雅思写作题目2022 话题指导

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2022 年雅思写作题目

2022 年 1 月 8 日 task 1
The chart below shows the number of people employed in five types of work in one
region of Australia in 2001 and 2008 .

2022 年 1 月 8 日 task 2
Some people think that the best way to be successful in life is to get a university
education. Others disagree and say that nowadays, this is no longer true. Discuss both
these views and give your own opinions. 
In this knowledge-oriented society 知识为导向的社会, top priority has been given to
优先考虑 higher education due to its significance in one’s career prospects. Under
this circumstance, an absolute consensus can hardly be reached whether 无法达成
绝对共识 attending the university is the most suitable approach to achieve success
in life.
Some people harbor the belief that 认为 universities offer a wide variety of learning
opportunities. Academic activities such as listening to lectures, taking notes,
doing assignments and preparing for examinations not only provide students with
important specialized knowledge but also encourage hard work, self-discipline,
focus and enthusiasm for learning. These qualities help students to continue to
grasp new knowledge and skills even after leaving university, thus making them
more successful in their future careers.
However,others maintain that networking skills 发展关系网的能力 , resilience 面对挫
折 时 良 好 的 心 态 and entrepreneurial spirit 创 业 精 神 are more effective in guiding
people on the path of success. It has to be admitted that possessing knowledge
gained from universities alone is not sufficient enough to fight against
various setbacks and hardships 挫折和艰难 during the process of one’s business
startups 创业 , which only lays a solid foundation and paves the way 打下基础和做好
准备. The qualities mentioned above are of paramount importance in 具有至关重要的
作用  guaranteeing the success of individuals.
From my own perspective, higher education and comprehensive talents do not fall
into a conflict 不矛盾 , which should go hand in hand with each other 相辅相成 . To
be specific, apart from specialized knowledge needed for success, studying at
university also does a great job in 有助于  fostering students’ ability to think more
independently and critically because inventions and innovations today require the
courage to challenge conventional notions and the desire to figure out 理解 、 弄清
new and better solutions to problems. Meanwhile, higher education can make
students more socially competent through class discussions, seminars and group
assignments. In this case, students will become more open-minded and   tolerant 宽
容   towards opinions different from their own. These are essential qualities for
success in the increasingly teamwork-oriented and multicultural workplace.

例文 2 It is considered by some that being a university graduate is the key to securing a

good job, while there are others who think that it is better to have experience and soft
skills. In my opinion, I believe that having university education is essential for academic
jobs, while soft skills and experience are more useful in business.

On the one hand, many think it is easier for most people to find a good job if they
are university graduates with a good degree. In other words, having tertiary education
puts people one step ahead of others who do not and this can be the deciding factor in
getting a good job. The competition to get in to universities and the increasing number
of graduates show just how significant this level of education is for people's future work

On the other hand, having work experience and soft skills, such as leadership skills and
other interpersonal skills, can also throw the balance in favour of the applicant,
according to some. For many positions there are an overwhelming number of applicants
and, therefore, it is often thought that having relevant experience in that line of work or
having acquired useful soft skills that can be valuable to a company, can put one ahead
of the game when applying for a position.

Finally, in my opinion, whether needing high level education or skills and experience,
depends on the position being applied for. Take for example law, medicine or teaching.
It is impossible to be considered for a position without the required educational
background. In contrast, in business, it would be more important for a candidate to have
soft skills and experience in that line of business so they can step into a position
without further training and be of immediate benefit to the company.

In conclusion, getting a good job requires a relevant background either in experience or

education depending on the type of work and field. People should make sure they attain
the necessary skills or degrees before applying for a job in order to be sure of success.
2022 年 1 月 15 日 task 1
The charts below show the proportion of holidaymakers using four different types of
accommodation in three different years.

The pie charts illustrate four common types of accommodation that people chose when
on holiday in 1988, 1998, and 2008.

Overall, the most popular choice of accommodation when on holiday was to stay with
family, despite a downward trend over the twenty-year period. In contrast, while renting
apartments and staying in hotels became more popular over the years, camping became
less popular.

In 1988, 52% of people on holiday chose to stay with family. This figure rose to 54% ten
years later, though it dropped to 44% by 2008. Approximately a quarter of all holiday-
makers chose to camp when on holiday in 1988, but this became less and less popular
reaching 12% by 2008.

Staying in hotels and renting apartments were the least popular accommodation
choices among holiday-makers in 1988, at 15% and 7% respectively. These figures
gradually increased over the following twenty years, both reaching 22% by 2008.

2022 年 1 月 15 日 task 2 重复 2021 年 11 月 6 日

Many people use social media every day to get in touch with other people and news
events. Do you think the advantages of this way outweigh the disadvantages?
Over the past decade, social media use has skyrocketed and has become a
predominant method for people to communicate with others and learn about news
events. While there are numerous advantages associated with social media use, it
appears to me that the drawbacks it has brought are far greater.
One distinct benefit involved in the use of social media is that it can lead to increased
social interaction. Social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and WeChat allow
individuals to stay connected with their family and friends whom they would otherwise
not be able to connect with due to distance. Social media also allows a person to find
others that share his or her interests and develop new friendships. The educational
value is another advantage of using social media. Live lectures and meetings are
becoming a possibility thanks to social media. For example, people can attend lectures
and meetings occurring in Canada while sitting in China.

Despite having such advantages, social media has also garnered concern among
policymakers, teachers, parents and clinicians about social media’s negative impacts.
First, social media can exert a detrimental impact on people’s mental health and well-
being. For instance, social media use has been linked to cyberbullying and addiction,
which can cause anxiety, depression and other stress-related disorders. Moreover,
social media is a conduit for accessing inappropriate content ranging from violent
images, pornography to racist, sexist or religious-based hate content. Second, the risks
of social media to people’s physical health cannot be neglected, either. Such risks in
general include obesity, likely driven by sedentary screen time, decreased sleep and
distractibility which can contribute to poorer academic performance. Finally, social
media can have an enormous impact on the spread of misinformation. In recent years,
this phenomenon has become increasingly prevalent with rumors spreading faster than
facts. One study found that misinformation is 70% more likely to be shared than factual
information on Twitter.
To conclude, the use of social media can benefit individuals by increasing social
interaction and improving educational opportunities, but it can  also cause pernicious
concern for people’s mental and physical health as well as the proliferation of

例文 2 Ever since social media became the norm across the globe, many people have
chosen to use social media to keep in touch with family and friends. A lot of people also
use these channels to access news events. Though there are some advantages to this, I
believe overall the disadvantages outweigh them. 自从社交媒体成为全球的常态以来,许多

One of the main issues with social media is that it discourages people from visiting their
friends and family in person. Because they can chat online through instant messaging,
comment on each other’s posts, and view their photos and videos, they feel no need or
desire to see their loved ones in person. This can cause loneliness and a sense of
isolation for many people. Secondly, because news events are so readily available on
social media, people are overloaded with information and bad news. Being constantly
updated with news of disasters, pandemics, crime and the like has been proven to
cause feelings of depression and anxiety among people of all ages and nationalities. 社

Some people argue that social media is good because it offers people a cheap – or free
– way to contact their friends. This may be true, but many people find that this does not
actually correlate to contacting their loved ones. Rather, they can just comment on a
photo or ‘like’ a post, without actually making any real, meaningful connection. Others
assert that by accessing news events through social media, people are made
immediately aware of any national emergencies. However I disagree, as fake news has
now infiltrated many social media sites, with many people believing dangerously false
lies. 一些人认为社交媒体是好的,因为它为人们提供了一种廉价或免费的联系朋友的方式。这可

Social media does have its advantages, but for the most part it only causes feelings of
isolation, depression and encourages belief in incorrect information. 社交媒体确实有它的

例文 3 With the advent of(随着—的到来) information age, mass media have found

their own way into every corner of people’s daily life(无处不在,深入人心). Under
this circumstance, an absolute consensus can hardly be reached whether social media
will impose more positive or negative influences on (施加---影响) people’s mutual
communication and news widespread. For my part, I side with the former to a larger
It has to be admitted that overindulgence in virtual world (过度沉溺于虚拟世界)  on
social media for communication will make you isolated from ( 隔 离 )  real society
and ignorant of ( 忽 视 )  friends and family members around you in real life. in
addition, cyber crimes like fraud(网络犯罪,比如欺诈) will occur frequently for the
reason that you have no clear picture of those who interact with you on the other side of
the screen. Not to mention that (更不用说) news from social media is inclined to be
inaccurate, biased and one-sided, which will misguide readers easily.
However, much heavier weight should be attached to(更加关注) the benefits brought
about by social media. For one thing, compared with traditional media such as
newspapers, TV and radios, social media nowadays are of enormous advantages which
are fast, widespread and cheap.No matter where you are, you can  gain swift and
convenient access to(快速方便接触到) your friends and family members without any
time and space barriers. Especially when some epidemics ( 流 行 疾 病 )  like
COVID alienate people from ( 隔 离 )  one another, social media will keep them close
and intimate at an extremely low cost.
For another, traditional media do not carry the news instantly( 瞬间 ) on the grounds that
( 因 为 )  they require edition, proofreading and production ( 编 辑 , 校 对 和 制
作 )  which consume a great deal of time and energy. By contrast, everyone can issue
what they are seeing an listening to on their own microblog, Wechat or Facebook  the
moment ( 一 --- 就 --- )  some issues happen. It goes beyond any doubt that ( 毫 无 疑
问) the sweeping trend (风靡)  of social media accelerate the transmission (加速
传播) of information and news.  
In light of the analysis mentioned above, I am convinced that( 综 上 所 述 , 我 认
为) although social media cannot go without any drawback,the merits will  benefit people
more immensely(受益匪浅), especially in this information age.

2022 年 1 月 19 日 Task 1
The maps below show the center of a small town called Birshire as it is now, and plans
for its development..

The given maps describe the changes which have been planned for the town of Birshire.

In summary, Birshire will have undergone a drastic transformation from a rural town into
an urbanized area in the future. New infrastructures like roads, a car park, a
supermarket, and a sports center will have been added.

First and foremost, all the farms from Birshire will have been removed in the days to
come. Griffiths Farm, which is in the top right corner of the map, will have been replaced
by a supermarket, whereas Hoolahan Farm, which is currently on the right side of
McGoldrick Road, will make way for a parking lot. Moreover, the Farmer’s Market, which
is beside Corbie Road, will no longer be there in the future.

Furthermore, apart from the addition of a roundabout at the junction of McGoldrick

Road and That Street, Corbie Road will be extended beyond That Street. The open field
at the bottom right of the map will be the venue for the construction of a Sports Center.
Together with the removal of the shops from the bottom left, more houses will have
been erected.

2022 年 1 月 19 日 Task 1 (东南亚地区)

The pie charts below show the percentage of five kinds of books sold by a bookseller
between 1972 and 2012.
The pie charts detail sales by a bookseller between 1972 and 2012 according to genre.
Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that adult fiction became by
far the most popular type at the expense of the genres which declined in popularity
(others, biography, and travel). Interest in children’s fiction also increased.

In 1972, this particular bookseller sold relatively equal proportions of each type with
others leading at 25%, followed by adult fiction, children’s fiction, and biography all at
20%, and travel lowest at 15%. By 1992, adult fiction had risen by 5%, while others and
biography declined by the same number. Travel and children’s fiction grew by 3% and
2%, respectively.

In the final year surveyed, adult fiction surged to 45% and children’s fiction ticked up
slightly to 25%. The rise of adult fiction was compensated for by dramatic drops for the
remaining genres with others finishing at 12%, travel at 10%, and biography 8%.

2022 年 1 月 19 日 Task 2
Some people think in order to continually improve the quality of education, high school
students should be encouraged to evaluate and criticize their teachers. Others feel that
this would result in a loss of respect and discipline in classroom. Discuss both views
and give your own opinion.
With agreeable to the order of the day, it is inevitable to find ways to improve education
quality. Consequently, whereas some individuals claim that adolescents of secondary
schools should evaluate their instructors so as to develop the standard of teaching,
others contend that this might create indiscipline in classrooms and might be regarded
as a way of disrespect. I, too, wholeheartedly feel that children do not have the proper
ability to evaluate their respected supervisors.

Inasmuch as 因为 students have to spend time with their teachers for a long time, they
can easily figure out the strengths and weaknesses of those tutors, facilitating them to
judge a teacher’s capability smoothly. In other words, high school children help their
institutes to improve the quality of education provided that they notified the school
management about different aspects of a tutor, such as cooperativeness, punctuality,
understanding, to name but a few. For example, Singapore has improved its education
standard remarkably by assessing tutors from high school students’ evaluation sheets.
Therefore, pupils of high school should be inspired to criticize their professors
effectively in order to increase their education quality.
Plausible though pupils of secondary schools have the ability to understand right and
wrong, and to judge other people, it is worth arguing that they should not evaluate their
supervisors' performance. This is because it is a way to show disrespect and angriness
to professors. As well as that down to having an opportunity to stay about
schoolteachers, juveniles will be divided into many groups, causing many indisciplines
in schools. For instance, in India, one student is killed brutally in the washroom
because he said negative things about a favourite teacher of many. Thus, it would not
be a good idea to take comments from pupils about educators.

In conclusion, admittedly, high school students can evaluate their teachers but biased
opinions can create problems. Hence, I unequivocally buttress the stand of not
evaluating teachers by students.

2022 年 1 月 22 日 Table 1
The table shows the number of days of paid annual leave for employees by companies
in 6 countries.

The table indicates the length of paid holiday which people employed by
various sectors were blessed with in five countries over the year of 2020,
measured in days.

It is evident that teachers enjoyed the longest paid holiday compared with
those working in the other professions among all the countries due to the
existence of summer and winter vocations. To be specific, Britain won the
first position (120) and Japan ranked last(80) with the remaining
countries falling between the two extremes ( 居 于 两 者 之 间 ) . Meanwhile,
doctors celebrated comparatively longer paid holidays in most countries
except China and Japan (7 and 10 for each) with Denmark playing a leading
role  (30), followed by  Australia and the UK (25 and 20 respectively). It is
worth mentioning that engineers and sales people owned relatively less
number of paid holiday among all the occupations. To illustrate, the
engineers in the USA and the UK only had ten days , and the sales persons
in Australia and China enjoyed ten and five days alone individually.  
Seen from the table, workers in Denmark gained greater advantages 获得更大
的 优 势  in terms of paid holiday, whose situation witnessed a striking
contrast to 见证了鲜明的对比  that of China during the given time.
2022 年 1 月 22 日 Task 2
In many countries, children are becoming overweight and unhealthy. Some people think
that the government has the responsibility to change the situation. To what extent do
you agree or disagree?
A conundrum besetting young children nowadays is the declining level of their health,
such as corpulence. Some people claim that authorities should be responsible for
resolving this problem. Overall, I tend to agree with this view.

