribution methodology called The "multi-touch attribution
model" enables you to give credit for many touchpoints throughout the
consumer's conversion process. offline conversions: This feature enables you to
gauge the extent to which your Facebook advertisements result in offline results
including in-person purchases, phone orders, reservations, and more. a
recorded action that takes place "offline," or offline. Store visits, leads, sales
calls, in-person transactions, activity on third-party websites (like eBay), and
more can all be considered offline activities.

Offline events set: A database of data on offline events for a company. An

advertiser can import data into an offline event set after creating one in the
offline event manager (in Ads Manager).

Facebook uses a pacing algorithm as part of ad delivery in an effort to distribute

your budget as equally as feasible over the course of your ad set by measuring
and projecting a campaign's finish date. A custom value or modifier is applied to
an event with the goal of enhancing measurement context. Utilizing actual
people rather than just cookies or proxy data to determine how effective your
advertisement is is known as "people-based measurement."

Placement: A spot on a website or mobile application where you can display an

advertisement, such as the News Feed, Instagram Stories, or

Messenger Inbox. installation distribution (Campaign Planner) A pie chart

included in Campaign Planner that displays, by placement, the estimated
audience size for your advertisement.

Point of Sale, or POS. the point at which retail the transaction is finished.

Product catalog IDs are a parameter that is recorded along with events to pass
more data about the stock that users interact with on your app or website.
When direct, solid information is not available, proxy measurements are
employed as a rough gauge of information.

A campaign aim choice in Ads Manager is called "Reach." If you want to increase
the number of individuals who will see your advertisement and the frequency
with which they will see it, and choose the Reach campaign target.

A buying type for advertising that enables you to reach a predetermined

number of customers inside a target market at a predetermined frequency at a
set cost.
Retargeting is an advertising strategy that aims to re-engage customers who
have already visited, interacted with, or purchased from your website, app, or
offline store.

A tool that enables you to choose the rule that will determine how conversions
should be ascribed to various touchpoints throughout the customer's
conversion route is a rule-based attribution model. planned delivery: see the
definition of "dayparting"

For the reach and frequency buying type, sequenced delivery is an ad delivery
option that enables you to show your advertising in a certain order or sequence.

Single-cell: A study in which just one test group is used, and group A is shown
the advertisement while group B is not. a rule-based attribution methodology
that only permits you to give credit for one touchpoint along the consumer's
conversion route.

A type of video that is produced utilizing still photos or movies and may have a
musical background is known as a slideshow (ad format).

Split test: Also referred to as "A/B testing," a split test is research that enables
you to compare various ad sets to see which performs the best.

A Messenger-sponsored message type can be found in the advertisements

interface. With the sponsored message ad unit, you may message. Messenger
users who have already had an interaction with your company.

Standard delivery: A method of delivering ads that enables you to distribute

your budget throughout your campaigns in an even manner.

Standard event: A Facebook-predefined logged activity.

A tool that lets you examine past data to decide how conversions should be
credited is a statistical attribution model. One of the campaign objective
choices in Ads Manager is

Store Traffic. To drive customers to your physical stores, choose the Store
Traffic campaign aim. Facebook's Stories feature enables users to share casual
images and videos that are combined into a single piece of content that is
accessible for 24 hours.

Success metrics are the benchmarks you use to judge your campaign's
performance. a function that offers video recommendations to users while
they're on Facebook. Getting a constant cost per optimization event is what you
may prioritize by using the bid approach known as "target cost."Facebook will
make every effort to keep costs as near as feasible to the amount you choose.

 The target rating point is TRP (Buying Type): a sort of ad buying that enables the
planning and purchase of video ads on Facebook and Instagram using Nielsen-
verified target rating points (TRPs). identifying an audience for your ads through
targeting. Test and Learn is a feature in Ads Manager that enables you to test
your ads and gather information about their performance.

The "exposed" group of subjects in a study to which the test's variables are
subjected. Third-party solutions: Programs made available by businesses not
controlled by Facebook that facilitates the creation of your advertising

The campaign target for traffic is available in Ads Manager. Choosing the Traffic
campaign aim will direct Facebook users to a URL. User value: A computed value
based on the effectiveness of your ads and how pertinent they are to the target

Value (parameter): A parameter used in conjunction with events to track

additional data about the cost and worth of the stock that users interact with on
your app or website.

value-based Lookalike Audience is a VBLAL. the demographic most like your

highest-value clients. Ads Manager has the option of a campaign target called
"Video Views." If you want people to see your video, choose the Video Views
campaign objective. Viewing a video, typically for a predetermined amount of

Benefits Of Facebook
Meet your clients where people want to connect. Facebook products are used
by more than two billion people worldwide. Facebook is used by people to form
connections and learn about the things that are important to them. Facebook
advertising is a great method to stand out, attract new clients, and create
enduring connections. You may target your advertising to customers who are
the best fit for your company with our robust audience selection options.

Facebook merchandise. You have the ability to promote your company through
Facebook Products. To increase or personalize your reach, you can use one or
more of our apps and services. Products from Facebook include: Facebook
Audience Network Instagram Messenger
There are three ways to buy ads on Facebook.

A buying type is a strategy for purchasing and targeting advertisements in your

campaigns. Your buying style is selected in Ads Manager at the campaign level.
Which buying type best satisfies the commercial objectives of your campaign
should be taken into account whether you're launching a new brand or raising
awareness of an upcoming film premiere. You have a choice of three purchase
types when setting up your advertising campaigns: Reach and frequency of
auctions objective rating point (TRP)

Your choice of the option that best fits your budget, timetable, or business goals
will have a significant impact on how well your ads perform because you choose
your buying type before any other components of the campaign structure.

 Auction buying: With less predictable outcomes, auction buying gives greater
choice, efficiency, and flexibility. Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and Audience
Network are all platforms where ads can be placed. It's advised to utilize the
auction buying type for ads posted on Facebook or Instagram. Purchase
frequency and reach. You may plan and purchase your campaigns in advance
using reach and frequency buying, which gives you more control over your
frequency settings and predictable ad delivery. between reach and frequency in
an auction

For the Reach and Brand Awareness objectives solely, frequency management
provides adjustable frequency caps. allows for each chosen objective to have a
configurable frequency cap. delivery restrictions only standard delivery.
Facebook will automatically choose the best-performing ad from a group and
offer it more frequently. Offers choices for both conventional distribution and
sequenced or scheduled delivery, which allows you to customize the dates and
order in which individuals see your adverts.

Predictability There is no estimate of total reach (daily reach prediction only). a

forecast of overall reach. Pricing The auction's prices will change based on the
state of the market. By placing a bid, you compete. Set a fixed CPM for the
impressions you will purchase. The computer places your bid.

 Day-parting You can schedule your advertisements for various hours on various
days of the week. You can set your advertising to run for only a portion of the
day; however, you cannot change this choice according to the day of the week. A
24-hour minimum marketing period.
Optimization only makes adjustments for the goal (for example, Brand
Awareness). dynamically optimizes between the goal and impressions. You can
eliminate dynamic audiences and target audiences that are very small or from
many countries. You can only target 200,000 people in one country at once,
and you can't block dynamic audiences.

 Buying TRPOnly eligible campaigns are eligible to purchase TRP. With TRP, you
can expand, amplify, and compliment your TV advertising on Facebook and
Instagram. Using Nielsen-verified TRPs, such as those from TV and other online
video channels, you can use TRP to plan and purchase video campaigns. Then,
in accordance with your target market, your advertisement will be optimized for
Nielsen on-target delivery. With TRP, you can purchase video advertising in the
same way and with the same currency as other Facebook and Instagram
advertisements. You can also measure impressions as a proportion of the
desired audience. What you're purchasing and how to buy it What it does
Auction Use a variety of cost-controlling methods to bid for audience actions or
impressions. More objectives to pick from; real-time pricing and availability;
*Control frequency

 Dimension and frequency: Pay a set fee to reach your audience in a predictable
manner. Up to six months prior to purchase; control over frequency; and a 200k
minimum audience of the desired rating points Purchase on-target, Nielsen-
verified impressions for a certain cost. Purchase up to six months in advance
with a minimum expenditure Some accounts may additionally control the
frequency of Brand Awareness and Video Views when using the Reach
Objective. Not all nations have access to TRP.

The Campaign's Goal

Campaign structure

 It is crucial to have a solid understanding of the structure of Facebook

campaigns before selecting an objective for your campaign. Your Facebook ad
can't function without a campaign, an ad set, and an actual ad itself. The
entirety of these components is what's known as the "campaign structure." If
you are aware of how they interact with one another, your advertisements will
run the way you want them to, and you will be able to communicate with the
appropriate individuals.


One or more ad sets and individual ads are included in a campaign. You are able
to simply monitor the performance of your ad sets and advertising by using
campaigns, and you can optimize for a specific goal by using these tools.

