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Unit 1 Grammar

Present perfect simple 4 He is the least self-conscious person I

__________________________ (met).
1 Complete the article with the present perfect 5 I __________________________ (like) dressing
simple form of the verbs in brackets. up, even as a child.

Have you always been (you / always / be) interested

in animals? (1) ____________________ (you /
Present perfect simple & continuous
think) about a gap year abroad? Derrick Lee
4 Answer the questions in your own words. Use
(2) ________________ (spend) a year as a the present perfect simple and the present
volunteer in Thailand, at an elephant sanctuary. perfect continuous.
He (3) ___________________ (experience) some
1 Who have you seen today?
truly amazing things and he (4) ________________
(met) some wonderful people. 2 What have you been doing today?
He (5) _________________ (write) a book about ______________________________________
his experiences. If you (6) _________________ 3 What haven’t you been doing this week?
(not read) it, then download it now. It’s brilliant. ______________________________________
4 What have you learned this week?
still, already, yet, just, for & since ______________________________________
2 Complete the dialogues with the words in the
box. Use each word once. 5 What music have you been listening to this week?
still already yet just for since
Gina I haven't heard anything from Umberto 6 Name something you’ve never done, but would
(1) _________ last week. like to do.
Paul Really? I’ve (2) _________ had an email from ______________________________________
him today actually. ______________________________________

Ali Can you send me the photos you took of me?

I haven't seen them properly (3) _________.
Orla I’ve (4) _________ posted them online. I’ll
5 Choose the correct options to complete the text.
send you the link.
I’m so proud of Rebecca. She has gone to Iceland
Leo It’s amazing that you and I are (5) _________ by (1) ____ to appear on a TV show. Last month,
best friends after all these years, Win. she (2) ____ her guitar in a café, when a talent
Win I know – we’ve been hanging out together agent (3) ____ her. The woman, Birta, (4) ____ for
(6) _________ nearly ten years now. an Icelandic TV company and she (5) ____ for
some new talent for their shows. Rebecca (6) ____
ever & never her new job, although she has to wear lots of
makeup for the cameras, which I (7) ____ has taken
3 Complete the sentences with ever or never and her some time to (8) ____.
the present perfect simple form of the verbs in
brackets. 1 A herself B myself C itself
1 I __________________________ (be) so 2 A is playing B was playing C played
embarrassed. 3 A spotted B is spotting C was spotting
2 ____________________________ (you / enjoy) 4 A is working B works C was working
yourself so much at a party? 5 A look B looked C was looking
3 Ollie definitely had the best fancy-dress costume 6 A enjoys B is enjoying C was enjoying
I __________________________ (see). 7 A think B thought C was thinking
8 A used to B be used to C get used to


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