一定的责任。相关话题:Some people think that governments should do more to make their citizens eat a healthy diet.
Others believe that individuals must take responsibility for their own diet and health. Discuss both these views and
give your own opinion.

Ø conundrum n. 问题
Ø beset vt. 困扰
Ø corpulence n. 臃肿;肥胖

There are many fundamental reasons why the government will be better off taking such
responsibility. To illustrate, as children will be the main body of future workforce, such
health issues are largely likely to incur severe repercussions at the social level, such as
a shortage of labour force or a heavier financial burden of healthcare on the authority. In
this case, a smart state should take certain precautions to prevent the above
consequences by stepping in and utilising its administrative power.

To cope with this issue, certain policies can be introduced to restrict the production of
unhealthy food and to forbid relevant advertising targeting at children. In other words,
exposed to mountains of junk food and related advertising, children, who are not
mature enough to distinguish the detriments of over-consumption of those foods,
usually fail to either resist the temptation or realise that certain features and functions
of the products advertised have been greatly exaggerated. Then, it is imperative for the
government to protect those vulnerable children by issuing the policies or even
enacting the law. Besides, it is due to the surging study pressure that young students
have developed a sedentary lifestyle. At this point, the government can also force
schools to organise more outdoor activities on a regular basis for the purpose of
strengthening students’ physique.

子过度肥胖的原因是什么:1. 不健康食品及其广告的引诱 → 政府颁布政策解决;2. 学习压力大,孩子养成久坐的生活习惯 →

Ø be better off 最好(做某事)

Ø incur vt. 招致
Ø repercussions n. (尤指不好的)持续影响,反响,后果
Ø precaution n. 措施
Ø expose vt. 暴露
Ø resist the temptation 抵制诱惑
Ø exaggerate vt. 夸大
Ø imperative adj. 迫切的
Ø vulnerable adj. 易受到伤害的
Ø issue vt. 发表(声明); 颁布,发出(命令、警告等)
Ø enact vt. 将…制定成法律
Ø physique n. (人的)体格

However, that is not to say that such responsibility should be assumed by the
government only. More accurately, parents or guardians should also make joint efforts,
since government can only put a cap on children’s diet and lifestyle to a limited extent.
In contrast, parents usually accompany their children, and thus it is more convenient for
them to supervise and restrain their offspring from consuming too many fatty and
sugary foods or collapsing in front of the television all day. In this sense, parents
should also be involved to help children alter unhealthy lifestyles.

Ø assume vt. 承担
Ø guardian n. 监护人
Ø joint adj. 联合的
Ø put a cap on v. 限制

In light of the above, the government should be responsible for bettering children’s
health, and meanwhile parents should also get involved.

例文 2 The number of overweight children and children with other health issues has been increasing at an alarming
rate in recent decades. It is argued that the government is responsible to reverse the trend. In general, I agree with
this viewpoint.

Causes of obesity and other health concerns in children usually include unhealthy food choices, lack of physical
activity, and family eating habits. Hence, some people claim that parental guidance is the key to alleviating the
situation. Indeed, parents should make an effort to help children maintain a healthy routine so as to cultivate good
habits and equip them with long-term health consciousness, which would prevent young children succumbing to
health problems.

However, factors, including economic status and level of education, contribute to the high number of families who
have developed unhealthy lifestyles. If a large proportion of the younger generation were obese or having other
health issues, the collective capacity to grow would suffer severely. Governments’ efforts, therefore, are crucial to
provide healthy choices. Although it may be difficult, the government should provide leadership and work collectively
across departments of legislation, regulation, and taxation leverage to run campaigns to promote healthy way of
living. For example, the government can subsidize the production of green food with high-quality protein, vitamins,
and minerals, making it possible for more families to have access to healthy diet. Besides, taxation should be
imposed on products such as high-fat food so as to discourage the consumption of them. What is more, family-
friendly sports facilities need to be constructed to offer children more exposure to physical activities.

To conclude, I believe the government is well positioned to support families and children to prepare the future
generations to lead the social development.
2022 年 2 月 12 日 Task 1
The bar chart below shows average prices per kilometre of clothing imported into the
European Union from six different countries in 1993 and 2003 are shown in the bar chart

The column graph compares the import prices of per kilometre clothing by the
European Union from six different countries in 1993 with that of 2003. Overall, the EU
paid the highest amount to Argentina for garments import and lowest to Bangladesh in
both years.

As is seen, the European Union paid around 28 pounds for per kilometre clothes from
Argentina in 1993 and this rate was highest. After ten years, it reduced to just over 25
pounds but still, Argentina received the premier price for clothing export to the EU. The
second most value paid by the EU for cloth importing from Brazil and both in 1993 and
2003 they were paid roughly 23 pounds for the one-kilometre dress. Japan received
exactly 15 pounds for that in 1993 but this rate dropped to roughly 13 pounds after 10
years. China was paid 10 pounds for each kilo costume the EU exported in 1993 and the
price hiked to about 17 pounds in just ten years. The EU purchased Indian garments
items for approximately 7 pounds a kilo in 1993 and the price doubled in a decade. The
least amount for per kilo clothing was paid to Bangladesh by the EU in both of the years
but the price went high in 2003 and was 6 pounds compared to half of that in a decade

Sample Answer 2: The bar graph shows average price the European Union (EU) spent
for per kilometre clothing import from six different years in 1993 and 2003. It is obvious
that the EU paid the highest amount for each kilometre costume to Argentina.

According to the illustration, the EU spent the highest amount for clothing import from
Argentina which was approximately 28 pounds per kilometre in 1993. This rate was
significantly higher; almost 9 times higher than the rate it gave to Bangladesh. The
second and third highest rates were given to Brazil and Japan, roughly 23 and 15
pounds respectively. China and India got less than that and their rate was higher than
the import rate from Bangladesh. The latter received only around 3 pound per kilo which
was almost three times less than the rate paid to Japan.  

The rate went higher in 2003 for China, India and Bangladesh who were the least paid
countries in a decade earlier. The price for costume import from Brazil remained
unchanged while slightly declined for Argentina and Japan. Despite the price changes,
Argentina and Brazil were still highly paid than that of India and Bangladesh while
China’s price went as high as 17 pounds, almost double than that of 1993’s rate. 

2022 年 2 月 12 日 Task 2
Older people retired choose spending money for themselves rather than saving money
for next generations. Is it a positive or negative development?
As economy and society are advancing by leaps and bounds (日新月异) , the notion
people adopt towards consumption has undergone a noticeable and far-reaching
transformation. Under this circumstance, an absolute consensus ( 绝 对 共 识 ) can
hardly be reached whether it is a blessing or a curse(是福是祸) for senior citizens(老
人) to dedicate money to(花钱在--)their daily expenditure instead of saving it for their
offspring(后代). For my part, I side with the former to a larger extent.

It has to be admitted that it is a long-established tradition( 悠 久 的 传 统 ) for the vast

majority 绝大多数 of old people in China to save some fortune for younger generations.
To be specific, many parents have gone through countless hardships and setbacks(挫折
和 艰 难 ) on their own life journey. With the aim to prevent the children from following
their footsteps(走他们的老路), they are inclined to(倾向于) leave the younger sufficient
money to guarantee their affluent and steady life.

However , much heavier weight should be attached to 更 加 关 注 the benefits brought

about by gradual transformation of such notion. For one thing, the life quality of the old
can be improved to a larger degree. Supported by enough fund, old people are equipped
with ( 拥 有 ) more opportunities to participate in various activities such as traveling
around the world with beloved ones and working out as well as receiving physical
examination on a regular basis(定期锻炼和体检) which benefit their physical and mental
health immensely(受益匪浅).

For another, with sweeping trend ( 风 靡 的 趋 势 ) of higher education and enhanced

awareness of independence, young people in increasing number (越 来越 多的 ) have
the inclination to(倾向于) pursue their favorite lifestyle and achieve unique ambitions
with their own efforts. Without financial heritage from older generation, the young are
more likely to embrace( 享 有 ) a desirable life whose importance can never be
exaggerated(非常重要) in their minds, and meanwhile the old will be blessed with(享
有) a more colorful and diversified later life, which is an absolute blessing (肯定是好
事) for themselves.

In light of the analysis mentioned above, I am convinced that (综上所述,我认为) the

modification of this traditional tendency will accomplish a win-win situation(实现双赢)
for both the elderly and younger people in contemporary society which place greater
emphasis on(重视) individuality.

例 文 2 Traditionally, old people in some countries would save money as possible as

they could for their grown children, but this situation has changed today, with
increasingly numbers of old people choosing to spend their money enjoying the retired
life. I think this is a positive development.
The first benefit is that old people’s wellbeing is improved, with more money spent on
leisure and recreation. Those who remain healthy can enjoy a happy old age as they no
longer feel obligated to shoulder the burden which is supposed to be borne by young
adults. Retirees can do a range of activities that they could not do when they were at
work, such as travelling or joining some clubs.

Not saving money for children also means the change of parents’ educational concept,
which helps to cultivate children’s independence. Some young people live on their
parents’ pension and take it for granted to rely on their parents in many aspects. If old
parents stopped giving grown children financial support, these young people would be
obliged to earn a living on their own.

There is a concern that young people may suffer from high pressure without parents’
financial assistance, particularly in those countries where house prices and the cost of
living stay at a high level. However, the young generation needs to deal with these
challenges independently sooner or later and the mindset of relying on parents should
be changed.

Overall, it is a positive phenomenon for senior citizens to spend money on themselves

instead of saving money for their adult children. This is beneficial to old people’s
welfare as well as to young adults’ development.

例文 3 For the past few years, it has been observed that the elderly people are focusing
more on themselves than their children when it comes to retirement finances. Instead of
accumulating wealth for the next generation, they spend their pension on fulfilling their
own wishes like travelling and taking up a hobby. I believe it to be a positive trend as it
is beneficial to both retired parents and their children.

On the retired parents’ side, it shows the increased awareness of the senior citizens’
valuing their own wellbeing. More often than not, parents are apt to prioritize their
beloved children’s needs, which requires unconditional compromise and sacrifice. They
stick to the view that they are obliged to pinch and scrape in retirement to ensure there
is something left behind for their children. However, that attitude certainly affects their
quality of life. In contrast, investing themselves is a much better way of life for retirees
because they are able to pursue whatever they want without external restrictions. By
taking up a hobby, their lives are enriched and the emptiness and anxiety of retirement
can be greatly relieved; by travelling around the world, they embrace the beauty of the
nature, feel more relaxed and obtain a better state of mind.

Their children, on the other hand, are allowed an opportunity to live independently to
strive for their own happiness. Although the lack of financial support from parents can
add to the burden of the child , excessive financial support from the family does no
good to individuals as they may rely too much on their parents, thus lacking the ability
to struggle for self-improvement. Realizing that they are the ones responsible for
themselves, superior qualities like resilience and perseverance can be cultivated in the
process of confronting difficulties and overcoming obstacles with their own efforts.
Overall, the shift from saving money for children to spending on retirees themselves is
an advance in the elderly’s mindset and a chance for the young’s displaying their ability.

2022 年 2 月 17 日 Task 1
The pie charts show the main reasons for migration to and from the UK in 2007.

Key features: 
 Definite job, 左右两边都最大,差异最小 。而 study, 图一中第二,差异最大
 Looking for work  存在倍数关系 差异大
 Accompany/join( 左边排第四),差异不大(2%),15%,13%
 Other reasons 最后来写,次要数据,10%以上,差异不大 3%, 14%,11%
 No reason stated 左边最小 6%,右边是其 3 倍, 将近 20%

The pie graphs illustrate the major factors that led people to move in and out of the
United Kingdom in 2007. 
It is noticeable that professional pursuit, either having a definite job or looking for work
was the primary reason for migration. Additionally, while a minimal proportion of British
left the UK for formal study, a similarly small percentage of people entered this country
but with no reason stated.
Regarding occupational and academic factors to begin with, the dominant reason for
migration was having a definite job, which saw a minor difference in immigration and
emigration rate, with 30% and 29% respectively. Furthermore, there was a 10%
discrepancy in the proportion of those who migrated for finding employment, with 12%
for immigration and 22% for emigration. 

In stark contrast, the biggest disparity 差 异 、 悬 殊 was in formal study, where over a
quarter (26%) came to Britain to pursue further study, in comparison with only a measly
微 薄 的 、 很 小 的 figure of only 4% for those leaving the UK for academic sakes.
Accompanying and joining a family accounted for 15% of immigration, whereas a
similar figure of 13% for those who left the UK. Interestingly, 6% of people were
unwilling to state why they immigrated to the UK, while triple as much as (18%) people
moved out of the UK with no official reasons given. By contrast, though both anchoring
下 锚 、 使 固 定 around 10%, other reasons accounted for a higher percentage in
immigration than emigration, with 14% and 11% respectively. 

2022 年 2 月 17 日 Task 2
Some countries invest more money to make it easier to use bicycles in cities. Why? Is
it the best way to solve the transport problem?
From my perspective, I think the main reason for some countries to invest money into
building bicycle-friendly cities is to ease traffic congestion caused by private car use.
Traffic congestion is the culprit of a range of negative consequences in major cities. The
primary negative consequence is severe air pollution. During the use of cars, millions of
tonnes of CO2, the leading greenhouse gas, is emitted, and exhaust gases like nitric
oxide and sulfur dioxide will also be produced when the car is congested on roads
without the engines turned off. Another negative consequence is the stress that drivers,
cyclists, and even pedestrians will suffer during the traffic congestion surges, causing
people in a low mood during the congestion.