Ad set

One or more advertisements make up a set of advertisements. You may measure

the response of different audiences to your advertisements by using ad sets,
which allow you to schedule when they will view those advertisements. Ad Sets
are the homes of individual ads. Facebook will be able to optimize its
distribution depending on variations in images, links, video, text, and
placements if advertisers create several ads inside each ad set. aims of the
Facebook marketing campaign You have a number of options available to you on
Facebook in terms of different campaign goals to pick from. It is crucial to
identify your business goal before selecting the objective for your campaign.
This will allow you to better align your business goal with the campaign
objective. It is essential to select the appropriate aim, as this will play a role in
how Facebook decides to display your advertisements. At the moment, we
provide 11 goals that are spread across the following three stages of the
customer journey:

 Awareness refers to the goals that you set out to accomplish in order to
develop an interest in your product or service. Telling consumers what makes
your company unique and valuable is an important step in increasing brand

Consideration: These are goals that encourage consumers to reflect on your

company and search for additional information about it. Conversion refers to
the goals that encourage individuals who are interested in your company to
make a purchase or use your product or service.

 Awareness Consideration

Conversions Traffic Conversions Brand Awareness Conversions Increase

Customer Engagement Increase Catalog and App Installations Messages
Regarding Store Traffic Videos Viewed Lead Generation Traffic How do the aims
of the campaign correspond to those of the business

Brand Awareness: Raise the profile of your company, brand, or service among
the general population. The artisanal carbonated beverage producer Club Soda
is a well–known brand in the field of beverages. It aims to let people know about
its brand-new, one-of-a-kind flavor so that they will keep it at the forefront of
their minds when they go shopping. NA The expected ad recall lift (people) a
metric is provided to you by the Brand Awareness objective. This metric
indicates the number of individuals we think would remember your
advertisement if we queried them within the previous two days. Facebook
Messenger The Audience Network for Instagram


Increase the number of individuals who see your advertisements while

maintaining control over how frequently they do so. Spruce is a company that
makes soap dispensers that may be repurposed as elements of interior design.
Spruce's mission is to introduce as many people as possible to its product line
and to educate as many people as possible about the environmentally
beneficial qualities of the items. You have the ability to create frequency
controls, which allow you to determine how many times your audience sees
your advertisement and the minimum number of days that must pass between
each exposure. Facebook Messenger Instagram Audience Network


 You can direct users from Facebook to any URL that you select, such as the
landing page of your website, a blog post, or an application. Recently, the
website of Zoomture, a website, and app that offers affordable travel options
had a revamp. The objective is to persuade people who signed up for the
newsletter to check out the new online experience by going to the website and
clicking on the link. Although the Facebook pixel has not yet been implemented,
the intention is to do so during the following month. Pixel is preferred but not
required. [Optional] In most cases, we advise that you switch to using the
Catalog Sales objective or the Website Conversions target instead, as these are
the ones that are likely to produce more fruitful results.

We do not believe that allocating resources toward the Traffic aim is the most
effective use of your budget. Messenger, Instagram, and the Audience Network
for Facebook

Engagement: Encourage people to interact with your page (by giving it "Page
Likes"), post (by giving it "Post Engagement"), or event (by giving it "Responses")
(Event Responses).

 A network of plant nurseries known as Lucky Shrub is about to begin hosting

demonstrations on plant potting at a variety of their stores. A Facebook event
was organized by the company for each individual site. It seeks to collect
answers from persons interested in attending the events and share information
with them so that they can learn more about them. NA NA Post engagement:
Facebook Messenger Instagram Audience Network Likes on pages and
participation in events: Facebook Make your selection from these goals.

Installs on Platforms Platforms Apps Send interested parties to the appropriate

app store so they may download your app. A brand new gaming application
designed by Joystick Studios has recently been released and is compatible with
mobile devices. The company's goal is to get the campaign in front of
consumers who are enthusiastic about video games and therefore more likely to
download the app. Required Items: a

Facebook Developer Kit and a Registered App When a user clicks on your
advertisement and already has your mobile app loaded on their device, deep
linking enables you to take that user directly to a particular location within your
app. You will want to make use of "delayed" deep linking for the App Installs
objective because users have NOT yet installed your app. Someone who clicks
on this will first be taken to the app store, and after having the application
loaded, they will then be taken to the desired location. You do not need to
include postponed deep linking if you are just showing your advertisements to
users who have already downloaded and installed your app.

Messenger, Instagram, and the Audience.

Network for Facebook. Video Views Ask people to watch the video you
uploaded. Endo Moto, a Japanese automobile manufacturer, is getting ready to
launch a brand-new lineup of automobiles. They have prepared brief videos of
each vehicle in motion that are of very high quality in order to generate interest
in their newest models. The company wants viewers to watch their entire movie
in the hopes that it will motivate them to learn more about their new vehicles
when they do so.

The Audience Network for Facebook and Instagram. Generation of Leads.

Gather potential customers for your company. Pacific Moon University is
looking for prospective students to enroll in the university for the next autumn
semester. The institution sends out a weekly email newsletter in which it
announces upcoming speakers and newly added classes in an effort to attract
new students. It is hoped that more individuals will join up so that they can
receive the newsletter. Customers will receive a pre-filled form once they click
on your lead ad. This form will contain information that the customer has
already provided to Facebook, such as their name, phone number, or email
address. This form is optimized for use on mobile devices and was created to
require as little typing as possible.

Messenger, Instagram, and the Audience Network for Facebook

Goal to work toward. Begin fresh conversations with your consumers through
Messenger, or pick up where you left off. Wind and Wool, a retailer of women's
clothing, is looking to connect with customers who have previously expressed
an interest in the brand. The company intends to get back in touch with those
who have expressed interest in the company's products through the Messenger
platform. The purpose of this is to educate people about the various products
that the company has available. You have the ability to create the following
three varieties of Message ads: Advertisements with links to Messenger
Advertisements with links to WhatsApp You are able to deliver messages
directly to those who have already engaged with your company in Messenger
through a feature called Sponsored Messages.

The Audience Network for Facebook and Instagram

Conversions: In your app, on your website, in Messenger, or in Whatsapp,

prompt users to take action that will benefit them. The online jewelry merchant
Mangata and Gallo has been around for a long time and has a huge number of
satisfied customers. The objective of the corporation is to boost sales of its
latest diamond ring design. Through the use of the Facebook pixel, the company
hopes to communicate with customers who have started the purchasing
process on their website by adding the ring to their shopping cart but have not
yet finished the transaction. The objective here is to convert some of the
possible sales of the ring into actual ones. Pixel and Standard Event(s)* or SDK
and App Event(s)* are both necessary components.

Messenger, Instagram, and the Audience Network for Facebook.

Catalog Sales: Automated communication with your target audience using

products that are relevant to their needs from your web catalog. The use of
dynamic advertisements helped accomplish this goal. Through its website,
Feroldi's offers customers a vast selection of beauty products to choose from.
In order to achieve the goal of increasing the average purchase value, the
company plans to retarget previous consumers with products that are
analogous to those that they have previously purchased from the company. In
order to avoid the laborious process of manually setting up retargeting
campaigns, the company would like to take advantage of the hundreds of items
it provides, the insights obtained from its pixel, and the power of dynamic
advertisements. Required: *Pixel and Standards Event(s), or *SDK and App
Event(s), or *Catalog During the process of setting up your campaigns, you will
have the opportunity to either retarget the users who have visited your website
or app in the past or broaden the scope of your campaign to include more

Messenger, Instagram, and the Audience Network for Facebook

Store Traffic: Drive customers on foot to your various retail locations. Patty
Stack, who operates a series of quick-service eateries, is looking to boost their
in-store sales. The company is interested in developing a campaign that would
highlight its most popular hamburgers and encourage consumers to dine at one
of its local restaurants. Not required but highly recommended: Offline

Conversions and Other Offline Events: This objective also enables you to direct
your advertisements to people who are within a certain distance of one or more
of your retail locations. These advertisements can be intended to assist
consumers in locating the store location that is most convenient to them or in
contacting that store location.

Choose the Reach marketing objective rather than one of the others if you just
want to boost foot traffic to a single location rather than foot traffic to several
locations. Messenger, Instagram, and the Audience Network for Facebook  It is
also possible to apply customized conversions. Reporting offline conversions
and participating in offline events is completely voluntary for all goals.

Audience For Campaign

Dynamic advertisements: Your audience's intent can be acquired through your
website, your mobile app, or elsewhere on the web (like Facebook or other
websites). Dynamic ads can assist improve demand and sales for your online
catalog by matching the intent of your audience with relevant advertisements.
The only difference is that dynamic advertising allows you to construct an ad
template that automatically uses photos and details from your catalog for items
that you would like to advertise. Other ads appear precisely the same as
dynamic ads.

 A container that is used to hold information about the things that are in an
inventory is called a catalog. After you have created a catalog, you will have the
ability to develop advertisements and commerce experiences that show
customers your things by pulling information from your catalog. This will allow
you to automatically tailor the creative for your advertisement on a large scale,
saving you the time and effort of creating thousands of separate adverts. At this
time, there are products available that are customized for each of the four major
dynamic ad verticals. Here are some examples of when you might utilize them:

Retail/eCommerce: Make use of the Retail and eCommerce verticals to increase

the number of customers you reach, encourage more people to make a
purchase, and discover new potential customers. Travel uses the Travel vertical
to reach consumers who are weekend travelers, single travelers, travelers
traveling in groups, and other types of passengers through their dynamic
booking window.

 Real Estate: Make use of the Real Estate vertical to get your real estate
inventory in front of potential buyers. You have the option of including
information such as the number of bedrooms and bathrooms.

