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Before I begin in elaborate my learnings and knowledge I have gain

from this subject I would like to express my gratitude to my very own subject

teacher, Mrs. Chantra Marie Forgosa. Thank you so much ma'am for sharing

your knowledge, for your patient on us and making the subject more

interesting to learn.

Gender and Society is a coarse that analyse the role of gender in society

in interdisciplinary and intersectional gender studies perspectives. Students

develop an independent ability to discuss, theorise, and analyse the role of

gender in societal development. Within this course students need a wide

understanding about what is gender and as a citizen within a society how

you'll able to understand with different gender.

In the first discussion we made I've learn that gender and sex is different.

I already knew it but I'm still graving for more explanation how it becomes

different. Gender refers to socially constructed roles, behaviours, activities,

and attributes. The terms "man", "masculine", "woman", and "feminine" denote

gender. While sex refers to biological and physiological characteristics. In

Britain, the terms, "male" and "female" are used in birth certificates to denote

the sex of children. Gender and sex plays important role in the society we

belong and to every individual that plays different from what society standard

set on how should and individual that has gender should act.
The phrase gender equality and gender equity is a confusing term form me.

Hence this two phrases tackle same concept. But if will going to see it's

differences will able to understand it's coverage, when we say gender equality

is when people of all genders have equal rights, responsibilities and

opportunities. For example in Japan woman cannot be a samorai only men

are allowed but if will apply gender equality in this norms women can be a

samorai similarly to man. And in contrast gender equity refers to the “fairness

of treatment for both women and men, according to the their respective

needs.” This may include equal treatment or treatment that is different but

which is considered equivalent in terms of rights, benefits, obligations, and


On our second discussion we tackle about masculinity and femininity.

Women in history always consider weak and man has the authority and power

over them. But as time goes this misconceptions has change and continue to

widespread. Masculinity stands for a society in which social gender roles are

clearly distinct: Men are supposed to be assertive, tough, and focused on

material success; women are supposed to be more modest, tender, and

concerned with the quality of life.” “Femininity stands for a society in which

social gender roles overlap: Both men and women are supposed to be modest,

tender, and concerned with the quality of life.” in conclusion to what is

feminity and masculinity, men can have a characteristic of feminism who can

be tender, modest and concerned with the quality of life, and still consider
man. Similarly to women, they can have a characteristic of masculinity buts

still a woman. My point is that masculinity and femininity is a characteristic

that an individual poses but it doesn't lessen of being what you are when you

perform opposite of what society standard set on what you should do as long

as you didn't step over on someone.

If I will elaborate more on what I've learn in this subject maybe I can

create already a book. To shorten this passage, I've learn the different part of

human reproduction organ both eternal and external, different between

transgender and intersexual, different kinds of drugs, contraceptives and


My biggest learning during our discussion and reporting, is that learning

becomes fun when everyone within a class share their opinion and take part

of the discussion. And it becomes knowledge when the learning you've gain

apply in real life.

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