To tackle the traffic congestion and the related problems, the governments have
introduced a range of approaches, including building bicycle-friendly cities. Some
countries like the Netherlands and Denmark have built millions of miles of bicycle lanes
in their major cities, which has eased the traffic congestion and air pollution
dramatically. High-quality bicycle lanes can lower the traffic congestion and traffic
volume drastically, as it is estimated more than half of the car use is to go to a place
one to two kilometers away. Such a short distance is better to use bicycles to reduce
traffic volume or save time in parking. (102)

In my opinion, building a bicycle-friendly city is one of the best ways to solve transport
problems, but traffic congestion cannot be solved by a single remedy; it calls for a
combination of a range of methods. Cycling to work or do shopping may become a
good alternative in a distance of 4 to 5 kilometers (around half an hour). However, traffic
congestion is more likely to happen in a metropolis, where a high proportion of
residents have to travel a long distance to work or do something important like going to
the hospital. Therefore, to tackle long-distance travel, the local government is supposed
to build better trffic infrastructure, like a well-maintained subway system. (113)

2022 年 2 月 19 日 Task 1
The table below shows the pecentage of students with different attitudes to facilities in
a university in the UK in 2008.

The table indicates the proportion which university students adopting different
satisfaction degrees represented in Britain over the year of 2008.

Based on the analysis, all the items can be classified into three categories. When it
comes to the situation of being very satisfied, the rate of the undergraduates remained
higher than that of the postgraduates except the study facility. To be specific, study
facilities demonstrated the most obvious ( 85% an 90%), followed by social facilities
(75% and 65%) and eventually stood the cafeteria (50% and 40%).

In terms of being quite satisfied, the undergraduates showed more noticeable than their
counterparts except the social facility. To illustrate, the cafeteria occupied the first
position(35% and 25%) and the last place was distributed to study facilities (8% and 6%)
with social facilities falling between the two extremes 居 中 (20% and 25%). It is worth
mentioning that the percentage of both kinds of students displaying unsatisfied
remained the lowest (5%&10% and 7%&4% for each).

In addition, a relatively higher ratio of the postgraduates were unhappy with the
cafeteria(35%) , whose figure was a little more than twice that of ( 倍 数 的 表 达 ) the
undergraduates (15%).

Seen from the table, the vast majority 绝 大 多 数 of university students adopted a
satisfying attitude towards different facilities on the campus during the given time.

2022 年 2 月 19 日 Task 2 重复 2021 年 4 月 3 日大陆考题

More and more people no longer read newspaper or watch TV programs to get news .
They get news about the world through the internet. Is this a positive or negative
development ?
There is an increasing trend that more and more people obtain information from the
Internet rather than from TV or newspapers. While the benefits of the digital media are
championed 捍卫、声援 by the populace, I will say its potential pitfalls 陷阱、隐患 deserve
equal attention as well.    

From a positive perspective, one merit of people’s preference for the digital media can
be seen from an eco-friendly consideration: the obsolescence 过时、淘汰 of newspapers
by their digital counterparts has saved millions of acres of forest over the past decades.
Apart from the environmental blessing 有 益 之 事 , not to be left behind is the closer
relationship between online readers and the world. Compared with newspaper and TV
audiences, who passively receive information without access to feedback, Internet
users are allowed to post their comments in response to news articles; such an
emerging 脱 颖 而 出 的 trend facilitates the meaning of reading by giving individuals a
sense of participation in what is happening in the world.    

However, the aforementioned 上 述 的 benefits are not justified 合 乎 情 理 enough to

represent the entire picture – while focusing on the positive side of people’s bias for
digital news, let’s not be oblivious 未注意的 to its repercussions 影响、恶果 for media
credibility 可 靠 性 、 可 信 性 . Unlike newspapers and television, whose coverages are
written and reviewed by professional correspondents 记者、通讯员, lots of threads 系列相
关 信 息 on the Internet (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) are about gossip 闲 言 碎 语 posted by
anonymous 匿名的 users, which misleads the majority from the truth. Based on this, the
discussion about the implications of the transformative 有改革能力的 reading faddism 追
随时尚 in the digital age can then move on to handle questions as to how to distinguish
the truth from lie.    

Therefore, it is my conclusion that while obtaining news online can be deemed as a

blessing to some extent, its repercussion 影响、恶果 for the reliability of news deserves
equal consideration. 

例文 2 With the advent of 随着 --- 的到来 the information age, the Internet has found its
own way into every corner of people’s daily life ( 深 入 人 心 ) . Under this
circumstance, an absolute consensus 共识 can hardly be reached whether 无法达成共识
it is a blessing or a curse 是 福 是 祸  for people in increasing number to give up
newspapers and TV programs and turn to the Internet for news about the world. For my
part, my view will fall between the two extremes 双 边 观 点  based on following sound
reasons 充分的理由.
No one can conceal 隐瞒、掩盖 the fact that 显而易见 the popularity of the Internet does
a great job in 有助于  accelerating the circulation 加速传播 of the news. In this case,
much more people are equipped with 拥 有  the opportunity to gain access to 接 触
到  what is going on in all places, ranging from major cities such as New York and
Singapore to some remote villages in Africa, which can definitely be seen as a more
obvious advantage over 有 更 大 的 优 势  such traditional media as newspapers and TV
programs. Undoubtedly, the Internet can satisfy the requirements of information
explosion brought about by ever-changing world.
However,the same weight should be attached to 同样关注 the endless annoyance 恼怒、
生气 and disturbance 紊乱、打扰 triggered by the Internet. To be specific, many pieces
of news appearing on the Internet are inaccurate and unreliable. Even the coverage
towards the same event differs largely, which will consume readers or viewers a large
amount of time and energy to ascertain the authenticity 确 认 真 实 性  of the news. By
contrast, based on carefully authorized steps and censorship 授 权 步 骤 和 审 查 , most
newspapers and TV programs are confirmed and dependable, not to mention that
traditional media can help people access the in-depth reports 深度报道.
In light of the analyses mentioned above, I am convinced that 综上所 述,我认为  this
is an irresistible trend 不可阻挡的趋势 for people in contemporary society to embrace
the Internet for the latest news. Given the drawbacks possessed naturally by the cyber
world 网 络 世 界 , the public should have a discerning eye 明 察 秋 毫 的 眼 睛  to improve
their ability to screen off 过滤  the fake information. Meanwhile, the government ought
to strengthen the supervision 加强监管  and impose rigid censorship on 施加严格的审查
the media. 

例 文 3 The last decade or so has seen a drastic reduction in the number of people
reading newspapers or watching TV programs to get their news. Today, more and more
people turn instead to the internet to obtain news updates. Though there are some
negative aspects to this development, I believe overall it is a positive change. 在过去十

A particularly positive aspect is the speed at which people can now obtain information.
Previously, most people had to wait hours, if not days, to be updated on developments
around the world. Now, they have international news at their fingertips, whenever they
need it. This means people can get important information on how to stay safe in the
event of a natural disaster, political upheaval or national emergency. Furthermore, the
internet offers a new, often more engaging way for people to obtain the news – now,
they can share, comment, and chat with others about the news.  另一个特别积极的方面是

Some people argue that obtaining news from the internet puts people more at risk of
believing ‘fake news’. Though this can sometimes happen, equally people can use the
internet to fact-check 事实核查 what they are reading. Most people prefer to verify that
the news they are getting is factual and non-biased. Moreover, they can also inform
others and ensure that any fake news is flagged 标 示 ( 重 要 处 ) as untrustworthy and
unreliable. This also helps to create greater social awareness around any underlying
political agendas 政治议程 that may affect news reporting. 一些人认为,从互联网上获取新

The internet offers more and more people access to the news, wherever they are,
whenever they need it. By doing so, it also provides a way for the news to be shared
and discussed all over the world, often giving momentum to important social changes.

2022 年 2 月 26 日 Task 1
The table below shows the percentage of the population and the types of houses they
live in 3 regions in a city.
Overall, it is clear from the graph that the population of the three areas is nearly the
same. However, there is a considerable difference in the choice of housing, with the
maximum residing in detached housing in the Central area, in flats/ apartments in the
Green Park area, and in terraced housing in Southberg Area.

AIl three areas have a population of roughly 32000. Out of the three areas, flats are the
most popular in Green Park with 76% of the Green Park population living in them. By
contrast, only 25% of the Southberg inhabitants and 15% of Central area inhabitants live
there. Terraced housing is the most preferred by Southberg Area, with a sizable majority
(56%) residing there, while only about 15% of the residents in the other two areas like to
live in them.

Semi-detached and detached housing, on the other hand, are liked more by Central area
residents as compared to the other two areas. 28% of the Central area residents reside
in semi-detached housing. By comparison, a mere 5% of residents in Green park and
Southberg area live in such houses. In regard to detached housing, the figure stand at
39% for the Central area, considerably higher than that for Southberg area(14%) and
that for Green Park(only 5%).

The given table compares the population and housing of three areas of a city. It is clear
from the graph that the population of the three areas is very similar at around 32,000 but
there is considerable difference in the choice of housing.

39% of the population of Central Area lives in detached houses. This is in sharp contrast
to Green Park Area where only a small minority (5%) lives in detached houses. Even in
the Southberg Area, only 14% people reside in detached houses.

The semi-detached houses are less popular in all three areas with 28% of Central Area
people living there and 5% each of Green Park and Southberg area living there. Terraced
houses are the most popular in Greenberg area with 56% of the people living there. Only
14% people of Green Park area and 18% of Central area people live there.

A large majority of Green Park area people (76%) live in flats or apartments, where as
only a quarter of the population of Southberg area lives in apartments. Flats are the
least popular among the Central Area people where only 15% people live in them.
2022 年 2 月 26 日 Task 2 2016 年 10 月 8 日、2021 年 7 月 1 日
Nowadays students can easily get information online, so libraries are no longer
necessary. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
It is true that today the Internet is playing an important role in education, with increasing
range and availability of online resources. Therefore, I agree that students can learn
efficiently online, and I also do not believe this will lead to the disappearance of
traditional libraries.

Admittedly, we cannot deny the fact that the Internet does provide students with a huge
quantity of learning information. Students could now easily gain access to academic
databases through iPad screens, read classical works on Kindle, or watch historic
documents on the Internet. These great works are essentially helpful in arousing their
curiosity and preparing them with key knowledge necessary for their academic tasks,
like writing an essay, and conducting a scientific research.

However, it is ridiculous to claim that libraries are dispensable because these places are

much more than mere access points for books and information. They serve some other
purposes as well. For example, libraries provide a quiet environment where one can
read and learn without disturbance. Distractions of everyday life can kill the joy of
reading. Libraries offer a solution to this problem. Also, when people are in an
environment where everyone is reading, they will also be motivated to get the reading
materials done. This may not be possible at home, even if you readers find the same
reading material online.

To conclude, despite the existence of all information online, libraries are still important
because they provide an environment conducive to reading and learning.

例 文 2 The advent of computer technology has shaped the landscape of many

traditional industries, among which, the public library is the one that has
been unprecedentedly ( 史 无 前 例 ) challenged. Although the concern and worry
for fading dominance(消失的主导地位)of library is not all unwarranted, I still believe
the maintenance of public libraries is necessary.
It has to be admitted that the cost of maintaining public libraries is one point that
undermines ( 削 弱 =weaken )  the predominance of them. In the virtual digital world,
the cost can be reduced because of less spending on personnel and premises(人员和
房屋建筑), making the price of some e-books more seductive(有吸引力=attractive).
Easy access to abundant resources is also magnetic ( 有 吸 引 力 )  to some
readers,especially those who need to keep pace with(与—同步=keep in line with) the
latest information.
However, much heavier weight should be attached to the benefits brought about
libraries. To be specific, libraries, though not so easily accessible as the digital books
backed by the computer technology, can create an atmosphere which can sooth readers
and then make them more concentrate on reading and studying. The piles of books,
ranging from literature ones such as novels, poems and proses to the non-literature
counterparts such as encyclopedias ( 百 科 全 书 ) , history books and so on, will give
readers a sense of solemn ( 庄 严 感 )  and they are likely to treat reading as a holy
baptism ( 神 圣 洗 礼 ) , stimulating their cognitive development. In comparison, when
readers get some information by e-books, they may regard it as a spiritual fast food,
thereby absorbing little but to idle away time(虚度时光).
Another point for continuing to run public libraries is that the functions of libraries are
not restricted to do some readings. Instead, it is now a multi-functional complex(多功能
综合体) in which the visitors can attend an academic lecture, exchange opinions on
some issues with participants in some seminars or receive some professional training
and education. This experience can hardly be obtained through some e-books or online
courses, which may mainly focus on the presentation of knowledge itself rather than the
communication of those who are engaged in it.
In conclusion, public libraries still deserve our attention and effort to maintain its
operation, in spite of the rising importance of digital libraries.

例文 3 The Internet has made it possible for people to access information conveniently
at home and in the office. Some people claim that the library has lost its value and we
no longer need it. However, I disagree with this viewpoint.

There is no denying that the number of library users is declining, as most information
searchers have turned to the Internet, the biggest source of information. Compared with
going to the library, googling on the web is a better way to get whatever people want to
know. However, in my opinion, the library has more functions than looking up

Firstly, the library is an ideal place for reading, with various kinds of books that people
can read and borrow. Some of these books are inaccessible on the Internet or
unaffordable to readers. Despite the popularity of online reading these days, some
people still prefer to read print books, which can give them a different experience than
reading on the electronic device. Also, the quiet environment and other fellow readers
create an atmosphere that encourages anyone stepping into the library to read.

As a learning institution and cultural building, the existence of the library is essential to
society. The school library stores numerous books, documents and articles, serving as
a treasure house of knowledge to students. In some cities the public library has become
a landmark, representing the cultural identity of the city. For many people, the
community library is a gathering place where local residents can meet, read together
and participate in cultural activities.

Overall, although people have easier access to information today, the library, which
serves some valuable purpose, is till necessary to us.

2022 年 3 月 3 日 Task 1
The bar chart shows the time spent on taking care of children in daytime and weekends
by families in Australia.
2022 年 3 月 3 日 Task 2
Today more people put personal and private information online (address, phone number
and credit card number) and do everyday activities such as banking and shopping. Is
this a positive or negative development ?
Modern technology makes it possible that digital devices can access personal
information swiftly and easily. Though life has become comparatively more convenient
than before, I still believe that the dangers of information leakage outweigh the benefits.

It is undeniable that storing information online promotes efficiency for both the users
and organizations in their exchanges. For example, users can log in to a system
automatically and effortlessly once the username and password are saved, which
spares them time to complete personal details over and over again. In the meanwhile, as
companies are capable of obtaining information and preferences of their target
consumers, the services and products they recommend and provide will fit in exactly
with users’ wishes. In this sense, not only the users will get a better shopping
experience, but the business will also see an increase in sales as consumers are more
likely to stick to the brands and repurchase their products.