 Auto: Utilize the Automotive vertical to upload your entire vehicle inventory
catalog together with pertinent details such as the year, make, and model of
each vehicle. The goals of the campaign and the various sorts of purchases
When you want to boost the number of people who are exposed to your brand
across an audience of 200,000 or more, it is recommended that you use to
reach and frequency buying. It is most effective when used in conjunction with
the goals of Reach, Brand Awareness, or Video Views. Facebook suggests that
you use the auction buying approach rather than any other strategy if you're
objective is to find the most cost-effective means of boosting a particular direct
response such as the number of conversions or app installs.

 Data sources: Data sources are things like programs, connections, snippets of
code, and other things that record the activities in that individuals participate.
Choose the most appropriate data source for your company based on the kind
of business you run. You may measure actions such as views, adds to cart, and
transactions by utilizing the data sources that are available on your website,
mobile app, and in your physical store. There are three different campaign data
sources that need to be considered by companies that want to place an
emphasis on performance marketing.Offline Conversion Utilizing Facebook Pixel
and Facebook SDK

Facebook pixel: A piece of code known as the Facebook pixel can be added to a
website in order to gain insight into how users engage with its content in
response to advertisements displayed on that website. When you provide
Facebook with this information, the social networking site is able to target its
advertisements toward individuals who are more inclined to take action. You
may make your advertisements and audiences more effective by applying the
knowledge you gain from the Facebook pixel.

The following procedures make up the various stages of the

Facebook pixel implementation process: Ads Manager can be used to create a

Facebook pixel. Either integrate the system's created base code into our website
or link a platform provided by a partner. Make sure the pixel is functioning
properly by using our Pixel Helper tool. Include either Standard Events or
Custom Events in your list. Begin by constructing, improving, and analyzing your

 After it has been implemented on your website, the pixel will begin recording
activities, also known as "events." You have access to two different event types
to assist you in monitoring the activity on your website. These are standard
events and bespoke events. Inevitable occurrences: Automatically logged
events are actions that the Facebook pixel measures by default unless you have
disabled this functionality. If you disable this functionality, the Facebook pixel
will not record these events. Activities performed in mobile browsers are
recorded as part of the events logs.

The usual occurrences: The logged actions that make up the Facebook pixel's
standard events are ones that have been predefined by Facebook. You'll be able
to build audiences, optimize for conversions, and capture specific actions with
the help of standard events. If the requirements for the information collecting
that you have are usual, you can decide to build standard events. The terms
"Purchase," "Add to Cart," and "Lead" are all examples of common occurrences.
Personalized happenings You are able to specify and log actions as "custom
events" for the Facebook pixel so that it can better suit the information
collection needs of your organization. You might decide to put these events into
effect if your requirements for information collection are unusually specific.

You are able to capture certain activities and generate audiences with the help
of bespoke events. However, unless these events are mapped to a specific
conversion, our system will not permit you to optimise towards these events
nor will it reflect their quantities in any reports that you generate. You can find a
list of preconfigured standard events by going to the website that contains the
Specifications for Facebook Pixel Standard Events.
You have the ability to build individualized conversions for either the standard
or the custom events. You'll be able to measure more specific client activities if
you use custom conversions because they let you establish rules for pixel
events or URLs. For example, you can make a rule that will record and measure
all purchases that were more than $40 utilizing pixel events and parameters,
then construct the rule. For additional information regarding custom
conversions, please see the page under "About Custom Conversions."

 Facebook SDK

 The Facebook Software Development Kit (SDK) is an analytics tool that gives
you the ability to gather and measure the activities that users perform within
your app. You are able to direct, measure, and optimize the delivery of your
advertisements to the individuals on Facebook who are most likely to take
action by using the Facebook Software Development Kit (SDK). The following
procedures make up the various stages of the

Facebook SDK implementation process: Create a profile for your app on

Facebook. Connect your app's ad account to your ad account. Get the software
development kit, then add it to your app. Make sure the software development
kit is compatible with our app ads helper. Include App Events in your
application. Begin by constructing, improving, and analyzing your results.

After it has been implemented, the SDK will begin to monitor the app events
that are occurring within your app. There are three distinct event categories that
makeup app events, each of which might assist you in keeping track of activities
within your app. Automatic events, standard events, and custom events are the
three app event kinds that are available.

Inevitable occurrences: Automatically logged events are actions that the

Facebook pixel measures by default unless you have disabled this functionality.
If you disable this functionality, the Facebook pixel will not record these events.
Installs of the app, sessions within the app, and in-app purchases are all
included in these events.

The usual occurrences: Standard Events are logged actions that have been set
by Facebook and come with parameters that you may use to access more
specific event information. These events are part of the Facebook SDK. These
events for the Facebook pixel are identical to the conventional events that are
available. However, if you use SDK, you have the opportunity to measure app-
specific actions, such as events for the gaming vertical, ad clicks, and ad
impressions. This is a significant advantage. Personalized happenings Custom
events in the Facebook SDK are activities that are measured and can be set by
you to meet the information collection requirements specific to your
application. The only difference is that these events will take place on your app
rather than on your website, just like they do for pixel.

Conversions Made Offline: Offline Conversions is an analytics tool that lets you
connect information about offline events to Facebook, such as data from your
customer relationship management system or point of sale. We match your
customer information, using a secure matching process, to people who saw or
clicked on your ads in order to determine how much offline activity can be
attributed to your ads while they are running across Facebook, Instagram, and
Audience Network. This allows us to determine how much offline activity can be
attributed to your ads. You can bring a wide variety of offline events, such as
trade shows or concerts, back to your Facebook campaigns.

Here are some examples:

Transactions carried out in your various stores. Open house visits · Calls for an
insurance quote. Email reservation for travel that has been confirmed.

The following are the stages that make up the process of putting in place Offline

Set up: Establish your event set through either the Business Manager or the API,
then assign it to the ad account (or accounts) you wish to track, and turn on

Build: Construct Offline Event-Based Custom Audiences on the Basis of Offline

Behaviors and Attributes.

Conduct: Carry out your marketing efforts using Facebook, Instagram, and
Audience Network. Ads Manager and Facebook Analytics both allow you to view
the results of your campaign. After you have finished implementing your offline
conversions, you are able to begin logging offline event sets. Among the
categories that make up an offline event set are ones for upload events and
custom conversion events.

 Uploading happenings: The upload events that you want to schedule are
created when offline information is uploaded to the offline events tool in
Business Manager. There are three ways to connect the information you have
stored offline, including the following: Upload of transactions using the CSV file
manually: Every day, upload a CSV file that contains all of your transactions.
Requires no technical expertise. Integration with an Application Programming
Interface (API): Direct integration from the client's customer system to
Facebook for real-time coverage Leverage partnerships with customer system
vendors and systems integrators. Technology partners. All of the advantages of
an API, without the burden of having to build it yourself.

 Events specific to individual conversions: Your event information can be

separated using custom conversions according to values, event types, custom
information fields, and other characteristics that are significant to your
company. You are able to apply your own specialized conversion to offline event
sets that you have already established.

 For additional information regarding offline event sets, please see the Create
Offline Event Sets page. Keeping Tabs on the Parameters Together with events,
additional information can be transmitted through the pixel or SDK with the
help of parameters. You are free to specify or alter the parameters of your
Online or App Events however you see fit. By properly configuring the
parameters of your event, you can increase the likelihood that you will collect
the data that is of the utmost importance to your company.

These are some examples of parameters that can be used with

Data Sources: Recommended Values for Each Pixel Event Parameter.

Recommendations for the Parameters Used in App Events

Content IDs · Contents · Content Type · Product Catalog IDs

·Value · Content IDs · Contents · Content Type · Value You could, for instance,
measure your return on ad spend by passing the value of your event through
the pixel or the SDK. This would allow you to track the effectiveness of your
advertising. Let's say you sell shoes. You have the option of using the value
parameter of the Purchase pixel event to transmit the value of the shoes. To
configure the following aspects of your events: Navigate to the page on the
website where you inserted the

Facebook pixel: Find the piece of code that corresponds to your event. You can
make changes to or add new code for the parameter you want. You could also
decide to collaborate with the web developer working on your site in order to
add an additional line of code to your pixel. You can learn more about how to
set a parameter for an event by going to the page designated for setting the
value and currency of your Facebook pixel standard events. Facebook ad
placements Within Facebook Products, there is a wide variety of ad placements
available, some of which are as follows: Comparison between automatically and
manually selected placements You have the option of either allowing Facebook
to place your ads for you (known as automatic placements) or manually select
the locations on Facebook where you want your ad to appear (edit placements).
Automatic placements: You should go with the automatic placements, as that
was our recommendation. Your advertisement is able to be delivered through all
placements when you use automatic placements. This elicits efficiencies in the
delivery of your advertisement, which helps you get more results for your

The following are some of the benefits of using automatic placements: It is

possible to achieve the highest return on advertising investment by distributing
ads across multiple placements within a single app or across all Facebook
Products. Save Time: When you give Facebook permission to find the
placements that will be most effective for your campaign, based on our
optimization, you reduce the amount of effort that would have been spent
manually optimizing your placements.

