1st Week Grit Module Empowerment Edited

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Name of Student:_________________________________________

Learner’s Reference Number:__________________________

Grade & Section:_________________________________________
Subject : Empowerment Technologies 11
Subject Teacher: ______________________________
GRIT MODULE NO. 1 of 1st Quarter
Date Received:_____________Date Returned:_______________
GRIT MODULE NO. 1: Information and Communication
Technology (ICT)

Good day my dear! Welcome back again to our modular distance

learning for this school year 2021-2022. Even if we are facing this
tough time because of the COVID-19 pandemic, you must always
believe that better days will come. I hope your day is always fine as
you continuously embrace the beauty of life through God’s grace
and mercy. I also hope that you are more engage now with our
activities and exercises because I know that your parent or guardian
are still guiding you all the way. Are you excited to learn today?
Good! But before that, we are going to request for the guidance of
our Lord throughout our discussion for this module. (Let’s Pray!)
Hello again my dear! As we proceed all the way to your journey
exploring the world of ICT, I want you to read and understand the
standards that you are going to meet within the 1st quarter.
Learning Standard: You will understand the context of global
communication to promote lifelong learning and reflect deeper
understanding of the power of technology in their lives.
Compassion Standard: You will become responsible in promoting
the proper use of ICT and the online world.
Now these are the learning targets. These will tell you what
specific knowledge and skills you need to master for the entire
Learning Targets:
1. compare and contrast the nuances of varied online platforms,
sites, and content to best achieve specific class objectives or
address situational challenges,
2. use the internet as a tool for credible research and information
and apply online safety, security, ethics and etiquette standards,
3. creates an original or derivative ICT content using common
productivity tools effectively by
Copyright © 2021 APO Jose Catholic Educational System Foundation, Inc. (ACES).
All Rights Reserved. No part or portion of this module may be reproduced, copied, GRIT MODULE NO. 1 in Empowerment 1
or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without
written permission of the copyright holder.
Technologies 11
maximizing advanced application techniques related to specific
professional tracks,
4. use image manipulation techniques on existing images to
enhance their current state to communicate a message for a
specific purpose and evaluate existing websites and online
resources based on the principles of layout, graphic and visual
message design,
5. apply web design principles and elements in creating an original
or derivative ICT content using online creation tools, platforms
and application to effectively communicate messages and
evaluate related to specific professional track,
6. evaluate the quality, value and appropriateness of peer’s
existing or previously developed ICT content in relation to the
theme or intended audience/viewer of an ICT project, and
7. share and showcase existing or previously developed ICT
content in relation to the theme or intended audience/viewer of
an ICT project.

Kindly ask the help of your parents to produce the following:

1. Pen and sheet of paper
2. Gadgets such as laptop or cellphone

I am expecting that you will be able to:

1. read and understand every discussion that we have on this module,
2. answer all activity boxes given in this module,
3. manage your activities properly, and
4. use the knowledge that you can acquire from this module in your
everyday life

Copyright © 2021 APO Jose Catholic Educational System Foundation, Inc. (ACES).
All Rights Reserved. No part or portion of this module may be reproduced, copied, GRIT MODULE NO. 1 in Empowerment 2
or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without
written permission of the copyright holder.
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I am also expecting that your parent/guardian/ or whoever is
assisting you at home will:
1. provide the available materials you need for this module,
2. assist you when you are answering the module,
3. involve themselves in the conversations or activities that you are
going to do,
4. guide you in using gadgets and ensure the availability of
suggested independent learning resources, and
5. initiate short conversations as part of your progress monitoring.

1. have.
Required video material/s: Use of Internet:
__ - None
___ - None
/ - Kindly visit YouTube and
search for: ___ - Optional, for enrichment
“How to create blog website” purposes
___- Teacher-made video __/_- Minimal use is required

Hi again my dear! It looks like you are so excited to learn today. Are
you ready? Nice! Let’s start.

Did you know that an average person spent almost 144

minutes of his/her daily time in social media or internet?

According to BroadbandSearch.net, we spend 144 minutes, or

two hours and twenty-four minutes on social media. In 2020, World
Health Organization (WHO) estimates that an average person will
spend 3,462,390 minutes of his entire life using social media (if
he/she starts as young as 10 years old).

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All Rights Reserved. No part or portion of this module may be reproduced, copied, GRIT MODULE NO. 1 in Empowerment 3
or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without
written permission of the copyright holder.
Technologies 11
During this pandemic, what is your average time (daily) spent
browsing social medias or the internet? What social media
platforms do you often use?