However, there is also a growing risk of privacy disclosure. For some, registration of
private information is accompanied by endless data mining, which invites an avalanche
of advertisements and junk mails, and bothers the users in their everyday life. For
others, information is oftentimes stolen by cybercriminals with phishing attempts.
Online frauds extort money and pose a major threat to the users themselves as well as
their friends or contacts. Crimes in the virtual world are often not detected in time and
stopped in advance, and once they have occurred it is very difficult to catch the
criminals and recover the money defrauded. It is therefore to the detriment of users to
take this risk when online security cannot be effectively guaranteed.

Therefore, despite the positive changes it brings about, the potential pitfalls of enabling
private information online make it a negative trend on the whole.

2022 年 3 月 12 日 Task 1
The chart below shows the percentage of people of different age groups who went to
cinema once a month or more in one European country from 2000 to 2011.
The bar chart illustrates changes in the percentage of people going to the cinema once
a month by age group in a European country between 2000 and 2011.

Overall, the percentage of people visiting the cinema once a month was highest
amongst those aged 15 to 24 years-old, with the lowest amongst those aged 35 and
over. Additionally, the figures for all age groups increased over the given period.

In 2000, 15% of people aged 15 to 24 years-old visited the cinema once a month. This
figure tripled over the following five and a half years, and continued to rise to over 50%
by 2011. Meanwhile, only approximately 3% of people aged 35 and over visited the
cinema at least once a month. This figure also gradually rose over the years to reach
approximately 13% in 2011.

Very similar trends could be seen for those aged 7-14 and 25-35. Beginning at
approximately 10% and 5% respectively, both figures continued to rise over the
measured period to both reach 30% by 2011.

2022 年 3 月 12 日 Task 2
People living in the twenty-first century have a better quality of life than people who live
in previous centuries. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
It is an undeniable fact that the world has been advancing rapidly since the beginning of
this century. Therefore, many people opine that today our living standards are much
better than those of our ancestors. This essay concurs with this statement as it has
manifold reasons to substantiate it.

To embark on, people were more susceptible to different kinds of diseases in those
days and casualties were high. The revolutionary development of medical science
contributed to averting such threats to a great extent. For example, the fatality rate of
infectious viral 病 毒 的 diseases such as measles 麻 疹 and polio 小 儿 麻 痹 症 were
significantly higher in the previous century; however, nowadays these are completely
eradicated from the planet. While newer diseases continue to emerge from time to time,
modern medicine is able to cure many of them.

In addition, the transportation facilities available these days are more versatile. They
have reduced the travelling time to a great extent as well as improved the connectivity
between various destinations. Likewise, home appliances have made cooking and
cleaning easier. Apart from that, the role of recent communication channels remarkably
contributed to making our life more comfortable. The internet which enables us to send
and receive a huge amount of data within seconds can be considered as the finest
example of the power of technology. Thus, obviously, our lives are easier and more
comfortable today than in the past.

In short, the people who live in the present century are enjoying the benefits of better
services in the health, transport and communication sectors. Therefore, I believe, we
enjoy a better quality of life than our ancestors.

例文 2 With the advent of(随着---的到来) the 21st century, the way people live, work,
play and learn has undergone a noticeable and far-reaching transformation. Under this
circumstance, an absolute consensus can hardly be reached whether people
nowadays are equipped with 拥 有  higher-quality life than their counterparts in the
previous centuries. For my part, I side with the advocates to a larger extent.
It has to be admitted that with ever-accelerated living tempo 生 活 节 奏 越 来 越 快  and
fierce competition, people in increasing number 越 来 越 多 的 人  are inclined to 倾 向
于  have a busy schedule and lead a stressful life, which cannot be sensed by those
living in the past. In addition, compared with ancestors, those in current society are
plagued with 受到---的困扰 more serious social issues of all kinds such as deteriorating
environmental pollution, skyrocketing housing price and endless threat brought about
by the spread of the epidemic, all of which will cast a shadow on 投 下 阴 影  the
improvement of life quality in a long run.
However, much heavier weight should be attached to 更加 关注  the benefits triggered
by the development of human civilization. For one thing, with the sweeping trend of(风
靡 的 趋 势 )  modern technologies like the Internet, people’s daily life becomes much
more facilitated than ever before. Through clicking the mouse, they can perform many
everyday routines perfectly such as shopping, banking and even doing business
transactions without face-to-face contact. Meanwhile, the extensive application of
technology in work spare(让—解放出来)employees boring and monotonous work so
that they can dedicate their valuable time and energy to 致力于  more meaningful and
challenging tasks, which cannot be imagined by people in the past.

For another, thanks to medical advances and enhanced awareness of health, people in
contemporary society are blessed with 迎来了、享有 a much longer life expectancy 寿命.
To be specific, numerous incurable diseases can be prevented, controlled and even
healed. A recent survey conducted by China Daily indicates ( 权 威 举 例 法 )  most
common age-related medical problems are affecting people later in life than they did in
the past, which allows senior citizens to embrace a higher-quality later life after their
retirement, not to mention those from poverty-and-disaster-stricken regions treated
much better under the context of globalization.
In light of the analysis mentioned above, I am convinced that 综 上 所 述 、 我 认 为  the
developments in the 21st century do improve the quality of life in different dimensions
多 方 面 , but people should also bear their due responsibility 承 担 应 有 的 责 任  to
guarantee a sustainable future for their offspring 后代.

2022 年 3 月 19 日 Task 1
The table shows the changes in female occupation in Hollywood films in 1994 and 2003.

2022 年 3 月 19 日 Task 2
Many cities replace farmlands and parks with houses. Is it positive or negative?

Nowadays many municipal governments and planners dismantle parks and farmlands
to make way for houses. The sweeping trend far and wide has fueled heated debate. I
think we should put an end to this chaotic and shortsighted development.

Public parks in cities serve citizens right in many aspects. The primary function of parks
is to adjust local environment by absorbing greenhouse gases and other pollutants like
some particles emitted by vehicles and industrial production. City dwellers enjoy fresh
air by jogging in parks and have their leisure activities there. Parks are also an integral
part of city landscape. It is hard to imagine a city without exuberant and lash vegetation
except for drab grey forests of concrete and bricks. Monotonous city environment will
render residents depressed and anxious, and the rising cases of mental disorder
caused by super tension and pressure are compelling evidence.

Farmlands are going through sharp reduction due to the cascading urban sprawl.
Innumerable tracts of farms have been replaced by rows of buildings for city residents.
Arguably, it is inevitable that city expansion will press the space of rural areas. But the
endless encroachment knows no limits and it is in all likelihood that one day our
agriculture falls into decadence. This should be an alarming signal for us because
agriculture is the lifeline for any nation in this planet. Even those developed countries
cannot rule agriculture out of their blueprint of development.

In conclusion, city development and people’s fervent demand of houses should not
eclipse the importance of parks and farmlands because they are indispensable and
fundamental in sustainable environment and national progress. As a matter of fact, to
develop horizontal cities could be an effective way tackling the conflict between limited
land and spike of housing demand.

例 文 2 To provide sufficient housing for city residents, new houses are built in many
cities, with some occupying the land of farms and parks. This measure has its
drawbacks, but we should notice the benefits.

In many cities, house shortage has become a serious problem, accompanied by the
soaring house price which is too expensive for citizens to possess. Therefore, it is
urgent to construct more houses to feed people’s demand, even though sometimes this
policy may sacrifice farms and parks to acquire more land for housing, which may
trigger environmental and food security problems.

However, decision makers can also improve the environment by enlarging suburb areas
of cities, and meanwhile, reduce the urban areas. Only in this way can urban heat effect
of cities be relieved. Even without parks, heat, pollution and harmful gases should be
reduced by the large chunks of plants out of urban area.

Also, replacing farmlands with houses may lead to the decline in the production of
grains, yet people may not suffer from starvation any more. With the closer bond
between nations and economic entities, grain can be imported to cities from traditional
agriculture countries. Some countries such as Singapore, Vatican City or Japan,
although there are little farmlands, they boast high-quality living standards.

Overall, in urban planning, to fulfill people’s need of dwelling is the priority. Meanwhile,
it is a good issue for policy makers to weigh all respects.

例文 3 It has now become a trend that farmlands and parks in or near urban areas are
replaced by newly built houses. Personally, I tend to believe that this trend is doing
more harm than good.

Undoubtedly, the replacement of lands used for farming and relaxing by houses is a
great help in addressing housing problems. As the population of cities increases, so
does the demand for housing. In many cities, housing prices are too high due to
insufficient housing supply, making it impossible for a large number of people to own
their own houses. Using lands for parks and farmlands to build houses can ease
people's pressure to buy houses and improve people's living conditions. However, this
trend brings more problems.

Despite the above benefit of this trend, serious problems caused by it can not be
ignored. The first problem is the damage to the ecological environment. Farmlands are
not only where people get food, and parks are more than a place for people to relax
themselves. These areas also play a vital role in the natural environment. To be specific,
these outdoor spaces absorb pollutants in the air, reduce noise, regulate temperature,
and protect groundwater.

Another problem is that this trend is likely to lead to a shortage of food supply. As
farmlands dwindle, agricultural output falls. When food is insufficient, the price of food
rises and the cost of living increases. This will bring a lot of stress to low-income
people, and even some people have to go hungry. If such a situation occurs, it will, in
turn, affect the stability of the society.

In conclusion, in the process of urban development, more land is indeed needed to

build houses for people to live in. But given the environmental and food issues that
come with it, I insist that city planners give farmlands and parks priority over house
例文 4 Past years have witnessed a great transformation in urban land use where parks
and farmlands are generally replaced by houses. From my perspective, the
disadvantages of this change outweigh its advantages.

It is doubtless that the general public and local administration can benefit a lot from the
construction of an increasing number of accommodations. In many cities, economic
reform has resulted in a significant and steady growth in the urban population, which
gives rise to a disproportion between the existing housing resources and the massive
demands of citizens and migrants. In this way, the vast construction of houses makes it
possible for the public to own a place to settle in and improve their living conditions to
an extent. Meanwhile, the authorities gain revenues and taxes in the course of housing
construction, which can be used to fund other infrastructure improvements in the city.

Nonetheless, the removal of farmlands and parks will cause irreparable damage to the
city. For one thing, once the farming area has been reduced, there would be difficulties
in meeting local residents’ demands for fresh agricultural products. As a result, they
have to seek food from elsewhere, which proves to be far more costly and time-
consuming, and the food transported from a long distance is not as fresh as that grown
on nearby farms. Consequently, the public is expected to suffer from heavier burdens of
living than before. On the other hand, city parks play a vital role in fulfilling recreational
functions and protecting cities from environmental problems. City dwellers enjoy the
tranquillity of a park as an escape from the hustle and bustle, a place to release their
pressure, and a place to develop active lifestyles that help them avoid or lessen
physical and mental health problems. Some wild animals and plants are left in their
natural habitats to coexist with human beings and preserve biodiversity. On the
contrary, a world of housing blocks is full of noise, pollution, and environmental
disruption, which is definitely unable to present to people the beauty of nature.

In conclusion, the loss of farmlands and parks takes a toll on the wellbeing of city
dwellers, so the housing problems should not be resolved at the cost of parks and

2022 年 3 月 26 日 Task 1
The bar chart shows the comparison of yield per hectare of four kinds of miscellaneous
grains in the United States, China and India.

2022 年 3 月 26 日 Task 2
The shortage of housing in big cities causes severe consequences, and only
government action can solve the problem. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
The prosperity of big cities has attracted numerous people, resulting in an imbalance of
supply and demand in the housing market, which further leads to unparalleled
repercussions ( 间 接 的 ) 影 响 、 恶 果 in these metropolises. I believe that both the
government and relevant corporate entities play important roles in alleviating this

The power of the government allows it to conduct macroeconomic regulation. To begin

with, in order to ensure the availability of affordable accommodation in big cities, the
government may allocate extra resources for the building of subsidized housing.
Through expanding public housing construction projects, these actions tend to alleviate
much of the pressure on city dwellers by augmenting housing supply. In addition, the
government can relocate some industries to less densely populated areas and make
these places proper alternatives for the public, which is likely to reduce the demand for
urban housing.

However, this does not automatically mean that only the authorities are able to tackle
the problem of housing scarcity. After all, there are some cases in which the efforts of
corporations tend to be far more conducive to improving the situation. To be specific,
real estate developers could optimize the use of land resources by properly adjusting
the design of floorplans so as to build more apartments instead of bungalows 平 房 .
Therefore, a larger number of people can be accommodated. In addition, if companies
can make an attempt to promote the work arrangement of telework, employees can be
granted flexibility in terms of where to live. Therefore, living in urban areas would not be
a prerequisite for them, so that the need for urban housing can be reduced so as to
lessen the burden of overpopulated cities.

In summary, the solutions to the housing crisis should never exclusively hinge on the
government’s actions. Corporations’ efforts are also crucial indeed.

例文 2
Many people today feel that limited housing in urban areas can only be seriously
addressed by governmental action. In my opinion, private investiture in this area will
always be low so governments bear the burden of responsibility.

Only limited support for housing problems will come from the private sector. Large real
estate and construction firms are mainly motivated to generate the greatest profits and
will therefore largely cater projects towards a wealthy clientele 顾 客 . This means
building large apartments and homes that likely replace smaller homes, exacerbating
any existing housing crisis. In New York City, for example, ambitious developers
knocked down government housing projects and built luxury apartments and
brownstone houses 引申为上流社会的房子 . These efforts push poor residents out of the
city and further away from their work and engender 产 生 、 引 起 a variety of social

The only realistic solution to housing shortages in major urban areas is governmental
intervention. Governments can either build themselves or accept bids from construction
companies. There are inspirational examples of public works projects in cities all
around the world. The typical process is that the government will delineate 勾画、 (详细
地 ) 描 述 an undeveloped or poorly planned area for new homes and accept bids from
private companies. Since these areas are unavailable for unregulated commercial
exploitation, the government holds power over the private companies. Once these
projects are completed, they can house thousands of residents affordably, which allows
occupants to find quality jobs in the city and eventually move out of these housing

In conclusion, the government is the major catalyst 催化剂、促使变化的人 in all housing

solutions in cities. Governments ought to prioritise these efforts before cities become
too gentrified 对(地区、人等)进行改造以适应较高阶层的人 and this hinders upwards social
mobility 向上流动.