 Automatic placement helps to extend the reach of an existing campaign by

enabling placement on more platforms and multiple placements within a single
app. This helps to increase the number of people who are exposed to
advertising. Edit placements You will have a greater degree of control over the
locations of your advertisement if you edit the placements. If you choose to
manually select placements rather than rely on automatic placements, you
reduce the number of opportunities to achieve optimal results. Personalization
of assets You have the option to edit placements in addition to using asset
customization with automatic placements. To guarantee that your
advertisement appears in the manner you desire, asset customization gives you
the ability to choose which advertisements are displayed for which specific
placements. Keep in mind that the customization of certain assets is
incompatible with certain goals, formats, placements, and other options.

 You can find out more about the options that aren't compatible with asset
customization by going to the page that's dedicated to troubleshooting asset
customization for placements. Security of the Brand There are three different
brand safety tools that can prevent certain kinds of content from appearing
alongside your advertisements when they are placed in Instant Articles,
Audience Network, or In-Stream Video placements. The following are the three
brands of safety tools: Inventory Filter: This feature enables you to choose the
degree of discretion required for the content on which your advertisements are
displayed. Regardless of whether you select full, standard, or limited inventory,
we will automatically prevent your content from being displayed on the content
that is considered to be the most contentious. By default, these placements do
not permit content that contains nudity or excessive violence. Ads Manager
currently has the inventory filter selected. Take note that you will not have
access to this capability unless you choose to edit the placements.

Publisher List and Publisher Delivery Report: You are able to review our
categorized list of publisher apps, websites, and Pages where your
advertisements might be delivered. This list is organized according to the type
of placement. You can review the locations where your advertisements were
actually delivered by pulling a publisher delivery report either during or after a
campaign. Within Business Manager, one can view both the Publisher List as well
as the Publisher Delivery Report.

Block Lists: You have the ability to upload a block list of URLs (to which you do
not wish for your advertisement to be delivered). In either Ads Manager or
Business Manager, you will find the option to upload block lists.

Audience options: Using audience targeting, you can ensure that your
advertisements are shown to the people who are important to you. When it
comes to the creation of a target audience, you have the option of taking either
a narrow or a wide-ranging approach. The strategy that you go with will be
determined by the goals you have set for yourself as well as the resources that
are at your disposal. You have access to three different targeting options, all of
which are derived from the information that is native to Facebook.

Core Audiences

Individualized Target Groups

Lookalike Audiences

Core Audiences: When selecting the Core Audience option, data is collected
from the things that users choose to include in their profiles and the actions
that they take while using our service. You will have a better chance of
successfully marketing your campaign to the appropriate people if you first
determine who your Core Audience is. For instance, you could target your
advertisements toward mothers who have an interest in sports, who live in a
large city, and who are conscious of the environment. Detailed targeting is a
targeting option that can be found in the audience section of Ads Manager. This
option gives you the ability to refine the group of people who will see your
advertisements. This is something that can be accomplished with data such as
additional demographics, interests, and behaviors.
These granular targeting options may be determined by factors such as the ads
that the user taps or clicks; the pages that they interact with; the activities that
users carry out on Facebook in relation to topics such as their device usage and
travel preferences; demographic information such as age, gender, and location;
the type of device that the user employs and the bandwidth of their network
connection; and so on.

Individualized Target Groups Through the use of the Custom Audience option,
advertisers are able to reach people across devices based on the information
they already have access to in a manner that does not compromise their
privacy. You can generate Custom Audiences by making use of your own sources
or by making use of sources provided by Facebook.

Create Targeted Audiences Specially Tailored to Your Sources You can generate
Custom Audiences by using your information in conjunction with the following
sources: A Customer File, Offline Activity, the Facebook Pixel (which tracks
website traffic), the Facebook Software Development Kit (which tracks app
activity), and Engagement on Facebook In order to use the information from
your customer files or offline activities to generate Custom Audiences, you will
need to upload a list of CRM information (such as email addresses or phone
numbers) into your browser. All of the information that you upload to the
website is hashed locally on your computer by your browser. The following step
is a comparison of your list to the data we have. We will add the Facebook user
to a Custom Audience that is saved within your ad account whenever a hash is
found that matches. When the matching procedure is finished, we will delete the
records. every single one of the hashes, regardless of whether or not they
match. The end result is a Custom Audience consisting of accounts that have a
chance of seeing your advertisements. Your ad account is where the Custom
Audiences are stored and only authorized account admins are able to deliver
campaigns to those audiences. You are only able to view an estimate of the total
number of people that are included in the Custom Audiences; you are unable to
view the specific individuals that are included in these audiences.

SPECIFIC TARGET AUDIENCE: Note: Before the API can be transferred, all
Personally Identifiable Information (PII) must first be hashed by the partner. The
user interface takes care of hashing on its own. SHA 256 is supported by
Facebook. Pixel allows you to generate custom audiences for your ads. Custom
Audiences from Your Website is a Targeting Option That Matches People Who
Visit Your Website with People on Facebook Using the Facebook Pixel. This is
done by Matching Custom Audiences from Your Website with People on
Facebook. After that, you can design an advertisement to be displayed for those
people. You can create a Custom Audience from your website for any group of
visitors that you would like to reach with targeted Facebook ads. This can be
done for any audience that you would like to reach. For instance, you could run
a campaign that targets people who have visited a product page but have not
yet completed a purchase to encourage them to return to the website and do
so. This would increase the likelihood of a sale being made. You also have the
option of building an audience consisting of all of the people who have visited
your website within the last month. (Rather than basing this timeframe on the
specific number of days that have passed since the Custom Audience was
created, this timeframe is based on a rolling number of days). Within Ads
Manager, you have the ability to generate a

Custom Audience based on the events that occur on your website. For
additional information regarding the creation of Custom Audiences with
Facebook pixel, please go to the page entitled "Create a Custom Audience from
Website Events."

 SDK Allows You to Create Your Own Target Audiences. The creation of a
"Custom Audience" is an excellent method for targeting advertisements toward
particular groups of users who are most likely to engage in the behavior that you
want them to engage in while using your app. Using the Facebook Software
Development Kit (SDK), you are able to specify whom you want to include in
your Custom Audience by passing information to Facebook from your app and
using that information to do so. For instance, if you run an app ad engagement
campaign with the Traffic or Conversion objective, it's possible that your ads will
perform better if you create a Custom Audience comprised of people who have
already installed your app on their devices. People who already have the app
downloaded but don't interact with it as frequently as you'd like will be the
focus of the advertisements that you run. Within Ads Manager, you have the
ability to generate a Custom Audience based on the events that occur within
your app. For additional information regarding the creation of Custom
Audiences with Facebook SDK, please go to the page entitled "Create a Custom
Audience for your app ads."

 Remember that the minimum size for a Custom Audience or to build a Lookalike
Audience is 100 people from a single-origin country. This is the case whether
you want to create a Lookalike Audience or a Custom Audience. Despite this, our
recommendation is to use at least one thousand. Create Your Own Target
Audiences Utilizing Facebook Sources You can generate Custom Audiences from
information on Facebook using any one of the following sources: a video, a lead
form, a full-screen experience, a Facebook page, an Instagram business profile,
and an event are some of the components that make up this package. People
who have interacted with your content in one or more Facebook products can
be compiled into what is known as a Facebook Engagement Custom Audience.
Actions such as spending time watching your videos, opening your lead form, or
clicking on your Collection ad are examples of what is referred to as
"engagement." People who use a full-screen experience, interact with your
Facebook Page or Instagram business profile, or respond to your event could
also be a source of this data. Through the use of engagement Custom
Audiences, you are able to target individuals who have performed the
aforementioned actions with your advertisements.

Please be aware that Custom Audiences from Engagement are distinct from
Custom Audiences derived from your website. Custom Audiences from your
website use actions taken on your website, which is measured by the Facebook
pixel. Engagement Custom Audiences use actions taken on Facebook's family of
apps and services. While both do take actions into account, engagement
Custom Audiences use actions taken on Facebook's family of apps and services.

When you create an engagement Custom Audience on Facebook, you are

prompted to tell the platform how many days' worth of data to go back and
collect. Your chosen time period determines who is added to the audience, and
anyone new who participates during that time will be counted. Because of this,
the audience is continually being updated, and as a result, you do not need to
edit or create a new engagement Custom Audience unless you want to change
either the time period or the type of engagement.

 Lookalike Audiences: Lookalike Audiences are identified using complex

modeling to find people who have the same preferences, interests, or
characteristics as your existing audience. If you want to reach new people who
are likely to be interested in your company because they are similar to your best
existing customers, you can target a Lookalike Audience. If you want to reach
new people who are likely to be interested in your business, you can target a
Lookalike Audience.

Most similar Least similar Source Audience 1% Lookalike The size of your
audience can range anywhere from 1% to 10% of the total population of
Facebook in the countries that you select, with 1% consisting of people who are
the closest match to your source. Within Ads Manager, you will find the option
to create a Lookalike Audience.

