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Summary analysis essay outline for “life expectancy is falling.

Here’s how to change that”

Parneet Kaur

Bachelor Arts of Management, City University of Seattle

ENG102_22_ON: English Composition II

Dani Zeleva

September 8, 2022
Summary – analysis essay

In In “life expectancy is falling. Here’s how to change that”, Dr. chokshi(2022),a physician and

feature writer for New York times wrote about the change in the human life duration as it is

decreasing day by day. The article argued that there are many issues which are rising day by day

in the states. The article of Dr. chokshi is convincing since the life expectancy of people has been

decreased by a magnificent number.


In his article “life expectancy is falling. Here’s how to change that” Dr. Chokshi (2022) stated

that how life expectancy is decreasing day by day and how covid-19 pandemic became the

leading reason for this scenario. The article explained that high mortality rate was observed

among black, American Indian adults and people who have lower socioeconomic status. He also

mentioned that life expectancy is not the exact number how long a newborn baby will live

instead it reflects the number of children which our world is inheriting, and morality rate each

year. Dr. chokshi also reminded the readers that how our health benefits and policies are affected

because of millions of parents and people who don’t vote, despite many advocates. Lastly the

article is finished after stating that how polling vote can change the health policies and benefits

that people get and how he is worried more as a father rather than as a doctor

Dr.chokshi used two appeals in his article to support his point: ethos, logos. Using ethos he

highlighted the life expectancy of new born children in different years by using his daughter as

an example he stated the life expectancy of children born in 2019 and also mentioned how the

life expectancy decreased in upcoming years. he mentions the Roe v. Wade in his article for

supporting his view. Also, he quoted some data released by federal government that elaborates

how stagnation in life expectancy reflects deep‌‌social challenges. Which includes our health

system, economic and political system. He even mentioned how covid-19 became the prominent

reason behind the decline from 2019-2022 and highlighted how misinformation and political

polarization to preventable mortality since 2021, since the vaccination drive became active and

available to all common people.

Furthermore, Dr. chokshi used logos to help readers visualise the different that government can

adopt to deal with this situation like by investing more into national public health corps,

elaborating further a cadre of community health workers both serving and drawn from the most

marginalized neighborhoods across the country, providing a health work force, economic

resources and jobs in one down swoop . So, that whenever the next infectious threat arrives there

must be appropriate rescuing and bouncing back support. He mentioned about modern

metropolitan health law that states irrespective of different conditions and reason of illness the

focus on low-income people and marginalized communities would remain consistent.


Using ethos and logos dr. chokshi supported his claim very efficiently. Along with verified tales

and reliable information and using ethos and logos, professor made the article more convincing

and showed his opinion, including more statistical data and facts , the article addresses a very

serious cause rising in the states, and as he included an example of his own daughters and

different options the government should opt which shows his concern towards this problem. The

article was effective as many different solutions were suggested in which made the article look

informative as well.


Dave A. chokshi “life expectancy is falling. Here’s how to change that ” published by Dr.

Chokshi in new York times on Aug 31, 2022. The article was about the effects of covid-19

which was increase in mortality rate, and different ways were suggested that the government

could opt.

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