例文 3
It is argued that only the government could handle the housing crisis in metropolitan
areas. I disagree with this view and I believe that citizens can also assist the
government in tackling these problems.

On the one hand, the problem of housing shortages is highly complicated and definitely
needs government interventions. Firstly, without government’s reasonable actions, no
single individual could independently curb the phenomenon of price bubbles in real
estate markets, which makes property prices become prohibitively expensive. As a
result, by putting limits on land and housing prices, the government could provide more
affordable and decent houses to people with low or medium incomes. Secondly, local
authorities also play an indispensable part in reducing the excessive demand for
housing stemming from overcrowding in big cities. For example, the government could
encourage companies to move their business to rural areas so that suburban dwellers
would no longer have to commute to city centers to work, which in turn reduces urban
population density.

On the other hand, this is not to say that individuals cannot do anything to alleviate
these problems. Indeed, people could ease housing pressure by opting to live in other
cities when the city that they are working becomes crowded. The clearest example of
this is that in recent years, a tremendously higher number of people from big cities such
as Hanoi capital or Hochiminh city move to Danang city because they believe that they
could get better chances to afford houses while still maintaining their living conditions.
Furthermore, if individuals only buy houses or lands for the purpose of living and say
no to speculation in the real estate market, asset bubbles would not happen and real
estate companies would be forced to decrease property prices to survive in the market.
Consequently, those cities would become more livable for everyone, not just the super-

In conclusion, I believe that the lack of housing is a complex problem which requires a
combination of both the government and individuals.

2022 年 4 月 9 日 Task 1
The line graph shows the number of students in universities in the UK from 1991 to
2001, the bar chart indicates the funding alllocation to students, and the pie chart shows
the average income revenue per family in the UK in 2001.
2022 年 4 月 9 日 Task 2  A 卷 2017 年大陆考试题目
In the modern world, it is no longer necessary to use animals for food or use animal
products, for instance, clothing and medicines. To what extent do you argree or
Animals have always been the sources of human food, clothes, medicine or other
products since human civilization began. Some people, however, claim that human use
of animals is no more necessary in modern time. Even as an animal lover, I am against
this view myself.

Initially, we need some domestic animals to supply our daily nutrition and energy
consumption. As we all know, meat provides a variety of nutrition, such as protein and
fat, which is difficult to obtain from vegetables and fruits. Sufficient energy derived from
the meat can also help to compensate daily energy consumption. When we are
exhausted after a long day's work, a wonderful meal of steak or chicken may be the best
way to revive 复活 our vigor.

Additionally, for human survival, it is crucial to extract valuable substance from animals
for medical purpose. It is certain animals that can provide a cure for some fatal
diseases, such as cancer, because some animals are considered as precious medicines
to which scientists have not yet found any alternatives. It is common sense that a man’s
life is of more importance than that of an animal in extreme situations.

However, some artificial products in terms of clothes and shoes are proved to be much
better in keeping warm and less priced than their animal equivalents. In modern society,
if high-tech man-made materials can well replace the animal-related products to keep
human warm in cold winter, it is better to choose the former rather than the latter in the
consideration of animal protection.

In conclusion, despite the fact that we have every reason to use animals for food and
pills out of necessity, we should always keep in mind that no wild or endangered
animals are to be harmed for human interest.

2022 年 4 月 9 日 Task 2  B 卷
In the past, people ate local food in season. Nowadays, people can buy a variety of food
from all over the world. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
Our diet is becoming more diversified than before, with a wider range of food
transported from all over the world. Many people prefer imported food to locally
produced food and as a result, the consumption of local food declines, while the food
produced in other regions is gaining popularity.

This trend improves people’s life quality as it increases the varieties of food and gives
people more choices in their daily diet. For instance, people in Thailand can buy
cookies and chocolates that are imported from European countries. Those who live in
northern Europe can try some fruits that are grown in the tropical area, such as  mango
and durian 榴 莲 from Thailand. Also, this would encourage trade between different
regions, with individual countries or regions concentrating on the production of the
local food and exchanging it with others. As a result, productivity increases
significantly and people can buy high-quality foods at low prices.

However, eating food from other countries also has some negative effects, both on
individuals and on society. Food produced locally is believed to be fresher than that
transported a long distance from other regions. To extend the shelf life, additives and
preservatives, which may contain some harmful substances, are commonly used in
food processing, posing a risk to people's health. In addition, local food reflects a
region's customs and cultures. If people prefer to eat the imported food, some local
specialities may diminish, which would be a loss of local food culture.

Overall, in a globalized era, we can expect more food produced in other countries to
appear on local people’s dining tables. This can improve our living standard, but
meanwhile, there are some problems that should not be ignored.

例 文 2 Nowadays, an increasing number of food items offered in supermarkets are

imported. Sometimes even quite ordinary food has travelled huge distances. I will
explore the reasons for this tendency and discuss its benefits and drawbacks.

While delicacy and spices have been internationally traded for centuries, today’s global
trade with low transportation costs and fewer trade barriers has
encouraged the importing of food in large quantities. In some places even everyday
items and inexpensive food like pasta or vinegar can be imported more cheaply than
being produced locally. Consequently, supermarkets take advantage of this

However, imported food comes at a high price for consumers, the local agriculture and
the environment. First of all, some food will lose flavour and freshness when travelling
by ship for weeks. For example, fruit has to be shipped before fully ripe or additional
preservatives have to be added to food. Secondly, local farmers may not be able to
compete with the low cost of imported food. They will go out of business or stop
growing local fruit or vegetable species at all. This can lead to less local variety in food
offered. Additionally, the transportation itself is harmful to the environment as it uses
fossil fuels.

It can be argued that imported food benefits consumers with low prices and more
choices. Supermarkets can choose the least expensive supplier worldwide and offer
food at a lower price to their customers. Importing food also enables them to offer more
choices, like exotic fruits and international food, to their customers. For example, in
Iceland or Canada, it would be impossible to sell most kinds of fresh fruits and
vegetables in winter at all if they were not imported.

All in all, I think it is worth preserving local food and one should restrict importing foods
to products unavailable like delicacy and unseasonable fruits. It will not be easy to
reverse this trend, but if consumers choose local food over imported, it can help to
make supermarkets decide to offer more local food again.

2022 年 4 月 16 日 Task 1
The bar chart below shows changes in population and percentage of different age
groups in a town from 1951 to 2011.

2022 年 4 月 16 日 Task 2 
More and more people are using computers and electric devices to access information.
Therefore, there is no need to print books, magazines, and newspapers. To what extent
do you agree or disagree?

While it is an irreversible trend that people opt to obtain information from electronic
devices like computers or smart phones, I do not think it means that there is no
justification for printed media.

It is easy to understand why some people clamor for replacing paper media with
electronic counterparts. It is true that a growing number of people, especially the
younger generation, rely more on electronic gadgets like laptops or smart phones as a
major information sources due to the unprecedented convenience and efficiency. For
example, today we can search for the coverages of a news event within seconds by
inputting key words on a webpage and download the results listed, whereas it used to
take days in fumbling in old newspapers or magazines. In this sense, some people take
it for granted that the printed publications do not deserve a place in this age dominated
by electronic communications.

Despite the popularity of electronic way of reading, it does not automatically lead to the
demise of traditional media: it is simple-minded to deny the old-fashioned forms solely
because the blossom of new technology. Rather, the justification of printed media is a
complicated issue that is correlated to specific needs of readers. For senior citizens
who have difficulty in dealing with smart phones or computers, newspapers or books
remain the indispensable part in connecting them with the world. Even those who adapt
to electronic reading methods may still choose to read newspapers at breakfast or are
obsessed with the feeling of paper books just because of personal preference. The last
factor we cannot afford to ignore is readers in less developed regions, who have no
online channel of obtaining information to the newspapers.

In conclusion, while the popularity of portable devices has revolutionized the traditional
way of reading, it looks to me that the printed media still play a part in the various needs
of the general public.
例 文 2 Some people think that paper-based printings are not necessary any more in
modern society. In my opinion, although these computers or internet-based reading
materials have their advantages, printed books cannot be abandoned.

On the one hand, there are two reasons why using electrics are very attractive. Firstly,
to state the obvious, modern technology enables us to gain message more
conveniently. We can obtain international news with the click of a mouse, and without
ever leaving the home and thus gain a lot of leisure space. Secondly, in terms of time,
you can get the latest information in less time. We live in an information age, an age of
communication and connections. It means that the less time we gain the information,
the better communication that we have. The less reflection time could also boost our

On the other hand, I tend to insist that printing materials can be more suitable under
some circumstances. In particular, there is no Wi-Fi or Internet in a remote area, which
can impede computers to maximize their benefits. Meanwhile, the printed books are
able to escape this difficulty, which allow people from remote areas to obtain
information easily. Furthermore, most of the elderly who are behind the times would
prefer to use newspapers to acquire news. The old would be more conservative and
therefore they are not willing to change the way of their lives, including the acquisition
the information, because they get used to read newspapers rather than using modern

In conclusion, I believe books or newspapers have to be kept to cater for some people’s
needs, especially for the older and the people from the remote areas.

2022 年 4 月 23 日 Task 1
The bar chart below shows comparison of consumption of apples and oranges per
person in five countries in Europe.

2022 年 4 月 23 日 Task 2  2017 年 7 月 29 日大陆题目

In many cities, planners tend to arrange shops, schools, offices and homes in specific
areas and separate them from each other. Do you think the advantages outweigh
To make the city run more efficiently, some city planners choose to designate different
areas for different purposes such as dwelling, schooling and working. I think, if planned
well, the benefits of this policy outweigh its drawbacks.

A reasonable plan can make the city better fulfill its functions and facilitate its
development. For example, some streets have a long history of doing trade and
business, with various kinds of shops, restaurants and hotels gathered in a certain area.
This area caneasily be developed into a business zone that attracts large numbers of
local customers and tourists. Also, if different departments of the government were
centralized, it would be easy for them to cooperate and provide one-stop service for
In addition, planning the city according to functions can create a good living
environment for the public and improve their life quality. Well-planned housing areas,
which are built far from the industrial zone, make people less influenced by noise and
air pollution. When planning the residential area, city administrators will consider the
construction of supporting facilities such as hospitals, schools and supermarkets,
which are located not far from residential complexes in order to satisfy people’s needs.

A main problem of separating the city functions is that people need to travel a distance
from one area to another in their daily lives. This is likely to cause traffic congestion,
particularly from the housing area to office area during the rush hours. However, this
problem could be addressed by building more railways to reduce the road traffic, or
providing accommodations for employees near the office.

Overall, I think if the city could be arranged according to different functions, it would
bring many benefits to both administrators and residents.

例 文 2 There is an increasing trend in many countries that governments prefer to

demolish old buildings and construct facilities in a specific area for the public’s living,
shopping, working, and education. Although this trend can bring some benefits, I
believe that the drawbacks outweigh the benefits.

On the one hand, this trend can offer some benefits. One of the main benefits is that
employers can save time and energy on hiring. If more companies choose to start their
business in the same area, they are more likely to hire employees without spending a
significant expense on hiring advertisements, which can profit companies. Another
benefit is that it can provide a better shopping experience for the public. For example,
consumers can go shopping and purchase goods, including foods, clothes, shoes, and
other commodities, without driving or walking to other districts. This one-stop shopping
experience can save their time and energy. Moreover, the intense plan for community
construction can improve land use. Compared with the undeveloped plan in the past, a
well-constructed community is more tidy and clean, which can improve the sense of
belonging for the city dwellers.

On the other hand, there are also some drawbacks. Firstly, governments should invest
more funds in the construction of infrastructures in the new plan. For instance, they
should build more roads between facilities to meet the daily demand, such as houses,
hospitals, and schools. Otherwise, it will cause traffic congestion in cities. If public
transportation is not available in these areas, commuters need to spend more time
commuting, leading to less efficiency in their work. Secondly, students should go to
other places where far from their homes. This means that they need to reduce their
leisure time on transporting, making them less energetic. Furthermore, studying or
working in areas that lack restaurants can decline the living standards. If they need to
cross blocks to enjoy lunch or buy a cup of coffee, they may be vulnerable to the lack of
healthy foods.

In conclusion, although this trend can bring some benefits to the public, the drawbacks
outweigh the benefits.

2022 年 4 月 30 日 Task 1
The line graph below shows comparison of four categories of fish around the world.

2022 年 4 月 30 日 Task 2  2021 年 8 月 12 日

Nowadays, people spend more and more time away from their families. Why is this?
What effect will it have on themselves and their families?  
There is a school of thought that people these days do not have time gathering with
their families. A variety of possible reasons is attributed for this tendency and this trend
has led to both positive and negative repercussions.

As people, especially workers and students, are becoming more and more away from
their homes, several related reasons could be elaborated. One of the primary culprits is
the demand for finance since money holds a vital position due to the high cost of living
in the modern world. To be precise, since the last century, costs for expenditures,
hospitality and recreation have seen an upward trend, up to ten times, so people have to
labour extra hours in their workplaces to make ends meet. Another reason is the desire
for career prospects leading to a huge number of blue- collar workers and students in
the countryside moving to big cities in order to seek well-paid jobs and prestigious

As a result, this situation has both dark and bright impacts on these people and their
families as well. On the one hand, working harder is synonymous with a chance to gain
more money and they could share financial burden with their parents. Moreover, their
children could be provided with a better educational environment based on the ability to
pay for high quality schools and institutes. For example, kids who are in a low-class
kindergarten could not have opportunities to be exposed to diversity lessons, namely
foreign languages classes as the higher ones. On the other hand, as people are steadily
losing their interaction with their families, the relationship between them would also be
loosened. To be more specific, members who rarely spend time with their family have
more aggressive conflicts since they do not have a mutual understanding of each other.

In conclusion, it is evident that there are some certain reasons for the situation of being
apart from family and this has two-edged effects on individuals and their families.

例 文 2 Today there is an impending trend that people fail to afford much time with
families. From my perspective, such a tendency can be attributed to work/life
imbalance, and I am not optimistic to its ramifications on individuals and families. 

Why the majority fail to have quality time is a symptom of problem to which I see the
reality pressure as an answer. Living in a consumer society, many individuals are
inundated 使充满 with a multitude of impediments 阻碍、障碍 embedded in everyday life,
whether these be mortgage or educational costs of children. Only by pushing
themselves to be workaholics can they earn more money to pay all bills. Another factor
that deprives people of family life is their ambitions for career prospects: enterprising
young minds aspire to further personal careers, thus leading to their venerating 尊敬的
work over families.  