International Lookalike: You also have the option of creating international

Lookalike Audiences for your business. International Lookalike Audiences, which
are also referred to as multi-country Lookalike Audiences, are a method that
helps companies enter new markets by locating people who are similar to their
most profitable customers in other countries. When you create international
Lookalike Audiences, you can maximize the effectiveness of your advertising
budget by allocating it to the countries in which it will have the greatest impact.
You have the option of creating Lookalike Audiences in the country (or
countries) of your choice, in a region, in a trade area (such as the European
Economic Area or the North American Free Trade Agreement), in in-app store
countries, or globally. To begin, you will be tasked with selecting a source

Choose a source audience: There are many different kinds of lookalike

audiences, including a Custom Audience; an International Audience; people who
like your Facebook Page; a Value-based Audience; an Offline Event Set Audience;
and an

Offline Event Set Audience. Objectives for Creatives Reach, Brand Awareness,
Video Views, Website Traffic, App Installs, Website Conversions, Single Image,
Video, and Slideshows Value-based Lookalike You can find new high-value
customers for your company by creating value-based lookalikes using the
information from your pixel, SDK, or catalog. Offline Conversions information
can also be used. We are able to automatically generate value-based Lookalikes
for you by utilizing the signals from these data sources as well as the values you
have provided in order to calculate the Lifetime Value of your customers and
create new audiences. People who are similar to your most valuable existing
customers will be included in the audiences that are developed. In Ads Manager,
you have the ability to develop a value-based Lookalike Audience.

Retargeting options: People who visited your website or mobile app but did not
complete the conversion process can be reengaged with your brand through the
use of retargeting. You'll be able to use your Facebook Custom Audience for this
if you've already implemented the Facebook Pixel or SDK to capture events.
When you use retargeting, the people who have interacted with your website or
mobile app in the past are taken into account, and your retargeted
advertisements are shown to them when they interact with other websites or
mobile apps. You are able to generate custom audiences from an offline activity
if the relevant information from your CRM has been uploaded. You are able to
retarget customers by using the information from Offline Events or you're able
to exclude customers who have recently made purchases offline so that you can
find new customers.

Targeting in a broad sense When you target a broad audience, you are putting
the majority of the responsibility for selecting the most suitable recipients of
your advertisement on your shoulders. This strategy has the potential to
introduce you to people who, under normal circumstances, you would be
unaware of. If you are unsure of whom you want to target with your
advertisements, one option is to broaden the scope of your targeting. You can
learn more about the different types of people we found for you and how they
responded to your ads by visiting the Audience Insights website or looking at
the ads reporting in the Ads Manager interface.

Ads that are dynamic and aimed at large audiences Finding new clients for your
company can be accomplished with the help of dynamic advertisements
targeted toward large audiences. If you do this, rather than focusing on
customers who have previously visited, browsed, or made purchases on your
website, you will be able to broaden the scope of your target audience. Taking
aim at the most effective methods Make use of these guidelines to ensure that
you are adhering to the best practices for targeting: Avoid audience overlap:
When there is audience overlap, multiple ad sets are being delivered to
audiences that are composed of the same individuals. Because the ad auction
makes an effort to prevent showing the same person from the same advertiser
over and over again within a short amount of time, audience overlap may be the
reason why some ad sets aren't making their full budgets despite their efforts.
Limiting the number of ad sets that target the same people is one way to
prevent audience overlap.

Use audience exclusions. Take into consideration that audience overlap isn't
necessarily a problem in every situation. When there is only a slight overlap, it
might not be a problem and might not even affect performance, but when there
is a significant amount of overlap, it might cause problems. For instance, if you
have 0% audience overlap but you're still having delivery issues, you can be
more confident that overlap isn't the root of the problem because there isn't
any overlap between the two audiences. Exclude using a deliberate strategy:
While it is important to target the appropriate audience, it is equally important
to carefully consider who should not be included in that audience. When using
broad and interest targeting with the goal of expanding your customer base, it is
important to remember to exclude the following categories of people: Custom
Audiences, Lookalike Audiences, Loyal Customers, and Existing Customers are
the Four Types of Customers You Should Target. Make sure that any audiences
that may overlap in ad sets are excluded from those sets.

 Avoid targeting extremely specific demographics or interests. If your ad sets are

targeting a very specific audience, our system may not be able to collect enough
information (converters) to find the best people for your ad to be shown to. You
should be receiving at least one hundred conversions per week as a minimum,
which is something that a limited audience might not be able to provide for you.
It's possible that you'll need to broaden your target demographic if you decide
to increase the amount of money you want to spend on optimizing conversions.
This is due to the fact that we need to find more results to invest our money in
as well as the possibility that you may "exhaust" your current audience. When it
comes to the creation of ad sets, having fewer elements is preferable: When
advertisers want to increase the scale and complexity of their conversion
optimization advertising, they frequently want to divide their campaigns into a
large number of very specific ad sets based on different segments of the
audience they are trying to reach. On the other hand, this may result in subpar
performance. If you are trying to control costs in a different manner based on
your audience or desired outcome, then it is strongly recommended that you
create a new ad set. If this is not possible, you should combine all of your target
audiences into a single ad set that has a larger budget.

 Solve Business Challenges: You can learn about markets, cultural trends, and
people who matter to your business by using Facebook insight tools, which can
help you to resolve the challenges you face in running your business. Facebook
IQ insights can also assist you in this endeavor. The following are examples of

Facebook insight tools: Learn about people across all of Facebook's platforms
by gaining insights about their locations, interests, and behaviors with Audience
Insights. This will allow you to create messages that will assist in the expansion
of your company. Facebook Audience Insights provides you with aggregate
information about two groups of people: people connected to your Page and
people on Facebook. With this information, you are able to create content that
resonates and easily find more people who are similar to those who are already
in your audience. Ads Manager includes a tool called Audience Insights for users
to make use of. Learn about holiday shopping trends in more than 25 different
markets with the Holiday Season Insights report. Insights to Go allows users to
filter, search for, download, and share the most recent statistics. You can sort
the insights by region, industry, audience, cultural moment, and campaign
planning tactics such as platform, channel, creative format, and measurement
by using filters or the search bar.


Ad Delivery

Facebook provides users with a wide variety of options for displaying

advertisements. Through the use of an auction system, we choose which
advertisements get displayed. It does so by utilizing a robust algorithm that
increases the value of each impression that is displayed. The following is a list of
the three parts that make up the delivery system:

Publicity sale: During an advertising auction, the ads that have been selected for
your audience are ranked, and we look for the one that is most likely to maximize
value for both the people and the advertisers. When participating in an auction,
the ads are ranked according to their total value, and the individual whose ad
has the highest total value is the winner of the auction.

The following three components contribute to the total value:

Maximizing Advertiser Value. Optimizing Consumer Experience. Total value

equals advertiser bid multiplied by estimated action rates plus user value.

Advertiser bid: The amount that you bid for an advertisement. Action rates that
are estimated: How likely it is that a person seeing your advertisement will result
in the outcome you want them to have:

What are the estimated rates of action? an ad that is optimized for clicks An ad
that is optimized for conversions based on clickthroughs (Price paid per click)
multiplied by (estimated click-through rate) plus (User value) (Ask price per
conversion) multiplied by (estimated click-through rate) multiplied by
(estimated click–to–conversion rate) plus (User value)

 = Total Value \s= Total Value

 User value refers to the quality of the advertisement as well as how relevant it
is to the person who has chosen it. The quality of an advertisement is derived
from a variety of different sources, such as the responses of people who view or
hide the advertisement, as well as evaluations of clickbait, engagement bait, and
other poor user experiences.

Think about the experience that users have when they land on your website and
try to avoid the following: a misleading transition from the advertisement to the
landing page; a disproportionate number of ads in relation to the content;
content that is sexually suggestive or shocking; pages that contain malicious or
deceptive advertisements; the use of pop-up or interstitial advertisements.

A method of pacing: Pacing is our system for optimizing your budget so that we
spend it as evenly as possible over the lifetime of your ad set. This prevents us
from blowing through your budget too quickly on ineffective results. Pacing
allows us the flexibility to assist you in achieving the best possible results for
your goals by enabling us to modify the two components that comprise our
pacing system: The aspect of pacing known as "bid pacing," in which we adjust
your bid or choose which auctions to enter based on how much of both your
budget and your time is still available for your ad set.

Budget pacing refers to the aspect of pacing in which we may increase the
amount of budget that we spend if there is an opportunity to get a large number
of optimization events with costs that are aligned with your bid strategy.

Various options for fees

One of the advertiser's controls that you are able to adjust when you are
creating an ad set is "when you get charged," also known as your charge choice.
Your selection of a charge lets us know what and when you will pay for your
advertisement, as well as the categories of events that you would like your
budget to support financially. The choices available to you are determined by
the objective that you have selected. You have the option of changing your
charge choice, despite the fact that doing so is not generally recommended;
however, if there is a particular reason why you want to be charged on a CPC,
you do have the ability to do so. You will incur costs whenever one of your many
optimization goals is reached because of this (known as an impression). You are
also given the option to pick between impressions and actions with certain
optimization goals (such as link clicks, views o installs).

Note: If you choose certain campaign objectives or if you create a new ad

account, you might not have any other charging option available to you besides
impressions. Before you are allowed to choose another charge option, we
require that you spend at least ten dollars (US) on impressions. This is done to
maintain the reliability of new advertising accounts.

