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Capstone Reflection

November 9th, 2022

Jordana Waugh

1. What have you accomplished so far on your Capstone project? If nothing, why?
I have brain-stormed and narrowed down areas to research and refined my inquiry question to
compare and contrast evidenced-based tools and those without empirical support.
I have found questionnaires to measure my before and after each tool has been introduced.
- RCADS self-report
- Beck Youth Inventories (gold standard)
- GAD 7
- PHQ 9
Ideas for skills:
1. Cognitive Restructuring (see attached pdf)
2. Cognitive Defusion (see attached pdf)
3. Behavioural Activation (see attached pdf)
4. Mindfulness (deep breathing, body scan, five senses, etc)
5. Gratitude journal? Sleep schedule/hygiene?

2. What do you plan to accomplish by the end of this weekend? How will you hold yourself
Record baseline data on my mood and start tracking covariates (variables that could positively or
negatively affect my mood). I won’t have time for anything else this weekend because I will be on

3. Your needs, including time, space, materials, and personal contacts.

I need more time to research tools.

4. What your interactions with your mentor(s) have been so far. If nothing, why? What is your
I had a meeting with my mentor Dr. Carla Oberth on Tuesday, November 8th, and we refined my
inquire question and gave me some resources to start my research. And brainstormed some ideas on

5. Any obstacles you anticipate and your plan to overcome them.

Challenge opening up fully about my feelings. It will ultimately help me and my project to push
myself as much as I can to open up.

6. Pictures/video evidence of your progress

baseline mood based on RCAD scale.

T-scores of 65 are elevated and 70+ are very elevated. This shows difficulty with generalized anxiety,
social anxiety, and depression.

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