As for the implications of shrinking quality time among younger generations, it is

difficult for me to see it as anything other than a curse on both individuals and their
families. The first problem to realize is the threat to emotional bonds between family
members – people spending more time outside families inevitably results in their
missing out on many quality moments, whether it be the birthdays of their loved ones,
or wedding anniversaries. To make thinks worse 更糟的是, such a conundrum 难题 may
put marriage into jeopardy: one of the key culprits leading to divorce among young
couples is either party’s ignorance about families.     

To conclude, being away from families is the result of both economic pressure and
career aspirations, and what concerns me more is the repercussions of this trend on
family relationships. 

例文 3 There has been a growing trend in many countries where people tend to spend
less time with their families. While this may be seen as a necessary sacrifice for some,
there exist consequences.

One reason leading to this situation is the economic pressure. Many societies are now
designed for the average family to be apart since most households require two
incomes. Therefore, parents and children are separated during the day to school or day
care and work. Additionally, it is easy to notice that many working parents spend the
majority of their time in the office or are on constant business trips to other places, as
they have to ensure an advantageous position in the face of stiff competition.

Consequently, they have very limited time to be with their children, which may easily
result in an increasing sense of alienation in the family. It is reported that insufficient
quality family time usually takes a heavy toll on children’s development. For instance,
lack of parental attention can cause resentment among some children.

Another reason for this shift is society’s promotion of independence. Independence has
become more predominant due to the fact that modern technology has increased
exposure to global events. This exposure encourages people to have more life
enriching experience, such as travelling, studying or working abroad, which promotes a
stronger sense of independence within themselves. Therefore, people are becoming
more informed and open-minded than in the past.

However, there are consequences on individuals and their families. Homesickness is

often a result of being long time away from family, giving rise to depression. If people
cannot adjust and adapt quickly, their study or work may be severely affected. Family
bonds can be weakened by long periods of separation. For example, relationships
between spouses may be strained to the point where marital problems arise.
To conclude, although the reasons for people to stay away from their families are
understandable, this development does have adverse effects on maintaining family

2022 年 5 月 7 日 Task 1
The table below shows the production of milk annually in four countries in 1990, 2000
and 2010.

The given table illustrates the yearly production of milk in the Netherlands, Australia,
Guatemala and Tanzania in 1990, 2000 and 2010. A cursory glance at the graph is
enough to make it clear that the maximum production of milk was in the Netherlands
throughout the given period.

Overall, the production of milk increased in all given countries except for Australia,
where it decreased over the given period of two decades.

The Netherlands produced 11,262,000 litres of milk in 1990, but in 2000, the production
fell slightly to 11,155,000 litres, yet after that it picked up again and reached an all time
high of 11,466,9000. Australia was closely behind the Netherlands in the production of
milk in 1990. It produced 11,246,000 litres of milk in 1990, but the production fell
gradually and reached 9,165,000 litres by 2010. Tanzania, and Guatemala increased their
milk production from 87,000 and 26,000 in 1990 to 1,55,000 and 84,000 litres respectively
in 2010. The least milk production was in Guatemala throughout the period of twenty
years. However, the biggest proportionate increase was also seen in Guatemala as the
milk production more than doubled from 1990 to 2000.

2022 年 5 月 7 日 Task 2 
Some people think it is a better way to leave their home country to improve their work
and living opportunities, while others think staying in their own country is a better
choice. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
 In today’s globalized world, moving abroad to work and live has become very common,
with numerous people settling down in a new country and starting a new life. However,
there has been a heated debate as to whether this migration is a good or bad choice.
Many people choose to find jobs abroad because the economy is poor and
unemployment rate is high in their home countries. In some developed countries, the
wage is several times higher than that in underdeveloped countries, which means
immigrants can earn more to provide better life for their families. Moreover, starting a
new life in a foreign country is exciting, especially for those who are keen to explore
new aspects of life. They have chances to try new foods, enlarge their social circles and
expand their professional networks.   
However, some suggest that people should stay in their own countries, as migration is
an unwise choice. When living in other countries, people often find it hard to adapt to a
strange environment. Different certification systems, the language barrier and
cultural differences are obstacles to overseas settlers’ development in their careers and
integration into the local community. For example, many Indian immigrants to the US
and Australia end up working in the restaurant and supermarket to earn a living, and
without local certificates, they cannot continue their previous occupations such as
lawyers and teachers.
Personally, I think it is quite understandable that people have conflicting views about
whether they should leave or stay in their own country. One man’s meat could be
another man’s poison. What people need to do before moving abroad is do investigation
and take all factors into consideration before they make this life-changing decision.   

2022 年 5 月 21 日 Task 1
The maps below show changes in the city of Nelson in recent times.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.

The two maps show the main changes which have taken place in the town of Nelson
between the year 2000 and today.
In general, it appears that Nelson has become a much more modern city, with far more
shopping and transport facilities constructed.

One interesting change is that a new trans line has been built, to connect the university
with the town centre. In 2000, there wasn't any accommodation for students, but a hall
of residence has been built near the university. Another striking change is that the old
market in the west of the city has been knocked down to make way for new shops. A
completely new covered market has also been built on the other side of town.

If we look at the port area, it has been pedestrianized since 2000, and a range of
entertainment facilities have been built, such as restaurants, bars and clubs. The north-
east of the city used to be a green area, with lots of trees, but the trees have been cut
down, and a new shopping complex has been constructed. A final interesting
development has been the introduction of a bike-rental scheme in the city centre.

2022 年 5 月 21 日 Task 2
It is suggested that everyone in the world should have a car, a TV and a fridge. Do you
think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
It is universally accepted that everyone needs a car, a TV, and a fridge to make life more
convenient. Though using these facilities may be advantageous for the general public, I
personally believe that the potential harm outweighs the advantages.

It can be justified that possessing these facilities brings several benefits to everyday
life. Firstly, they help raise people’s standards of living by making life more comfortable.
Compared with the past decades when recreational activities were quite limited, the
advent of television enriches people’s lives through providing them with greater
entertainment. Meanwhile, travelling by private vehicle makes it possible for individuals
to enjoy great freedom in planning routes, timing and destinations. In addition,
refrigerators help preserve food stuffs so that people who are fully occupied can have
easy access to leftovers as food can maintain its natural appearance and nutritive value
in the fridge. Secondly, a growing demand for these possessions stimulates production
and generates more income for the companies. In the long run, such consumption
would further contribute to the national economy, through which governments would be
able to accumulate significant tax revenues to subsidize projects that benefit the whole

However, a heavy dependence on vehicles and appliances may pose a threat to both the
environment and the well-being of the general public. For one thing, having too many
vehicles on the roads is likely to cause traffic congestion, and this would also be a
major producer of toxic emissions that aggravate environmental pollution and harm
people’s health. For another, the manufacturing of automobiles, refrigerators and
televisions necessitates a significant amount of resources. Therefore, if every single
individual has a demand for these facilities, it would result in massive energy
consumption that may be beyond what the globe could offer. Moreover, although
environmental concerns may be addressed through technological advancement, energy
depletion is by no means reversible.
In conclusion, the possession of cars, TVs, and fridges could bring both benefits and
drawbacks, but the negative impacts seem to be more impressive.

例文 2 Commodities such as cars, TV, and refrigerators that were luxuries decades ago
have become basic essentials of a comfortable lifestyle today. While some suggest that
everyone should be in possession of them, I believe it can exert more undesirable
consequences on society in the long run.

The pursuit of a higher standard of living has become the common aspiration of
everyone. Cars provide the flexibility of autonomous travel; televisions are used as
convenient sources of news and entertainment, and refrigerators help to preserve food
so as to offer a wider range of diet choices. To the whole society, high demand of them
implies a growing economy, as the increasing sales figures for cars and household
equipment often mean that more employment opportunities are created and a great deal
of wealth can be accumulated.

However, there are potential problems. Primarily, mass car ownership is often held
responsible for severe traffic congestion and pollution problems, and exhaust
emissions from cars lower the air quality, resulting in the prevalence of chronic
respiratory diseases and consequently affecting the health of the general public.
Secondly, many believe that we have developed into a ‘throw-away’ society since the
environment is filling up with a staggering amount of electronic waste. Nowadays,
society is strongly influenced by consumerism, and therefore people’s consuming
habits are built on the notion of keeping buying latest version of household items.
Evidently, this trend takes a huge toll on the environment and the world’s resources.

To conclude, excessive consumption of cars, televisions, and refrigerators is

detrimental and unsustainable to the long-term development of the whole society.

例文 3
It is true that almost everyone wants a car, a TV and a fridge as some of the basic
essentials of a good lifestyle. Despite the benefits, I believe that on a long-term view,
these are outweighed by the disadvantages.

On the one hand, the growing consumption of cars, televisions and fridges has
several benefits. At its simplest, people can have a higher standard of living than
before. Travelling on the road is no longer tedious because individuals can sit in a
car, listening to music and enjoying the comfort of air conditioning. In the same
way, people may watch television to relax or to gain knowledge, and fridges help
them preserve food longer without being stale. Another advantage is that the rise
of the consumer society stimulates economic growth. The increasing sales figures
for cars and household equipment are often associated with more jobs and wealth
being created for society.
On the other hand, I believe that the above benefits are outweighed by potential
problems. The growing use of cars, televisions and fridges in the home either
pose pressure on the environment or merely places pressure on electricity supply
in the world. Primarily, the use of cars is often held responsible for environmental
pollution. Exhaust emissions from automobiles impair the air quality and
consequently affect people’s health. For example, in many big cities in the world,
urban citizens are suffering from chronic respiratory problems due to poor air
quality. Using fridges and televisions also compounds the problem of insufficient
electricity that has become intractable in many parts of the world

In conclusion, taking a long-term perspective, I would argue that the drawbacks of
this trend outweigh the advantages.

2022 年 5 月 28 日 Task 1
The charts below show the distribution of the world’s water and the use of water in three

Information regarding the global water distribution and its pattern of consumption in
three distinct countries is portrayed in the given charts.

Overall, it is clear that the distribution of world’s water resources is different and so do
its consumption pattern in the mentioned countries.

As per the first pie-chart, of the total global water availability, the lion’s share (97%) is
saline. Of the 3% fresh water left, just over a fifth is found either as ground water (20%)
or as surface water (1%). The rest is held as ice and in glaciers.

Turning to the rate of water consumption, among the first two mentioned countries
(Egypt and Saudi Arabia), the agrarian sector consumes the most, which accounts
nearly 80% of the total. The rest is seen distributed between the domestic and industrial
sectors, with the rate of consumption in the former sector a slightly higher. However, in
Canada, this pattern is almost the opposite, where the share of water used for industrial
purposes is the highest at nearly 80%.
混合文题型,问原因和同意与否。话题是老话题,和交通堵塞相关,相关话题:① C8T3:
Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution
problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree? What other measures do you think
might be effective? ② 2021.11.20: The best way to solve traffic and transportation
problem is to encourage people to live in cities rather than suburbs and countryside. To
what extent do you agree or disagree? ③ 2022.2.17: Some countries have spent a large
amount of money in bicycles. Why has this happened? Is it the best way to solve traffic

2022 年 5 月 28 日 Task 2
The use of cars and motorcycles causes transportation difficulty in cities. Why do
people continue to use cars and motorcycles in cities? What is the best way to solve
this problem?
Roads in many cities are becoming extremely congested, which can be ascribed to the
frequent use of private cars and motorcycles. There are two predominant factors why
people still show much reliance on vehicles, and this thorny issue can promisingly be

Ø congest vt. (常用作被动语态)充满,挤满;拥塞

Ø thorny adj. 棘手的
Ø resolve vt. 解决

To commence, the freedom and flexibility that cars and motorcycles offer should be
responsible for such reliance. As mass transit operates according to a set schedule and
may even be unavailable in some remote areas, passengers have to either wait a long
time at the station or transfer to another transit, leading to a longer travelling distance
and more waiting time. By stark contrast, automobiles allow commuters to travel
whenever and wherever they want based on their own timetable. Besides, cars also
have an edge over public transit in terms of comfort. Compared with taking public
transportation, by which travellers have to crowd into a bus or a metro, tolerating the
cramped and smelly carriage, commuting by car allows people to enjoy the cosy
environment offered by the equipped audio, air conditioning and seats.

Ø mass transit n. 公共交通

Ø commuter n. 通勤者
Ø have an edge over sb. 比某人有优势
Ø comfort n.[U] 舒适度
Ø tolerate vt. 忍受
Ø cramped adj. 〔因空间不够而〕受限制的,拥挤的
Ø carriage n.[C] (火车的)车厢

Considering the slower traffic flow, some schemes should be prioritised. Of all the
measures, the best one is to provide the public with more options of transport that are
accessible, comfortable, punctual and affordable. To this end, the government can
better the public transit, such as opening more metro lines, optimising the schedule of
buses and undergrounds, and upgrading the facilities of the stations and carriages.
Additionally, more shared bicycles can be offered to motivate commuters who travel
within a short distance, and to guarantee the safety of cyclists, roads should be
redesigned with bicycle lanes added. Given more convenient alternatives, citizens are
more likely to desert the current travelling mode, thus alleviating the tension of heavy

Ø punctual adj. 准时的

Ø better vt. 完善
Ø optimise vt. 优化
Ø upgrade vt. 升级
Ø desert vt. 放弃

To recapitulate, since possible factors and feasible remedies have been enumerated, the
issue of traffic congestion can hopefully be addressed with the aforementioned policies

例文 2 Although poor traffic has become a problem in cities, many people still choose
to drive cars or ride motorcycles. I think the important reason behind this phenomenon
is that private cars and motorcycles give people more freedom and flexibility in

When people take the bus, they need to follow the regular schedule and in some areas
where buses are few, passengers need to wait a long time at the bus station. What is
worse is that in many cases there is no direct transit between the place of departure and
the destination, which means travellers have to change one or more times, wasting a
large amount of time on the road and perhaps becoming tired and frustrated. By driving
their own cars, people would no longer worry about these problems.

Considering the heavy traffic in most cities, it is essential to take effective measures to
reduce the car use. The best way to reach the aim is to improve the public transit
system in a comprehensive manner and provide residents with multiple choices of
transport that are convenient, punctual and affordable. The authorities need to upgrade
the transport networks that incorporate buses, subways and even bicycles.

