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Chapter 5

Medical Studies at the University of Santo Tomas- (1877-1882)

Fortunately, Rizal's tragic first romance, with its bitter disillusionment, did not adversely affect
his studies in the University of Santo Tomas. After finishing the first year of a course in
Philosophy and Letters (1877-78), he transferred to the medical course. During the years of his
medical studies in this university which was administered by the Dominicans, rival educators of
the Jesuits, he remained loyal to Ateneo, where he continued to participate in extra-curricular
activities and where he completed the vocation course in surveying. As a Thomasian, he won
more literary laurels, had other romances with pretty girls, and fought against Spanish students
who insulted the brown Filipino students.

Mother's Opposition to Higher Education.

-After graduating with the highest honors from the Ateneo, Rizal had to go to the University of
Santo Tomas for higher studies.
Rizal Enters the University.
-In April 1877
-He enrolled this course for two reasons: (1) his father liked it and (2) he was "still uncertain
as to what career to pursue".
-during his first-year term (1877-78) in the University of Santo Tomas, Rizal studied
Cosmology, Metaphysics, Theodicy, and History of Philosophy.
-It was during the following term (1878-79)
Finishes Surveying Course in Ateneo (1878).
-During his first school term in the University of Santo Tomas (1877-78),
-Romances with Other Girls. He gave two reasons for his change of heart, namely:

(1) the sweet memory of Segunda was still fresh in his heart and (2) his father did not like
the family of "Miss L"

Victim of Spanish Officer's Brutality.

-When Rizal was a freshman medical student at the University of Santo Tomas,
-During the summer vacation in 1878,
-In a letter to Blumentritt, dated March 21, 1887, he related: "I went to the Captain-General
but I could not obtain justice; my wound lasted two weeks"

"To the Filipino Youth" (1879).

-In the year 1879 the Liceo Artistico-Literario (Artistic-Literary Lyceum)
-Rizal, who was then eighteen years old, submitted his poem entitled A La Juventud Filipina
(To the Filipino Youth).

"The Council of the Gods" (1880).

-The following year (1880)
-El Consejo de los Dioses (The Council of the Gods).

Other Literary Works.

-Junto al Pasig (Beside the Pasig), on December 8, 1880,
-Rizal makes Satan say that the Philippines
"Now without comfort,
Sadly groans in the power of a foreign people, And slowly dies
In the impious clutch of Spain."
-In the same year (1880),
-The year before, in 1879, he composed a poem entitled Abd-el-Azis y Mahoma,
in 1881, Al M.R.P.Pablo Ramon.

Rizal's Visit to Pakil and Pagsanjan.

-In the summer month of May, 1881,

Champion of Filipino Students.

-Rizal was the champion of the Filipino students
-In 1880 Compañerismo (Comradeship)

Unhappy Days at the UST.

-He was unhappy at this Dominican institution of higher learning because
-In his novel, El Filibusterismo,
-unfriendly attitude of his professors,

Decision to Study Abroad.

-After finishing the fourth year of his medical course, Rizal decided to study in Spain.
Chapter 6
In Sunny Spain (1882-1885)

Rizal's Secret Mission.

- to observe the lives, cultures, laws, and governments of the countries in Europe, in preparation
for liberating the Philippines from Spain's tyrannical rule.

Secret Departure for Spain.

-On May 3, 1882,
-Singapore. During the voyage to Singapore
-On May 8, 1882,
From Singapore to Colombo.
-In Singapore Rizal transferred to another ship Djemnah, a French steamer, which left Singapore
for Europe on May 11
-On May 17, the Djemnah reached Point Galle,

First Trip Through Suez Canal.

-At the next stopover - in Aden - Rizal went ashore to see the sights.
At Port Said,

Naples and Marseilles.

- From Port Said,
-On June 11, Rizal reached Naples.
-On the night of June 12,
-The Count of Monte Cristo,

-On the afternoon of June 15, Rizal left Marseille.
-June 16, 1882

“Amor Patrio.”
-In progressive Barcelona,
-Manila Moves to Madrid. While sojourning in Barcelona,

Life in Madrid.
-On November 3, 1882,
-Romance with Consuelo Ortiga y Perez. Rizal was not a handsome man.

"They Ask Me For Verses." In 1882 shortly after his arrival in Madrid, Rizal joined the Circulo
Hispano-Filipino (Hispano-Philippine Circle),
Rizal as Lover of Books.
- A favorite pastime of Rizal in Madrid was reading.

Rizal's First Visit to Paris (1883).

-During his first summer vacation in Madrid Rizal went to Paris,

Rizal as a Mason.
-In Spain Rizal came in close contact with prominent Spanish litoral and republican Spaniards,

Financial Worries.
-After Rizal's departure for Spain, things turned from bad to worse in Calamba.

Rizal's Salute to Luna and Hidalgo.

-The banquet on the evening of June 25, 1884
Rizal Involved in Student Demonstrations.
-On November 20, 21, and 22, 1884,

Studies Completed in Spain.

Rizal completed his medical course in Spain.

Doctor of Medicine (Not awarded)

-Rizal also finished his studies in Philosophy and Letters, with higher grades.
-Rizal completed his studies in Spain.

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