Bid strategies

There are four different bid strategies available to choose from, in addition to
the option to forego entering a cost control: Lowest cost: If you want to spend
as much of your budget as possible without having to worry about keeping costs
within a certain range, the strategy with the lowest cost bid should be the one
you choose. You don't have a specific cost threshold to meet when you use the
lowest-cost bidding strategy; instead, you put more emphasis on spending
budget than cost control.

The strategy of seeking the lowest possible cost could result in greater price
variation. For instance, if there is less competition at auctions, prices might fall
as a result. If there is more competition at the auction, the prices might go up.
We are going to make every effort to get you the greatest number of results that
are relevant to your ad set.
Cost limit: If you want to maximize your cost-efficiency but have to keep your
costs within a certain range, the cost limit bid strategy is the one you should go
with. With the help of this bid strategy, you are able to give us the cost of the
results that are important to you. This may make it possible for us to accomplish
the highest possible number of conversions. Your estimate of the cost serves as
a benchmark against which we compare our efforts to locate activities with the
fewest expenses.

Target cost: If you want to maintain stable cost per result as your spend
increases and you are willing to trade cost efficiency for cost stability, the
target-cost bid strategy is the one you should choose to use as your bid
strategy. Even if you increase your spending limit, using this bid strategy will
bring your stable average cost (over the lifetime of your ad set) to a level that is
as close to your cost target as it is possible to get. In order to preserve this
equilibrium, we might occasionally choose more expensive results over ones
that are available at a lower cost. We advise going with the target-cost bid
strategy if maintaining consistent average costs is a higher priority for your
business. The cost-cap bid strategy is one that we recommend using if you are
less concerned about maintaining stable average costs and more concerned
about obtaining events with lower costs.

Choose the bid-cap bid strategy if you want to set a maximum bid across
auctions. This will limit what we bid in each individual auction and allow us to
communicate with the greatest number of people possible at that price. This
bidding strategy aims to achieve the greatest possible volume for a given
maximum bid, which, in turn, can help advertisers compete more effectively
with those who target audiences that are similar to their own. We advise going
with the cost-cap bid strategy if you are interested in controlling the cost of the
actual results.


Target Cost Bid Cap with the Lowest Possible Cost Cap Ideal for maximizing
spending within a given budget; locating opportunities with the lowest possible
price Best for maximizing cost-effectiveness and getting the most volume
possible while staying within your acceptable CPA/CPI range. The most effective
method for ensuring cost stability is Optimal for Maintaining order during the
bidding process in an auction

Things to think about include: Whether or not you are willing to sacrifice cost
control in exchange for opportunities with a lower spending budget or lower
costs overall. Things to consider: Costs might go up as the budget goes up
Things to consider: Costs might stay the same as the budget goes up, which
means you might have to forego inexpensive results You're willing to trade cost-
effectiveness for cost stability Things to think about include the following: The
bid is different from the cost per result – the bid isn't what you will see in
reporting. It's possible that the full budget won't be spent.

Pacing is a tool that Facebook uses to ensure that your in-auction bid is in line
with the bid strategy you've selected. By "discounting" your bid at the
appropriate times, the pacing is what enables us to squeeze the most value out
of your financial resources. The system will automatically adjust your bid during
the auction so that it is in line with the strategy you have selected. As a
consequence of this, you have the ability to increase or decrease your bid on a
per-auction basis, as well as choose which auctions to participate in and which
ones to pass up. You might decide to adjust your bid strategy based on what you
consider to be the most important factors. Use the lowest-cost bidding method
if obtaining volume is the primary focus of your business. Utilize a system for
controlling costs such as the lowest cost with a bid cap or cost cap if you want
to protect yourself from spiraling expenditures. 

Control lies with the advertiser. The advertiser-set controls are the inputs that
can be changed by the advertiser to help improve the performance of the
advertisement. Our auction and pacing systems are both guided by these
options as well. You will be able to adjust the potential reach and spending if
you make changes to the advertiser controls that you have opted into, which
may have an effect on the costs that are incurred. There are many different
advertiser control adjustments that can be made in order to optimize the
performance of your

campaign. Modifications are able to be made to yours. Charge choice: At this

time, you have the ability to select this option to determine when and how you
would like to be billed (either by CPC or CPM). Changing your charge choice is
generally not recommended unless there is a specific reason why you want to
be charged on a CPC. In this case, changing your charge choice would be

Placement: You have the option of enabling the system to deliver your
advertisement across all available placements (referred to as automatic
placements), or you can manually select the placements where your
advertisement is eligible to appear (edit placement). You need to make yourself
available for as many placements as you feel comfortable doing so. We strongly
suggest that you go with the automatic placement option due to the fact that
the more placements you enable, the more inventory you'll have access to,
which in most cases contributes to reduced expenses and a greater number of
outcomes for your budget.

 Targeting: You have the ability to change your targeting as you seek out new
audiences to reach or as you seek to alter the people you are reaching in a more
general sense. You can also choose to broaden or confine your target
demographic in order to zero in on the people who constitute the most vital
part of your business. It is not recommended that you restrict your target
audience any further than is required for your company because doing so would
limit the opportunities for reaching those customers. In addition, if you have a
high percentage of reach against your audience, it may be important to broaden
the audience that your Facebook ads are directed toward in order to continue to
find success with them.

Budget: You are able to modify your budgets based on how well your campaign
is doing or if you have additional budgets to spend on Facebook if either of
these situations applies to you. Because doing so prompts the system to re-
enter the learning phase, which can result in price instability, we do not advise
that you make frequent changes to the budgets for your campaigns.

 Scheduling: You are able to exercise control over the reach and frequency of
your advertisement's delivery through the controls. There are three options
available for delivery when it comes to reaching and frequency of

• Delivery at the Normal Rate • Delivery at an Accelerated

Rate • Day-Parting

Standard delivery: You are able to serve your advertisements in a predictable

manner by using standard ad delivery, which takes into account both reach and
frequency. Standard delivery makes use of our pacing systems to make
predictions regarding how the campaign will be delivered over the period of
time specified by the ads. delivery on the timetable When utilizing a lifetime
budget, scheduled ad delivery, which is also known as "dayparting," gives you
the ability to serve your advertisements on particular dates and/or at particular
times of the day. If you make use of this spending option, it will be easier for you
to display your advertisement to the appropriate audience at the optimal time,
taking into account the objectives of your campaign. You might also want to
choose dayparting in order to avoid having your advertisement delivered on a
particular period of time during the day or day of the week that will provide
little to no value for your campaign. The following are some scenarios in which
you might opt to use dayparting: You do not conduct business during particular
times of the day or on particular days of the week. You are about to release a
product, like a breakfast sandwich, which is typically purchased during a
specific period of the day or on a particular day of the week. You are selling
merchandise for a television show, and you want your advertisements to appear
immediately after the show has finished airing.

Sequenced delivery: You are able to serve your advertisements in a particular

order or sequence when you utilize sequenced ad delivery for reach and
frequency. You start by providing a predetermined number of creative assets,
and then you specify the order in which you want people to view them. For
instance, if you create three advertisements (ad A, B, and ad C) with three
distinct creative assets, you have the option of showing ad A the first time
someone sees your advertisement, ad B the second time, and ad C as the final
time someone sees your advertisement. This is referred to as the order of
impressions. This gives you the ability to control the sequence in which your
advertisements are displayed to people.


You will determine a budget for each individual advertisement. If your ads are
configured for accelerated delivery, we will not attempt to spend your budget in
an even manner throughout the duration of the time they are running if your
budget has already been established. You have the option of using either a daily
budget or a lifetime budget when you use an auction. Because the daily budget
setting is the default for every campaign, make sure that your settings are up to
date by selecting the appropriate option.

Choose the budget alternative from the menu. When you choose your budget
using campaign-level budgets, you will have the opportunity to select your
budget at the campaign level. You can select your budget for the ad set level if
your campaign is not using budgets at the campaign level. It is possible to go
over your spending limit if you do not adjust your budget settings to the
appropriate option.

Optimization of the advertising campaign's budget: At the campaign level, you

have the option to perform campaign budget optimization, also known as CBO.
With CBO, advertisers are able to set one central campaign budget to optimize
across ad sets and continuously distribute the budget to the best-performing ad
sets in real time. CBO also allows advertisers to set a budget for each individual
ad set. According to the optimization goal, bid strategy, and bid amount,
Facebook's optimization system will work to determine the most effective way
to distribute this budget across the various ad sets and ads that are available.
CBO is available to assist with any
The objective of the campaign works very well for campaigns that have several
different ad sets. We strongly suggest incorporating this tool into each and
every one of your campaigns. Among the benefits are the following: the ability
to spend money effectively across all audiences; reduced time spent managing
campaigns; simplified campaign management; and the elimination of duplicate

The gold standard for CBOs: Only use the ad set spend limits when absolutely
necessary, or not at all. You have the option of putting a limit on the amount of
money that your ad set can spend by using a setting known as ad set spend
limits. The more of your budget that is dedicated to particular ad sets, the less
flexibility our delivery system has to maximize the effectiveness of your
campaign budget.

Be aware that the maximum number of ad sets that can be used in a campaign
that utilizes CBO is 200. However, campaigns that contain more than 70 ad sets
will have their editing functionality severely restricted. It is considered "best
practice" to have fewer than 70 different ad sets.