To encourage people to ride bicycles within a short distance, bicycle lanes should be
marked and perhaps shared bicycles can be provided. To reduce passengers’ waiting
time for public transit and the number of transfers in the journey, more buses and trains
need to be added and the route should be optimized. If taking the bus and subway were
faster and more convenient than driving private cars, more city dwellers would give up
their own cars and take the public transport.

2022 年 6 月 4 日 Task 1
The bar chart shows the percentage of population living in cities, towns and rural areas
in 4 countries in 2015.
2022 年 6 月 4 日 Task 2
It is more important for school children to learn about their local history than the world
history. Do you agree or disagree?
Some believe it is more significant for pupils to receive instruction about their own
regional history instead of world history, an opinion I disagree with, as I think world
history holds equal value, and thus, both should be given coverage in the classroom in
equal measure.

One of the main reasons why local history, including regional and domestic history,
should be taught in schools is that pupils can gain a sense of the historical relevance
their region has in their lives. A people without this type of understanding will find it
difficult to know their place in the over all history of their country, and indeed,the world,
causing a lack of introspection and awareness within that particular population. This
ignorance of local history, thus, may result in misplaced pride, or conversely, a lack of
self-respect as a people, but most critically, can hinder the continuity of cultural

In conjunction with local history, however, school children should also be educated
about major world events and even specific historical periods within other countries
and regions. Particularly in a globalized world and one in which current events can have
a direct impact on other and distant regions, having an understanding of foreign
cultures and the history that shaped these cultures can be of benefit to the student and
their future. This benefit can take the form of cultural and historical understanding and
can allow students, once they enter into adulthood, to better communicate with those in
and from different cultures.

In conclusion, teaching local history to youngsters can assist them in forming a cultural
identity and in having a better understanding of local inhabitant ancestry, while at the
same time, an equal amount of time spent on educating the young about world history
can help give a more well-rounded perspective of the world, and as such, I disagree that
it is more important to teach local history at the expense of world history.

例 文 2 There has been a constant debate over the content of the nation’s history
curriculum. While some claim local history is more important than international history
for school children, I tend to hold a different viewpoint.

There is no denying that children should learn local history, since it informs national
identity. Courses on state or regional history help children stay connected to their roots
and learn to appreciate the contribution of their ancestors. In this way, children are
more likely to grow into proud citizens. A man who is proud of his or her own native
culture can be strong in adversity. If the sense of identity lost, problems would follow,
such as the loss of initiative in the international arena.

However, at a time when so much is happening to change the way people work and live,
the way individuals relate to one another, and the way every county links to the rest of
the world, more knowledge and better understanding of world history is crucial. It is
easy to notice that syllabuses of history class in many schools today have featured a
list of topics and books about different nations, ethnic groups, and civilizations. This is
because national history teaches children what is distinctive about a particular land,
whilst world history helps them think about the characteristics that all humanity
embraces. Therefore, studying world history prepares the young minds for college
studies and international experience, which is the key to guiding a younger generation
to become global citizens of tomorrow.

To conclude, world history education provides children with access to attaining cultural
literacy on a world scale, which deserves no less attention than the teaching of local

2022 年 6 月 11 日 Task 1The diagrams below show the present building of a college and
the plan for changes to the college site in the future.

The maps show the current building and site layout of a college, and the proposed
future changes.

Overall, the main changes to the college will include the expansion and renovation of
the college building, with the addition and removal of several rooms and facilities. A
number of changes to facilities outside of the building are also proposed.

The existing entrance to the building is on the northern side and accessed via a
footpath which runs adjacent to the garden on the north and the carpark on the western
side of the building. The future plans propose that the new entrance will be on the
southern side of the building, adjacent to the main road and bus stop. The footpath and
garden surrounding the building will be removed, and the existing carpark expanded to
accommodate more cars.

Inside the building, there is currently a classroom, reception, and library along the
eastern side. The future plans propose that the reception will be moved to the centre of
the building towards the new entrance at the south, and the library relocated to the
western side, making way for four new classrooms. The toilets will be moved to the
opposite end of the building, where the old entrance was, and a new shop will be built
next to the existing lunch area.

2022 年 6 月 11 日 Task 2
Today people live longer after retiring from work. What problems does this cause for
individuals and society? What can be done?
With the advance of medical science and improvement of daily nutrition, people in
increasing number ( 越 来 越 多 的 人 ) enjoy much longer life expectancy. Under this
circumstance, the gradual appearance of an aging society has triggered a heated
controversy ( 引 发 激 烈 的 争 议 ) worldwide. I will make an objective analysis of this
phenomenon and figure out potential effects on individuals and the society.

It has to be admitted that If people live longer, they can travel all around the world and
obtain an experience which is totally different from that they have had in work places.
Meanwhile, more aging population may lead to an increasing demand for healthcare
workers and therefore may create more job opportunities in health-related fields such
as nursing and pharmacy.

However, more aging population imposes a heavy burden on (施加沉重的负担) social

security system(社保). To be specific, the more retired people there are in a society,
the more claims are made for state pension, which means that the government has to
invest more funds with the aim to (目的 ) guarantee their fundamental requirements.
Due to limited budget, the funds for other social programmes, including financial
support for low-income families, unemployment benefits(失业补助) and student loans
will be reduced.

In addition, a higher proportion of elderly people in the population is also likely to cause
labor shortage, which will give rise to( 导 致 ) lower efficiency. Not only will this hinder
economic prosperity(阻碍经济繁荣), it will also bring about the rise of labor costs. To
cover such extra expenses, companies will be forced to (不得不 ) raise the prices of
their commodities and services---a load that will be borne by all the consumers.

Based on the analysis ( 综 上 所 述 ) , to crack this hard nut, ( 解 决 棘 手 问 题 ) the

government and all the citizens should make joint efforts ( 齐 心 协 力 ) to reduce the
demerits of an aging society to the least extent ( 把 --- 减 到 最 低 程 度 ) by means of
adopting some effective precautions(预防措施), like extending the retirement age and
encouraging marriage and childbearing.
2022 年 6 月 16 日 Task 1
The line graph shows the number of books that were borrowed in four different months
in 2014 from four village libraries, and the pie chart shows the percentage of books, by
type, that were borrowed over this time.

The line graph depicts the number of books that were loaned out from four libraries
over a four-month period and the pie chart illustrates the proportions of books
borrowed in terms of genre.

Overall, it is immediately apparent that the borrowing patterns for each library were
quite varied, and that fiction was by far the most popular type of book.

The borrowing of books at Sutton Wood and Ryeslip began fairly high, at 250 and 300
per month in June respectively. However, while book borrowing at Ryeslip fell steadily
to around 175 at the end of the period, borrowing at Sutton Wood followed a much more
erratic pattern. It plummeted to 100 in August, before then rising steeply to finish at 300,
which represented the highest level of borrowing of the four.

Borrowing at West Eaton and Church Mount, meanwhile, followed very similar patterns,
with both starting quite low at 50 per month, but then gradually increasing to finish at

Moving on to the types of books borrowed, fiction was in demand the most, at 43%. The
next most popular books were biographies, accounting for around a fifth of the total.
The borrowing of science and history were identical, at 14% each, leaving self-help as
the least popular at 10%.

例文 2 The line graph shows the number of books borrowed from four libraries in the
months of June, July, August and September of 2014. The pie chart shows the
percentage wise data of the different types of books that were borrowed.

Overall, it can be seen that the libraries of RyeSlip and Sutton Wood lent the highest
number of books during the given period. Ryeslip library lent the highest number of
books (300) in the month of June followed by Sutton Wood library which lent 250 books
during the same month. Over the next 3 months, there was a dramatic decline in the
number of books borrowed from Ryeslip library. Actually in September only about 175
books were borrowed from this library. The number of books borrowed from Sutton
Wood library increased to 275 in July but in August it fell sharply to 100. Despite this, in
September this library had the highest number of borrowings (300 books). Over the
given period, there was a consistent increase in the number of books borrowed from
West Eaton and Church Mount libraries. Both of them lent only 50 books in June. Over
the next three months, the number of borrowings increased more for West Eaton than
for Church Mount. However, in September, both of them lent 150 books.

As for the types of books, 43% of the total books borrowed belonged to the category of
fiction. Biographies were the second most popular, accounted for 19% of the total
borrowings. Together history (14%), science (14%) and self help (10%) accounted for
38% of the borrowings.

2022 年 6 月 16 日 Task 2 重复 2011 年 8 月 13 日题目

Some people think the main purpose of schools is to turn children into good citizens
and workers rather than to benefit them as individuals. To what extent do you agree or
Schools do function as the place where children can be nurtured into eligible social
members and workers, but personally this does not necessarily mean that the
predominant purpose of formal schooling fails to lie in personal interest.

Ø function as vi. 起作用

Ø nurture vt. 培养
Ø eligible adj. 合格的
Ø predominant adj. 主要的

Admittedly, formal schooling aims at injecting vitality into society by developing

qualified citizens and providing workforce. To illustrate, teachers at school are required
to equip children with not only academic knowledge in various fields but also practical
skills ranging from empirical research to manual work so that students can, after
graduation, engage themselves in all walks of life, which will in the long term guarantee
society a more vigorous and productive workforce. Meanwhile, teachers are also partly
responsible for imparting correct moral values into children’s mind, which prepares
students to become righteous citizens who conform to the laws and regulation.

Ø inject vitality into 注入活力到…

Ø equip sb. with sth. vt. 使某人配备…
Ø all walks of life n. 各行各业
Ø vigorous adj. 有活力的
Ø productive adj. 多产的
Ø impart vt. 传授;给予(跟抽象名词)
Ø righteous adj. 正直的
Ø conform to vi. 遵守

However, the main purpose of education lies in benefitting students as individuals at

the same time. It is through both academic and pragmatic courses by schools that
students acquire professional knowledge and skills which will facilitate them to secure
a decent job with a generous salary so as to earn their daily sustenance after
graduation. Meanwhile, having participated in diverse extracurricular activities, students
can also sharpen their wits, cultivate people skills, and spice up their lives, by which
they can quickly adapt to society after leaving school and find their own value to the
community they are involved in. In other words, young-school leavers are able to build
their self-confidence and thus satisfy their spiritual demands.

Ø secure vt. 获得
Ø generous adj. 慷慨的,大量的
Ø people skills n. 人际交往
Ø spice up vi. 增添趣味

In light of the above, the function of formal education is to exert positive impacts on
both individuals and society as a whole.

例 文 2 Schools are a quite complex system that involves multiple participants and
sections to educate and guide students. By acknowledging that, the purposes of
schools could never be simple, but in my opinion, the main purpose of schools is to
benefit them as independent individuals.

Some might have a good point that schools are established by the government and the
curricula are set by the authorities, whose target is to provide more good members for
the society, making sure the society runs stably. It is not deniable that schools are
responsible for equipping their clients, the students, with appropriate and useful
knowledge and skills to satisfy their aims of enrolling in certain courses, so that they
are able to be employed and contribute to the society.

Nonetheless, the curricula provided by schools are not limitations for students. Firstly,
it is the students who decide what they should learn in the school. There are plenty of
options for students to choose and learn in a school, where students have the right to
opt for their strengths and avoid their weaknesses. For example, a logic-oriented
achiever will possibly be in lessons related to science and math rather than art and
literature, but the latter is passionately welcomed by intuition-based thinkers. the
authorities certainly do not have the power to force those students to study certain
areas. Secondly, recent generations can even give suggestions and petitions to launch
a subject or a lecture they are enthusiastic about, and modern schools not only cannot
say no to these kinds of requirement, but also will recruit professionals to make it
happen. Therefore, students are free to obtain knowledge and skills based on their
needs individually.

Moreover, their abilities of independent thinking and analyzing cannot be achieved

outside schools. Students become independent on problem solving and planning their
life path through, seemingly irrelevant to this merit, repetitive calculations and endless
essays and reports, which is also a contributing factor to their analyzing skills. These
skills accompany them to overcome their own difficulties and render it possible for
them to live a better life.

In conclusion, schools are mainly beneficial to their students’ development, giving them
knowledge and methods, with other social targets along together. Schools should cling
to their fundamental target of nurturing all-rounded individuals and being socially

2022 年 6 月 25 日 Task 1
The charts below show the qualification of employees of an advertising company in
1990 and 2010.

The pie charts present an overview of the change of the proportion in qualification of
graduates who work for an advertising company in two years, 1990 and 2010

Overall, the importance of first degree is highlighted in this advertising company.

First degree in art and in science rose in importance throughout the 20-year period, with
the former growing from 18% to 27% and the latter from 18% to 24%. The increase also
made these two qualifications become the largest two sources where the personnel of
the company come from. The two decades also witnessed a slight rise in PhD of
science, although the trend was moderate in comparison to the first degree in art and

On the other hand, Master Degree and PhD Degree in art were in the decline. The
change in Master Degree in art was quite obvious (from 27% to 12%), while the drop in
PhD Degree was almost unnoticeable (only 1%). Besides, there was the same
percentage of staff of PhD Degree in Science, 20% in both years.

2022 年 6 月 25 日 Task 2 重复 2014 年 6 月 28 日

With the increasing demand for energy sources of oil and gas, people should look for
sources of oil and gas in remote and untouched places. Do the advantages outweigh
the disadvantages of damaging such areas?
Human beings have excavated and exhausted much of the planets fossil fuels and
natural gases. By the turn of the century, the pressure of running out of energy
resources have consequently forced people to seek such resources in remote or
untouched regions. In my view, although by doing so people will have limited benefits,
inevitably more issues will arise.

Admittedly, the majority of moving vehicles and heating household systems are still
running on oils and gases. The overall demand for such resources is still increasing
exponentially on a day-to-day basis. Therefore, energy companies must find a solution
to resolve this colossal demand. Hence, by searching and drilling for fossil fuels in
more remote or even uncivilized areas, people can gain access to a much greater
amount of energy resources, for instance, by drilling deposits of resources compared to
the land. In addition, by moving excavations and driller sites away from the inhabitable
regions, people can limit the amount of harmful pollution released directly to

However, the reality of such actions often carries numerous negative consequences.
First of all, searching for energy in remote areas will simply increase the amount of
energy required for transportation. Often referred as carbon emission, this will give rise
to even greater energy demand and is an extremely unsustainable way of development.
Notwithstanding, the action such as drilling into the ocean floor may lead to
catastrophic damage to the oceanic ecosystem. There have already been numerous
accounts of oil and gas leakage from deep ocean platforms. The recent one occurring in
the Mexican Bay has resulted in a disastrous impact on the local fauna. Furthermore,
there are still unpredictable consequences that may cause damaging impacts on the
already degrading climate and planet conditions.

