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Task 1

Decide in your team how you would like your team to

function. If you are going to appoint a team leader, which
approach would you like the team leader to adopt? Each
member of the team should justify in 250 words the
approach that they would be most in favor of. This should be
neatly set out and kept as evidence. It should provide the
basis for a group discussion.
In this part of assignment I am going to describe the ways how my team is going to
function. Furthermore I will be describing the qualities and the approach in
selecting the team leader of my group.

I want my team to perform well in any circumstances. My team members should

be very active and energetic. There will be some steps which we should follow
while performing some functions.

 We should make some strategic planning to focus on solutions.

 We should build a sense of ownership through Brainstorm Prioritization
 We should embrace self interest.
 We should think of smartness and should forget about skills while hiring.
 We should not let customers to dictate us the solutions.

These are some points we should consider while doing some functions.

Team members should be very good in selecting a team leader. I want my team
leader should adopt Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) approach when we select
him or her as a team leader of our group.

Analytic Hierarchy Process approach:

Analytic hierarchy
process approach was
developed by Thomas
L. Saaty in 1970.

This approach is widely

used in the corporate
world in selecting the
team leader.

In this approach there

are some criteria’s which should be satisfied. As you can see in the diagram there
are 4 criteria to choose a team leader. And these criteria are age, experience,
education and charisma. We as a team member will see all these criteria and check
whether all these criteria are satisfied. We have 4 persons which we think are
suitable for team leader. Now we have to decide according to the criteria.

First we will check the age criteria. Then we will discuss about experience they are
holding and then we will discuss about their education and the last thing which we
think is the tie breaker is charisma. All values should be presented in mathematical
form. We will deduce from these values.

Based on these values we will make a hierarchy. And then we will compare all the
candidates elected for team leader. And based on this comparison we will decide
the goal which is to select a team leader.

This is the approach we will use to select a team leader.

Task 2
Next, in your team you should discuss Adair’s three circles
approach. How can you make sure that your team covers
each of the three areas well? Come up with a collective plan
that sets out how each of the areas outlined by Adair can be
successfully achieved.
In this part of assignment I am going to discuss Adair’s three circles approach.

Adair’s three circles approach:

Adair’s three circles approach model

was based on three circles which overlap
each other and the common in three is
the solution. These three circles

 First is to achieve the task

 Second is to build the team and then
maintain it.
 And third one is to develop the

The three circles in Adair’s approach overlap each other because the task needs a
team to be accomplished as a single person cannot make a team. And if the team
needs are not fulfilled then the task will suffer and because of that the individual
cannot be satisfied. And if individual is not satisfied then task will not be
accomplished. So, all the circles are related to each other.

In my team, we are looking forward to follow the three circles approach. And for
that we are concentrating on task and for that we have prepared a good team with
hardworking team members and hardworking and efficient team leader. We are
working hard to achieve the task with all the team members together in a group.
And we are taking good care of all the team members also.

For achieving the task and goal we have a very good plan, planned by our self.
This plan is a part of Adair’s three circle approach. In this plan there are 8
functions which we are going to follow one after another and then we can achieve
the given task. These eight functions of leadership plan are very interesting and
easily achievable. These eight functions are easy to understand and easy to follow
by every team member.

Adair developed three circles approach and he continued this with 8 leadership
functions which should be followed by team leaders to achieve the goal and get the
maximum benefit.

Adair’s eight functions plan of leadership:

1) Defining the task:

Leader should define the task using SMART (specific, measurable,
achievable, realistic, and time bound)
2) Planning the task:
Planning the task is actually looking for other alternatives to achieve the
goal or task and leader should have a contingency plan if in case there is
3) Briefing to the team:
Briefing the team is giving the team members a right guidance about the
task. Creating the right climate for team members and fostering the right
4) Controlling as a leader:
Controlling the team is controlling the team members in a very efficient
way. Team leader should control the team in such a way that he should get
maximum output from minimum resources available.
5) Evaluating and assessing:
Evaluating the performance of the team members and assessing them and
finding the ways to improve their performance.
6) Motivating the team members:
Team leader should motivate the team members by using both external and
internal motivators. External motivators such as rewards and incentives
should be given to the team members on time to time. And internal
motivators like admiring the work and praising the team members. Adair
suggested that external and internal motivators both should be same.