Great! Your average time indicates that social media plays role
in your daily life especially during this pandemic. Also, you can use
your data to assess yourself if you gone beyond the average time

Now, let’s have a quick review. Since most of your age spent a
lot of time on internet nowadays, will you list all the different social
media platforms that you are familiar with? Please indicate their
main use as you identify them.

Social Media Platform Main Use/Objective

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All Rights Reserved. No part or portion of this module may be reproduced, copied, GRIT MODULE NO. 1 in Empowerment 4
or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without
written permission of the copyright holder.
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Social Media Platform Main Use/Objective

The effectiveness of a social media application can be measured

by its validity, which is defined as the rate of reposting or sharing of
photos, pieces of information, or ideas published in one’s social
media profile or page.
There are instances that you need to validate the credibility and
truthfulness of an information. In order to assess the legitimacy of a
certain information, there are safety standards that you must apply.

Cite instance/s when you had encountered a misleading/fake

news. What are the safety standards that you have taken in
order to validate its legitimacy? Explain your answer briefly.

Copyright © 2021 APO Jose Catholic Educational System Foundation, Inc. (ACES).
All Rights Reserved. No part or portion of this module may be reproduced, copied, GRIT MODULE NO. 1 in Empowerment 5
or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without
written permission of the copyright holder.
Technologies 11

ICT has been providing great impact in education, agriculture,

business, medicine, etc. Communication has been made easier for
everyone. By the use of ICT, you can connect with your family,
colleagues, and friends even if you were several miles apart by using
e-mail, messenger, or video conferences.

How does ICT help people to grow business? What are

the applications and online platforms needed?

According to Reference.com, “ICT is used primarily to speed

up the communications networks in a corporation in addition to a
variety of other activities. According to the BBC, this makes it an
integral part of the decision-making process for many different
corporate entities. Companies using this technology have access to
efficient and reliable record-keeping tools. It also allows for the
efficient and selective spreading of messages between different
groups of employees.”
Smartphone, computer, telephone, and other
devices that are used to locate, save,
communicate, and inform us by means of
technology is called Empowerment
Technology. This technology helps us
connect with other easily. Technologies such
as the Internet, personal computers and
Copyright © 2021 APO Jose Catholic Educational System Foundation, Inc. (ACES).
All Rights Reserved. No part or portion of this module may be reproduced, copied, GRIT MODULE NO. 1 in Empowerment 6
or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without
written permission of the copyright holder.
Technologies 11
wireless telephony have turned the globe into an increasingly
interconnected network of individuals, firms, schools and
governments communicating and interacting with each other
through a variety of channels.
For instance, you and your friends are planning the summer vacation
in your group chat. This group chat is a form of connection through
the use of Empowerment Technology and internet.

Share your ideas! Tell me your personal experience of

using Empowerment Technology and the Internet to connect with
other people.

The term “online platform” has been used to describe a range of

services available on the Internet including marketplaces, search
engines, social media, creative content outlets, app stores,
communications services, payment systems, services comprising
the so-called “collaborative” or “gig” economy, and much more.
Some examples of online platforms are the following:

Copyright © 2021 APO Jose Catholic Educational System Foundation, Inc. (ACES).
All Rights Reserved. No part or portion of this module may be reproduced, copied, GRIT MODULE NO. 1 in Empowerment 7
or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without
written permission of the copyright holder.
Technologies 11
Search Engines:

Social Medias

App Stores:

Communication Services:

Payment Systems:

Internet and the real world are almost exactly alike. As a user, you
need to use it responsibly by abiding with the rules and regulations
in accordance with the law. Here are some tips that you may use in
the online world:

Copyright © 2021 APO Jose Catholic Educational System Foundation, Inc. (ACES).
All Rights Reserved. No part or portion of this module may be reproduced, copied, GRIT MODULE NO. 1 in Empowerment 8
or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without
written permission of the copyright holder.
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 Know your privacy settings
 Understand the limits of online privacy
 Understand your first amendment rights
 Monitor your internet presence
 DO use privacy settings and follow password
 DO be positive.
 Think before you post.
 DO refrain from posting confidential

 Don’t post profanity, obscenity or anything that
depicts you in an unfavorable light
 Don’t vent online or tell work stories
 Don’t post anything about or related to students
 Don’t accept an online relationship with anyone
you don’t know offline
 Don’t join groups that may be considered
unprofessional or inappropriate
 Don’t post about illegal activities.
 Don’t believe everything you read
 Don’t fall down the social media rabbit hole.
 Don’t engage with haters, trolls, and other negative
influences online.
 Don’t post without proofreading.