Check to see that every ad set in your campaign can be delivered successfully.
When an ad set isn't delivering, there are no opportunities for it to produce
results because it isn't being seen. Because of this, we will not be able to
allocate a budget to it. CBO functions most effectively when all ad sets within a
campaign are permitted to spend the entire budget, but we are given the
opportunity to select only the most successful outcomes from each ad set. You
can try increasing your bid caps or target costs (if it is possible and applicable),
making adjustments to your targeting and creative, or switching to a more
common optimization event if any of your ad sets aren't delivering the results
you want. Avoid pausing ad sets. Putting an ad set with a low delivery rate on
hold today could make it more difficult for CBOs to find opportunities

Evaluation of performance should ideally be done at the level of the campaign.

When evaluated at the level of the ad set, the breakdown effect may be
produced. We do not recommend that you make use of CBO if you have
predetermined spending goals for each ad set and do not wish to have any
wiggle room between them. Note: If you choose to use CBO, you will not be able
to use accelerated delivery or run advertisements according to a schedule (as
opposed to running ads all the time, as determined by your "Ad Scheduling"
choice in ad set creation). The daily results are estimated.
Facebook is able to make estimates, provided that there is sufficient data
available, regarding the number of people who will be reached and/or the
number of results that can be obtained (if you spend your full budget). When
you are creating or editing an ad set, you will be able to view these estimations
under the headings "estimated daily reach" and "estimated daily results."

You are able to make more informed decisions regarding delivery control with
the help of estimated daily results by: estimating results such as website
conversions; setting realistic expectations for results; understanding the daily
impact of changes to the budget, bid, targeting, and placement; and setting
realistic expectations for results. What factors go into determining the daily
estimated results?

• Your financial plan • Your offer • Information regarding

your previous work performance • Data regarding the market •

The traits shared by members of your ideal customers Impacts on the

campaign's budget There are numerous facets of your business and campaign
that have the potential to have an effect on your budget. The following are some
factors that may have an impact on your financial plan: Targeting: Showing your
advertisements to people who are relevant to your interests is made possible
through the use of audience targeting. The size of the audience you want to
attract will likely have some bearing on how much you spend. For instance, if
you want your campaign to be seen by millions of people, it is highly likely that
you will need a sizeable budget to match that ambition. However, if you want to
communicate with more individuals within the confines of a predetermined
audience, you do not need to expand the size of the audience in proportion to
the increase in your budget. In this scenario, it's possible that we will need to
spend more money in order to get incremental results, as it becomes
incrementally more expensive to reach a higher percentage of your overall
audience. This is because reaching a higher percentage of your audience costs
more money. The KPIs and goals of the company: Your budget may be affected
in some way by the metrics and goals of your business. When determining the
budget for your campaign, it is essential to keep in mind the objectives of your
company and to adjust the budget in accordance with those objectives. We
strongly suggest that you establish a minimum weekly budget that is 50 times
the value of your KPI. Your budget, in an ideal world, would be significantly
higher. Our systems will function more effectively in order to deliver your
advertisements to the appropriate audience in proportion to the number of
outcomes we are able to obtain in relation to your campaign.

The Planner of the Campaign: Campaign Planner is a piece of software that

enables users to create, evaluate, discuss, and purchase media plans across
Facebook, Instagram, and the Audience Network. You have the ability to create
and save predictions regarding reach and frequency with Campaign Planner. In
order to find the optimal parameters for your campaign, you should first create
multiple iterations of the plan and then compare these iterations to one
another. You can share your plans via email, a preview link, or in a.csv file
format, among other available options. You can do so in the revamped Ads
Manager by purchasing a plan.

Campaign Planner provides a number of charts that, when compared to one

another, provide insight into the various iterations of a media plan. The
following kinds of charts can be found in your Campaign Planer: Reach and
budget: This section provides information regarding the number and percentage
of your total audience that is predicted to be reached as well as your financial
allocation for the campaign. By dragging the marker on the chart, you can
determine what percentage of your audience you will be able to reach based on
the amount of money you have available. Frequency per person: This feature
provides you with information regarding the percentage of individuals who are
forecasted to view your advertisement a predetermined amount of times.
Spend per day displays information regarding the estimated amount of money
that you will spend on a daily basis in order to run the campaign.

Placement distribution: This feature provides you with information regarding

the predicted percentage of people who will view your advertisement based on
its placement. You can present a number of different campaign options to
clients and make a recommendation regarding a budget by using the
information that is contained within these charts. For instance, you can
recommend a campaign budget by looking at the size of your audience, and
then you can begin to estimate how far your message will travel from there.

Creative Strategy
Advertising layouts and positions. Your company's primary objective as well as
the kinds of high-quality assets at your disposal should guide your choice of
advertisement format. There are six primary types of advertisements:

 Single image Single video

Carousel Slideshow Collection Instant \sExperience

Single image

The majority of advertising placements can make use of a single-image ad. It is

essential to keep in mind that text on the actual image could prevent your
advertisement from delivering as intended or could negatively affect its
performance even if it does deliver as intended. Whenever it's possible, always
keep the text in the description.

Single video

You can prompt action from the video if you use it in conjunction with the
appropriate targeting, optimization, and call–to–action, which makes it an
effective medium for your advertisements. You can use a variety of different ad
objectives when creating video ads on Facebook.


You are able to display multiple images or videos in a carousel format, and they
move horizontally from left to right. This format works well for telling stories as
well as displaying videos and images of your brand's products, apps, or services.
Carousel ads offer a versatile method of advertising your products, services,
apps, or promotions without requiring you to create multiple ads individually.


You can create an advertisement out of still images, and it will function exactly
like a video when it is viewed. Slideshow advertisements offer an alternative to
video production that comes at a lower cost because they allow you to give
motion to static assets. You can grab people's attention and tell a story by
combining a number of different images (or videos), as well as text and sound.
Slideshow advertisements will play in the same way as videos on Facebook and
Instagram when viewed on mobile devices, tablets, and desktop computers. The
collection combines a video or photo with four different images of the
corresponding product. When users click on this advertisement, they are taken
to a mobile-optimized experience that is full-screen and loads within the
Facebook app. This experience showcases multiple products. Instant Experience
Instant Experience gives you the ability to add a full-screen experience to any
advertisement format. When a user taps on an advertisement while using
Facebook or Instagram, the user is taken to a landing page known as Instant
Experience, which loads in an instant.
Because Instant Experiences are native to the platform, their loading times are
significantly lower than those of an external website. Formats and placements in
accordance with the aims of the campaign As was mentioned earlier, it is
important that the objective of the campaign, you choose aligns with the goals
of your overall business. However, it is essential to keep in mind that the
objective of the campaign you select will also determine the placements and ad
formats that are available to you.

The following is a list of the various ad formats and placements that are
available for each goal:

Available Placements Available Ad Formats. Instant Experience Instant

Experience Facebook Instagram. Messenger Audience Network Single Image
Single Video Carousel Slideshow.Collection. Advertisement Goals. Brand

Reach •

Traffic •


App Installs •

Video Views

Generation of Leads



Catalog Sales

Take note that you have the option to create slideshow ads whenever you
choose a single image or video format.

Innovative and Dynamic By taking multiple ad components (such as images,

videos, titles, descriptions, and calls to action) and automatically generating
combinations of these assets across audiences, dynamic creative locates ad
creative combinations that are optimized for the best performance. After that,
the delivery system will optimize the creative components in order to produce
the most effective results possible for each impression that is served. Ads that
are dynamically created will work to serve your audience the creative
combinations that are most likely to perform well. Advertisers who have many
assets and who want to learn what kind of creative resonates with different
audiences will benefit greatly from using dynamic creative. However, this does
not replace the need for split testing in any way. The dynamic creative process
offers a variety of advantages. It helps improve ad performance, saves time
during the creation process, and encourages advertisers to experiment with new
creative ideas.

Best practices in creative production: In product and lifestyle contexts, having

creative images with one focal point rather than many can have a positive
impact on lower funnel attributes such as purchase intent or attributed view
content events. In a similar vein, employing images of a context type that only
features one focal point can positively affect brand awareness.

Take advantage of video because it can prompt both brand and direct response
outcomes. The videos that are used in advertisements these days are
interactive, shorter, and mobile. Videos, when paired with the appropriate
targeting, optimization, and call-to-action, have the ability to prompt action,
which makes it a more functional medium for direct response than it has been in
the past. Videos can prompt action.

Ads on videos should be optimized for viewing on mobile devices: On the basis
of how people view content on mobile devices, we recommend the following:
Creating short videos (at least 15 seconds long); Capturing attention quickly;
Incorporating the brand early; Designing for sound-off experiences; Building for
vertical viewing; Incorporating the brand early; Incorporating the brand early;
Incorporating the brand early;1Moving images and still images complement one
another more effectively. When compared to campaigns that only use static
images, the conversion lift outcomes of direct response campaigns that
combine video and static image ads are significantly higher. This suggests that
the two formats might complement one another in terms of the messaging they
convey and/or attract different audiences.

