Development Economics

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Part III under constitution talk about the justice, liberty, equity and fraternity of
the human life stand, whereas the Scheduled Caste have faced caste hierarchy
and the age long suppression by the higher caste thus becoming a part of the
depressed sections of the Hindus. This research mainly focused on problems
faced by sc’s and st’s, on other hand focusing on change in traditional practice
culture, and lifestyle, reservation system and development.

In ancient time India’s caste system is divided hindus on the basis of karma and
I) Brahmins (priests and teacher)
II) Kshatriyas (warriors and rulers)
III) Vaishyas (farmers, traders and
IV) Shudras (labourers)
V) Dalits (outcastes, street sweepers)
But today it stands largely on the basis of religion and further on caste into hindu
and muslim , schedule caste, schedule tribe , and other backward classes
The SC's and the ST's have been those parts of the Indian culture that have, after
some time been not able adapt to the progressions and modernization of the
societal request. Some have been injured by the weight of the general chain of
importance of the Indian culture while regardless others keep on following their
customary traditions with little changes from antiquated time. On one hand, while
the administration keeps on assuming its part in their advancement by the
methods for reservation, they restrain the motivation behind grouping of the
sensibility of reservation and the arrangements following the guideline of
'Regulation of Sensible Order'


Globalization means intregation of worlds economy as whole, In the Indian
situation, where clans keep on populating the mineral and characteristic asset rich
territories of the field of the nation, a noteworthy danger remains in a critical
state as the uncommon campaigning represents a hazard to the adjustment of
administrative arrangements for extensive scale modern association. It brings into
question the statutes like Backwoods Act, Nature insurance Act and the Land
Securing Go about as they are danger on account of modern campaigning
confronting weakening, revoking or alteration. The infringement of the Fifth
calendar has been an impending danger to the clans of India, it infringement in
Andhra Pradesh by the methods for numbness of the Land Exchange Control Act
by giving mining leases in booked zones to privately owned businesses,
demonstrates the unwinding of the legislative offices in territories of assurance of
their rights In furtherance to the unjust allocation of tribal land into private hands,
the privatization of the profit making Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) like
BALCO11has not only resulted in major displacement of the indigenous tribal
population from their natural habitat but also the loss of their employment
opportunities at the hand of capital incentive private companies has become a big
issue. Furthermore the new displacement policies for the growth of infrastructure
continue to disturb the natural order of life. As a result the tribal ended up as
wrecked remains of the globalised policies unable to access the resources which
were their life sustaining forces or to compete with the mainstream society to be
absorbed into alternate economies.In the case of the Scheduled Caste, the
evident unavailability of education and employable skills resulted in the gradual
fall in employment for the lower caste as they constituted the technologically
backward class of the society. With large companies took over the market, the
requirement for technically advanced jobs increased thus crippling the poorly
skilled backward class. In a position and caste-based hierarchical reviewed social
setup where lower societal position and monetary backwardness is by all
accounts coterminous, social status assumes a critical part in deciding one’s
financial status. Globalization further exasperates this horrible interrelationship
amongst social and financial backwardness. The rationale of financial globalization
supports the rich, who can contribute and increase capital. The favoured rich are
for the most part found among the purported conventional ‘Upper Class’.


The NGOs may create awareness among the Tribals by demonstrating the
conservation and preservation of the medical plants. They may use the audio-
visual aids for creating a lasting impression and campaign for ensuring the
promotion of herbal plants in kitchen-garden and nurseries. Sharing of knowledge
in workshops is also recommended where both NGO professionals and tribal
counterparts would participate. The NGOs should encourage tribal youths to take
up the tradition of practitioners of tribal medicine as livelihood option and
encourage in research and development of their practice. There is a global
dimension of this problem as well. International agencies and multinationals often
pirate the age old knowledge of the Tribals for preparing drugs. Documentation of
tribal knowledge becomes an urgent necessity in this case. The NGOs coupled
with the Gram Panchayat can play a significant role in it. They can prepare a
community register where such knowledge can be documented in the local
language. They must be legally made aware of their traditional rights and move in
the direction of preserving their knowledge under the auspices of Intellectual
Property Right. However, there are certain grey areas in the functioning of the
NGOs but they cannot be used to overlook the participation and contribution of
the organizations like these. It is an undeniable fact that despite certain
drawbacks NGO’s have emerged as watchdogs of the rights of depressed class
and a “Universal Third Force” which has rendered Governments more
accountable and inclined towards the upliftment of the same.

Womens right
The discrimination against women runs deep and manifests itself in subtle but far-
reaching ways. Today only 10% of our Parliament comprises of women is
testimony in itself. If after 60 years of independence, we live in a system where
women find it so difficult to get equal chances as men, then its only imaginable
how the already downtrodden castes cope up with the misery. These
differentiations based on social taboo and the manifestation of a patriarchal
society with special inclination towards a male child have left the weaker gender
further weakened with special need for protection in general.

On one hand while women face inequality with special protection granted to
them under Article 15(4),16the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe women
continue to face the inequality within the gender sect. The high rate of daily wage
labourers being lower than national average income is a clear depiction of their
plight. While SC’s and ST’s continue to sustain with a minimal income of Rs 34 to
Rs. 37 as against the national average of Rs. 42, non-ST/SC earn upto Rs. 5617.
Defying Article 38 (2),18and 39(d),19of the Indian constitution, these statistics
prove that the condition of women belonging to ST and SC community have not
been improvised under the law.

Caste system in India is undergoing changes due to progress in education,
technology, modernization and changes in general social outlook. In spite of
general improvement in conditions of the lower castes, India has still a long way
to go, to root out the evils of the caste system from the society.
The reservation shall be made applicable to all the public sector undertakings,
banks and private undertakings receiving grants from the central and state
governments, universities and colleges.

Government should make provisions for the implementation of the same23.

These principles were to apply equally to educational institutions and jobs. The
motive behind the provision for reservation was never to provide extra benefits
to the individuals; the sole motive behind the provision was to give a push to the
socially incapable to make them reach the same level as the rest of the

While many continue to argue that reservation as a policy completely violative of

the principle of equality as it provides undue benefit to some classes while
depriving the other, more deserving people, from the above analysis of the
present condition of the SC’s and ST’s it is evident that the policies in favour of
them need rigorous implementation. The enactment and implementation of
statutes to prevent atrocities against the ST’s and SC’s remain a farfetched idea
with the requirement for a procedural law remaining a dire need. A procedure
established by law would ensure a better protection on their rights, as was laid
down in the case of Maneka Gandhi vs. Union of India 24 thus recognizing the
delivery of justice to the downtrodden and the aggrieved and insuring the in the
dynamic world with fast paced changes justice is reachable to the farthest hand.

 References including Website references 


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