Grammar Unit 2 2star

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Unit 2 Grammar

Past perfect simple vs past simple used to & would for past habits
1 Write sentences. Use the past perfect simple 3 Put a tick () if the sentence is correct. If it is
and the past simple form in each sentence. not, correct the error below.
I / tired / because / not sleep / the night before 1 I wouldn't use to live in Almeria. ___
I was tired because I hadn’t slept the night 2 My favourite actor wouldn't use to have
before. a beard. ___
1 We / not / go out / because / had / an argument 3 When I was younger, I would often read my
______________________________________ parents’ newspapers. ___
______________________________________ 4 What type of stories would your mum write when
2 The evening / amazing / but then / Jaime / lose / she was a journalist? ___
bank card 5 Would you visit your grandparents often when
______________________________________ you were a child? ___
______________________________________ 6 Matt would have a blue car. ___
3 I / have / nothing to wear / as / I / not do / my ______________________________________
washing ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
4 Kit / hope / there / was food / in the fridge /
because / he / not eat Consolidate
______________________________________ 4 Complete the dialogue with the present perfect
5 After / Orla / help / her mum / she / play / a simple or present perfect continuous form of the
computer game verbs in brackets.
______________________________________ Gil Where (1) _______________________ (you /
______________________________________ be)?
Jo Sorry. (2) _______________________ (you /
Past perfect simple vs past perfect wait) long?
Gil Yes, I have.
continuous Jo Well, what shall we do now?
Gil How about going to a café on the beach?
2 Complete the sentences with the past perfect
simple or past perfect continuous form of the Jo Good idea. (3) _______________________
verbs in brackets. (you / see) the street performer who stands
1 Maria ________________________ (watch) the like a statue for hours? He’s by the pier.
film for ten minutes before she realized it was Gil No, he (4) __________________ (never / be)
the wrong film. there when I (5) _____________________
2 I ________________________ (dream) about (walk) past.
Chris Hemsworth when the alarm woke me up. Jo Well, he (6) _____________________
3 Xavi ________________________ (have) time (perform) there all this week, so let’s go and
for breakfast, so he stopped to buy a croissant see if he’s there today too!
on the way to school.
5 Choose the correct options to complete the text.
4 I was sure I _______________________ (book)
tickets for 7 p.m. but the film wasn’t due to start In the film Passengers, Chris Pratt plays an
until 9. engineer who (1) travels / is travelling in space to
5 Alexandra’s hair was wet because she a new home on a far away planet. All the
________________________ (swim). passengers (2) sleep / are sleeping through the
6 The reporter ________________________ journey, but something (3) goes / is going wrong
(describe) the situation in the Middle East when and Pratt’s character (4) wakes up / is waking up
the camera switched itself off. early – ninety years early.


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