Mobile advertisers can use information and insights to fuel their marketing
strategies by optimizing their creative work, which can help improve their
results. Testing different versions of your creative can assist you in optimizing
your campaign and can have a significant bearing on how well it does.
Additionally, optimization can assist in warding off creative burnout. The
performance of your advertisements can suffer from creative fatigue if they are
shown too frequently. If you are concerned that the originality of your
advertising might be fading: a reduction in CTR in proportion to an increase in
frequency b) an increase in CPA in proportion to a reduction in CTR
Measurement And Reporting
 Tools for taking measurements

 Utilizing a standard that is based on people, which our measurement tools

provide, you are able to measure and compare the results. In most cases,
advertisers rely on what are known as proxy metrics. Some examples of proxy
metrics include GRP ratings for television ads and click-through rates for digital
advertisements. Indirect and approximative measurements are known as proxy
metrics. In situations where direct, concrete information cannot be obtained,
proxy metrics are utilized.

While it is possible to use these metrics to register a real-world outcome, they

are unable to count significant business outcomes such as actual sales or brand
lift. In a similar vein, reporting that is based on cookies can skew the results,
isn't always cost-effective, and doesn't always capture the entire customer

We can measure an individual's activity across all of their devices, regardless of

the number of devices they use, and still consider them to be a single person
when doing so thanks to solutions that are based on people. You can measure
the effectiveness of your advertisement by using the following tools that
Facebook provides: Reporting on Ads: Measure the outcomes of ads and their
metrics. Brand Lift: This refers to the incremental impact that your
advertisement has on the way that people view your brand.

Conversion Lift: This refers to the process of measuring the additional impact
that your advertisement has on the results of sales.

Split Testing: Measure each variable of your advertisement in its own right to
determine how best to improve its performance. Measure the effectiveness of
your advertisements in relation to a variety of channels, publishers, and devices
using attribution.

Monitor Your Metrics

Determine the appropriate metrics to record in order to accurately measure the

outcomes that are important to your company. The following list of questions
will assist you in better comprehending the measurement requirements that
you have:

What key performance indicators (KPIs) am I currently tracking? Is the progress

of my business being tracked by my current metrics, or are they just proxies? Is
there a correlation between the proxies and the actual outcomes of the
business? Am I optimizing in a way that moves me closer to my real business
goal? Which data sources are providing the foundation for my success metrics?
Is the configuration of my campaign ready for testing? Reporting on Facebook
Advertisements Examining the reporting for your Facebook ads, which can be
accessed through Ads Manager, is one method for determining how well your
advertisement is performing.

Use reporting to see if your ads are helping you meet your business goals in real
time. Set up a Facebook pixel and/or SDK so that you can use Facebook ads
reporting to see: \s· How many conversions have happened \s· The cost per
conversion \s· The overall value of your conversions You can choose to display
metrics for all of your campaigns, ad sets or ads in table format.

The Results column shows you the number of outcomes for the
objective/optimization you've selected. You can use it to compare the
performance among similar campaigns and identify areas of opportunity to get
better results.

 You can also select metrics for predefined reports or customize your metrics to
display the particular columns you want from the Columns drop-down: To
display columns for pre-defined reports, select from the options such as
Performance, Delivery and Engagement. \s· To display customized columns,
click the Customize Columns option and select or remove your columns from
the \spop-up window. Additionally, you can segment your information using the
breakdown drop-down to display the age of your audience, where they are
viewing your ads, what devices they are using, and more.

You can use your reporting results to understand how your ads are doing mid-
campaign. If your campaign isn't meeting your business goals, adjust your
advertiser controls such as targeting, frequency and placement to direct your
campaign accordingly. Remember that, although they're not required for the
measurement of some objectives, you need the pixel and/or SDK implemented
to be able to measure online conversions. It’s a good idea to implement these
data sources so you can use the information collected to see how your
customers are moving through your purchase funnel as well as across devices.

Brand Lift

Brand Lift helps you measure the impact of your advertising on consumer
attitudes toward your brand. The Brand Lift methodology randomizes your
audience into test (exposed) and control (not exposed) groups with similar
characteristics. We then show the test group your Facebook ads, but don't show
your control group any of your Facebook ads. Next, we deliver a poll that
contains questions you chose to evaluate the impact on brand metrics. You can
use Brand Lift to Understand how well your campaign resonates with your

See how your campaign performs against the norms for campaigns in your
industry and your region. See the demographic breakdowns (age, gender, TV
viewership groups, and video play durations) that cause the highest lift. For
managed brand lift studies, you must work with a Facebook Account Team to set
up the tests. Note: Managed brand lift tests can be single- or multi-cell.

Test and Learn for Brand Lift

The Test and Learn brand lift study uses the same methodologies as the
managed brand lift study but, with Test and Learn, you can create them yourself
in the Test and Learn tool in Ads Manager. There are two Test and Learn options
for brand lift: How much impact is my campaign having on brand perception·
How much impact are all my Facebook ads having on brand perception?

Currently, Test and Learn for brand lift studies is limited to US English only as
you can’t get your poll questions translated. Visit the Test and Learn Guide:
Brand Lift Test Best Practices page to learn more about Test and Learn brand lift
best practices. Note: Test and Learn brand lifts can only be single-cell.

 Conversion Lift

Conversion Lift, which uses test and control groups, can help you measure your
return on investment by evaluating the true business value associated with your
campaign. You can accomplish this by working with your Facebook Sales
Representative and in Ads Manager. Conversion lift studies can include single-
cell or multi-cell tests, which help you see the value Facebook is providing your
business and compare different strategies. A conversion lift study can be set up
with one or more exposed groups: A study with a single exposed group (single
cell) can show you how advertising on Facebook may lead to additional
business. For example, if you run a conversion lift study on your next campaign,
you should be able to find out whether or not your ads resulted in more
conversions than if you didn’t run your ads. A study with multiple exposed
groups (multi-cell) can help you compare different strategies and determine
what advertising approach works best for your audience. After the study is
complete you can go to your Test and Learn tool to see metrics such as:

The cost per incremental conversion and

cost per incremental converter. The demographic breakdown of conversions
(the desired action) and cost per incremental conversion

Optimize measurement

To help get you the best results possible, leverage Facebook’s split testing
solution for an optimization. Split Testing, also known as A/B testing, lets you
test different versions of your ads across multiple devices, so you can see what
works best and improve future campaigns. Split Testing divides your audience
into random, non-overlapping groups. Facebook will duplicate your ads and only
change the one variable \ that you choose, which is the difference between each
ad set being tested. The cost per result of each ad set is calculated and
compared and the ad set with the lowest cost per result, such as cost per
website purchase, wins. After the test is complete, you will get a notification and
email with the results. There are three self-serve ways to create your split test in
Ads Manager:

Guided Creation: Where you're provided with step-by-step instructions to assist

you in creating a split test. Your ads will be ready to run once you've completed
the workflow. Quick Creation: Where you create the structure for a splitter that
you can finalize later. Duplication: Where you add a new ad set or ad to turn an
existing campaign into a split test campaign. Note: While split testing creates
random, non-overlapping groups, it does not create a corresponding control
group (unexposed) (unexposed). Lift studies, on the other hand, create random,
non-overlapping groups and control groups.

Optimization best practices.

Use split testing, conversion lift, and/or brand lift to evaluate if your campaign is
performing optimally. It's also a good practice to determine which elements \ of
your campaign are generating more incremental results and optimize towards
those elements. You can use what you learn to inform your current and \ future

Determine effectiveness

Facebook’s attribution tool can help you determine how

Facebook fits into your media mix across different publishers,

mediums/channels, and devices. The attribution process assigns credit to
touchpoints (clicks or views leading to the desired action) along a consumer’s
conversion path. You can better measure the effectiveness of your ads by
understanding which of your ads should get credit for conversions, such as
making a purchase. You can select from different attribution models to
distribute different amounts of credit for conversions across your ads. They can
be built on a rule-based model or a statistical model.

Rule-based attribution models

Rule-based attribution models are ones that allow you to select the rule that
will determine how conversions should be attributed to different touchpoints.
Examples of rule-based models include \s· Single-touch models: Give credit to
only one touchpoint. Multi-touch models: Give credit to multiple touchpoints in
the consumer's conversion path Statistical attribution models. Statistical
attribution models are ones that allow you to look at historical information to
determine credit and vary depending on your business.

Attribution windows: The attribution window is the timespan of when a person

viewed or clicked your ad and subsequently took an action. Attribution windows
allow you to specify which touchpoints you want the attribution model to
consider and when to consider them. The window you select will determine
what touchpoints the model will credit with conversion. By default, Facebook
Attribution will select a last-touch model with a one-day impression and a 28-
day Click window. You should explore different attribution windows to see how
changing them impacts the number of conversions reported. Visit the Facebook
Attribution page to get started.

Note: You must already be using Business Manager to use

Facebook Attribution.

Attribution best practices: Use Facebook Attribution to look at Facebook

advertising and media, as well as the broader media ecosystem to see how each
media partner/channel compares to the others.

Facebook Marketing Partners

Facebook Marketing Partners (FMPs) are vetted top-tier companies that build
their product and value-added service on Facebook. Partner Directory. As an
alternative to the measurement solutions already covered (first-party
solutions), you can seek the assistance of FMPs (third-party solutions) so that
you can measure your campaign performance. For example, Attribution Partners
can help you with assigning credit to touchpoints and helps you model
effectiveness across partners and channels. Our goal is to recommend the best
solution for each advertiser's needs, regardless of whether it's a first-party or
third-party solution.


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