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SCOPE: Science, Technology & Engineering

CATEGORY: Category A: Student (Undergraduate / Postgraduate)

An Experimental Study on Effect of palm shell activated carbon to purifying

formation water
Petroleum Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Islam Riau;
Devina Adriani
Petroleum Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Islam Riau
Objective / Scope (50-100 words)
Currently, one way to separate air production from oil content, chemicals and other impurities is
by means of filtration or filtering which is commonly called an oil removal filter. In the
petroleum industry, filtering is done using walnut shell media. In this study, activated carbon
from oil palm shells will be used using a physicochemical method with activator H 3 PO 4 as a
formation water purification process. Palm shell aims to find the efficiency of the activated
carbon filter of palm shells on the oil content, turbidity, pH, and TDS contained in produced
Methods, Procedures, Process (100-150 words)
The method is carried out in the laboratory with the Experiment Research method and the data
used is primary data based on laboratory tests that have been carried out.
For the trial procedure:
1. Physical production of carbon from palm shells
2. Production of activated carbon from palm shells chemically
3. The process of testing the absorption of activated carbon with the iodine test
4. Screening process
5. Testing with the Gravimetric method
6. Testing the TDS content with a TDS meter
7. Testing the Turbidity Content (Turbidity) with a Turbidity meter
8. Testing the pH content of water with a pH meter
Results, Observations, Conclusions (100-200 words)
The result of the absorption of iodine by activated carbon of palm oil shells is 420.8 mg/g. From
the value of the absorption of iodine which shows that the activated carbon of palm shells has a
very good absorption power.
The efficiency value of the filter media on activated carbon P3 with a thickness of 5 cm is
78.33%, for filter media P2 with a thickness of 3 cm is 55.83% and for filter media P1 is 20.66%.
From the purification results obtained P3 palm shells with activated carbon with a thickness of 5
cm, produced a good oil content and pH than P1 and P2.
The results showed that the oil content in P1 was 4.76 ppm and the pH value was 7.24, in P2 it
was 2.65 ppm and the pH value was 6.96, and in P3 it was 1.3 ppm and the pH was 6.13, from
the filtration results What has been done on P1, P2, and P3 shows that the oil content and pH of
each filtration are reduced, the reduced oil content and pH are caused by the high absorption of
iodine, the thickness of the carbon and the activation process on activated carbon.
Keywords: produced water, karbon aktif, cangkang sawit, filtrasi, walnut shell (3-6 keywords)
Novelty of Research / Product (100-200 words)
Many studies have examined how to purify formation water, it is undeniable that with these
many methods there are also very effective ways. But in this study it still takes a lot of time to
purify formation water. One of the effective methods used to treat oil-contaminated water and
can reduce pollution is the filtration method which is included in the type of Water Treating
Plant (WTP). In the petroleum industry, the final filter for treating produced waste water is an
Oil Removal Filter (ORF) with the medium used is Walnut. The oil removal filter (ORF)
functions as the final filtering medium for water that still contains oil and dirt from the MFU
before the water is sent to the softening process in the water softener because the resin contained
in the water softener has a high attraction for oil so that the oil content is higher. contained in
water can reduce the efficiency of the softener. In addition, another factor that can reduce the
efficiency of the softener is the increased use of the amount of salt.
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