7) Organizing the team and team leader himself:
Organizing the team and team leader himself, it is very necessary. This
should be done by team leader through some points like good time
management and personal and team member’s development.
8) Team leaders should set an example:
Team leader should set an example for other team members. He should set
himself as the recognition that other people or team members should observe
the team leader and they should copy the team leader.

This was the plan for my team which we made with our team leader collectively
using Adair’s three circle approach. This plan is best working in doing all the team


Task 3
Individually create a poster setting out the attributes and
skills of a team leader.
In this part of assignment I am going to describe the qualities, attributes and skills
of a team leader. Further I am going to describe the leadership styles and the leader
whom I admire the most and his leadership style.

Every team leader follows a specific leadership style. These leadership styles
demonstrate the leader’s ability and work towards their team members.

There are four main leadership styles. And those are autocratic leadership style,
democratic leadership style, participative leadership style and laissez faire
leadership style.

Leadership styles followed by leaders
 Autocratic:
Autocratic leadership style is leader’s style in which leader will do what he
wants to do, he will tell his employees what to do and how to do. He will not
ask his employees their decision and will not care for their opinions. This is
the style which only belongs to the leaders who don’t think of their
employee’s decision.
 Democratic:
Democratic leadership style is a style of leaders in which team leaders will
not make decision on their own. Rather they will make the decision with the
help of their employees. They will ask all their employees about their work
and then the leader will make the decision but after consulting with their
employees. Every decision is democratically announced and then excepted
after all the employee’s final acceptance.
 Participative:
Participative leadership style is a style in which team leader will make the
decision with the help of their employees. The final decision will be
collective decision of all the team members and team leader. All the
decisions are collective decisions of all the team members.
 Laissez faire:
Laissez faire is a leadership style in which team leader wholly trust and
depend on team members. All the decisions are made by team members and
team leader will do the management task. And all the work is done by team
members. Team leader do not interfere in the team members decision as long
as this decision is beneficial for the company and if not then team leader can
interfere in the decision making.

Marc Murphy:
Marc Murphy is a CEO i.e. Chief Executive
officer in SPARC LLC. He joined
the SPARC LLC in March 2013 as
COO Chief Operating officer. And in
October 2014 he is promoted as CEO
Chief Executive Officer. He selected
democratic leadership style in
SPARC LLC. And because of Marc
Murphy and his democratic
leadership style SPARC LLC performed very well in corporate world. Marc
Murphy did tremendous job in taking the company at apex. Because of his
democratic leadership style and good qualities and attributes, company performed

Skills of good leaders:

 Leadership skills:
Good leaders should have good leadership skills. Leaders should possess all
the leadership skills needed for the team to function in a positive and
progressive way.
 Knowing the organization:
Leader is called a good leader if he knows his team and team members well.
Leader should know the organization very well. Leader should know the
purpose and goal of the organization and he should know the strategies and
tricks to achieve this goal. Knowing the organization is as important as
knowing the leader himself. Team leader doesn’t know the organization very
well means the goal cannot be achieved properly.
 Self assessment:
Good leader is called good if he can assess himself very well. A good leader
should know his likes, dislikes and what he can do, what he cannot do, what
is his weaknesses and what is he really good at.
 High integrity:
Good leaders have very high integrity, they do what they say. Good leaders
walk their talk. Good leaders should be very clear in their work and speak.
They should not do the work which they don’t say and whatever they say,
they should follow strictly.
 Honesty:
Good leaders should be honest. Honesty is the best policy in corporate world
and as well as in the day to day life.
 Confidence:
A good team leader should be always confident. If leader is not confident
than team will shatter and cannot do any progress. To achieve the said goal
or target team leader’s confidence is the key.
 Sharp perception:
A good team leader should be very perceptive. His vision should be very

These are some good qualities which a good team leader should have. And as per
my observation and analysis I can say that Marc Murphy is a team leader who
possesses all these qualities and skills. And the leadership style he possesses is
democratic leadership style as I stated above.

All I stated in this assignment is the leader’s qualities, leadership styles and the
leader I admire for his leadership style.




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