Grammar Unit 1 1star

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Unit 1 Grammar

(4) _________ been a show-off. I’m actually quite

Present perfect simple introverted, unlike my brother. I’ve (5) _________
even tried acting. I’m not very creative or
1 Write the words in the correct order. imaginative. But not wanting to be like him and not
Paris. / been / to / I’ve being jealous of him is why we get on so well. I
I’ve been to Paris. have honestly (6) _________ met a nicer person
1 two / She’s / books. / written than my brother.
2 café / in / We’ve / eaten / before. / that Present perfect simple & continuous
3 got / They’ve / new / a / puppy. 4 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the
______________________________________ box.
4 phone / has / My / broken. has been training have been talking I’ve been feeling
______________________________________ they’ve been planning have they been going out
5 you / blog? / her / Have / read he’s been showing off
_____________________________________ Fran has been training really hard for the
still, already, yet, just, for & since 1 How long ________________________
together for?
2 Choose the correct options. 2 ________________________ really awkward
Lil Hi, Zara. Have you decided if you’re going to around one of my boyfriend’s friends recently.
Yan’s party yet / just? 3 We’re all annoyed with Nathaniel because
Zara I (1) already / still haven't made my mind up. ________________________ a lot at school.
Lil I really think you should go – you’ve been 4 Meg and I ________________________ about
friends with her (2) for / since three years. how to be more assertive.
Zara I know, we’ve been in the same class (3) for / 5 ________________________ this barbecue for
since Year 1, but you know how self- weeks.
conscious I am – I don't like parties very
5 Choose the correct options. Use the present
much. Are you going? perfect continuous where possible.
Lil Yes, I’ve (4) just / yet sent her a text saying
Zara Oh, I don't know what to do. I wish I was more
extrovert like you and Yan. Hi guys,
Lil You have to reply. Can anyone help me? I’m having a few
Zara I know – she’s (5) since / already emailed me problems with the project and could do
with some help. I’ve looked / been
twice to ask if I’m going!
looking at it for hours and I still don't
understand what we have to do. I’ve
ever & never (1) reading / been reading lots of things
online, which is great, but I still haven’t
(2) written / been writing a word. I’ve
3 Complete the text with ever or never.
(3) cancelled / been cancelling all my
plans for the rest of the weekend to get
People often ask me ‘Have you ever felt jealous of this done, but now I’ve only (4) got / been
your famous brother?’ and my answer is always getting this afternoon left to do it. I have
‘No, I haven’t.’ If you’ve (1) _________ seen any of to admit I’ve (5) crying / been crying for
the films my brother is in, you’ll know that he is tall, most of the morning. I have never (6) had
/ been having such a big problem with a
good-looking, athletic and actually very funny. He is
project before. It’s the worst homework
definitely the best actor there has (2) _________ we’ve ever (7) had / been having! Has
been. And yet it’s true that I have (3) _________ anyone (8) finished / been finishing it
wanted to be like him. We are very different and I yet?
think that’s a good thing. I couldn't do his job – I’ve Sandra


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