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What is Personal Letter?

• Personal letter is also called as Informal letter

• Personal letter is a type of letter that usually concerns
personal matters and is sent from one individual to another
• It is often handwritten and sent through the mail
• But, nowadays people send personal letter through email
Social Function
• To express feelings/ideas/opinions
• To share information
• To build/maintain/strengthen a personal relationship
Generic Structure
• Date
• Address
• Salutation & Name
• Introduction
• Body
• Closure
• Complimentary Close
• Signature & sender
• Postscript (P.S) optional
Language Features
1. Focus on exchanging personal current news, feelings, and conditions
2. Use of pronouns, simple present tense, and past tense
3. Use of date and address
4. Informal greetings or salutations
Example of Personal Letter
35 Senggigi Raya
Lombok 75009
Nusa Tenggara Timur
12th January 2014
My Dear Lovely Siti,

Hello! How are you, sweetie? I know you are angry with me because I am writing to you after a long time.
I am so sorry, please forgive me. You know we are in Lombok right now. It is so beautiful beyond imagination. I am
writing to you from this really cute little café on the Senggigi beach. As you know, mum loves shopping, so she goes
and will go for hours. I took a rain check from shopping and decided to write to you while I enjoy my cup of coffee.
You know, yesterday we went to Gili Nanggu Island; it is a beach on the southwest of Lombok. The place
is awesome. It is so beautiful I couldn't believe my eyes. There are beautiful coral reefs everywhere. We went for
snorkeling and we saw the most amazing fish ever. I wish you were here; it would have been much more fun.
Mum was making sure that we didn't miss any sight of the whole city, so we had practically been
I have to go, mum is here. I will see you soon.

Lots of love

P.S. I'm bringing you lots of souvenirs and pictures!!

Example of Personal Letter
35 Senggigi Raya
address Lombok 75009
Nusa Tenggara Timur
12th January 2014 date
My Dear Lovely Siti, salutation & name
Hello! How are you, sweetie? I know you are angry with me because I am writing to you after a long time. I am so
sorry, please forgive me. You know we are in Lombok right now. It is so beautiful beyond imagination. I am writing to you from
this really cute little café on the Senggigi beach. As you know, mum loves shopping, so she goes and will go for hours. I took a
rain check from shopping and decided to write to you while I enjoy my cup of coffee.
You know, yesterday we went to Gili Nanggu Island; it is a beach on the southwest of Lombok. The place is awesome.
It is so beautiful I couldn't believe my eyes. There are beautiful coral reefs everywhere. We went for snorkeling and we saw the BODY
most amazing fish ever. I wish you were here; it would have been much more fun.
Mum was making sure that we didn't miss any sight of the whole city, so we had practically been everywhere.
I have to go, mum is here. I will see you soon. closure

Lots of love complimentary close

Lanaa signature
Lana sender

P.S. I'm bringing you lots of souvenirs and pictures!! PS

Example of email
To : (email of the addressee)
Subject : Lombok Trip (purpose of the letter_optional)

My Dear Lovely Siti,

Hello! How are you, sweetie? I know you are angry with me because I am writing to you after a long time. I am so
sorry, please forgive me. You know we are in Lombok right now. It is so beautiful beyond imagination. I am writing to you
from this really cute little café on the Senggigi beach. As you know, mum loves shopping, so she goes and will go for hours. I
took a rain check from shopping and decided to write to you while I enjoy my cup of coffee.
You know, yesterday we went to Gili Nanggu Island; it is a beach on the southwest of Lombok. The place is
awesome. It is so beautiful I couldn't believe my eyes. There are beautiful coral reefs everywhere. We went for snorkeling
and we saw the most amazing fish ever. I wish you were here; it would have been much more fun.
Mum was making sure that we didn't miss any sight of the whole city, so we had practically been everywhere.
I have to go, mum is here. I will see you soon.

Lots of love

P.S. I'm bringing you lots of souvenirs and pictures!!

✓Write your own personal letter in the form of written letter/email
✓Choose one of the addressee below:
✓If you write an email, please send it to
Excellence is not being the best;
It is doing your best.

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