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen

parallel outbreaks of disinformation and misinformation about the
virus, ranging from fake coronavirus cures, false claims and harmful
health advice to wild conspiracy theories. Disinformation can in turn
speed up the spread of disease, hinder effective public health
responses, as well as create confusion, fear and distrust.
Copyright © 2021 APO Jose Catholic Educational System Foundation, Inc. (ACES).
All Rights Reserved. No part or portion of this module may be reproduced, copied, GRIT MODULE NO. 1 in Empowerment 9
or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without
written permission of the copyright holder.
Technologies 11
Facebook reports nearly 50 million pieces of content related to
COVID-19 had to be flagged in April with warning label for
disinformation, while Twitter challenged more than 1.5 million
users for spreading false information and displaying “manipulative
behaviours” during the same month. Close to 18 million scam
emails about the coronavirus are being blocked by Google on Gmail.

With the problem that we are facing today like the COVID-19,
compare and contrast the nuances of varied online platforms, sites,
and content to best achieve specific class objectives or to address
situational challenges using a Venn diagram.

There are several platforms and applications used by different

corporation in their businesses. One of these is blog sites.
A blog is a type of website where the content is presented in
reverse chronological order (newer content appear first). Blog
content is often referred to as entries or “blog posts”.
Blogs are typically run by an individual or a small group of
people to present information in a conversational style. However,

Copyright © 2021 APO Jose Catholic Educational System Foundation, Inc. (ACES).
All Rights Reserved. No part or portion of this module may be reproduced, copied, GRIT MODULE NO. 1 in Empowerment 10
or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without
written permission of the copyright holder.
Technologies 11
there are tons of corporate blogs that produces a lot of informational
and thought-leadership style content nowadays.

To learn more about Blog Sites, please visit

www.youtube.com and search for “How to create blog

Now, it’s time for you to apply what you have learned in Blog
Website. Follow the given instructions below as you proceed in your

1. Create your own blog site.

2. The content of your blog must be updates about COVID-19
in your community.
3. Use credible sources to avoid misleading information.
4. Make sure that your blog site is accessible.
5. Send your blog site’s link and screenshot to your
Empowerment Teacher.

This activity is part of your graded assessment. Make sure to


Good job! Now, you were able to understand the importance of ICT
in your daily life. Also, by having enough understanding, you will
become a part of a community who is responsible and a wiser
individual in using social media platforms. Now, I want you to
assess yourself using the Self-Assessment Checklist below.

Copyright © 2021 APO Jose Catholic Educational System Foundation, Inc. (ACES).
All Rights Reserved. No part or portion of this module may be reproduced, copied, GRIT MODULE NO. 1 in Empowerment 11
or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without
written permission of the copyright holder.
Technologies 11
Self-Assessment Checklist
I can compare and contrast the nuances of varied online
platforms, sites, and content to best achieve specific class
objectives or address situational challenges.
I can use the internet as a tool for credible research and
information and apply online safety, security, ethics and
etiquette standards.
I can creates an original or derivative ICT content using
common productivity tools effectively by maximizing
advanced application techniques related to specific
professional tracks.
I can use image manipulation techniques on existing images to
enhance their current state to communicate a message for a
specific purpose and evaluate existing websites and online
resources based on the principles of layout, graphic and visual
message design.
I can apply web design principles and elements in creating an
original or derivative ICT content using online creation tools,
platforms and application to effectively communicate
messages and evaluate related to specific professional track.
I can Evaluate the quality, value and appropriateness of peer’s
existing or previously developed ICT content in relation to the
theme or intended audience/viewer of an ICT project.
I can Share and showcase existing or previously developed ICT
content in relation to the theme or intended audience/viewer of
an ICT project.
-Therefore, I learned well and good.
-Therefore, I need more practice so I can do better next time.

Copyright © 2021 APO Jose Catholic Educational System Foundation, Inc. (ACES).
All Rights Reserved. No part or portion of this module may be reproduced, copied, GRIT MODULE NO. 1 in Empowerment 12
or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without
written permission of the copyright holder.
Technologies 11

From this module…

Competency No. 1:
I learned that there are different online platforms such as
Competency No. 2:
I learned that is important to use credible information because
Competency No. 3:
I learned ICT helps business to
Competency No. 4:
I learned communication can help business to
Competency No.5, 6, and 7:
I learned that blog sites are useful because
I have a question/s or clarification/s Teacher!

