Pitza Hatt Doc

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Launch Screen :

This will be the screen which launches once the app is launched. This will contain the logo
of the Hotel.
2. Home Screen :

This screen will display the banner with the special offers and grid view showing the
different types of main menu items available.
3. Home Screen showing the different categories of main menu items :

This will show the list of different available categories.

4. Left Menu Bar :

This screen will have the left menu bar which will show us the different list of menu items
using which we can navigate to different screens of the Application.
5. Food Sub Menu Page :

This page will show the list of sub menu items with the item image and product details and
the price.
6. Product Description Page :

This page shows the product description with product image and rate. This page has options
to select the Qty and Extra Toppings. Then user can add the product to cart.
7. Option to select Qty :

Option to select the quantity is provided in this page.

8. Select Toppings :

Page to select toppings. The list of toppings are shown in list view. User can select the
required topping and confirm the selection.
9. Cart :

This page would show the selected items in the cart with item count and cost per item as
well as total count. This page has an option to place the order.
10. Complete Order Page :

This page has option for the user to enter his details including name, mobile number
and address for the delivery. Once the user enters the details he can confirm the order by clicking
the complete order button.
11. Complete Order Page :

Complete order page with entered user details.

12. Complete Order Page :

Alert view showing the success message on completion of the order.

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