Module 1

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INTRODUCTION TO THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE HUMAN ACTS- refers to the appropriate actions of

HUMAN PERSON human beings.

Quarter 1 -an act performed by a human being distinctively a
LESSON 1: human act is that it is voluntary , that is, an act in
FREEDOM & RESPONSIBILITY some way under the control or direction of the will,
which is proper to man.
What is FREEDOM?
FREEDOM is an intrinsic and essential property ARISTOTLE’S DISTINCTION OF VOLUNTARY AND
of the person. This means that the human person INVOLUNTARY ACTIONS
by nature is a free being and that it is in his or her
nature to seek freedom. An important indication of VOLUNTARY ACTIONS- these are acts originating
human freedom is the ability to make choices and from the individual performing the act using
perform actions. Our freedom to act sets us apart knowledge about the situations of the act.
from other beings. Classifications of Voluntary Actions
A.Voluntary- actions are performed from will and
FREEDOM is rooted in the human person’s self- reason.
determination and the exercise of intellect and free B.Related to Compulsion- it is considered as mixed
will. of voluntary and involuntary. It is more voluntary if
KINDS of FREEDOM the desire and choice have been performed and
1. Physical Freedom- refers to the absence of any involuntary if it has considered preferences or
physical restraint. The person has the freedom of alternatives.
mobility to go where he or she wants to go. He or Example:
she is not impeded in his or her actions by any You are asked to perform a crime and your options
physical force. Granted that the person has are: either you do it and your family survives or you
natural limitations, physical freedom allows don’t do it but they will be murdered.
him/her to act and move in a determined INVOLUNTARY ACTIONS- are acts done under
manner. a)force or coercion and b). ignorance where the doer
2. Psychological Freedom- is also called freedom failed to understand the effect and feels sorry on the
of choice. The person is free to perform actions result.
that he or she considers right and wise. A person Classifications of Involuntary Actions
is also free to act or not to act. Psychological A.Under Compulsion- circumstances which are
freedom is innate and cannot be denied a person. beyond the control of the agent and contributes none
No outside force or influence can compel a to the action.
person to take action against his or her will. Example:
3. Moral Freedom- refers to using freedom in a A person was kidnapped, hence impossible to resist.
manner that upholds human dignity and B.Through Ignorance of Particular Circumstances.
goodness. Freedom is not an object of that a Examples:
person may use or pleases. A person must use A man steals and ignorant of the law, arrow or gun
his or her freedom to grow as a person. A person shot by mistake.
becomes more free when he or she uses freedom
well, but less free when he or she uses it in a bad INTELLECTUAL CHOICE VS PRACTICAL CHOICE
way. Humans have a natural inclination for what Intellectual Choice – This is a choice which is
is true and good, and when a person uses his or deliberately selected based on a moral standpoint.
her freedom to do acts that violate human dignity Basically, they are normative answers about what we
and goodness, he or she dehumanizes himself or ought to do from a moral system that we uphold and
herself and effectively negates human freedom. its moral principles. These normative answers would
take into consideration the behavior which the
There are two important elements of human freedom: society will accept.
A. VOLUNTARINESS- refers to the ability of a Practical Choice – a choice which is borne out of
person to act out of his or her own free will and psychological and emotional considerations. Unlike
self-determination. This means that a person the previously discussed type of choice, practical
may decide to act or not to act, these decisions choices are made when confronted with the actual
are made out of his/her own free will. situation, and usually affected by psychological
B. RESPONSIBILITY- refers to the person being aspect of the person embroiled in the moral situation
accountable for his or her actions and their or dilemma. For instance, psychological and
consequences. emotional stress and lack of time to deliberate during
an actual moral situation may affect a person’s moral
HUMAN ACTIONS VS. ACTS OF MAN decision in that situation. A person may be so
An act that is performed by a human being and thus engulfed by emotions that he may sometimes fail to
is proper to man. make the right choice. Likewise, stress could make a
person’s practical choice inconsistent with his
ACTS OF MAN- are actions shared by humans and intellectual choice.
other animals;
merely objects or means to satisfy personal
Quarter 2

-is a coined word from the prefix “inter” which What Philosophers Say About Intersubjectivity
connotes “among and between” and the
philosophical term “subject” that is equivalent to Intersubjectivity is universal. It exists when and
a conscious being. where humans exist. It is an undeniable reality
-is the organic union of the subjective reality and which thinkers could not help but discuss. Here
the objective reality of beings. are some philosophers who took philosophical
inquiry on intersubjectivity:
-“ a unique relationship between distinct 1.Confucius (551-479 B.C.E.) – one of the main
subjects”. ideas of Confucianism is Ren or “human-
It refers to the characteristics of the human heartedness.” It is a virtue central to man that
person to engage in a very intimate and personal can be found in his sociality or
relationship with others who are different from intersubjectivity. In his philosophy, Confucius
him or her but who are also like him/her. It allows stresses order and harmony in the world. His aims
a person to become closer to others in many can be achieved through practical, concrete,
different ways. In every social interactions, particular, and perceptual ways. This means
persons have the ability to agree and cooperate Confucian thinking on intersubjectivity is practical
with each other. There is also the experience of humanism. There is an emphasis on human
shared or “common” knowledge and shared actions in sociality. He calls every man to love the
emotions such as grief, joy and love. other through actions, not through thoughts.

“SEEMING” action refers to the way a person 2.Martin Buber (1878-1965) – is a Jewish
presents himself or herself when dealing with philosopher who introduced the “I-Thou” and “I-It”
others. This is considered a natural and often relationships to embody his philosophy of
unconscious act. Some people, however, engage in intersubjectivity. For Buber, we have to treat
seeming actions to deceive and manipulate others. another person as a subject (a being different from
things or objects). Persons are not inanimate
A deep and genuine relationships between persons objects to be used. They have their own mind and
is called a DIALOGUE. Dialoque happens when free will, thus, we have to respect others as we
two persons truly acknowledge each other’s respect ourselves. “I” refers to the self and “Thou”
presence and treat each others as equals. or “You” refers to others. This “I Thou” relationship
is the most meaningful relationship in the realm of
EMPATHY is an important aspect of humanity. The “I” is the same with the “Thou” and
intersubjectivity and is driven by a person’s there should be mutual relationship between
awareness of the emotions and thoughts of other them. We can only recognize the self in the context
people. It enables a person to place of the other. This is a “person-to-person”
himself/herself in the shoes of others and leads to relationship, “subject-to-subject” relation. We need
a greater understanding and appreciation of to accept, respect, be sincere, and have dialogue
others. with the other.

AVAILABILITY refers to the willingness of a 3.Karol Wojtyla (1920-2005) – He is also St.

person to be present for another and render John Paul II but as a philosopher, we use his real
assistance to another. name. For Wojtyla, human action is the
foundation of our being. But human reality is also
The theory on the ethics of care emphasizes the about being with others, so our actions are also
moral dimension of human interactions. It believes directed towards others. This form of action is now
that people have a moral obligation to respond to called “Participation.” In the theory of
the needs of others, and encourages individuals to participation, man has the capacity to share
extend help to people in need. himself to others. This affirms the reality that man
acts and exists with others. He is a member of the
ALIENATION refers to the state when a person community of persons, a community of “I-You” or
ceases to view the other distinct and authentic “We.” Since man is a member of this community,
person. Rather, the person considers others as
his experience with others gives him meaning and
allows him to create meaning with others.

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