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Sometimes things are out of our control and we can't do anything about it.

Experiences can be good and

sometimes terrible that results in a positive or negative impact on one's life. Life is full of many
unexpected challenges and unknown turning points that will come along any time. People must learn
and grow from every experience that they go through in life rather than losing yourself. Change is a part
of life. Life gives many experiences almost every day.

We All know that Homelessness is a problem virtually every society suffers from. There are many things
that cause people to become homeless, such as unemployment, relationship problems, and being
evicted from ones domicile either by a landlord, friend or even a family member. However, with every
cause there must be an effect. Some of the effects of one becoming homeless the obvious change of
lifestyle, various health problems which often times may lead to death. Many people find themselves in
a predicament when they are living with a partner and the two decide to go their separate ways. Some
people may not be able afford the cost of living on just their income alone and etc. That causes
homelessness of the people.

So I choose the kind of organization that focuses on the people that no permanent home or in other
term Homeless, The name of my Organization is Holy Trinity Incorporation that the logo symbolizes the
Trinity in the Christian doctrine that God exists as three distinct divine persons, as God the Father, God
the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This is something that is so very complex and hard to understand, but that
is the God we worship, a complex God. And also I put a Cross and Water in the Logo that depicts life and
fertility, allowing generation upon generation to survive and thrive, Water because we all know that
water is popularly represents life. It can be associated with birth, fertility, and refreshment and Cross
because I want my Organization to spread Faith because Faith speaks the language of the heart it is an
expression of hope that goes beyond a well taught faith based education will give the people a broader,
healthier perspective on life than their peers. THATS ALL!

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