In this GRIT module, the concept that I did not fully

understand is
Copyright © 2021 APO Jose Catholic Educational System Foundation, Inc. (ACES).
All Rights Reserved. No part or portion of this module may be reproduced, copied, GRIT MODULE NO. 1 in Empowerment 13
or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without
written permission of the copyright holder.
Technologies 11
As a witness of the oneness of heart of Jesus and Mary, I have a
grace-filled accountability to…
use ICT responsibly by means of __________________________


Inspired by the oneness of heart of Jesus and Mary, this lesson
helped me to develop

This part is for the parent or the attending adult:

Kindly write some of your observations on your child’s learning/study
habits this week. Include also your suggestions or if you have questions,
feel free to write them on the space provided.

Question (if there’s
Suggestion/s : _______________________________________________
Cellphone number:________________________________

Teacher’s Remarks

Copyright © 2021 APO Jose Catholic Educational System Foundation, Inc. (ACES).
All Rights Reserved. No part or portion of this module may be reproduced, copied, GRIT MODULE NO. 1 in Empowerment 14
or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without
written permission of the copyright holder.
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Kindly consider my recommendations for your improvement in this module. I have checked the
particular points that you need to address. Thank you. 
(/) Required Compliance
1 Complete all required information on the front page.
2 Do not forget to pray before and after accomplishing this module.
3 Always read the expectations of this module from you as a parent
Take more engaged time to read the content of the entire module with a learning
disposition that is discipline-sensitive and success-oriented
Guide your child in completing all their activity/formative assessment boxes. Redo
5 activity/formative assessment box/es on page/s
6 Some parts are copied. Avoid doing this next time.
Let your child write all their entries legibly. As much as possible avoid too many
erasures/alterations. Keep their module neat.
Let your child use their own handwriting all throughout the module. I do not expect
you to accomplish this module.
9 Be careful with their spelling.
Optimize the use of their reference books/suggested materials. This surely
contributes to their success in this module.
Their teacher has a plagiarism checker. Please let them make their work original.
Cite their references whenever applicable or necessary.
12 Engage yourself in some conversation points found in this module.
On learning synthesis: Let them rewrite their learning summary taking into
consideration the attainment of stated learning competencies.
On witnessing and connecting to the vision and mission: Rewrite your Christian
reflection on as an empowered Olshconian whose values are anchored to Filial
Compassion, Leadership and Accountability, Mary-inspired obedience, and
Enduring Discipleship.
Let your child participate promptly in their monitoring classes through their assigned
group chat.
This module will be part of their portfolio which they will submit towards the end of
the quarter. Keep it responsibly.
17 Over-all Rating:
Beginning-Demonstrate an initial understanding of the concepts and competencies
relevant to the expected learning.
Developing- Demonstrate a partial understanding of the concepts and competencies
relevant to the expected learning.
Proficient- Demonstrate a complete understanding of the concepts and
competencies relevant to the expected learning.
Advance- Demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the concepts and
competencies relevant to the expected learning.

Teacher’s Signature over printed name

Copyright © 2021 APO Jose Catholic Educational System Foundation, Inc. (ACES).
All Rights Reserved. No part or portion of this module may be reproduced, copied, GRIT MODULE NO. 1 in Empowerment 15
or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without
written permission of the copyright holder.
Technologies 11
Broadband.net. 2020. Average time spent in Social Media.
Retrieved from https://www.broadbandsearch.net/blog/average-

Innovative Training Works, Inc. 2016. Empowerment

Technologies. Rex Publishing, Inc.
Reference.com. 2020. ICT on Business. Retrieved from


1. Eat a balanced diet and on time. Vegetables, fish, and

fruits are always the best!
2. Drink plenty of water.
3. Wash your hands properly.
4. Participate in household activities. Keep your room clean
and orderly.
5. Take time to have a little physical exercise like jogging,
brisk walking, running, etc. with any member of your
6. Connect with your friends and classmates.
7. Plan your day. Balance learning, play, and prayer and
reflection time.
8. Keep safe always especially when you go out.
9. Continue to practice waste segregation.
10. Play basketball. Cook. Create artworks. Do
gardening… There’s so much to do. You have all the
reasons to be productive.
11. Be updated on current events. Trust only credible
sources of news and information.

Copyright © 2021 APO Jose Catholic Educational System Foundation, Inc. (ACES).
All Rights Reserved. No part or portion of this module may be reproduced, copied, GRIT MODULE NO. 1 in Empowerment 16
or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without
written permission of the copyright holder.
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