In conclusion, the method of searching for fossil energy in remote areas is venerable
yet unsustainable development. Human beings should make great efforts to seek
renewable energy sources.

例文 2 Global demand for energy is increasing rapidly due to population and economic
growth. In order to meet this rising demand, some suggest to find oil and gas in remote
and untouched areas, such as the North Pole. I believe this solution has both evident
merits and demerits.

The most tangible benefit to such a strategy is the boost to the economy. Explorations
for new energy sources are expected to bring about more job opportunities, and
therefore the productivity and tax revenue of the nation will be increased. Each
country’s development leads to a boom in global markets, and living standards of the
general public can be improved as a result. Another advantage is the potential
technological innovation. Searching for energies in uncharted territory relies on
methods different from traditional techniques, which is bound to promote the
development of science and technology.

However, such activities may create challenges which will end up jeopardizing the
environment in an irreversible way. For example, the debate over whether to drill for
energy in the Arctic and Antarctic has existed for more than a decade simply because of
its possible disastrous impact. Drilling there would directly destroy the habitat of
animals such as polar bears and penguins to begin with. Industrialization of these
places could undermine the marine and coastal resources that whales and seals heavily
rely on. What is worse, a wider scale of energy exploration means over-dependence on
fossil resources. Global warming and other climate problems have deteriorated to a
tipping point. Thus, drilling for and burning more fossil fuels is the last thing we should
be doing, especially in untouched areas.

In conclusion, the pros and cons of this solution are obvious, and decision should be
made after discreet consideration.

2022 年 7 月 7 日 Task 1
The diagram below shows the stages in the process of glass recycling.

This flow chart is used to illustrate the process of glass bottles recycling, including classifying glass
bottles, cutting them into pieces and melting them, and finally putting corresponding commodities
onto the market.

First of all, used bottles are collected at a recycling point, and then transported to a cleaning plant.
Here, after being washed by high-pressurized water, these bottles are classified, according to color,
into green, brown or to whether they are clear or not.

Next, the bottles are conveyed to a recycling plant where they are cut into glass pieces and then
poured into a furnace. By the force of high temperature, the crushed glasses are melted into liquid,
which is put into a glass mould. Here it is mixed with other batch 批 次 materials to make new
qualified glass containers.

In the final stage, new empty bottles are reused by manufacturing factory to hold kinds of liquid,
from beer to milk to wine, and after that these commodities are dispatched to the supermarkets,
department stores and shopping malls, ready to be picked by consumers. In this way, a cycle has
completed and a new cycle will begin.
2022 年 7 月 7 日 Task 2
Schools should focus more on teaching students how to be successful in the workforce
and less attention to be successful in achieving academic success. To what extent do
you agree or disagree?
In this age, getting education is highly essential. Some people believe that schools
should pay more attention towards making students succesful in practical world rather
than focussing on their academic achievements. However, I do not agree with this
notion entirely because academic qualifications are crux for securing good jobs and by
adding degrees one gets to know more about a certain field.

To start with, acdemic achievements are vital and act as a certificate to get a decent and
highly paid job. The more one would be highly qualified, the more employment options
would be availabe for them as a result their chances if flourishing are high. For
instance, during interviews an applicant's resume is being seen and the most important
thing in that is the education of the candidate. Those having spectacular academic
records are given preference. Hence, it can be seen that degrees are very important to
get good jobs.

In addition to this, by taking more and more degrees one gets more comfortable with
the perticular subject. As the one with increased number of degrees has more and in
depth knowledge about specific things, the contribution of such employees would be
more productive because they have spent years in gaining information about
designated field. Therefore, they are fruitful for the organization they are working in,
because the comopany would prosper more. A survey suggested that people having
more educational achievements do get increased number of chances to succeed and
they enjoy many privileges.

To conclude, academic achievements are integral to secure a good post and they add
on the knowledge of one.

例文 2 There is an upsurge in practical knowledge these years, and people have seen
many education courses being theory-based. Learning practical skills to be successful
in the workforce or gaining academic knowledge to achieve academic success, which is
better, has been a discussion among the public. In my view, the choice depends on the
different individuals' needs and will.

It sounds reasonable that schools help students learn something realistic to be

successful in their future careers.

It is well-recognized that every student has to work after they graduate. They should be
equipped with competence that enhances the transition from school to work. Besides,
an excellent student learner is admittedly essential to society, but more important is his
or her productivity. However, schools focus more on theoretical knowledge than
practical abilities, which distances learners from real life.

Besides, when a student is leaning academic knowledge at school, other skills are also
developed. Schooling will focus on exceptional abilities like organization, interpretation,
evaluation, and communication, helping students be a well-rounded person. A qualified
student should also possess some critical skills, such as problem-solving and critical

My view is that this choice is according to different people's needs and will. For
instance, provided that a medical school that focuses more on students' career success
arrange their students to spend three years practicing medicine, these students'
experience will be more than their peers who pay more attention to theory learning for
academic success. However, it may be better to concentrate more on academic
sessions for a philosopher until he gets a Doctor's degree.

2022 年 7 月 9 日 Task 1
The bar chart shows percentage of males and females different age groups with full
time education in Australia in 2006.
2006 年澳洲男女不同年龄接受全日制和非全日制教育的比例

2022 年 7 月 9 日 Task 2
It is difficult for people living in cities to get enough physical exercise. What are the
causes and what solutions can be taken to solve the problem?
These days, it is true that in urban centres people do not exercise adequately. There are
several reasons behind this unhealthy development. Fortunately, there are several
solutions too.

To begin with, there are different reasons why people in urban areas do not exercise
enough. The first reason is that there are not many designated areas for exercising in
cities. This is because nowadays cities are overcrowded and do not have enough land
to accommodate the increasing number of people who migrate to them. For example, in
2008, the Sudanese government began to build new apartment blocks in public spaces
that were earlier used as exercising areas. As a result, people now struggle to find
places where they can exercise.

Furthermore, people who live in cities are now busier than in the past. They work very
hard to make a living for themselves and their families. In other words, space
constraints and time constraints are the main reasons that discourage urban dwellers
from getting enough exercise.

Fortunately, there are several ways to tackle this issue. First of all, the government
should provide free facilities where people can exercise. This will definitely encourage
more people to get physically active. The government also needs to create awareness
about the importance of staying physically active. They can rope in respected public
personalities to drive home the message that regular exercise improves health and
To sum up, it is evident that lack of public spaces and the busy lifestyle of urban people
are the reasons for them not getting enough exercise. However, building exercising
facilities and teaching people about the importance of exercising can solve this

2022 年 7 月 16 日 Task 1 2019 年 12 月 21 日、2015 年 2 月 12 日

The table shows the percentage of ‘very good’ which is rated by first-year students for 3
different subjects in terms of 5 various respects.
Pre-course Teaching Tutor Resources (print) Other resources
Economics 59% 95% 90% 81% 60%
Law 72% 62% 76% 70% 80%
Commerce 95% 95% 93% 86% 81%
The table reveals various rates of student’s satisfaction with five different aspects of
three courses in a particular school in 2002.

Noticeably, Commerce was the most satisfying course, with over 80% of students
satisfied with all five aspects and an average of more than 90% satisfied with three
aspects: Pre-course Information, Teaching and Tutor.

By contrast, a least proportion of students rated five aspects of Law as very good. Other
Resources was the most acknowledged aspect with only 80% of students rating it as
very good. Teaching came with the lowest degree of satisfaction, with
acknowledgement only form 62% students. The percentages on the remaining three
aspects were all within this range, at 73% on average.

Clearly, students’ attitude towards Economics varied considerably. Teaching and Tutor
received good comments from 95% and 90% of students, whereas Pre-course
Information and Other Resources gained acknowledgement from no more than 60% of
students. The gap between the highest and lowest reached up to 36%. The percentage
of Resources (Print) was at an intermediate level at 81%.

例 文 2 The table reveals the respective rating of course satisfaction towards different
subjects and contents from first- year students.

In terms of pre-course information, commerce tops in these three subjects, with 95% of
students showing satisfaction. 72% of the students rate the pre-course information of
law as “very good” and the figure for economics is merely 10% more than half of that
for commerce.

When it comes to teaching, tutor and printed resources, economics and commerce
share similar popularity, with approximately 95%, 92% and 83% respectively. However,
only about 70% of students are satisfied with these of law.

It is worth noting that law is quite satisfactory when students are rating other resources,
with 80% of satisfaction from the first-year students. Commerce is still in the first place
(81%) and economics is the most unsatisfactory in this factor.
Overall, commerce enjoys the highest satisfaction in all kinds of contents, while
students are relatively less satisfied with law.

2022 年 7 月 16 日 Task 2
Some people think that the Olympic Games are exciting events and can bring nations
together. Others, however, think that they are a waste of money. Discuss both these
views and give your own opinion.
There are many who claim hosting the Olympics unproductively diverts money from
more essential areas. In my opinion, despite these valid objections, there is still great
value in the unifying impact of the Olympics.

Critics argue there are urgent needs that should be prioritised over a sporting event.
This applies to every nation but particularly developing ones. For example, the
Olympics in Brazil in 2016 led to mass unrest and protests as locals felt too much
money was being spent on the event and not enough on helping to alleviate worsening
conditions among underprivileged segments of society. The government could have
instead improved the infrastructure used by millions daily, invested more in education,
or built more hospitals. These allocations of the federal budget would not only serve an
immediate purpose but also have a longer lasting effect than the Olympics.

Nonetheless, most Olympic games are sponsored by developed nations and they occur
very rarely which justifies their efforts to unify. The countries competing in the
Olympics often have fraught international relationships and competition can counter-
intuitively decrease tensions. Supporters may root against other countries at specific
instances, such as when watching a football match, but they are united in their love of
sports and the shared viewing experience. This has the subtle but powerful
unconscious result of fostering greater empathy between diverse ethnic and national
groups. When an individual roots for their country and their athletes, and sees other
individuals partaking in the same ritual, they will realise that association within a larger
tribe is an essential, common human trait.

In conclusion, despite the seemingly inefficient allocation of funds, the Olympics are a
mass, cooperative effort that has tremendous value. Therefore, countries should
consider hosting the games a great honor.

例 文 2 The Olympics are considered the leading international sporting events, with
thousands of athletes from more than 200 countries taking part. While some may
question the role of the Games and claim that holding these competitions is a waste of
money, I believe that they have indeed brought people closer worldwide.

The Olympics create peace between countries because the host country invites other
nations to join the Games, where t he world unites with the best athletes in the world,
representing the flag, culture, history, and beliefs of their homeland. Today, participating
in the Olympic Games is high on many countries’ agendas. For the host nation, it is a
great chance to showcase its social values to the world. As to the visitors and local
populace, they are offered the perfect opportunity to communicate with people from a
whole variety of backgrounds, regardless of their skin colors and races. People say that
sporting events like the Olympics are one of the few occasions when people are willing
to learn to understand and appreciate each other over differences and disputes, and
therefore it is widely acknowledged that they are beneficial to humanity.

However, the costs of hosting the Olympics have skyrocketed, while the economic
benefits are not guaranteed. This has led to the controversy over whether it is
worthwhile to hold them. For example, the 2020 Tokyo Olympics faced unprecedented
challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic, increasing the games’ already record-setting
investment. Tokyo is not alone in facing a multibillion-dollar bill after the Olympics.
Other former host cities are still struggling with debt, leading some candidates for
future Games to withdraw their bids. Therefore, the International Olympic Committee
should take this issue into serious consideration and provide methods to lighten the
financial burden of staging such big events.

To conclude, I believe in the unifying power of the Olympic Games to bring the world
together in peaceful competitions, and in the meanwhile, the economics of hosting the
Olympic Games should be taken seriously.

2022 年 7 月 23 日 Task 1
Bar Chart (静态) 2012 年美国不同年龄的人玩游戏用的不同电子设备的对比

2022 年 7 月 23 日 Task 2
More and more people move from the countryside to big cities. Does this development
bring more advantages or disadvantages to the environment?
The past few decades have witnessed a rising tide of people migrating from countries to
big cities. While urban expansion may have some positive effects, I believe that the
harm to the environment is much more serious.

The main disadvantage of this trend is the increased possibility of environmental

pollution. On the one hand, a growing number of residents living in the cities will
definitely produce more household waste than before, adding to the burden of refuse
disposal. As a result, garbage processing will aggravate air pollution and land
degradation since it necessitates burning and dumping. On the other hand, new city
arrivals who need to commute every day contribute to even greater usage of private
vehicles, whose gas emissions would intensify air pollution and worsen the ecological
condition. Additionally, in order to accommodate more citizens, limited natural green
spaces tend to be occupied for the construction of houses and office buildings, which
might cause unintentional damage to the urban ecosystem.

Some people may argue that the influx of new migrants would boost the local economy,
so that the authorities would have more revenues accumulated for environmental
preservation measures such as developing alternative energy or optimizing ways of
waste disposal. However, there is no fundamental solution to a problem caused by a
dense population, let alone an approach to dealing with the environmental damage that
is by nature irreversible. Even if a brand-new waste disposal system is implemented,
problems will still occur when the amount of waste far exceeds the system’s capacity to
handle it.

In conclusion, I believe that when a large group of people move from countrysides to
cities, it is more likely to cause environmental problems that are irreparable.

2022 年 8 月 6 日 Task 1
Line graph (动态)

2022 年 8 月 6 日 Task 2
Some people think visual images (e.g. photographs or videos) can accurately represent
what is happening in a news story. However, others think visual images could not tell
the full story. Discuss both views and give your own opinion?
Introduction: 对于视觉影像在信息传递中的作用,人们有不同的看法。

Body-1:讨论观点 1 (驳论写法)
相比于文字和声音,visual images 的确能更准确地传递信息。1.图片或视频能包含更多的现场
的感觉。 但是,这不意味着 visual images 就能真实地展示发生的事情。因为创作者可能有主观

即使 visual images 是客观的真实记录,也不一定能展示事情的全貌。

In conclusion,我的观点是 visual images 并不一定能真实地展示发生的事情,同时也不一定能


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